use of org.opennms.netmgt.rtc.datablock.RTCCategory in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class LegacyEuiLevelMapper method convertToEuiLevelXML.
* Convert the 'RTCCategory' object to a 'EuiLevel' object.
* @param rtcCat
* the RTCCategory to be converted
* @return a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.xml.rtc.EuiLevel} object.
public EuiLevel convertToEuiLevelXML(RTCCategory rtcCat) {
// current time
Date curDate = new Date();
long curTime = curDate.getTime();
// get the rolling window
long rWindow = 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L;
LOG.debug("curdate: {}", curDate);
// create the data
EuiLevel level = new EuiLevel();
// set created in m_header and add to level
org.opennms.netmgt.xml.rtc.Category levelCat = new org.opennms.netmgt.xml.rtc.Category();
// get a handle to data
synchronized (m_dataMgr) {
// category label
// availability value for this category
levelCat.setCatvalue(m_dataMgr.getValue(rtcCat, curTime, rWindow));
// nodes in this category
for (int nodeID : m_dataMgr.getNodes(rtcCat)) {
Node levelNode = new Node();
// value for this node for this category
levelNode.setNodevalue(m_dataMgr.getValue(nodeID, rtcCat, curTime, rWindow));
// node service count
levelNode.setNodesvccount(m_dataMgr.getServiceCount(nodeID, rtcCat));
// node service down count
levelNode.setNodesvcdowncount(m_dataMgr.getServiceDownCount(nodeID, rtcCat));
// add the node
// add category
return level;
use of org.opennms.netmgt.rtc.datablock.RTCCategory in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class AvailabilityServiceIT method canCalculateAvailability.
public void canCalculateAvailability() throws Exception {
final MockNetwork mockNetwork = new MockNetwork();
// This test depends on the specifics in the standard network definition
final RTCCategory rtcCat = EasyMock.createNiceMock(RTCCategory.class);
EasyMock.expect(rtcCat.getNodes()).andReturn(Lists.newArrayList(1, 2)).anyTimes();
// Verify the availability when no outages are present
EuiLevel euiLevel = m_availabilityService.getEuiLevel(rtcCat);
assertEquals(1, euiLevel.getCategory().size());
Category category = euiLevel.getCategory().get(0);
assertEquals(100.0, category.getCatvalue(), 0.001);
assertEquals(2, category.getNode().size());
// Assumes the nodes are sorted
assertEquals(4, category.getNode().get(0).getNodesvccount());
assertEquals(2, category.getNode().get(1).getNodesvccount());
// Create an outage that is both open and closed within the window
final Date now = new Date();
final Date oneHourAgo = new Date(now.getTime() - (60 * 60 * 1000));
final Date thirtyMinutesAgo = new Date(now.getTime() - (30 * 60 * 1000));
final OnmsMonitoredService icmpService = toMonitoredService(mockNetwork.getService(1, "", "ICMP"));
OnmsOutage outage = new OnmsOutage();
// Verify the availability when outages are present
euiLevel = m_availabilityService.getEuiLevel(rtcCat);
assertEquals(1, euiLevel.getCategory().size());
category = euiLevel.getCategory().get(0);
// This number should only need to be adjusted if the duration of the outage
// or the number of services in the category changes
assertEquals(RTCUtils.getOutagePercentage(1800000, 86400000, 6), category.getCatvalue(), 0.0001);
assertEquals(2, category.getNode().size());
use of org.opennms.netmgt.rtc.datablock.RTCCategory in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class DataSenderTest method testSendData.
* This doesn't work unless we have a receiver on the other end.... more of an integration test
public void testSendData() throws IOException, FilterParseException, SAXException, SQLException, RTCException {
InputStream stream = ConfigurationTestUtils.getInputStreamForResource(this, "/org/opennms/netmgt/config/rtc-configuration.xml");
RTCConfigFactory configFactory = new RTCConfigFactory(stream);
Resource categoryResource = ConfigurationTestUtils.getSpringResourceForResource(this, "/org/opennms/netmgt/config/categories.xml");
CategoryFactory.setInstance(new CategoryFactory(categoryResource));
stream = ConfigurationTestUtils.getInputStreamForResource(this, "/org/opennms/netmgt/config/test-database-schema.xml");
DatabaseSchemaConfigFactory.setInstance(new DatabaseSchemaConfigFactory(stream));
DataManager dataManager = new DataManager();
String categoryName = "Database Servers";
String categoryNameUrl = "Database+Servers";
Category category = new Category();
category.setComment("Some database servers. Exciting, eh?");
RTCCategory rtcCategory = new RTCCategory(category, categoryName);
Map<String, RTCCategory> rtcCategories = new HashMap<String, RTCCategory>();
rtcCategories.put(categoryName, rtcCategory);
DataSender sender = new DataSender(dataManager, configFactory);
sender.subscribe("http://localhost:8080/opennms-webapp/rtc/post/" + categoryNameUrl, categoryName, "rtc", "rtc");
use of org.opennms.netmgt.rtc.datablock.RTCCategory in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class AvailabilityServiceHibernateImpl method getEuiLevel.
* Optimized method for calculating the category statistics.
* We start off by retrieving outages affecting the nodes and services
* in the given category, and group these by node id.
* Using the outages, we calculate node-level statistics
* and tally the values to calculate the category statistics.
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public synchronized EuiLevel getEuiLevel(RTCCategory category) {
final Header header = new Header();
// current time
final Date curDate = new Date();
final long curTime = curDate.getTime();
// get the rolling window
final long rWindow = 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L;
LOG.debug("Retrieving availability statistics for {} with current date: {} and rolling window: {}", category.getLabel(), curDate, rWindow);
// create the data
final EuiLevel level = new EuiLevel();
// set created in m_header and add to level
final Category levelCat = new Category();
// category label
double outageTimeInCategory = 0.0;
int numServicesInCategory = 0;
// window bounds
final Date windowStart = new Date(curTime - rWindow);
final Date windowEnd = new Date(curTime);
// category specifics
final List<Integer> nodeIds = getNodes(category);
final List<String> serviceNames = category.getServices();
// retrieve the outages associated with the given nodes, only retrieving those that affect our window
final Map<Integer, List<OnmsOutage>> outagesByNode = getOutages(nodeIds, serviceNames, windowStart, windowEnd);
// calculate the node level statistics
for (final int nodeId : nodeIds) {
List<OnmsOutage> outages = outagesByNode.get(nodeId);
if (outages == null) {
outages = Lists.newArrayList();
// sum the outage time
final double outageTime = getOutageTimeInWindow(outages, windowStart, windowEnd);
// determine the number of services
final int numServices = getNumServices(nodeId, serviceNames);
// count the number of outstanding outages
final long numServicesDown = -> outage.getIfRegainedService() == null).count();
final Node levelNode = new Node();
// value for this node for this category
levelNode.setNodevalue(RTCUtils.getOutagePercentage(outageTime, rWindow, numServices));
// node service count
// node service down count
// add the node
// update the category statistics
numServicesInCategory += numServices;
outageTimeInCategory += outageTime;
// calculate the outage percentage using tallied values
levelCat.setCatvalue(RTCUtils.getOutagePercentage(outageTimeInCategory, rWindow, numServicesInCategory));
// add category
LOG.debug("Done retrieving availability statistics for {} with {} services.", category.getLabel(), numServicesInCategory);
return level;
use of org.opennms.netmgt.rtc.datablock.RTCCategory in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class DataManager method interfaceReparented.
* Reparent an interface. This effectively means updating the nodelist of
* the categories and the map
* Use the ip/oldnodeid combination to get all nodes that will be affected -
* for each of these nodes, remove the old entry and add a new one with new
* keys to the map
* <em>Note:</em> Each of these nodes could belong to more than one
* category. However, category rule evaluation is done based ONLY on the IP -
* therefore changing the nodeID on the node should update the categories
* appropriately
* @param ip
* the interface to reparent
* @param oldNodeId
* the node that the IP belonged to earlier
* @param newNodeId
* the node that the IP now belongs to
public synchronized void interfaceReparented(InetAddress ip, int oldNodeId, int newNodeId) {
// get all RTCNodes with the IP/old node ID
for (RTCNode rtcN : m_map.getRTCNodes(oldNodeId, ip)) {
// remove the node with the old node id from the map
// change the node ID on the RTCNode
// now add the node with the new node ID
// and the new node ID
for (String catlabel : rtcN.getCategories()) {
RTCCategory rtcCat = m_categories.get(catlabel);