use of org.openrdf.sail.SailException in project blueprints by tinkerpop.
the class SailTest method showNamespaces.
private void showNamespaces(final SailConnection c) throws SailException {
CloseableIteration<? extends Namespace, SailException> iter = c.getNamespaces();
try {
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Namespace n =;
System.out.println("\t" + n.getPrefix() + ":\t" + n.getName());
} finally {
use of org.openrdf.sail.SailException in project blueprints by tinkerpop.
the class PropertyGraphSailConnection method evaluateInternal.
protected CloseableIteration<? extends BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> evaluateInternal(final TupleExpr query, final Dataset dataset, final BindingSet bindings, final boolean includeInferred) throws SailException {
try {
TripleSource tripleSource = new SailConnectionTripleSource(this, context.valueFactory, includeInferred);
EvaluationStrategyImpl strategy = new EvaluationStrategyImpl(tripleSource, dataset);
return strategy.evaluate(query, bindings);
} catch (QueryEvaluationException e) {
throw new SailException(e);
use of org.openrdf.sail.SailException in project blueprints by tinkerpop.
the class PropertyGraphSailConnection method getStatements_xPO.
private CloseableIteration<Statement, SailException> getStatements_xPO(final URI predicate, final Value object) throws SailException {
if (predicate.equals(RDF.TYPE)) {
if (object.equals(PropertyGraphSail.VERTEX)) {
Source<Vertex> s = new Source<Vertex>(context.graph.getVertices().iterator(), vertexTypes);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (object.equals(PropertyGraphSail.EDGE) && firstClassEdges) {
Source<Edge> s = new Source<Edge>(context.graph.getEdges().iterator(), edgeTypes);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.ID)) {
Object id = literalToObject(object);
if (null == id) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Vertex v = context.graph.getVertex(id);
Edge e = firstClassEdges ? context.graph.getEdge(id) : null;
if (null == v && null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Collection<Statement> s = new LinkedList<Statement>();
if (null != v) {
vertexIds.generate(v, s);
if (null != e) {
edgeIds.generate(e, s);
return new SimpleCloseableIteration<Statement, SailException>(s.iterator());
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.LABEL)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
// TODO: find edges faster using indices
Object label = literalToObject(object);
if (null == label || !(label instanceof String)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source<Edge> edges = new Source<Edge>(context.graph.getEdges().iterator(), matchingLabels((String) label, object));
return new StatementIteration(edges);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.HEAD)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Vertex v = object instanceof URI ? vertexForURI((URI) object) : null;
if (null == v) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Iterator<Edge> edgeIterator = v.getEdges(Direction.IN).iterator();
Source<Edge> edges = new Source<Edge>(edgeIterator, heads);
return new StatementIteration(edges);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.TAIL)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Vertex v = object instanceof URI ? vertexForURI((URI) object) : null;
if (null == v) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Iterator<Edge> edgeIterator = v.getEdges(Direction.OUT).iterator();
Source<Edge> edges = new Source<Edge>(edgeIterator, tails);
return new StatementIteration(edges);
} else if (isPropertyPredicate(predicate)) {
Object value = literalToObject(object);
if (null == value) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
// TODO: lookup matching vertices and edges faster using indices
String key = keyFromPredicate(predicate);
Source<Vertex> vertices = new Source<Vertex>(context.graph.getVertices().iterator(), vertexPropertiesWithKeyAndValue(key, predicate, value, (Literal) object));
if (firstClassEdges) {
Source<Edge> edges = new Source<Edge>(context.graph.getEdges().iterator(), edgePropertiesWithKeyAndValue(key, predicate, value, (Literal) object));
return new StatementIteration(vertices, edges);
} else {
return new StatementIteration(vertices);
} else if (isRelationPredicate(predicate)) {
if (!(object instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
String label = labelForRelationPredicate(predicate);
Vertex vObj = vertexForURI((URI) object);
if (null != vObj) {
Source<Vertex> s = new Source<Vertex>(new SingleItemIterator<Vertex>(vObj), new RelationGenerator(label, true));
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
use of org.openrdf.sail.SailException in project blueprints by tinkerpop.
the class GraphSailTest method testCodePlay.
public void testCodePlay() throws Exception {
Sail sail = new GraphSail(new TinkerGraph());
try {
SailConnection sc = sail.getConnection();
try {
ValueFactory vf = sail.getValueFactory();
sc.addStatement(vf.createURI(""), vf.createURI(""), vf.createURI(""), vf.createURI(""));
sc.addStatement(vf.createURI(""), vf.createURI(""), vf.createLiteral("marko"), vf.createURI(""));
sc.addStatement(vf.createURI(""), vf.createURI(""), vf.createLiteral("josh"), vf.createURI(""));
CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> results = sc.getStatements(null, null, null, false);
try {
System.out.println("get statements: ?s ?p ?o ?g");
while (results.hasNext()) {
} finally {
System.out.println("\nget statements: ?p ?o ?g");
results = sc.getStatements(vf.createURI(""), null, null, false);
try {
while (results.hasNext()) {
} finally {
SPARQLParser parser = new SPARQLParser();
CloseableIteration<? extends BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> sparqlResults;
String queryString = "SELECT ?x ?y WHERE { ?x <> ?y }";
ParsedQuery query = parser.parseQuery(queryString, "");
System.out.println("\nSPARQL: " + queryString);
sparqlResults = sc.evaluate(query.getTupleExpr(), query.getDataset(), new EmptyBindingSet(), false);
try {
while (sparqlResults.hasNext()) {
} finally {
Graph graph = ((GraphSail) sail).getBaseGraph();
for (Vertex v : graph.getVertices()) {
for (String key : v.getPropertyKeys()) {
System.out.println(key + "=" + v.getProperty(key));
for (Edge e : graph.getEdges()) {
for (String key : e.getPropertyKeys()) {
System.out.println(key + "=" + e.getProperty(key));
} finally {
} finally {
use of org.openrdf.sail.SailException in project blueprints by tinkerpop.
the class SailTest method testClearNamespaces.
// namespaces //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public void testClearNamespaces() throws Exception {
SailConnection sc = sail.getConnection();
try {
CloseableIteration<? extends Namespace, SailException> namespaces;
int count;
count = 0;
namespaces = sc.getNamespaces();
while (namespaces.hasNext()) {;
assertTrue(count > 0);
// TODO: actually clear namespaces (but this wipes them out for
// subsequent tests)
} finally {