use of org.openrdf.model.impl.StatementImpl in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloTemporalIndexerTest method testDelete.
public void testDelete() throws IOException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException, TableExistsException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
// count rows expected to store:
int rowsStoredExpected = 0;
ValueFactory vf = new ValueFactoryImpl();
URI pred1_atTime = vf.createURI(URI_PROPERTY_AT_TIME);
URI pred2_circa = vf.createURI(URI_PROPERTY_CIRCA);
final String testDate2014InBRST = "2014-12-31T23:59:59-02:00";
final String testDate2016InET = "2016-12-31T20:59:59-05:00";
// These should be stored because they are in the predicate list.
// BUT they will get converted to the same exact datetime in UTC.
Statement s1 = new StatementImpl(vf.createURI("foo:subj3"), pred1_atTime, vf.createLiteral(testDate2014InBRST));
Statement s2 = new StatementImpl(vf.createURI("foo:subj4"), pred2_circa, vf.createLiteral(testDate2016InET));
int rowsStoredActual = printTables("junit testing: Temporal entities stored in testDelete before delete", System.out, null);
// 4 index entries per statement
Assert.assertEquals("Number of rows stored.", rowsStoredExpected * 4, rowsStoredActual);
int afterDeleteRowsStoredActual = printTables("junit testing: Temporal entities stored in testDelete after delete", System.out, null);
Assert.assertEquals("Number of rows stored after delete.", 0, afterDeleteRowsStoredActual);
use of org.openrdf.model.impl.StatementImpl in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloTemporalIndexerTest method testStoreStatement.
* Test method for {@link AccumuloTemporalIndexer#storeStatement(convertStatement(org.openrdf.model.Statement)}
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
public void testStoreStatement() throws IOException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException, TableExistsException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
// count rows expected to store:
int rowsStoredExpected = 0;
ValueFactory vf = new ValueFactoryImpl();
URI pred1_atTime = vf.createURI(URI_PROPERTY_AT_TIME);
URI pred2_circa = vf.createURI(URI_PROPERTY_CIRCA);
// Should not be stored because they are not in the predicate list
String validDateStringWithThirteens = "1313-12-13T13:13:13Z";
tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(new StatementImpl(vf.createURI("foo:subj1"), RDFS.LABEL, vf.createLiteral(validDateStringWithThirteens))));
// Test: Should not store an improper date, and log a warning (log warning not tested).
final String invalidDateString = "ThisIsAnInvalidDate";
// // Silently logs a warning for bad dates. Old: Set true when we catch the error:
// boolean catchErrorThrownCorrectly = false;
// try {
tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(new StatementImpl(vf.createURI("foo:subj2"), pred1_atTime, vf.createLiteral(invalidDateString))));
// } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// catchErrorThrownCorrectly = true;
// Assert.assertTrue(
// "Invalid date parse error should include the invalid string. message=" + e.getMessage(),
// e.getMessage().contains(invalidDateString));
// }
// Assert.assertTrue("Invalid date parse error should be thrown for this bad date=" + invalidDateString, catchErrorThrownCorrectly);
// These are different datetimes instant but from different time zones.
// This is an arbitrary zone, BRST=Brazil, better if not local.
// same as "2015-01-01T01:59:59Z"
final String testDate2014InBRST = "2014-12-31T23:59:59-02:00";
// next year, same as "2017-01-01T01:59:59Z"
final String testDate2016InET = "2016-12-31T20:59:59-05:00";
// These should be stored because they are in the predicate list.
// BUT they will get converted to the same exact datetime in UTC.
Statement s3 = new StatementImpl(vf.createURI("foo:subj3"), pred1_atTime, vf.createLiteral(testDate2014InBRST));
Statement s4 = new StatementImpl(vf.createURI("foo:subj4"), pred2_circa, vf.createLiteral(testDate2016InET));
// This should not be stored because the object is not a literal
tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(new StatementImpl(vf.createURI("foo:subj5"), pred1_atTime, vf.createURI("in:valid"))));
int rowsStoredActual = printTables("junit testing: Temporal entities stored in testStoreStatement", null, null);
// 4 index entries per statement
assertEquals("Number of rows stored.", rowsStoredExpected * 4, rowsStoredActual);
use of org.openrdf.model.impl.StatementImpl in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class KeyParts method keyPartsForQuery.
* List all the index keys to find for any query. Set the strategy via the column qualifier, ex: CQ_S_P_AT.
* Column Family (CF) is the context/named-graph.
* @param queryInstant
* @param contraints
* @return
public static List<KeyParts> keyPartsForQuery(final TemporalInstant queryInstant, final StatementConstraints contraints) {
final List<KeyParts> keys = new LinkedList<KeyParts>();
final URI urlNull = new URIImpl("urn:null");
final Resource currentContext = contraints.getContext();
final boolean hasSubj = contraints.hasSubject();
if (contraints.hasPredicates()) {
for (final URI nextPredicate : contraints.getPredicates()) {
final Text contraintPrefix = new Text();
final Statement statement = new ContextStatementImpl(hasSubj ? contraints.getSubject() : urlNull, nextPredicate, urlNull, contraints.getContext());
if (hasSubj) {
appendSubjectPredicate(statement, contraintPrefix);
} else {
appendPredicate(statement, contraintPrefix);
keys.add(new KeyParts(contraintPrefix, queryInstant, (currentContext == null) ? "" : currentContext.toString(), hasSubj ? CQ_S_P_AT : CQ_P_AT));
} else if (contraints.hasSubject()) {
// and no predicates
final Text contraintPrefix = new Text();
final Statement statement = new StatementImpl(contraints.getSubject(), urlNull, urlNull);
appendSubject(statement, contraintPrefix);
keys.add(new KeyParts(contraintPrefix, queryInstant, (currentContext == null) ? "" : currentContext.toString(), CQ_S_AT));
} else {
// No constraints except possibly a context/named-graph, handled by the CF
keys.add(new KeyParts(null, queryInstant, (currentContext == null) ? "" : currentContext.toString(), CQ_O_AT));
return keys;
use of org.openrdf.model.impl.StatementImpl in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class PcjTablesIT method createAndPopulatePcj.
* Ensure the method that creates a new PCJ table, scans Rya for matches, and
* stores them in the PCJ table works.
* <p>
* The method being tested is: {@link PcjTables#createAndPopulatePcj(RepositoryConnection, Connector, String, String, String[], Optional)}
public void createAndPopulatePcj() throws RepositoryException, PcjException, TableNotFoundException, BindingSetConversionException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException {
// Load some Triples into Rya.
final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
for (final Statement triple : triples) {
// Create a PCJ table that will include those triples in its results.
final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{" + "FILTER(?age < 30) ." + "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." + "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
final Connector accumuloConn = cluster.getConnector();
final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(getRyaInstanceName(), "testPcj");
// Create and populate the PCJ table.
final PcjTables pcjs = new PcjTables();
pcjs.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn, pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age" }, Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory>absent());
// Make sure the cardinality was updated.
final PcjMetadata metadata = pcjs.getPcjMetadata(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
assertEquals(3, metadata.getCardinality());
// Scan Accumulo for the stored results.
final Multimap<String, BindingSet> fetchedResults = loadPcjResults(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
// Ensure the expected results match those that were stored.
final MapBindingSet alice = new MapBindingSet();
alice.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
alice.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
final MapBindingSet bob = new MapBindingSet();
bob.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
bob.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
final MapBindingSet charlie = new MapBindingSet();
charlie.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Charlie"));
charlie.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
final Set<BindingSet> results = Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(alice, bob, charlie);
final Multimap<String, BindingSet> expectedResults = HashMultimap.create();
expectedResults.putAll("name;age", results);
expectedResults.putAll("age;name", results);
assertEquals(expectedResults, fetchedResults);
use of org.openrdf.model.impl.StatementImpl in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class PcjDocumentsIntegrationTest method populatePcj.
* Ensure when results are already stored in Rya, that we are able to populate
* the PCJ table for a new SPARQL query using those results.
* <p>
* The method being tested is: {@link PcjTables#populatePcj(Connector, String, RepositoryConnection, String)}
public void populatePcj() throws Exception {
final MongoDBRyaDAO dao = new MongoDBRyaDAO();
dao.setConf(new StatefulMongoDBRdfConfiguration(conf, getMongoClient()));
final RdfCloudTripleStore ryaStore = new RdfCloudTripleStore();
final SailRepositoryConnection ryaConn = new RyaSailRepository(ryaStore).getConnection();
try {
// Load some Triples into Rya.
final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
for (final Statement triple : triples) {
// Create a PCJ table that will include those triples in its results.
final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{" + "FILTER(?age < 30) ." + "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." + "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
final String pcjTableName = "testPcj";
final MongoPcjDocuments pcjs = new MongoPcjDocuments(getMongoClient(), conf.getRyaInstanceName());
pcjs.createPcj(pcjTableName, sparql);
// Populate the PCJ table using a Rya connection.
pcjs.populatePcj(pcjTableName, ryaConn);
final Collection<BindingSet> fetchedResults = loadPcjResults(pcjTableName);
// Make sure the cardinality was updated.
final PcjMetadata metadata = pcjs.getPcjMetadata(pcjTableName);
assertEquals(3, metadata.getCardinality());
// Ensure the expected results match those that were stored.
final MapBindingSet alice = new MapBindingSet();
alice.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
alice.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
final MapBindingSet bob = new MapBindingSet();
bob.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
bob.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
final MapBindingSet charlie = new MapBindingSet();
charlie.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Charlie"));
charlie.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
final Set<BindingSet> expected = Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(alice, bob, charlie);
assertEquals(expected, fetchedResults);
} finally {