use of org.opensaml.saml.saml1.core.Attribute in project ddf by codice.
the class AttributeQueryClaimsHandler method createClaims.
* Creates claims from the extracted attributes.
* @param claimsCollection The collection of claims.
* @param assertion Assertion from the response.
* @return The collection of claims.
* @throws URISyntaxException
protected ProcessedClaimCollection createClaims(ProcessedClaimCollection claimsCollection, Assertion assertion) throws URISyntaxException {
// Should only contain one Attribute Statement.
AttributeStatement attributeStatement = assertion.getAttributeStatements().get(0);
List<Attribute> attributeList = attributeStatement.getAttributes();
// and create the claim, otherwise, create the claim using its original attribute value.
for (Attribute attribute : attributeList) {
for (String claimType : supportedClaims) {
if (claimType.equalsIgnoreCase(attribute.getName())) {
String claimValue = attribute.getDOM().getTextContent();
if (attributeMap.containsKey(claimValue)) {
claimsCollection.add(createSingleValuedClaim(claimType, attributeMap.get(claimValue)));
} else {
claimsCollection.add(createSingleValuedClaim(claimType, claimValue));
return claimsCollection;
use of org.opensaml.saml.saml1.core.Attribute in project ddf by codice.
the class SecurityAssertionImpl method getPrincipals.
public Set<Principal> getPrincipals() {
Set<Principal> principals = new HashSet<>();
Principal primary = getPrincipal();
principals.add(new RolePrincipal(primary.getName()));
for (AttributeStatement attributeStatement : getAttributeStatements()) {
for (Attribute attr : attributeStatement.getAttributes()) {
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(attr.getName(), "role")) {
for (final XMLObject obj : attr.getAttributeValues()) {
principals.add(new RolePrincipal(((XSString) obj).getValue()));
return principals;
use of org.opensaml.saml.saml1.core.Attribute in project cas by apereo.
the class AbstractSaml20ObjectBuilder method newAttribute.
* New attribute.
* @param attributeFriendlyName the attribute friendly name
* @param e the entry to process and turn into a saml attribute
* @param configuredNameFormats the configured name formats. If an attribute is found in this
* collection, the linked name format will be used.
* @param defaultNameFormat the default name format
* @return the attribute
protected Attribute newAttribute(final String attributeFriendlyName, final Map.Entry<String, Object> e, final Map<String, String> configuredNameFormats, final String defaultNameFormat) {
final Attribute attribute = newSamlObject(Attribute.class);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attributeFriendlyName)) {
} else {
addAttributeValuesToSaml2Attribute(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), attribute.getAttributeValues());
if (!configuredNameFormats.isEmpty() && configuredNameFormats.containsKey(attribute.getName())) {
final String nameFormat = configuredNameFormats.get(attribute.getName());
LOGGER.debug("Found name format [{}] for attribute [{}]", nameFormat, attribute.getName());
configureAttributeNameFormat(attribute, nameFormat);
LOGGER.debug("Attribute [{}] is assigned the name format of [{}]", attribute.getName(), attribute.getNameFormat());
} else {
LOGGER.debug("Skipped name format, as no name formats are defined or none is found for attribute [{}]", attribute.getName());
configureAttributeNameFormat(attribute, defaultNameFormat);
LOGGER.debug("Attribute [{}] has [{}] value(s)", attribute.getName(), attribute.getAttributeValues().size());
return attribute;
use of org.opensaml.saml.saml1.core.Attribute in project cas by apereo.
the class AbstractSaml20ObjectBuilder method newAttributeStatement.
* New attribute statement.
* @param attributes the attributes
* @param attributeFriendlyNames the attribute friendly names
* @param configuredNameFormats the configured name formats
* @param defaultNameFormat the default name format
* @return the attribute statement
public AttributeStatement newAttributeStatement(final Map<String, Object> attributes, final Map<String, String> attributeFriendlyNames, final Map<String, String> configuredNameFormats, final String defaultNameFormat) {
final AttributeStatement attrStatement = newSamlObject(AttributeStatement.class);
for (final Map.Entry<String, Object> e : attributes.entrySet()) {
if (e.getValue() instanceof Collection<?> && ((Collection<?>) e.getValue()).isEmpty()) {"Skipping attribute [{}] because it does not have any values.", e.getKey());
final String friendlyName = attributeFriendlyNames.getOrDefault(e.getKey(), null);
final Attribute attribute = newAttribute(friendlyName, e, configuredNameFormats, defaultNameFormat);
return attrStatement;
use of org.opensaml.saml.saml1.core.Attribute in project cas by apereo.
the class WsFederationHelper method createCredentialFromToken.
* createCredentialFromToken converts a SAML 1.1 assertion to a WSFederationCredential.
* @param assertion the provided assertion
* @return an equivalent credential.
public WsFederationCredential createCredentialFromToken(final Assertion assertion) {
final ZonedDateTime retrievedOn =;
LOGGER.debug("Retrieved on [{}]", retrievedOn);
final WsFederationCredential credential = new WsFederationCredential();
final Conditions conditions = assertion.getConditions();
if (conditions != null) {
if (!conditions.getAudienceRestrictionConditions().isEmpty()) {
if (!assertion.getAuthenticationStatements().isEmpty()) {
// retrieve an attributes from the assertion
final HashMap<String, List<Object>> attributes = new HashMap<>();
assertion.getAttributeStatements().stream().flatMap(attributeStatement -> attributeStatement.getAttributes().stream()).forEach(item -> {
LOGGER.debug("Processed attribute: [{}]", item.getAttributeName());
final List<Object> itemList = IntStream.range(0, item.getAttributeValues().size()).mapToObj(i -> ((XSAny) item.getAttributeValues().get(i)).getTextContent()).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (!itemList.isEmpty()) {
attributes.put(item.getAttributeName(), itemList);
LOGGER.debug("Credential: [{}]", credential);
return credential;