use of org.opensearch.cluster.block.ClusterBlock in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class MetadataIndexStateService method addIndexBlock.
* Adds an index block based on the given request, and notifies the listener upon completion.
* Adding blocks is done in three steps:
* - First, a temporary UUID-based block is added to the index
* (see {@link #addIndexBlock(Index[], ClusterState, APIBlock)}.
* - Second, shards are checked to have properly applied the UUID-based block.
* (see {@link WaitForBlocksApplied}).
* - Third, the temporary UUID-based block is turned into a full block
* (see {@link #finalizeBlock(ClusterState, Map, Map, APIBlock)}.
* Using this three-step process ensures non-interference by other operations in case where
* we notify successful completion here.
public void addIndexBlock(AddIndexBlockClusterStateUpdateRequest request, ActionListener<AddIndexBlockResponse> listener) {
final Index[] concreteIndices = request.indices();
if (concreteIndices == null || concreteIndices.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index name is required");
List<String> writeIndices = new ArrayList<>();
SortedMap<String, IndexAbstraction> lookup = clusterService.state().metadata().getIndicesLookup();
for (Index index : concreteIndices) {
IndexAbstraction ia = lookup.get(index.getName());
if (ia != null && ia.getParentDataStream() != null && ia.getParentDataStream().getWriteIndex().getIndex().equals(index)) {
if (writeIndices.size() > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot add a block to the following data stream write indices [" + Strings.collectionToCommaDelimitedString(writeIndices) + "]");
clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("add-index-block-[" + request.getBlock().name + "]-" + Arrays.toString(concreteIndices), new ClusterStateUpdateTask(Priority.URGENT) {
private Map<Index, ClusterBlock> blockedIndices;
public ClusterState execute(final ClusterState currentState) {
final Tuple<ClusterState, Map<Index, ClusterBlock>> tup = addIndexBlock(concreteIndices, currentState, request.getBlock());
blockedIndices = tup.v2();
return tup.v1();
public void clusterStateProcessed(final String source, final ClusterState oldState, final ClusterState newState) {
if (oldState == newState) {
assert blockedIndices.isEmpty() : "List of blocked indices is not empty but cluster state wasn't changed";
listener.onResponse(new AddIndexBlockResponse(true, false, Collections.emptyList()));
} else {
assert blockedIndices.isEmpty() == false : "List of blocked indices is empty but cluster state was changed";
threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.MANAGEMENT).execute(new WaitForBlocksApplied(blockedIndices, request, ActionListener.wrap(verifyResults -> clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("finalize-index-block-[" + request.getBlock().name + "]-[" + blockedIndices.keySet().stream().map(Index::getName).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + "]", new ClusterStateUpdateTask(Priority.URGENT) {
private final List<AddBlockResult> indices = new ArrayList<>();
public ClusterState execute(final ClusterState currentState) throws Exception {
Tuple<ClusterState, Collection<AddBlockResult>> addBlockResult = finalizeBlock(currentState, blockedIndices, verifyResults, request.getBlock());
assert verifyResults.size() == addBlockResult.v2().size();
return addBlockResult.v1();
public void onFailure(final String source, final Exception e) {
public void clusterStateProcessed(final String source, final ClusterState oldState, final ClusterState newState) {
final boolean acknowledged =;
listener.onResponse(new AddIndexBlockResponse(acknowledged, acknowledged, indices));
}), listener::onFailure)));
public void onFailure(final String source, final Exception e) {
public TimeValue timeout() {
return request.masterNodeTimeout();
use of org.opensearch.cluster.block.ClusterBlock in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class MetadataIndexStateService method addIndexClosedBlocks.
* Step 1 - Start closing indices by adding a write block
* This step builds the list of indices to close (the ones explicitly requested that are not in CLOSE state) and adds a unique cluster
* block (or reuses an existing one) to every index to close in the cluster state. After the cluster state is published, the shards
* should start to reject writing operations and we can proceed with step 2.
static ClusterState addIndexClosedBlocks(final Index[] indices, final Map<Index, ClusterBlock> blockedIndices, final ClusterState currentState) {
final Metadata.Builder metadata = Metadata.builder(currentState.metadata());
final Set<Index> indicesToClose = new HashSet<>();
for (Index index : indices) {
final IndexMetadata indexMetadata = metadata.getSafe(index);
if (indexMetadata.getState() != IndexMetadata.State.CLOSE) {
} else {
logger.debug("index {} is already closed, ignoring", index);
assert currentState.blocks().hasIndexBlock(index.getName(), INDEX_CLOSED_BLOCK);
if (indicesToClose.isEmpty()) {
return currentState;
// Check if index closing conflicts with any running restores
Set<Index> restoringIndices = RestoreService.restoringIndices(currentState, indicesToClose);
if (restoringIndices.isEmpty() == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot close indices that are being restored: " + restoringIndices);
// Check if index closing conflicts with any running snapshots
Set<Index> snapshottingIndices = SnapshotsService.snapshottingIndices(currentState, indicesToClose);
if (snapshottingIndices.isEmpty() == false) {
throw new SnapshotInProgressException("Cannot close indices that are being snapshotted: " + snapshottingIndices + ". Try again after snapshot finishes or cancel the currently running snapshot.");
final ClusterBlocks.Builder blocks = ClusterBlocks.builder().blocks(currentState.blocks());
final RoutingTable.Builder routingTable = RoutingTable.builder(currentState.routingTable());
for (Index index : indicesToClose) {
ClusterBlock indexBlock = null;
final Set<ClusterBlock> clusterBlocks = currentState.blocks().indices().get(index.getName());
if (clusterBlocks != null) {
for (ClusterBlock clusterBlock : clusterBlocks) {
// Reuse the existing index closed block
indexBlock = clusterBlock;
if (indexBlock == null) {
// Create a new index closed block
indexBlock = createIndexClosingBlock();
assert Strings.hasLength(indexBlock.uuid()) : "Closing block should have a UUID";
blocks.addIndexBlock(index.getName(), indexBlock);
blockedIndices.put(index, indexBlock);
} -> new ParameterizedMessage("closing indices {}", blockedIndices.keySet().stream().map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(","))));
return ClusterState.builder(currentState).blocks(blocks).metadata(metadata).routingTable(;
use of org.opensearch.cluster.block.ClusterBlock in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class MetadataIndexStateService method addIndexBlock.
* Updates the cluster state for the given indices with the given index block,
* and also returns the updated indices (and their blocks) in a map.
* @param indices The indices to add blocks to if needed
* @param currentState The current cluster state
* @param block The type of block to add
* @return a tuple of the updated cluster state, as well as the blocks that got added
static Tuple<ClusterState, Map<Index, ClusterBlock>> addIndexBlock(final Index[] indices, final ClusterState currentState, final APIBlock block) {
final Metadata.Builder metadata = Metadata.builder(currentState.metadata());
final Set<Index> indicesToAddBlock = new HashSet<>();
for (Index index : indices) {
// to check if index exists
if (currentState.blocks().hasIndexBlock(index.getName(), block.block)) {
logger.debug("index {} already has block {}, ignoring", index, block.block);
} else {
if (indicesToAddBlock.isEmpty()) {
return Tuple.tuple(currentState, Collections.emptyMap());
final ClusterBlocks.Builder blocks = ClusterBlocks.builder().blocks(currentState.blocks());
final RoutingTable.Builder routingTable = RoutingTable.builder(currentState.routingTable());
final Map<Index, ClusterBlock> blockedIndices = new HashMap<>();
for (Index index : indicesToAddBlock) {
ClusterBlock indexBlock = null;
final Set<ClusterBlock> clusterBlocks = currentState.blocks().indices().get(index.getName());
if (clusterBlocks != null) {
for (ClusterBlock clusterBlock : clusterBlocks) {
if ( == {
// Reuse the existing UUID-based block
indexBlock = clusterBlock;
if (indexBlock == null) {
// Create a new UUID-based block
indexBlock = createUUIDBasedBlock(block.block);
assert Strings.hasLength(indexBlock.uuid()) : "Block should have a UUID";
blocks.addIndexBlock(index.getName(), indexBlock);
blockedIndices.put(index, indexBlock);
// update index settings as well to match the block
final IndexMetadata indexMetadata = metadata.getSafe(index);
if (block.setting().get(indexMetadata.getSettings()) == false) {
final Settings updatedSettings = Settings.builder().put(indexMetadata.getSettings()).put(block.settingName(), true).build();
metadata.put(IndexMetadata.builder(indexMetadata).settings(updatedSettings).settingsVersion(indexMetadata.getSettingsVersion() + 1));
}"adding block {} to indices {}",, blockedIndices.keySet().stream().map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.toList()));
return Tuple.tuple(ClusterState.builder(currentState).blocks(blocks).metadata(metadata).routingTable(, blockedIndices);
use of org.opensearch.cluster.block.ClusterBlock in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TransportReplicationActionTests method testIsRetryableClusterBlockException.
public void testIsRetryableClusterBlockException() {
final TestAction action = new TestAction(Settings.EMPTY, "internal:testIsRetryableClusterBlockException", transportService, clusterService, shardStateAction, threadPool);
assertFalse(action.isRetryableClusterBlockException(randomRetryPrimaryException(new ShardId("index", "_na_", 0))));
final boolean retryable = randomBoolean();
ClusterBlock randomBlock = new ClusterBlock(randomIntBetween(1, 16), "test", retryable, randomBoolean(), randomBoolean(), randomFrom(RestStatus.values()), EnumSet.of(randomFrom(ClusterBlockLevel.values())));
assertEquals(retryable, action.isRetryableClusterBlockException(new ClusterBlockException(singleton(randomBlock))));
use of org.opensearch.cluster.block.ClusterBlock in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TransportReplicationActionTests method testBlocksInReroutePhase.
public void testBlocksInReroutePhase() {
final ClusterBlock nonRetryableBlock = new ClusterBlock(1, "non retryable", false, true, false, RestStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, ClusterBlockLevel.ALL);
final ClusterBlock retryableBlock = new ClusterBlock(1, "retryable", true, true, false, RestStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, ClusterBlockLevel.ALL);
final boolean globalBlock = randomBoolean();
final TestAction action = new TestAction(Settings.EMPTY, "internal:testActionWithBlocks", transportService, clusterService, shardStateAction, threadPool) {
protected ClusterBlockLevel globalBlockLevel() {
return globalBlock ? ClusterBlockLevel.WRITE : null;
public ClusterBlockLevel indexBlockLevel() {
return globalBlock == false ? ClusterBlockLevel.WRITE : null;
setState(clusterService, ClusterStateCreationUtils.stateWithActivePrimary("index", true, 0));
ShardId shardId = new ShardId(clusterService.state().metadata().index("index").getIndex(), 0);
setStateWithBlock(clusterService, nonRetryableBlock, globalBlock);
Request request = new Request(shardId);
PlainActionFuture<TestResponse> listener = new PlainActionFuture<>();
ReplicationTask task = maybeTask();
TestAction.ReroutePhase reroutePhase = ReroutePhase(task, request, listener);;
ClusterBlockException exception = assertListenerThrows("primary action should fail operation", listener, ClusterBlockException.class);
assertThat(((ClusterBlockException) exception.unwrapCause()).blocks().iterator().next(), is(nonRetryableBlock));
assertPhase(task, "failed");
setStateWithBlock(clusterService, retryableBlock, globalBlock);
Request requestWithTimeout = (globalBlock ? new Request(shardId) : new Request(shardId)).timeout("5ms");
PlainActionFuture<TestResponse> listener = new PlainActionFuture<>();
ReplicationTask task = maybeTask();
TestAction.ReroutePhase reroutePhase = ReroutePhase(task, requestWithTimeout, listener);;
ClusterBlockException exception = assertListenerThrows("failed to timeout on retryable block", listener, ClusterBlockException.class);
assertThat(((ClusterBlockException) exception.unwrapCause()).blocks().iterator().next(), is(retryableBlock));
assertPhase(task, "failed");
setStateWithBlock(clusterService, retryableBlock, globalBlock);
Request request = new Request(shardId);
PlainActionFuture<TestResponse> listener = new PlainActionFuture<>();
ReplicationTask task = maybeTask();
TestAction.ReroutePhase reroutePhase = ReroutePhase(task, request, listener);;
assertFalse("primary phase should wait on retryable block", listener.isDone());
assertPhase(task, "waiting_for_retry");
setStateWithBlock(clusterService, nonRetryableBlock, globalBlock);
ClusterBlockException exception = assertListenerThrows("primary phase should fail operation when moving from a retryable " + "block to a non-retryable one", listener, ClusterBlockException.class);
assertThat(((ClusterBlockException) exception.unwrapCause()).blocks().iterator().next(), is(nonRetryableBlock));
Request requestWithTimeout = new Request(new ShardId("unknown", "_na_", 0)).index("unknown").timeout("5ms");
PlainActionFuture<TestResponse> listener = new PlainActionFuture<>();
ReplicationTask task = maybeTask();
TestAction testActionWithNoBlocks = new TestAction(Settings.EMPTY, "internal:testActionWithNoBlocks", transportService, clusterService, shardStateAction, threadPool);
TestAction.ReroutePhase reroutePhase = ReroutePhase(task, requestWithTimeout, listener);;
assertListenerThrows("should fail with an IndexNotFoundException when no blocks", listener, IndexNotFoundException.class);