use of org.orcid.jaxb.model.v3.dev1.record.ResearcherUrls in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.
the class JpaJaxbResearcherUrlAdapterTest method getResearcherUrls.
private ResearcherUrls getResearcherUrls() throws JAXBException {
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(new Class[] { ResearcherUrls.class });
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
String name = "/record_2.0/samples/read_samples/researcher-urls-2.0.xml";
InputStream inputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(name);
return (ResearcherUrls) unmarshaller.unmarshal(inputStream);
use of org.orcid.jaxb.model.v3.dev1.record.ResearcherUrls in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.
the class ValidateV3_dev1SamplesTest method testMarshallResearcherUrl.
public void testMarshallResearcherUrl() throws JAXBException, SAXException, URISyntaxException {
ResearcherUrls object = (ResearcherUrls) unmarshallFromPath("/record_3.0_dev1/samples/read_samples/researcher-urls-3.0_dev1.xml", ResearcherUrls.class);
marshall(object, "/record_3.0_dev1/researcher-url-3.0_dev1.xsd");
use of org.orcid.jaxb.model.v3.dev1.record.ResearcherUrls in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.
the class ValidateV3_dev1SamplesTest method unmarshallFromPath.
private Object unmarshallFromPath(String path, Class<?> type, String schemaPath) throws SAXException, URISyntaxException {
try (Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(getClass().getResourceAsStream(path))) {
Object obj = unmarshall(reader, type, schemaPath);
Object result = null;
if (ResearcherUrls.class.equals(type)) {
result = (ResearcherUrls) obj;
} else if (ResearcherUrl.class.equals(type)) {
result = (ResearcherUrl) obj;
} else if (PersonalDetails.class.equals(type)) {
result = (PersonalDetails) obj;
} else if (PersonExternalIdentifier.class.equals(type)) {
result = (PersonExternalIdentifier) obj;
} else if (PersonExternalIdentifiers.class.equals(type)) {
result = (PersonExternalIdentifiers) obj;
} else if (Biography.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Biography) obj;
} else if (Name.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Name) obj;
} else if (CreditName.class.equals(type)) {
result = (CreditName) obj;
} else if (OtherName.class.equals(type)) {
result = (OtherName) obj;
} else if (OtherNames.class.equals(type)) {
result = (OtherNames) obj;
} else if (Keywords.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Keywords) obj;
} else if (Keyword.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Keyword) obj;
} else if (Addresses.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Addresses) obj;
} else if (Address.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Address) obj;
} else if (Emails.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Emails) obj;
} else if (Email.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Email) obj;
} else if (Person.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Person) obj;
} else if (Deprecated.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Deprecated) obj;
} else if (Preferences.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Preferences) obj;
} else if (History.class.equals(type)) {
result = (History) obj;
} else if (Record.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Record) obj;
} else if (ActivitiesSummary.class.equals(type)) {
result = (ActivitiesSummary) obj;
} else if (Works.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Works) obj;
} else if (Education.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Education) obj;
} else if (Educations.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Educations) obj;
} else if (Employment.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Employment) obj;
} else if (Employments.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Employments) obj;
} else if (Distinction.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Distinction) obj;
} else if (Distinctions.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Distinctions) obj;
} else if (InvitedPosition.class.equals(type)) {
result = (InvitedPosition) obj;
} else if (InvitedPositions.class.equals(type)) {
result = (InvitedPositions) obj;
} else if (Membership.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Membership) obj;
} else if (Memberships.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Memberships) obj;
} else if (Qualification.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Qualification) obj;
} else if (Qualifications.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Qualifications) obj;
} else if (Service.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Service) obj;
} else if (Services.class.equals(type)) {
result = (Services) obj;
return result;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error reading notification from classpath", e);
use of org.orcid.jaxb.model.v3.dev1.record.ResearcherUrls in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.
the class ValidateV3_dev1SamplesTest method testUnmarshallResearcherUrl.
public void testUnmarshallResearcherUrl() throws SAXException, URISyntaxException {
ResearcherUrls rUrls = (ResearcherUrls) unmarshallFromPath("/record_3.0_dev1/samples/read_samples/researcher-urls-3.0_dev1.xml", ResearcherUrls.class, "/record_3.0_dev1/researcher-url-3.0_dev1.xsd");
assertEquals(1, rUrls.getResearcherUrls().size());
assertEquals("Site # 1", rUrls.getResearcherUrls().get(0).getUrlName());
assertEquals("", rUrls.getResearcherUrls().get(0).getUrl().getValue());
assertEquals(Long.valueOf(1248), rUrls.getResearcherUrls().get(0).getPutCode());
assertEquals(Visibility.PUBLIC.value(), rUrls.getResearcherUrls().get(0).getVisibility().value());
assertEquals("", rUrls.getResearcherUrls().get(0).getSource().retriveSourceUri());
assertEquals("8888-8888-8888-8880", rUrls.getResearcherUrls().get(0).getSource().retrieveSourcePath());
ResearcherUrl rUrl = (ResearcherUrl) unmarshallFromPath("/record_3.0_dev1/samples/read_samples/researcher-url-3.0_dev1.xml", ResearcherUrl.class);
assertEquals("Site # 1", rUrl.getUrlName());
assertEquals("", rUrl.getUrl().getValue());
assertEquals("8888-8888-8888-8880", rUrl.getSource().retrieveSourcePath());
use of org.orcid.jaxb.model.v3.dev1.record.ResearcherUrls in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.
the class PublicAPISecurityManagerV3Test method getResearcherUrlsElement.
private ResearcherUrls getResearcherUrlsElement(Visibility... vs) {
ResearcherUrls elements = new ResearcherUrls();
for (Visibility v : vs) {
ResearcherUrl element = new ResearcherUrl();
if (elements.getResearcherUrls() == null) {
elements.setResearcherUrls(new ArrayList<ResearcherUrl>());
return elements;