use of org.opensearch.client.Response in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class DanglingIndicesRestIT method testDanglingIndicesCanBeDeleted.
* Check that dangling indices can be deleted. Since this requires that
* we add an entry to the index graveyard, the graveyard size must be
* greater than 1. To test deletes, we set the index graveyard size to
* 1, then create two indices and delete them both while one node in
* the cluster is stopped. The deletion of the second pushes the deletion
* of the first out of the graveyard. When the stopped node is resumed,
* only the second index will be found into the graveyard and the the
* other will be considered dangling, and can therefore be listed and
* deleted through the API
public void testDanglingIndicesCanBeDeleted() throws Exception {
internalCluster().startNodes(3, buildSettings(1));
createDanglingIndices(INDEX_NAME, OTHER_INDEX_NAME);
final RestClient restClient = getRestClient();
final List<String> danglingIndexIds = listDanglingIndexIds();
assertThat(danglingIndexIds, hasSize(1));
final Request deleteRequest = new Request("DELETE", "/_dangling/" + danglingIndexIds.get(0));
deleteRequest.addParameter("accept_data_loss", "true");
// Ensure these parameters is accepted
deleteRequest.addParameter("timeout", "20s");
deleteRequest.addParameter("master_timeout", "20s");
final Response deleteResponse = restClient.performRequest(deleteRequest);
assertThat(deleteResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), equalTo(ACCEPTED.getStatus()));
final XContentTestUtils.JsonMapView mapView = createJsonMapView(deleteResponse.getEntity().getContent());
assertThat(mapView.get("acknowledged"), equalTo(true));
assertBusy(() -> assertThat("Expected dangling index to be deleted", listDanglingIndexIds(), hasSize(0)));
// The dangling index that we deleted ought to have been removed from disk. Check by
// creating and deleting another index, which creates a new tombstone entry, which should
// not cause the deleted dangling index to be considered "live" again, just because its
// tombstone has been pushed out of the graveyard.
assertThat(listDanglingIndexIds(), is(empty()));
use of org.opensearch.client.Response in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class DanglingIndicesRestIT method mapNodeNameToId.
* Given a node name, finds the corresponding node ID.
private String mapNodeNameToId(String nodeName) throws IOException {
final Response catResponse = getRestClient().performRequest(new Request("GET", "/_cat/nodes?full_id&h=id,name"));
for (String nodeLine : Streams.readAllLines(catResponse.getEntity().getContent())) {
String[] elements = nodeLine.split(" ");
if (elements[1].equals(nodeName)) {
return elements[0];
throw new AssertionError("Failed to map node name [" + nodeName + "] to node ID");
use of org.opensearch.client.Response in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class DanglingIndicesRestIT method testDanglingIndicesCanBeListed.
* Check that when dangling indices are discovered, then they can be listed via the REST API.
public void testDanglingIndicesCanBeListed() throws Exception {
internalCluster().startNodes(3, buildSettings(0));
final DanglingIndexDetails danglingIndexDetails = createDanglingIndices(INDEX_NAME);
final String stoppedNodeId = mapNodeNameToId(danglingIndexDetails.stoppedNodeName);
final RestClient restClient = getRestClient();
final Response listResponse = restClient.performRequest(new Request("GET", "/_dangling"));
final XContentTestUtils.JsonMapView mapView = createJsonMapView(listResponse.getEntity().getContent());
assertThat(mapView.get(""), equalTo(3));
assertThat(mapView.get("_nodes.successful"), equalTo(3));
assertThat(mapView.get("_nodes.failed"), equalTo(0));
List<Object> indices = mapView.get("dangling_indices");
assertThat(indices, hasSize(1));
assertThat(mapView.get("dangling_indices.0.index_name"), equalTo(INDEX_NAME));
assertThat(mapView.get("dangling_indices.0.index_uuid"), equalTo(danglingIndexDetails.indexToUUID.get(INDEX_NAME)));
assertThat(mapView.get("dangling_indices.0.creation_date_millis"), instanceOf(Long.class));
assertThat(mapView.get("dangling_indices.0.node_ids.0"), equalTo(stoppedNodeId));
use of org.opensearch.client.Response in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class DanglingIndicesRestIT method testDanglingIndicesCanBeImported.
* Check that dangling indices can be imported.
public void testDanglingIndicesCanBeImported() throws Exception {
internalCluster().startNodes(3, buildSettings(0));
final RestClient restClient = getRestClient();
final List<String> danglingIndexIds = listDanglingIndexIds();
assertThat(danglingIndexIds, hasSize(1));
final Request importRequest = new Request("POST", "/_dangling/" + danglingIndexIds.get(0));
importRequest.addParameter("accept_data_loss", "true");
// Ensure this parameter is accepted
importRequest.addParameter("timeout", "20s");
importRequest.addParameter("master_timeout", "20s");
final Response importResponse = restClient.performRequest(importRequest);
assertThat(importResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), equalTo(ACCEPTED.getStatus()));
final XContentTestUtils.JsonMapView mapView = createJsonMapView(importResponse.getEntity().getContent());
assertThat(mapView.get("acknowledged"), equalTo(true));
assertTrue("Expected dangling index " + INDEX_NAME + " to be recovered", indexExists(INDEX_NAME));
use of org.opensearch.client.Response in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class DanglingIndicesRestIT method deleteIndex.
private void deleteIndex(String indexName) throws IOException {
Response deleteResponse = getRestClient().performRequest(new Request("DELETE", "/" + indexName));