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Example 21 with ConfigException

use of org.opensextant.ConfigException in project Xponents by OpenSextant.

the class XText method convertFile.

     * Convert one file and save it off. We ignore hidden files and files in
     * hidden folders, e.g., .cvs_ignore, mycode/.svn/abc.txt
     * This is the end of the line for the conversion logic; convertFile figures
     * out if it should return the cached version or attempt a conversion; it
     * also tries to save children items As children items may require special
     * attention they are not converted -- caller can pass in ConversionListener
     * and can deal with children file objects on their end.
     * @param input
     *            child input obj to convert
     * @param parent
     *            parent in which child was found
     * @return converted document object
     * @throws IOException
     *             on err
     * @throws ConfigException
     *             on err
public ConvertedDocument convertFile(File input, ConvertedDocument parent) throws IOException, ConfigException {
    if (parent == null && filterOutFile(input)) {
        return null;
    if (paths.isSaving()) {
        if (!paths.isSaveWithInput() && !paths.hasInputRoot()) {
            throw new IOException("Please set an input root; convertFile() was called in save/cache mode without having PathManager setup");
    String fname = input.getName();
    String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(fname).toLowerCase();
    if (!allowNoExtension) {
        if (ignoreFileTypes.contains(ext)) {
            return null;
        if (!requestedFileTypes.contains(ext)) {
            return null;
    log.debug("Converting FILE=" + input.getAbsolutePath());
         * Handle archives or PST files. Or other large compound single file.
    if (isArchive(fname)) {
        // However its children do.
        return null;
    } else if (isPSTExtension(ext) && !useTikaPST) {
        return null;
         * Otherwise this is a normal file...
    if (FileUtils.sizeOf(input) > maxFileSize) {"Valid File is too large FILE=" + input.getAbsolutePath());
        return null;
    boolean cachable = true;
    Converter converter = converters.get(ext);
    if (converter == null) {
        if (extractEmbedded && EmbeddedContentConverter.isSupported(ext)) {
            converter = embeddedConversion;
            // Such content is processed every time.  Oh well...
            cachable = false;
        } else {
            converter = defaultConversion;
    ConvertedDocument textDoc = null;
    // ------------------
    if (cachable && !ConvertedDocument.overwrite && paths.isSaving()) {
        textDoc = paths.getCachedConversion(input);
    // ------------------
    if (textDoc == null) {
        // Measure how long conversions take.
        long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            textDoc = converter.convert(input);
        } catch (Exception convErr) {
            throw new IOException("Conversion error FILE=" + input.getPath(), convErr);
        long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int duration = (int) (t2 - t1);
        if (textDoc != null) {
            // }
            if (paths.isSaving() && textDoc.is_converted) {
                // Get Parent info in there.
                if (parent != null) {
                if (textDoc.hasRawChildren()) {
                // 1. children saved to disk
                // 2. children converted.
                // 3. children attached to parent here.
                // 'textdoc' should now be well endowed with all the
                // children metadata.
        } else {
            textDoc = new ConvertedDocument(input);
        textDoc.conversion_time = duration;
        if (textDoc.filetime == null) {
            textDoc.filetime = textDoc.getFiletime();
         * Conversion Listeners are called only for parent documents. That is
         * for an email with 4 attachments, this listener is called on the
         * parent email message, but not for the individual 4 attachments. The
         * final parent document here will have all Raw Children (bytes +
         * metadata) and Converted Children (ConvertedDocument obj) Caller will
         * have to detect if returned item via listener is a Parent with
         * Children.
         * Behavior here is TBD.
    if (postProcessor != null && parent == null) {
        postProcessor.handleConversion(textDoc, input.getAbsolutePath());
    return textDoc;
Also used : EmbeddedContentConverter(org.opensextant.xtext.converters.EmbeddedContentConverter) ImageMetadataConverter(org.opensextant.xtext.converters.ImageMetadataConverter) TikaHTMLConverter(org.opensextant.xtext.converters.TikaHTMLConverter) MessageConverter(org.opensextant.xtext.converters.MessageConverter) WebArchiveConverter(org.opensextant.xtext.converters.WebArchiveConverter) TextTranscodingConverter(org.opensextant.xtext.converters.TextTranscodingConverter) DefaultConverter(org.opensextant.xtext.converters.DefaultConverter) IOException( ConfigException(org.opensextant.ConfigException) IOException( MimeTypeParseException(javax.activation.MimeTypeParseException)

Example 22 with ConfigException

use of org.opensextant.ConfigException in project Xponents by OpenSextant.

the class XText method convertOutlookPST.

     * @param input
     *            input PST object
     * @throws IOException
     *             on err
     * @throws ConfigException
     *             on err
public void convertOutlookPST(File input) throws ConfigException, IOException {
    if (!paths.isSaving()) {
        log.error("Warning -- PST file found, but save = true is required to parse it.  Enable saving and chose a cache folder");
    OutlookPSTCrawler pst = new OutlookPSTCrawler(input);
    pst.overwriteMode = ConvertedDocument.overwrite;
    pst.incrementalMode = true;
    File saveFolder = paths.getArchiveExportDir(input);
    String savePrefix = paths.getStipPrefixPath();
    pst.configure();"\tPST Email Archive Found ({}). Expanding to {}", input, saveFolder);
    try {
    } catch (Exception err) {
        throw new ConfigException("Unable to fully digest PST file " + input, err);
    // Done:
Also used : ConfigException(org.opensextant.ConfigException) File( ConfigException(org.opensextant.ConfigException) IOException( MimeTypeParseException(javax.activation.MimeTypeParseException) OutlookPSTCrawler(org.opensextant.xtext.collectors.mailbox.OutlookPSTCrawler)

Example 23 with ConfigException

use of org.opensextant.ConfigException in project Xponents by OpenSextant.

the class XText method extractText.

     * Optional API routine. If XText is used as a main program, this is the entry point for extraction/collection.
     * If XText is used as an API, caller may use convertFile() directly without engaging in the setup and assumptions
     * behind this convenience method.
     * The main entry point to converting compound documents and folders.
     * @param filepath
     *            item from which we extract text
     * @throws IOException
     *             err
     * @throws ConfigException
     *             err
public void extractText(String filepath) throws IOException, ConfigException {
    start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();"Conversion.  INPUT PATH={}", filepath);
    String path = FilenameUtils.normalize(new File(filepath).getAbsolutePath(), true);
    if (path == null) {
        throw new IOException("Failed to normalize the path: " + filepath);
    File input = new File(path);
    if (!input.exists()) {
        throw new IOException("Non existent input FILE=" + path);
    /* Filter on absolute path */
    if (PathManager.isXTextCache(path)) {
        throw new ConfigException("XText cannot be directed to extract text from its own cache files. " + "Move the cache files out of ./xtext/ folders if you really need to do this.");
    if (isArchive(input.getName())) {
        // Archive will collect originals to "export"
        // Archive will save conversions to "output"
        // PathManager is STATEFUL for as long as this archive is processing
        // If an archive is uncovered while traversing files, its contents can be dumped to the child export folder.
    } else if (isPST(input.getName()) && !useTikaPST) {
    } else if (input.isFile()) {
        // If prefix is not set, then conversion will be dumped flatly to output area.
    } else if (input.isDirectory()) {
    stop_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (paths.isSaving()) {
        if (paths.isSaveWithInput()) {
  "Output can be accessed at from the input folder {} in 'xtext' sub-folders", input.getParent());
        } else {
  "Output can be accessed at " + paths.getConversionCache());
Also used : ConfigException(org.opensextant.ConfigException) IOException( File(

Example 24 with ConfigException

use of org.opensextant.ConfigException in project Xponents by OpenSextant.

the class MailClient method testAvailability.

     * Tests the availability of the currently configured source.
     * @throws ConfigException err when testing indicates resource is not available
public void testAvailability() throws ConfigException {
    try {
    } catch (Exception err) {
        String msg = String.format("%s -- failed to collect mail account", getName());
        throw new ConfigException(msg, err);
Also used : ConfigException(org.opensextant.ConfigException) ConfigException(org.opensextant.ConfigException) MessagingException(javax.mail.MessagingException)

Example 25 with ConfigException

use of org.opensextant.ConfigException in project Xponents by OpenSextant.

the class MailConfig method setProperties.

     * Set properties from existing Property sheet.
     * @param props javamail props
     * @throws ConfigException  SSL or other property error
public void setProperties(Properties props) throws ConfigException {
    if (props != null) {
        for (Object o : props.keySet()) {
            setProperty(o.toString(), props.getProperty((String) o));
    isSSL = getFlagProperty(getProperty("mail.imap.ssl.enable"));
    if (isSSL) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception securityErr) {
        throw new ConfigException("Advanced settings failed", securityErr);
Also used : ConfigException(org.opensextant.ConfigException) GeneralSecurityException( ConfigException(org.opensextant.ConfigException) IOException(


ConfigException (org.opensextant.ConfigException)28 IOException ( File ( URL ( MimeTypeParseException (javax.activation.MimeTypeParseException)3 MessagingException (javax.mail.MessagingException)3 SolrServerException (org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException)3 PlaceGeocoder (org.opensextant.extractors.geo.PlaceGeocoder)3 XText (org.opensextant.xtext.XText)3 PSTFile (com.pff.PSTFile)2 MalformedURLException ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 TextMatch (org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch)2 PersonNameFilter (org.opensextant.extractors.geo.rules.PersonNameFilter)2 TaxonMatcher (org.opensextant.extractors.xtax.TaxonMatcher)2 XTemporal (org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal)2 PSTException (com.pff.PSTException)1 LongOpt (gnu.getopt.LongOpt)1 InputStream ( InputStreamReader (