use of org.opensaml.saml.saml2.ecp.Request in project cas by apereo.
the class SamlObjectEncrypter method encode.
* Encode a given saml object by invoking a number of outbound security handlers on the context.
* @param samlObject the saml object
* @param service the service
* @param adaptor the adaptor
* @param response the response
* @param request the request
* @return the t
* @throws SamlException the saml exception
public EncryptedAssertion encode(final Assertion samlObject, final SamlRegisteredService service, final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor, final HttpServletResponse response, final HttpServletRequest request) throws SamlException {
final String className = samlObject.getClass().getName();
final String entityId = adaptor.getEntityId();
LOGGER.debug("Attempting to encrypt [{}] for [{}]", className, entityId);
final Credential credential = getKeyEncryptionCredential(entityId, adaptor, service);"Found encryption public key: [{}]", EncodingUtils.encodeBase64(credential.getPublicKey().getEncoded()));
final KeyEncryptionParameters keyEncParams = getKeyEncryptionParameters(samlObject, service, adaptor, credential);
LOGGER.debug("Key encryption algorithm for [{}] is [{}]", keyEncParams.getRecipient(), keyEncParams.getAlgorithm());
final DataEncryptionParameters dataEncParams = getDataEncryptionParameters(samlObject, service, adaptor);
LOGGER.debug("Data encryption algorithm for [{}] is [{}]", entityId, dataEncParams.getAlgorithm());
final Encrypter encrypter = getEncrypter(samlObject, service, adaptor, keyEncParams, dataEncParams);
LOGGER.debug("Attempting to encrypt [{}] for [{}] with key placement of [{}]", className, entityId, encrypter.getKeyPlacement());
return encrypter.encrypt(samlObject);
use of org.opensaml.saml.saml2.ecp.Request in project cas by apereo.
the class SamlObjectSignatureValidator method validateSignatureOnAuthenticationRequest.
private void validateSignatureOnAuthenticationRequest(final RequestAbstractType profileRequest, final HttpServletRequest request, final MessageContext context, final RoleDescriptorResolver roleDescriptorResolver) throws Exception {
final SAML2HTTPRedirectDeflateSignatureSecurityHandler handler = new SAML2HTTPRedirectDeflateSignatureSecurityHandler();
final SAMLPeerEntityContext peer = context.getSubcontext(SAMLPeerEntityContext.class, true);
LOGGER.debug("Validating request signature for [{}] via [{}]...", peer.getEntityId(), handler.getClass().getSimpleName());
LOGGER.debug("Resolving role descriptor for [{}]", peer.getEntityId());
final RoleDescriptor roleDescriptor = roleDescriptorResolver.resolveSingle(new CriteriaSet(new EntityIdCriterion(peer.getEntityId()), new EntityRoleCriterion(SPSSODescriptor.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME)));
final SAMLProtocolContext protocol = context.getSubcontext(SAMLProtocolContext.class, true);
LOGGER.debug("Building security parameters context for signature validation of [{}]", peer.getEntityId());
final SecurityParametersContext secCtx = context.getSubcontext(SecurityParametersContext.class, true);
final SignatureValidationParameters validationParams = new SignatureValidationParameters();
if (overrideBlackListedSignatureAlgorithms != null && !overrideBlackListedSignatureAlgorithms.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.debug("Validation override blacklisted algorithms are [{}]", this.overrideWhiteListedAlgorithms);
if (overrideWhiteListedAlgorithms != null && !overrideWhiteListedAlgorithms.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.debug("Validation override whitelisted algorithms are [{}]", this.overrideWhiteListedAlgorithms);
LOGGER.debug("Resolving signing credentials for [{}]", peer.getEntityId());
final Set<Credential> credentials = getSigningCredential(roleDescriptorResolver, profileRequest);
if (credentials == null || credentials.isEmpty()) {
throw new SamlException("Signing credentials for validation could not be resolved");
boolean foundValidCredential = false;
final Iterator<Credential> it = credentials.iterator();
while (!foundValidCredential && it.hasNext()) {
try {
final Credential c =;
final CredentialResolver resolver = new StaticCredentialResolver(c);
final KeyInfoCredentialResolver keyResolver = new StaticKeyInfoCredentialResolver(c);
final SignatureTrustEngine trustEngine = new ExplicitKeySignatureTrustEngine(resolver, keyResolver);
LOGGER.debug("Initializing [{}] to execute signature validation for [{}]", handler.getClass().getSimpleName(), peer.getEntityId());
LOGGER.debug("Invoking [{}] to handle signature validation for [{}]", handler.getClass().getSimpleName(), peer.getEntityId());
LOGGER.debug("Successfully validated request signature for [{}].", profileRequest.getIssuer());
foundValidCredential = true;
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
if (!foundValidCredential) {
LOGGER.error("No valid credentials could be found to verify the signature for [{}]", profileRequest.getIssuer());
throw new SamlException("No valid signing credentials for validation could not be resolved");
use of org.opensaml.saml.saml2.ecp.Request in project cas by apereo.
the class SamlProfileSamlNameIdBuilder method encodeNameIdBasedOnNameFormat.
* Encode name id based on name format name id.
* @param authnRequest the authn request
* @param assertion the assertion
* @param nameFormat the name format
* @param service the service
* @param adaptor the adaptor
* @return the name id
protected NameID encodeNameIdBasedOnNameFormat(final RequestAbstractType authnRequest, final Object assertion, final String nameFormat, final SamlRegisteredService service, final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor) {
try {
if (authnRequest instanceof AttributeQuery) {
final AttributeQuery query = AttributeQuery.class.cast(authnRequest);
final NameID nameID = query.getSubject().getNameID();
return nameID;
final IdPAttribute attribute = prepareNameIdAttribute(assertion, nameFormat, adaptor);
final SAML2StringNameIDEncoder encoder = prepareNameIdEncoder(authnRequest, nameFormat, attribute, service, adaptor);
LOGGER.debug("Encoding NameID based on [{}]", nameFormat);
final NameID nameid = encoder.encode(attribute);
LOGGER.debug("Final NameID encoded with format [{}] has value [{}]", nameid.getFormat(), nameid.getValue());
return nameid;
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
use of org.opensaml.saml.saml2.ecp.Request in project cas by apereo.
the class SamlProfileSamlNameIdBuilder method buildNameId.
* Build name id.
* If there are no explicitly defined NameIDFormats, include the default format.
* see:
* @param authnRequest the authn request
* @param assertion the assertion
* @param service the service
* @param adaptor the adaptor
* @return the name id
* @throws SamlException the saml exception
private NameID buildNameId(final RequestAbstractType authnRequest, final Object assertion, final SamlRegisteredService service, final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor) throws SamlException {
final List<String> supportedNameFormats = getSupportedNameIdFormats(service, adaptor);
final String requiredNameFormat = getRequiredNameIdFormatIfAny(authnRequest);
validateRequiredNameIdFormatIfAny(authnRequest, adaptor, supportedNameFormats, requiredNameFormat);
final NameID nameid = determineNameId(authnRequest, assertion, supportedNameFormats, service, adaptor);
return finalizeNameId(nameid, authnRequest, assertion, supportedNameFormats, service, adaptor);
use of org.opensaml.saml.saml2.ecp.Request in project cas by apereo.
the class SamlProfileSamlNameIdBuilder method determineNameId.
* Determine name id name id.
* @param authnRequest the authn request
* @param assertion the assertion
* @param supportedNameFormats the supported name formats
* @param service the service
* @param adaptor the adaptor
* @return the name id
protected NameID determineNameId(final RequestAbstractType authnRequest, final Object assertion, final List<String> supportedNameFormats, final SamlRegisteredService service, final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor) {
for (final String nameFormat : supportedNameFormats) {
LOGGER.debug("Evaluating NameID format [{}]", nameFormat);
final NameID nameid = encodeNameIdBasedOnNameFormat(authnRequest, assertion, nameFormat, service, adaptor);
if (nameid != null) {
return nameid;
return null;