use of org.opensearch.action.admin.indices.settings.get.GetSettingsResponse in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class RestIndicesAction method doCatRequest.
public RestChannelConsumer doCatRequest(final RestRequest request, final NodeClient client) {
final String[] indices = Strings.splitStringByCommaToArray(request.param("index"));
final IndicesOptions indicesOptions = IndicesOptions.fromRequest(request, IndicesOptions.strictExpand());
final boolean local = request.paramAsBoolean("local", false);
final TimeValue masterNodeTimeout = request.paramAsTime("master_timeout", DEFAULT_MASTER_NODE_TIMEOUT);
final boolean includeUnloadedSegments = request.paramAsBoolean("include_unloaded_segments", false);
return channel -> {
final ActionListener<Table> listener = ActionListener.notifyOnce(new RestResponseListener<Table>(channel) {
public RestResponse buildResponse(final Table table) throws Exception {
return RestTable.buildResponse(table, channel);
sendGetSettingsRequest(indices, indicesOptions, local, masterNodeTimeout, client, new ActionListener<GetSettingsResponse>() {
public void onResponse(final GetSettingsResponse getSettingsResponse) {
final GroupedActionListener<ActionResponse> groupedListener = createGroupedListener(request, 4, listener);
// The list of indices that will be returned is determined by the indices returned from the Get Settings call.
// All the other requests just provide additional detail, and wildcards may be resolved differently depending on the
// type of request in the presence of security plugins (looking at you, ClusterHealthRequest), so
// force the IndicesOptions for all the sub-requests to be as inclusive as possible.
final IndicesOptions subRequestIndicesOptions = IndicesOptions.lenientExpandHidden();
// Indices that were successfully resolved during the get settings request might be deleted when the subsequent cluster
// state, cluster health and indices stats requests execute. We have to distinguish two cases:
// 1) the deleted index was explicitly passed as parameter to the /_cat/indices request. In this case we want the
// subsequent requests to fail.
// 2) the deleted index was resolved as part of a wildcard or _all. In this case, we want the subsequent requests not to
// fail on the deleted index (as we want to ignore wildcards that cannot be resolved).
// This behavior can be ensured by letting the cluster state, cluster health and indices stats requests re-resolve the
// index names with the same indices options that we used for the initial cluster state request (strictExpand).
sendIndicesStatsRequest(indices, subRequestIndicesOptions, includeUnloadedSegments, client, ActionListener.wrap(groupedListener::onResponse, groupedListener::onFailure));
sendClusterStateRequest(indices, subRequestIndicesOptions, local, masterNodeTimeout, client, ActionListener.wrap(groupedListener::onResponse, groupedListener::onFailure));
sendClusterHealthRequest(indices, subRequestIndicesOptions, local, masterNodeTimeout, client, ActionListener.wrap(groupedListener::onResponse, groupedListener::onFailure));
public void onFailure(final Exception e) {