use of in project openremote by openremote.
the class ClientEventService method init.
public void init(Container container) throws Exception {
timerService = container.getService(TimerService.class);
messageBrokerService = container.getService(MessageBrokerService.class);
identityService = container.getService(ManagerIdentityService.class);
gatewayService = container.getService(GatewayService.class);
eventSubscriptions = new EventSubscriptions(container.getService(TimerService.class));
messageBrokerService.getContext().getTypeConverterRegistry().addTypeConverters(new EventTypeConverters());
// TODO: Remove prefix and just use event type then use a subscription wrapper to pass subscription ID around
messageBrokerService.getContext().addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
from("websocket://" + WEBSOCKET_EVENTS).routeId("FromClientWebsocketEvents").process(exchange -> exchange.getIn().setHeader(HEADER_CONNECTION_TYPE, HEADER_CONNECTION_TYPE_WEBSOCKET)).to(ClientEventService.CLIENT_EVENT_QUEUE).end();
from(ClientEventService.CLIENT_EVENT_QUEUE).routeId("ClientEvents").choice().when(header(ConnectionConstants.SESSION_OPEN)).process(exchange -> {
String sessionKey = getSessionKey(exchange);
sessionKeyInfoMap.put(sessionKey, createSessionInfo(sessionKey, exchange));
}).stop().when(or(header(ConnectionConstants.SESSION_CLOSE), header(ConnectionConstants.SESSION_CLOSE_ERROR))).process(exchange -> {
String sessionKey = getSessionKey(exchange);
}).stop().end().process(exchange -> {
// Do basic formatting of exchange
EventRequestResponseWrapper<?> requestResponse = null;
if (exchange.getIn().getBody() instanceof EventRequestResponseWrapper) {
requestResponse = exchange.getIn().getBody(EventRequestResponseWrapper.class);
} else if (exchange.getIn().getBody() instanceof String && exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class).startsWith(EventRequestResponseWrapper.MESSAGE_PREFIX)) {
requestResponse = exchange.getIn().getBody(EventRequestResponseWrapper.class);
if (requestResponse != null) {
SharedEvent event = requestResponse.getEvent();
exchange.getIn().setHeader(HEADER_REQUEST_RESPONSE_MESSAGE_ID, requestResponse.getMessageId());
if (exchange.getIn().getBody() instanceof String) {
String bodyStr = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
if (bodyStr.startsWith(EventSubscription.SUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE_PREFIX)) {
} else if (bodyStr.startsWith(CancelEventSubscription.MESSAGE_PREFIX)) {
} else if (bodyStr.startsWith(SharedEvent.MESSAGE_PREFIX)) {
if (exchange.getIn().getBody() instanceof SharedEvent) {
SharedEvent event = exchange.getIn().getBody(SharedEvent.class);
// If there is no timestamp in event, set to system time
if (event.getTimestamp() <= 0) {
}).process(exchange -> passToInterceptors(exchange)).choice().when(body().isInstanceOf(EventSubscription.class)).process(exchange -> {
String sessionKey = getSessionKey(exchange);
EventSubscription<?> subscription = exchange.getIn().getBody(EventSubscription.class);
AuthContext authContext = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Constants.AUTH_CONTEXT, AuthContext.class);
boolean restrictedUser = identityService.getIdentityProvider().isRestrictedUser(authContext);
boolean anonymousUser = authContext == null;
String username = authContext == null ? "anonymous" : authContext.getUsername();
String realm = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Constants.REALM_PARAM_NAME, String.class);
if (authorizeEventSubscription(realm, authContext, subscription)) {
eventSubscriptions.createOrUpdate(sessionKey, restrictedUser, anonymousUser, subscription);
sendToSession(sessionKey, subscription);
} else {
LOG.warning("Unauthorized subscription from '" + username + "' in realm '" + realm + "': " + subscription);
sendToSession(sessionKey, new UnauthorizedEventSubscription<>(subscription));
}).stop().when(body().isInstanceOf(CancelEventSubscription.class)).process(exchange -> {
String sessionKey = getSessionKey(exchange);
eventSubscriptions.cancel(sessionKey, exchange.getIn().getBody(CancelEventSubscription.class));
}).stop().when(body().isInstanceOf(SharedEvent.class)).choice().when(// Inbound messages from clients
header(HEADER_CONNECTION_TYPE).isNotNull()).to(ClientEventService.CLIENT_EVENT_TOPIC).stop().when(// Outbound message to clients
header(HEADER_CONNECTION_TYPE).isNull()).split(method(eventSubscriptions, "splitForSubscribers")).process(exchange -> {
String sessionKey = getSessionKey(exchange);
sendToSession(sessionKey, exchange.getIn().getBody());
}).stop().endChoice().otherwise().process(exchange ->"Unsupported message body: " + exchange.getIn().getBody())).end();
// Add pending internal subscriptions
if (!pendingInternalSubscriptions.isEmpty()) {
pendingInternalSubscriptions.forEach(subscription -> eventSubscriptions.createOrUpdate(INTERNAL_SESSION_KEY, false, false, subscription));
pendingInternalSubscriptions = null;
use of in project openremote by openremote.
the class AssetProcessingService method configure.
public void configure() throws Exception {
// A client wants to write attribute state through event bus
from(CLIENT_EVENT_TOPIC).routeId("FromClientUpdates").filter(body().isInstanceOf(AttributeEvent.class)).setHeader(HEADER_SOURCE, () -> CLIENT).to(ASSET_QUEUE);
// Process attribute events
/* TODO This message consumer should be transactionally consistent with the database, this is currently not the case
Our "if I have not processed this message before" duplicate detection:
- discard events with source time greater than server processing time (future events)
- discard events with source time less than last applied/stored event source time
- allow the rest (also events with same source time, order of application undefined)
Possible improvements moving towards at-least-once:
- Make AssetUpdateProcessor transactional with a two-phase commit API
- Replace at-most-once ClientEventService with at-least-once capable, embeddable message broker/protocol
- See pseudocode here:
- Do we want JMS/AMQP/WSS or SOME_API/MQTT/WSS? ActiveMQ or Moquette?
from(ASSET_QUEUE).routeId("AssetQueueProcessor").filter(body().isInstanceOf(AttributeEvent.class)).doTry().process(exchange -> withLock(getClass().getSimpleName() + "::processFromAssetQueue", () -> {
AttributeEvent event = exchange.getIn().getBody(AttributeEvent.class);
LOG.finest("Processing: " + event);
if (event.getEntityId() == null || event.getEntityId().isEmpty())
if (event.getAttributeName() == null || event.getAttributeName().isEmpty())
Source source = exchange.getIn().getHeader(HEADER_SOURCE, () -> null, Source.class);
if (source == null) {
throw new AssetProcessingException(MISSING_SOURCE);
// Process the asset update in a database transaction, this ensures that processors
// will see consistent database state and we only commit if no processor failed. This
// still won't make this procedure consistent with the message queue from which we consume!
persistenceService.doTransaction(em -> {
ServerAsset asset = assetStorageService.find(em, event.getEntityId(), true);
if (asset == null)
throw new AssetProcessingException(ASSET_NOT_FOUND);
AssetAttribute oldAttribute = asset.getAttribute(event.getAttributeName()).orElse(null);
if (oldAttribute == null)
throw new AssetProcessingException(ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND);
// Agent attributes can't be updated with events
if (asset.getWellKnownType() == AssetType.AGENT) {
throw new AssetProcessingException(ILLEGAL_AGENT_UPDATE);
// For executable attributes, non-sensor sources can set a writable attribute execute status
if (oldAttribute.isExecutable() && source != SENSOR) {
Optional<AttributeExecuteStatus> status = event.getValue().flatMap(Values::getString).flatMap(AttributeExecuteStatus::fromString);
if (status.isPresent() && !status.get().isWrite()) {
throw new AssetProcessingException(INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_EXECUTE_STATUS);
switch(source) {
case CLIENT:
AuthContext authContext = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Constants.AUTH_CONTEXT, AuthContext.class);
if (authContext == null) {
throw new AssetProcessingException(NO_AUTH_CONTEXT);
// Check realm, must be accessible
if (!identityService.getIdentityProvider().isTenantActiveAndAccessible(authContext, asset)) {
throw new AssetProcessingException(INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS);
// Check read-only
if (oldAttribute.isReadOnly() && !authContext.isSuperUser()) {
throw new AssetProcessingException(INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS);
// Regular user must have write assets role
if (!authContext.hasResourceRoleOrIsSuperUser(ClientRole.WRITE_ASSETS.getValue(), Constants.KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID)) {
throw new AssetProcessingException(INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS);
// Check restricted user
if (identityService.getIdentityProvider().isRestrictedUser(authContext.getUserId())) {
// Must be asset linked to user
if (!assetStorageService.isUserAsset(authContext.getUserId(), event.getEntityId())) {
throw new AssetProcessingException(INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS);
// Must be writable by restricted client
if (!oldAttribute.isAccessRestrictedWrite()) {
throw new AssetProcessingException(INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS);
case SENSOR:
Optional<AssetAttribute> protocolConfiguration = getAgentLink(oldAttribute).flatMap(agentService::getProtocolConfiguration);
// Sensor event must be for an attribute linked to a protocol configuration
if (!protocolConfiguration.isPresent()) {
throw new AssetProcessingException(INVALID_AGENT_LINK);
// Either use the timestamp of the event or set event time to processing time
long processingTime = timerService.getCurrentTimeMillis();
long eventTime = event.getTimestamp() > 0 ? event.getTimestamp() : processingTime;
// the attribute until after that time (maybe that is desirable behaviour)
if (eventTime - processingTime > 0) {
// TODO: Decide how to handle update events in the future - ignore or change timestamp
throw new AssetProcessingException(EVENT_IN_FUTURE, "current time: " + new Date(processingTime) + "/" + processingTime + ", event time: " + new Date(eventTime) + "/" + eventTime);
// Check the last update timestamp of the attribute, ignoring any event that is older than last update
// TODO This means we drop out-of-sequence events but accept events with the same source timestamp
// TODO Several attribute events can occur in the same millisecond, then order of application is undefined
oldAttribute.getValueTimestamp().filter(t -> t >= 0 && eventTime < t).ifPresent(lastStateTime -> {
throw new AssetProcessingException(EVENT_OUTDATED, "last asset state time: " + new Date(lastStateTime) + "/" + lastStateTime + ", event time: " + new Date(eventTime) + "/" + eventTime);
// Create a copy of the attribute and set the new value and timestamp
AssetAttribute updatedAttribute = oldAttribute.deepCopy();
updatedAttribute.setValue(event.getValue().orElse(null), eventTime);
// Validate constraints of attribute
List<ValidationFailure> validationFailures = updatedAttribute.getValidationFailures();
if (!validationFailures.isEmpty()) {
throw new AssetProcessingException(ATTRIBUTE_VALIDATION_FAILURE, validationFailures.toString());
// Push through all processors
boolean consumedCompletely = processAssetUpdate(em, asset, updatedAttribute, source);
// Publish a new event for clients if no processor consumed the update completely
if (!consumedCompletely) {
publishClientEvent(asset, updatedAttribute);
use of in project openremote by openremote.
the class MqttConnection method getAuthContext.
public AuthContext getAuthContext() {
AuthContext authContext;
if (!credentials) {
return null;
try {
AccessToken accessToken = AdapterTokenVerifier.verifyToken(getAccessToken(), identityProvider.getKeycloakDeployment(realm, KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID));
authContext = accessToken != null ? new AccessTokenAuthContext(realm, accessToken) : null;
} catch (VerificationException e) {
LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Couldn't verify token: " + this, e);
return null;
return authContext;
use of in project openremote by openremote.
the class DefaultMQTTHandler method canSubscribe.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public boolean canSubscribe(MqttConnection connection, Topic topic) {
if (!isKeycloak) {
LOG.fine("Identity provider is not keycloak");
return false;
AuthContext authContext = connection.getAuthContext();
if (authContext == null) {
LOG.fine("Anonymous connection not supported: topic=" + topic + ", connection=" + connection);
return false;
boolean isAttributeTopic = isAttributeTopic(topic);
boolean isAssetTopic = isAssetTopic(topic);
if (!isAssetTopic && !isAttributeTopic) {
LOG.fine("Topic must have 3 or more tokens and third token must be 'asset, attribute or attributevalue': topic=" + topic + ", connection=" + connection);
return false;
if (isAssetTopic) {
if (topic.getTokens().size() < 4 || topic.getTokens().size() > 5) {
LOG.fine("Asset subscribe token count should be 4 or 5: topic=" + topic + ", connection=" + connection);
return false;
if (topic.getTokens().size() == 4) {
if (!Pattern.matches(ASSET_ID_REGEXP, topicTokenIndexToString(topic, 3)) && !TOKEN_MULTI_LEVEL_WILDCARD.equals(topicTokenIndexToString(topic, 3)) && !TOKEN_SINGLE_LEVEL_WILDCARD.equals(topicTokenIndexToString(topic, 3))) {
LOG.fine("Asset subscribe forth token must be an asset ID or wildcard: topic=" + topic + ", connection=" + connection);
return false;
} else if (topic.getTokens().size() == 5) {
if (!Pattern.matches(ASSET_ID_REGEXP, topicTokenIndexToString(topic, 3))) {
LOG.fine("Asset subscribe forth token must be an asset ID: topic=" + topic + ", connection=" + connection);
return false;
if (!TOKEN_MULTI_LEVEL_WILDCARD.equals(topicTokenIndexToString(topic, 4)) && !TOKEN_SINGLE_LEVEL_WILDCARD.equals(topicTokenIndexToString(topic, 4))) {
LOG.fine("Asset subscribe fifth token must be a wildcard: topic=" + topic + ", connection=" + connection);
return false;
} else {
// Attribute topic
if (topic.getTokens().size() < 5 || topic.getTokens().size() > 6) {
LOG.fine("Attribute subscribe token count should be 5 or 6: topic=" + topic + ", connection=" + connection);
return false;
if (topic.getTokens().size() == 5) {
if (TOKEN_MULTI_LEVEL_WILDCARD.equals(topicTokenIndexToString(topic, 3))) {
LOG.fine("Attribute subscribe multi level wildcard must be last token: topic=" + topic + ", connection=" + connection);
return false;
if (!Pattern.matches(ASSET_ID_REGEXP, topicTokenIndexToString(topic, 4)) && !TOKEN_MULTI_LEVEL_WILDCARD.equals(topicTokenIndexToString(topic, 4)) && !TOKEN_SINGLE_LEVEL_WILDCARD.equals(topicTokenIndexToString(topic, 4))) {
LOG.fine("Attribute subscribe fifth token must be an asset ID or a wildcard: topic=" + topic + ", connection=" + connection);
return false;
} else if (topic.getTokens().size() == 6) {
if (!Pattern.matches(ASSET_ID_REGEXP, topicTokenIndexToString(topic, 4))) {
LOG.fine("Attribute subscribe fifth token must be an asset ID: topic=" + topic + ", connection=" + connection);
return false;
if (!TOKEN_MULTI_LEVEL_WILDCARD.equals(topicTokenIndexToString(topic, 5)) && !TOKEN_SINGLE_LEVEL_WILDCARD.equals(topicTokenIndexToString(topic, 5))) {
LOG.fine("Attribute subscribe sixth token must be a wildcard: topic=" + topic + ", connection=" + connection);
return false;
// Build filter for the topic and verify that the filter is OK for given auth context
AssetFilter<?> filter = buildAssetFilter(connection, topic);
if (filter == null) {"Failed to process subscription topic: topic=" + topic + ", connection=" + connection);
return false;
EventSubscription<?> subscription = new EventSubscription(isAssetTopic ? AssetEvent.class : AttributeEvent.class, filter);
if (!clientEventService.authorizeEventSubscription(connection.getRealm(), authContext, subscription)) {"Subscription was not authorised for this user and topic: topic=" + topic + ", connection=" + connection);
return false;
return true;
// Asset<?> asset;
// if(identityProvider.isRestrictedUser(authContext.getUserId())) {
// Optional<UserAssetLink> userAsset = assetStorageService.findUserAssets(connection.realm, authContext.getUserId(), assetId).stream().findFirst();
// asset = -> assetStorageService.find(value.getId().getAssetId())).orElse(null);
// } else {
// asset = assetStorageService.find(assetId, false);
// }
// if (asset == null) {
// LOG.fine("Asset not found for topic '" + topic + "': " + connection);
// return false;
// }
// if (isAttributeTopic && topicTokenCountGreaterThan(topic, 4)
// && !(Token.topic.getTokens().get(4)SINGLE_LEVEL_WILDCARD.equals(topicTokens.get(4)) || MULTI_LEVEL_WILDCARD.equals(topicTokens.get(4)))) {
// String attributeName = topicTokens.get(4);
// if (!asset.hasAttribute(attributeName)) {
// LOG.fine("Asset attribute not found for topic '" + topic + "': " + connection);
// return false;
// }
// }