use of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class AlertPatch method remove.
public void remove(Graph graph) {
Agency agency = null;
if (feedId != null) {
Map<String, Agency> agencies = graph.index.agenciesForFeedId.get(feedId);
agency = != null ? agencies.get( : null;
Route route = this.route != null ? graph.index.routeForId.get(this.route) : null;
Stop stop = this.stop != null ? graph.index.stopForId.get(this.stop) : null;
Trip trip = this.trip != null ? graph.index.tripForId.get(this.trip) : null;
if (route != null || trip != null || agency != null) {
Collection<TripPattern> tripPatterns = null;
if (trip != null) {
tripPatterns = new LinkedList<TripPattern>();
TripPattern tripPattern = graph.index.patternForTrip.get(trip);
if (tripPattern != null) {
} else if (route != null) {
tripPatterns = graph.index.patternsForRoute.get(route);
} else {
// Find patterns for the feed.
tripPatterns = graph.index.patternsForFeedId.get(feedId);
if (tripPatterns != null) {
for (TripPattern tripPattern : tripPatterns) {
if (direction != null && !direction.equals(tripPattern.getDirection())) {
if (directionId != -1 && directionId != tripPattern.directionId) {
for (int i = 0; i < tripPattern.stopPattern.stops.length; i++) {
if (stop == null || stop.equals(tripPattern.stopPattern.stops[i])) {
graph.removeAlertPatch(tripPattern.boardEdges[i], this);
graph.removeAlertPatch(tripPattern.alightEdges[i], this);
} else if (stop != null) {
TransitStop transitStop = graph.index.stopVertexForStop.get(stop);
for (Edge edge : transitStop.getOutgoing()) {
if (edge instanceof PreBoardEdge) {
graph.removeAlertPatch(edge, this);
for (Edge edge : transitStop.getIncoming()) {
if (edge instanceof PreAlightEdge) {
graph.removeAlertPatch(edge, this);
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class NearbyStopFinder method findNearbyStopsConsideringPatterns.
* Find all unique nearby stops that are the closest stop on some trip pattern.
* Note that the result will include the origin vertex if it is an instance of TransitStop.
* This is intentional: we don't want to return the next stop down the line for trip patterns that pass through the
* origin vertex.
public Set<StopAtDistance> findNearbyStopsConsideringPatterns(Vertex vertex) {
/* Track the closest stop on each pattern passing nearby. */
SimpleIsochrone.MinMap<TripPattern, StopAtDistance> closestStopForPattern = new SimpleIsochrone.MinMap<TripPattern, StopAtDistance>();
/* Iterate over nearby stops via the street network or using straight-line distance, depending on the graph. */
for (NearbyStopFinder.StopAtDistance stopAtDistance : findNearbyStops(vertex)) {
/* Filter out destination stops that are already reachable via pathways or transfers. */
// FIXME why is the above comment relevant here? how does the next line achieve this?
TransitStop ts1 = stopAtDistance.tstop;
if (!ts1.isStreetLinkable())
/* Consider this destination stop as a candidate for every trip pattern passing through it. */
for (TripPattern pattern : graph.index.patternsForStop.get(ts1.getStop())) {
closestStopForPattern.putMin(pattern, stopAtDistance);
/* Make a transfer from the origin stop to each destination stop that was the closest stop on any pattern. */
Set<StopAtDistance> uniqueStops = Sets.newHashSet();
return uniqueStops;
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class GtfsGraphBuilderModuleTest method testBikesByDefault.
public void testBikesByDefault() throws IOException {
// We configure two trip: one with unknown bikes_allowed and the second with no bikes
// allowed.
MockGtfs gtfs = getSimpleGtfs();
gtfs.putTrips(2, "r0", "sid0", "bikes_allowed=0,2");
gtfs.putStopTimes("t0,t1", "s0,s1");
List<GtfsBundle> bundleList = getGtfsAsBundleList(gtfs);
_builder = new GtfsModule(bundleList);
Graph graph = new Graph();
_builder.buildGraph(graph, _extra);
graph.index(new DefaultStreetVertexIndexFactory());
// Feed id is used instead of the agency id for OBA entities.
GtfsBundle gtfsBundle = bundleList.get(0);
GtfsFeedId feedId = gtfsBundle.getFeedId();
Trip trip = graph.index.tripForId.get(new AgencyAndId(feedId.getId(), "t0"));
TripPattern pattern = graph.index.patternForTrip.get(trip);
List<Trip> trips = pattern.getTrips();
assertEquals(BikeAccess.ALLOWED, BikeAccess.fromTrip(withId(trips, new AgencyAndId(feedId.getId(), "t0"))));
assertEquals(BikeAccess.NOT_ALLOWED, BikeAccess.fromTrip(withId(trips, new AgencyAndId(feedId.getId(), "t1"))));
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class GTFSPatternHopFactoryTest method testBikesAllowed.
public void testBikesAllowed() throws IOException {
MockGtfs gtfs = MockGtfs.create();
gtfs.putTrips(1, "r0", "sid0", "bikes_allowed=1");
gtfs.putStopTimes("t0", "s0,s1");
gtfs.putLines("frequencies.txt", "trip_id,start_time,end_time,headway_secs", "t0,09:00:00,17:00:00,300");
GtfsFeedId feedId = new GtfsFeedId.Builder().id("FEED").build();
GTFSPatternHopFactory factory = new GTFSPatternHopFactory(GtfsLibrary.createContext(feedId,;
Graph graph = new Graph();;
for (Edge edge : graph.getEdges()) {
if (edge instanceof TransitBoardAlight) {
TripPattern pattern = ((TransitBoardAlight) edge).getPattern();
// TODO assertTrue(pattern.getBikesAllowed());
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class TimetableFilterTest method testSkipStopInMiddle.
* test modifying trip patterns
public void testSkipStopInMiddle() {
SkipStop ss = new SkipStop();
ss.routeId = Arrays.asList(route.getId().getId());
ss.agencyId = agency.getId();
ss.stopId = Arrays.asList(stops[2].getId().getId());
Collection<TripPattern> result = ss.apply(pattern);
assertEquals(1, result.size());
TripPattern newtp = result.iterator().next();
assertNotSame(pattern, newtp);
// TODO getNumScheduledTrips is zero - why?
assertEquals(2, newtp.scheduledTimetable.tripTimes.size());
assertEquals(2, newtp.scheduledTimetable.frequencyEntries.size());
assertEquals(3, newtp.stopPattern.size);
// make sure the times are correct
assertEquals(pattern.scheduledTimetable.tripTimes.get(0).getDepartureTime(0), newtp.scheduledTimetable.tripTimes.get(0).getDepartureTime(0));
// after the skipped stop: dwell times should be removed
assertEquals(pattern.scheduledTimetable.tripTimes.get(0).getDepartureTime(3) - 30, newtp.scheduledTimetable.tripTimes.get(0).getDepartureTime(2));
assertEquals(pattern.stopPattern.stops[3], newtp.stopPattern.stops[2]);
// and for the frequency entry
// make sure the times are correct
assertEquals(pattern.scheduledTimetable.frequencyEntries.get(0).tripTimes.getDepartureTime(0), newtp.scheduledTimetable.frequencyEntries.get(0).tripTimes.getDepartureTime(0));
// after the skipped stop: dwell times should be removed
assertEquals(pattern.scheduledTimetable.frequencyEntries.get(0).tripTimes.getDepartureTime(3) - 30, newtp.scheduledTimetable.frequencyEntries.get(0).tripTimes.getDepartureTime(2));