use of org.orcid.jaxb.model.common_rc2.Visibility in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.
the class MemberV2Test method createViewUpdateAndDeleteEducation.
public void createViewUpdateAndDeleteEducation() throws JSONException, InterruptedException, URISyntaxException {
Education education = (Education) unmarshallFromPath("/record_2.0_rc2/samples/education-2.0_rc2.xml", Education.class);
String accessToken = getAccessToken();
ClientResponse postResponse = memberV2ApiClient.createEducationXml(this.getUser1OrcidId(), education, accessToken);
assertEquals(Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode(), postResponse.getStatus());
String locationPath = postResponse.getLocation().getPath();
assertTrue("Location header path should match pattern, but was " + locationPath, locationPath.matches(".*/v2.0_rc2/" + this.getUser1OrcidId() + "/education/\\d+"));
ClientResponse getResponse = memberV2ApiClient.viewLocationXml(postResponse.getLocation(), accessToken);
assertEquals(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode(), getResponse.getStatus());
Education gotEducation = getResponse.getEntity(Education.class);
assertEquals("education:department-name", gotEducation.getDepartmentName());
assertEquals("education:role-title", gotEducation.getRoleTitle());
//Save the original visibility
Visibility originalVisibility = gotEducation.getVisibility();
Visibility updatedVisibility = Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(originalVisibility) ? Visibility.LIMITED : Visibility.PRIVATE;
//Verify you cant update the visibility
ClientResponse putResponse = memberV2ApiClient.updateLocationXml(postResponse.getLocation(), accessToken, gotEducation);
assertEquals(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode(), putResponse.getStatus());
OrcidError error = putResponse.getEntity(OrcidError.class);
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(9035), error.getErrorCode());
//Set the visibility again to the initial one
gotEducation.setDepartmentName("updated dept. name");
gotEducation.setRoleTitle("updated role title");
putResponse = memberV2ApiClient.updateLocationXml(postResponse.getLocation(), accessToken, gotEducation);
assertEquals(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode(), putResponse.getStatus());
ClientResponse getAfterUpdateResponse = memberV2ApiClient.viewLocationXml(postResponse.getLocation(), accessToken);
assertEquals(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode(), getAfterUpdateResponse.getStatus());
Education gotAfterUpdateEducation = getAfterUpdateResponse.getEntity(Education.class);
assertEquals("updated dept. name", gotAfterUpdateEducation.getDepartmentName());
assertEquals("updated role title", gotAfterUpdateEducation.getRoleTitle());
ClientResponse deleteResponse = memberV2ApiClient.deleteEducationXml(this.getUser1OrcidId(), gotEducation.getPutCode(), accessToken);
assertEquals(Response.Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode(), deleteResponse.getStatus());
use of org.orcid.jaxb.model.common_rc2.Visibility in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.
the class ActivityValidator method validateWork.
public void validateWork(Work work, SourceEntity sourceEntity, boolean createFlag, boolean isApiRequest, Visibility originalVisibility) {
WorkTitle title = work.getWorkTitle();
if (title == null || title.getTitle() == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(title.getTitle().getContent())) {
throw new ActivityTitleValidationException();
if (work.getCountry() != null) {
if (work.getCountry().getValue() == null) {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
String values = -> element.value()).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
params.put("type", "country");
params.put("values", values);
throw new ActivityTypeValidationException(params);
//translated title language code
if (title != null && title.getTranslatedTitle() != null) {
String translatedTitle = title.getTranslatedTitle().getContent();
String languageCode = title.getTranslatedTitle().getLanguageCode();
if (PojoUtil.isEmpty(translatedTitle) && !PojoUtil.isEmpty(languageCode)) {
throw new OrcidValidationException("Please specify a translated title or remove the language code");
//If translated title language code is null or invalid
if (!PojoUtil.isEmpty(translatedTitle) && (PojoUtil.isEmpty(title.getTranslatedTitle().getLanguageCode()) || ! {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
String values =", "));
params.put("type", "translated title -> language code");
params.put("values", values);
throw new ActivityTypeValidationException(params);
if (work.getWorkType() == null) {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
String values = -> element.value()).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
params.put("type", "work type");
params.put("values", values);
throw new ActivityTypeValidationException(params);
if (!PojoUtil.isEmpty(work.getLanguageCode())) {
if (! {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
String values =", "));
params.put("type", "language code");
params.put("values", values);
throw new ActivityTypeValidationException(params);
//publication date
if (work.getPublicationDate() != null) {
PublicationDate pd = work.getPublicationDate();
Year year = pd.getYear();
Month month = pd.getMonth();
Day day = pd.getDay();
if (year != null) {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException n) {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("type", "publication date -> year");
params.put("values", "integers");
throw new ActivityTypeValidationException(params);
if (year.getValue().length() != 4) {
throw new OrcidValidationException("Invalid year " + year.getValue() + " please specify a four digits value");
if (month != null) {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException n) {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("type", "publication date -> month");
params.put("values", "integers");
throw new ActivityTypeValidationException(params);
if (month.getValue().length() != 2) {
throw new OrcidValidationException("Invalid month " + month.getValue() + " please specify a two digits value");
if (day != null) {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException n) {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("type", "publication date -> day");
params.put("values", "integers");
throw new ActivityTypeValidationException(params);
if (day.getValue().length() != 2) {
throw new OrcidValidationException("Invalid day " + day.getValue() + " please specify a two digits value");
//Check the date is valid
boolean isYearEmpty = (year == null || year.getValue() == null) ? true : false;
boolean isMonthEmpty = (month == null || month.getValue() == null) ? true : false;
boolean isDayEmpty = (day == null || day.getValue() == null) ? true : false;
if (isYearEmpty && (!isMonthEmpty || !isDayEmpty)) {
throw new OrcidValidationException("Invalid date, please specify a year element");
} else if (!isYearEmpty && isMonthEmpty && !isDayEmpty) {
throw new OrcidValidationException("Invalid date, please specify a month element");
} else if (isYearEmpty && isMonthEmpty && !isDayEmpty) {
throw new OrcidValidationException("Invalid date, please specify a year and month elements");
if (work.getWorkCitation() != null) {
String citation = work.getWorkCitation().getCitation();
CitationType type = work.getWorkCitation().getWorkCitationType();
if (type == null) {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
String values = -> element.value()).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
params.put("type", "citation type");
params.put("values", values);
throw new ActivityTypeValidationException(params);
if (PojoUtil.isEmpty(citation)) {
throw new OrcidValidationException("Please specify a citation or remove the parent tag");
if (work.getWorkExternalIdentifiers() == null || work.getWorkExternalIdentifiers().getExternalIdentifier() == null || work.getExternalIdentifiers().getExternalIdentifier().isEmpty()) {
throw new ActivityIdentifierValidationException();
if (work.getWorkContributors() != null) {
WorkContributors contributors = work.getWorkContributors();
if (!contributors.getContributor().isEmpty()) {
for (Contributor contributor : contributors.getContributor()) {
if (contributor.getContributorOrcid() != null) {
ContributorOrcid contributorOrcid = contributor.getContributorOrcid();
if (!PojoUtil.isEmpty(contributorOrcid.getUri())) {
if (!OrcidStringUtils.isValidOrcidUri(contributorOrcid.getUri())) {
throw new OrcidValidationException("Invalid contributor URI");
if (!PojoUtil.isEmpty(contributorOrcid.getPath())) {
if (!OrcidStringUtils.isValidOrcid(contributorOrcid.getPath())) {
throw new OrcidValidationException("Invalid contributor ORCID");
if (contributor.getCreditName() != null) {
if (PojoUtil.isEmpty(contributor.getCreditName().getContent())) {
throw new OrcidValidationException("Please specify a contributor credit name or remove the empty tag");
if (contributor.getContributorEmail() != null) {
if (PojoUtil.isEmpty(contributor.getContributorEmail().getValue())) {
throw new OrcidValidationException("Please specify a contributor email or remove the empty tag");
if (work.getPutCode() != null && createFlag) {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (sourceEntity != null) {
params.put("clientName", sourceEntity.getSourceName());
throw new InvalidPutCodeException(params);
// Check that we are not changing the visibility
if (isApiRequest && !createFlag) {
Visibility updatedVisibility = work.getVisibility();
validateVisibilityDoesntChange(updatedVisibility, originalVisibility);
use of org.orcid.jaxb.model.common_rc2.Visibility in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.
the class ActivityValidator method validateEmployment.
public void validateEmployment(Employment employment, SourceEntity sourceEntity, boolean createFlag, boolean isApiRequest, Visibility originalVisibility) {
if (employment.getPutCode() != null && createFlag) {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (sourceEntity != null) {
params.put("clientName", sourceEntity.getSourceName());
throw new InvalidPutCodeException(params);
// Check that we are not changing the visibility
if (isApiRequest && !createFlag) {
Visibility updatedVisibility = employment.getVisibility();
validateVisibilityDoesntChange(updatedVisibility, originalVisibility);
use of org.orcid.jaxb.model.common_rc2.Visibility in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.
the class ActivityValidator method validateEducation.
public void validateEducation(Education education, SourceEntity sourceEntity, boolean createFlag, boolean isApiRequest, Visibility originalVisibility) {
if (education.getPutCode() != null && createFlag) {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (sourceEntity != null) {
params.put("clientName", sourceEntity.getSourceName());
throw new InvalidPutCodeException(params);
// Check that we are not changing the visibility
if (isApiRequest && !createFlag) {
Visibility updatedVisibility = education.getVisibility();
validateVisibilityDoesntChange(updatedVisibility, originalVisibility);
use of org.orcid.jaxb.model.common_rc2.Visibility in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.
the class RecordTest method testViewRecordFromMemberAPI.
public void testViewRecordFromMemberAPI() throws InterruptedException, JSONException {
String accessToken = getAccessToken();
ClientResponse response = memberV2ApiClient.viewRecord(getUser1OrcidId(), accessToken);
assertEquals("invalid " + response, 200, response.getStatus());
Record record = response.getEntity(Record.class);
assertEquals(getUser1OrcidId(), record.getOrcidIdentifier().getPath());
//Check the visibility of every activity that exists
if (record.getActivitiesSummary() != null) {
if (record.getActivitiesSummary().getEducations() != null) {
Educations e = record.getActivitiesSummary().getEducations();
if (e.getSummaries() != null) {
for (EducationSummary s : e.getSummaries()) {
Visibility v = s.getVisibility();
//If the visibility is PRIVATE the client should be the owner
if (Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(v)) {
assertEquals(getClient1ClientId(), s.getSource().retrieveSourcePath());
if (record.getActivitiesSummary().getEmployments() != null) {
Employments e = record.getActivitiesSummary().getEmployments();
if (e.getSummaries() != null) {
for (EmploymentSummary s : e.getSummaries()) {
Visibility v = s.getVisibility();
//If the visibility is PRIVATE the client should be the owner
if (Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(v)) {
assertEquals(getClient1ClientId(), s.getSource().retrieveSourcePath());
if (record.getActivitiesSummary().getFundings() != null) {
Fundings f = record.getActivitiesSummary().getFundings();
List<FundingGroup> groups = f.getFundingGroup();
if (groups != null) {
for (FundingGroup fGroup : groups) {
List<FundingSummary> summaries = fGroup.getFundingSummary();
if (summaries != null) {
for (FundingSummary s : summaries) {
Visibility v = s.getVisibility();
//If the visibility is PRIVATE the client should be the owner
if (Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(v)) {
assertEquals(getClient1ClientId(), s.getSource().retrieveSourcePath());
if (record.getActivitiesSummary().getPeerReviews() != null) {
PeerReviews p = record.getActivitiesSummary().getPeerReviews();
List<PeerReviewGroup> groups = p.getPeerReviewGroup();
if (groups != null) {
for (PeerReviewGroup pGroup : groups) {
List<PeerReviewSummary> summaries = pGroup.getPeerReviewSummary();
if (summaries != null) {
for (PeerReviewSummary s : summaries) {
Visibility v = s.getVisibility();
//If the visibility is PRIVATE the client should be the owner
if (Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(v)) {
assertEquals(getClient1ClientId(), s.getSource().retrieveSourcePath());
if (record.getActivitiesSummary().getWorks() != null) {
Works w = record.getActivitiesSummary().getWorks();
List<WorkGroup> groups = w.getWorkGroup();
if (groups != null) {
for (WorkGroup wGroup : groups) {
List<WorkSummary> summaries = wGroup.getWorkSummary();
if (summaries != null) {
for (WorkSummary s : summaries) {
Visibility v = s.getVisibility();
//If the visibility is PRIVATE the client should be the owner
if (Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(v)) {
assertEquals(getClient1ClientId(), s.getSource().retrieveSourcePath());
//Check the visibility of every biography elements that exists
if (record.getPerson() != null) {
if (record.getPerson().getAddresses() != null) {
Addresses addresses = record.getPerson().getAddresses();
List<Address> list = addresses.getAddress();
if (list != null) {
for (Address o : list) {
Visibility v = o.getVisibility();
//If the visibility is PRIVATE the client should be the owner
if (Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(v)) {
assertEquals(getClient1ClientId(), o.getSource().retrieveSourcePath());
if (record.getPerson().getBiography() != null) {
Biography b = record.getPerson().getBiography();
if (b != null) {
if (Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(b.getVisibility())) {
fail("Visibility is private");
if (record.getPerson().getEmails() != null) {
Emails emails = record.getPerson().getEmails();
List<Email> list = emails.getEmails();
if (list != null) {
for (Email e : list) {
if (Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(e.getVisibility())) {
fail("Email " + e.getEmail() + " is private");
//External identifiers
if (record.getPerson().getExternalIdentifiers() != null) {
PersonExternalIdentifiers extIds = record.getPerson().getExternalIdentifiers();
List<PersonExternalIdentifier> list = extIds.getExternalIdentifiers();
if (list != null) {
for (PersonExternalIdentifier e : list) {
if (Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(e.getVisibility())) {
assertEquals(getClient1ClientId(), e.getSource().retrieveSourcePath());
if (record.getPerson().getKeywords() != null) {
Keywords keywords = record.getPerson().getKeywords();
List<Keyword> list = keywords.getKeywords();
if (list != null) {
for (Keyword e : list) {
if (Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(e.getVisibility())) {
assertEquals(getClient1ClientId(), e.getSource().retrieveSourcePath());
if (record.getPerson().getName() != null) {
Name name = record.getPerson().getName();
if (Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(name.getVisibility())) {
fail("Name is private");
//Other names
if (record.getPerson().getOtherNames() != null) {
OtherNames otherNames = record.getPerson().getOtherNames();
List<OtherName> list = otherNames.getOtherNames();
if (list != null) {
for (OtherName e : list) {
if (Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(e.getVisibility())) {
assertEquals(getClient1ClientId(), e.getSource().retrieveSourcePath());
//Researcher urls
if (record.getPerson().getResearcherUrls() != null) {
ResearcherUrls rUrls = record.getPerson().getResearcherUrls();
List<ResearcherUrl> list = rUrls.getResearcherUrls();
if (list != null) {
for (ResearcherUrl e : list) {
if (Visibility.PRIVATE.equals(e.getVisibility())) {
assertEquals(getClient1ClientId(), e.getSource().retrieveSourcePath());