use of org.osate.aadl2.FeatureGroupPrototypeActual in project osate2 by osate.
the class FeatureReferenceBindingType method loadBindingData.
// Populate the model's data structure based on the specified bindings
protected void loadBindingData(final PrototypeBindingsModelNode parent, final Collection<PrototypeBinding> bindings) {
for (final PrototypeBinding b : bindings) {
// Create a new node for the binding
PrototypeBindingsModelNode newChild = new PrototypeBindingsModelNode(parent, b);
// Ignore null bindings
if (b == null) {
} else if (b instanceof ComponentPrototypeBinding) {
final List<ComponentPrototypeActual> actuals = ((ComponentPrototypeBinding) b).getActuals();
// If the actual specified multiple values, flag the model as having an unsupported value
if (actuals.size() == 1) {
final ComponentPrototypeActual actual = actuals.get(0);
if (actual != null) {
setNodeDataClassifier(newChild, actual.getSubcomponentType());
loadBindingData(newChild, actual.getBindings());
} else {
unsupportedValue = true;
} else if (b instanceof FeatureGroupPrototypeBinding) {
final FeatureGroupPrototypeActual actual = ((FeatureGroupPrototypeBinding) b).getActual();
if (actual != null) {
setNodeDataClassifier(newChild, actual.getFeatureType());
loadBindingData(newChild, actual.getBindings());
} else if (b instanceof FeaturePrototypeBinding) {
final FeaturePrototypeActual actual = ((FeaturePrototypeBinding) b).getActual();
// Populate data based on the type of actual
if (actual == null) {
} else if (actual instanceof AccessSpecification) {
final AccessSpecification as = (AccessSpecification) actual;
data(newChild).direction = as.getKind();
data(newChild).type = new AccessSpecificationBindingType(as.getCategory());
setNodeDataClassifier(newChild, as.getClassifier());
} else if (actual instanceof FeaturePrototypeReference) {
final FeaturePrototypeReference fpr = (FeaturePrototypeReference) actual;
data(newChild).direction = fpr.getDirection();
data(newChild).type = new FeatureReferenceBindingType();
setNodeDataClassifier(newChild, fpr.getPrototype());
} else if (actual instanceof PortSpecification) {
final PortSpecification ps = (PortSpecification) actual;
data(newChild).direction = ps.getDirection();
data(newChild).type = new PortSpecificationBindingType(ps.getCategory());
setNodeDataClassifier(newChild, ps.getClassifier());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled feature prototype actual type: " + actual);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled prototype binding type: " + b);
use of org.osate.aadl2.FeatureGroupPrototypeActual in project osate2 by osate.
the class ResolvePrototypeUtil method resolvePrototype.
* Find the binding for a given prototype.
* @param proto the prototype to resolve
* @param context the context of the entity in which the prototype is used, e.g., a
* ComponentType, ComponentImplementation, FeatureGroupType, Subcomponent
* @return The binding that assigns the value to the prototype relative to
* its usage context.
public static PrototypeBinding resolvePrototype(Prototype proto, Element context) {
PrototypeBinding result = null;
if (context instanceof Classifier) {
Classifier impl = (Classifier) context;
result = impl.lookupPrototypeBinding(proto);
} else if (context instanceof Subcomponent) {
Subcomponent parentSub = (Subcomponent) context;
result = parentSub.lookupPrototypeBinding(proto);
if (result == null) {
result = resolvePrototype(proto, parentSub.getAllClassifier());
} else if (context instanceof ContainmentPathElement) {
result = resolvePrototypeInContainmentPath(proto, (ContainmentPathElement) context);
} else if (context instanceof FeatureGroupPrototypeActual) {
final FeatureGroupPrototypeActual fgpa = (FeatureGroupPrototypeActual) context;
for (final PrototypeBinding binding : fgpa.getBindings()) {
if (binding.getFormal() == proto) {
result = binding;
// }
return result;
use of org.osate.aadl2.FeatureGroupPrototypeActual in project osate2 by osate.
the class ResolvePrototypeUtil method resolveFeatureGroupPrototype.
* Find the binding for a given feature group prototype.
* @param proto the prototype to resolve
* @param context the context of the feature group in which the prototype is used, e.g., a
* ComponentType, FeatureGroupType, ContainmentPathElement
* @return The feature group prototype actual the prototype is bound to.
public static FeatureGroupType resolveFeatureGroupPrototype(FeatureGroupPrototype proto, Element context) {
FeatureGroupPrototypeBinding fgpb = (FeatureGroupPrototypeBinding) resolvePrototype(proto, context);
if (fgpb == null) {
// look for constraining classifier
FeatureGroupPrototype refinedPrototype = proto;
while (refinedPrototype.getConstrainingFeatureGroupType() != null && refinedPrototype.getRefined() instanceof FeatureGroupPrototype) {
refinedPrototype = (FeatureGroupPrototype) refinedPrototype.getRefined();
if (refinedPrototype.getConstrainingFeatureGroupType() != null) {
return refinedPrototype.getConstrainingFeatureGroupType();
} else {
return null;
FeatureGroupPrototypeActual actual = fgpb.getActual();
if (actual.getFeatureType() instanceof FeatureGroupType) {
return (FeatureGroupType) actual.getFeatureType();
} else {
if (actual.getFeatureType() instanceof Prototype && context instanceof ContainmentPathElement) {
// resolve recursively if we are in a containment path
return resolveFeatureGroupPrototype((FeatureGroupPrototype) actual.getFeatureType(), getPrevious((ContainmentPathElement) context));
return null;
use of org.osate.aadl2.FeatureGroupPrototypeActual in project osate2 by osate.
the class Aadl2LinkingService method doGetLinkedObjects.
private List<EObject> doGetLinkedObjects(EObject context, EReference reference, INode node) throws IllegalNodeException {
NamedElement annex = AadlUtil.getContainingAnnex(context);
if (annex != null && !(reference == Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getModalElement_InMode())) {
String annexName = annex.getName();
if (annexName != null) {
if (annexlinkingserviceregistry == null) {
if (annexlinkingserviceregistry != null) {
AnnexLinkingService linkingservice = annexlinkingserviceregistry.getAnnexLinkingService(annexName);
if (linkingservice != null) {
return linkingservice.resolveAnnexReference(annexName, context, reference, node);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
final EClass requiredType = reference.getEReferenceType();
if (requiredType == null) {
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
final EClass cl = Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getClassifier();
final EClass sct = Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getSubcomponentType();
final String name = getCrossRefNodeAsString(node);
if (sct.isSuperTypeOf(requiredType) || cl.isSuperTypeOf(requiredType)) {
// XXX: this code can be replicated in Aadl2LinkingService as it is called often in the core
// resolve classifier reference
EObject e = findClassifier(context, reference, name);
if (e != null) {
// the result satisfied the expected class
return Collections.singletonList(e);
if (!(context instanceof Generalization) && sct.isSuperTypeOf(requiredType)) {
// need to resolve prototype
Classifier containingClassifier = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context);
* This test was put here as a quick and dirty fix to a NullPointerException that was
* being thrown while typing up a component type renames statement. Need to figure out
* what we should really be doing for renames.
if (containingClassifier != null) {
EObject res = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context).findNamedElement(name);
if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getDataPrototype() == reference) {
if (res instanceof DataPrototype) {
return Collections.singletonList(res);
} else if (res instanceof ComponentPrototype) {
return Collections.singletonList(res);
return Collections.emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getFeatureClassifier().isSuperTypeOf(requiredType)) {
// prototype for feature or component, or data,bus,subprogram, subprogram group classifier
EObject e = findClassifier(context, reference, name);
if (Aadl2Util.isNull(e) && !(context instanceof Generalization) && !Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getComponentType().isSuperTypeOf(requiredType)) {
// look for prototype
e = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context).findNamedElement(name);
// TODO-phf: this can be removed if the FeatureClassifier class handles it
if (!(e instanceof FeaturePrototype || e instanceof ComponentPrototype)) {
e = null;
if (e != null && requiredType.isSuperTypeOf(e.eClass())) {
return Collections.singletonList(e);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getFeaturePrototype() == requiredType) {
// look for prototype
EObject e = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context).findNamedElement(name);
// TODO-phf: this can be removed if the FeatureClassifier class handles it
if (e instanceof FeaturePrototype) {
return Collections.singletonList(e);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getConnectionEnd() == requiredType) {
// resolve connection end
ConnectionEnd ce = null;
if (context.eContainer() instanceof ConnectedElement) {
ConnectedElement contextParent = (ConnectedElement) context.eContainer();
if (contextParent.getConnectionEnd() instanceof FeatureGroup) {
ce = findElementInContext(contextParent, (FeatureGroup) contextParent.getConnectionEnd(), name, ConnectionEnd.class);
} else {
ConnectedElement connectedElement = (ConnectedElement) context;
ce = findElementInContext(connectedElement, connectedElement.getContext(), name, ConnectionEnd.class);
if (ce != null) {
return Collections.singletonList((EObject) ce);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getTriggerPort() == requiredType) {
if (context instanceof ModeTransitionTrigger) {
ModeTransitionTrigger trigger = (ModeTransitionTrigger) context;
TriggerPort triggerPort = findElementInContext(trigger, trigger.getContext(), name, TriggerPort.class);
if (triggerPort != null) {
return Collections.singletonList((EObject) triggerPort);
return Collections.emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getPort().isSuperTypeOf(requiredType)) {
Classifier ns = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context);
if (context instanceof Feature) {
// component being extended
if (ns.getExtended() != null) {
ns = ns.getExtended();
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
// } else if (context instanceof ModeTransitionTrigger){
// // we are a mode transition trigger
// Context triggerContext = ((ModeTransitionTrigger)context).getContext();
// if (triggerContext instanceof Subcomponent){
// // look up the feature in the ComponentType
// ComponentType ct = ((Subcomponent)triggerContext).getComponentType();
// if (ct != null)
// ns = ct;
// }
// if (triggerContext instanceof FeatureGroup){
// // look up the feature in the FeaturegroupType
// FeatureGroupType ct = ((FeatureGroup)triggerContext).getFeatureGroupType();
// if (ct != null)
// ns = ct;
// }
EObject searchResult = AadlUtil.findNamedElementInList(ns.getAllFeatures(), name);
if (searchResult != null && searchResult instanceof Port) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getContext() == requiredType) {
// represents connection source/dest context as well as flowspec
// context
// also used in triggerport
EObject searchResult = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context).findNamedElement(name);
if (searchResult instanceof Context) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getCallContext() == requiredType) {
EObject searchResult = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context).findNamedElement(name);
if (searchResult != null && requiredType.isSuperTypeOf(searchResult.eClass())) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
searchResult = findClassifier(context, reference, name);
if (searchResult != null) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getCalledSubprogram() == requiredType) {
Classifier ns = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context);
EObject searchResult;
if (!(context instanceof SubprogramCall) || (context instanceof SubprogramCall && ((SubprogramCall) context).getContext() == null)) {
// first check whether it is a reference to a classifier
searchResult = findClassifier(context, reference, name);
if (searchResult != null && requiredType.isSuperTypeOf(searchResult.eClass())) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
// if it was a qualified component type name it would have been found before
if (name.contains("::")) {
// Qualified classifier should have been found before
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
// no package qualifier. Look up in local name space, e.g., subprogram access feature or subprogram subcomponent
searchResult = ns.findNamedElement(name);
if (searchResult != null && requiredType.isSuperTypeOf(searchResult.eClass())) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
// lets first find it in its context
if (context instanceof SubprogramCall) {
// we have a context
// lets set it and find the called subprogram
SubprogramCall callSpec = (SubprogramCall) context;
CallContext callContext = callSpec.getContext();
if (callContext instanceof ComponentType) {
// first try to find subprogram implementation
ComponentType ct = (ComponentType) callContext;
String implname = ct.getQualifiedName() + "." + name;
searchResult = findClassifier(context, reference, implname);
if (searchResult != null && searchResult instanceof ComponentImplementation) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
ns = (ComponentType) callContext;
} else if (callContext instanceof SubprogramGroupSubcomponent) {
ns = ((SubprogramGroupSubcomponent) callContext).getComponentType();
if (Aadl2Util.isNull(ns)) {
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (callContext instanceof SubprogramGroupAccess && ((SubprogramGroupAccess) callContext).getKind() == AccessType.REQUIRES) {
SubprogramGroupSubcomponentType sst = ((SubprogramGroupAccess) callContext).getSubprogramGroupFeatureClassifier();
if (sst instanceof Classifier) {
ns = (Classifier) sst;
if (Aadl2Util.isNull(ns)) {
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (callContext instanceof FeatureGroup) {
ns = ((FeatureGroup) callContext).getFeatureGroupType();
if (Aadl2Util.isNull(ns)) {
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
searchResult = ns.findNamedElement(name);
if (!Aadl2Util.isNull(searchResult) && requiredType.isSuperTypeOf(searchResult.eClass())) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
// it might be a component implementation. The type is already recorded in the context
if (callContext instanceof SubprogramType) {
String contextName = ((SubprogramType) callContext).getName();
searchResult = findClassifier(context, reference, contextName + "." + name);
if (!Aadl2Util.isNull(searchResult)) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getPrototype() == requiredType) {
// if context prototype then find in extension source (refined)
// prototype binding as context
EObject searchResult = null;
Classifier ns = null;
if (context.eContainer() instanceof Subcomponent) {
Subcomponent sub = (Subcomponent) context.eContainer();
ns = sub.getAllClassifier();
if (!Aadl2Util.isNull(ns)) {
searchResult = ns.findNamedElement(name);
} else if (context.eContainer() instanceof ComponentPrototypeActual) {
ComponentPrototypeActual cpa = (ComponentPrototypeActual) context.eContainer();
SubcomponentType subT = cpa.getSubcomponentType();
if (subT instanceof ComponentClassifier) {
searchResult = ((ComponentClassifier) subT).findNamedElement(name);
} else if (context.eContainer() instanceof FeatureGroupPrototypeActual) {
FeatureGroupPrototypeActual cpa = (FeatureGroupPrototypeActual) context.eContainer();
FeatureType subT = cpa.getFeatureType();
if (subT instanceof FeatureGroupType) {
searchResult = ((FeatureGroupType) subT).findNamedElement(name);
} else if (context.eContainer() instanceof ComponentImplementationReference) {
ns = ((ComponentImplementationReference) context.eContainer()).getImplementation();
if (!Aadl2Util.isNull(ns)) {
searchResult = ns.findNamedElement(name);
} else {
// If resolving a prototype binding formal, don't resolve to a local prototype. Go to the generals.
// We could be in a prototype refinement. Go to the generals so that we don't resolve to context.
ns = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context);
for (Iterator<Classifier> iter = ns.getGenerals().iterator(); searchResult == null && iter.hasNext(); ) {
searchResult =;
if (!Aadl2Util.isNull(searchResult) && searchResult instanceof Prototype) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getFlowElement() == requiredType) {
// look for flow element in flow segment
FlowSegment fs = (FlowSegment) context;
FlowElement flowElement = findElementInContext(fs, fs.getContext(), name, FlowElement.class);
if (flowElement != null) {
return Collections.singletonList((EObject) flowElement);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getEndToEndFlowElement() == requiredType) {
// look for flow element in flow segment
EndToEndFlowSegment fs = (EndToEndFlowSegment) context;
EndToEndFlowElement flowElement = findElementInContext(fs, fs.getContext(), name, EndToEndFlowElement.class);
if (flowElement != null) {
return Collections.singletonList((EObject) flowElement);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getModeTransition() == requiredType) {
// referenced by in modes
EObject searchResult = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context).findNamedElement(name);
if (searchResult != null && searchResult instanceof ModeTransition) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getModeFeature() == requiredType) {
// referenced by inmodes in connections and flows
EObject searchResult = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context).findNamedElement(name);
if (searchResult != null && searchResult instanceof ModeFeature) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getFlowSpecification() == requiredType) {
// refined flow spec
// referenced by flow implementation
// also referenced in flow elements in impl and etef
Classifier ns = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context);
if (context instanceof FlowSpecification) {
// we need to resolve a refinement
if (ns.getExtended() != null) {
ns = ns.getExtended();
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
EObject searchResult = ns.findNamedElement(name);
if (searchResult != null && searchResult instanceof FlowSpecification) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getEndToEndFlow() == requiredType) {
// refined flow spec
// referenced by flow implementation
// also referenced in flow elements in impl and etef
Classifier ns = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context);
if (context instanceof EndToEndFlow) {
// we need to resolve a refinement
if (ns.getExtended() != null) {
ns = ns.getExtended();
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
EObject searchResult = ns.findNamedElement(name);
if (searchResult != null && searchResult instanceof EndToEndFlow) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getConnection() == requiredType) {
// refined to, flow elements
Classifier ns = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context);
if (context instanceof Connection) {
// we need to resolve a refinement
if (ns.getExtended() != null) {
ns = ns.getExtended();
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
EObject searchResult = ns.findNamedElement(name);
if (searchResult != null && searchResult instanceof Connection) {
return Collections.singletonList(searchResult);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getFeatureType() == requiredType) {
// feature group type or prototype
FeatureGroupType fgt = findFeatureGroupType(context, name, reference);
if (Aadl2Util.isNull(fgt)) {
// need to resolve prototype
EObject res = AadlUtil.getContainingClassifier(context).findNamedElement(name);
if (res instanceof FeatureGroupPrototype) {
return Collections.singletonList(res);
} else {
return Collections.singletonList((EObject) fgt);
return Collections.<EObject>emptyList();
} else if (Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getArraySizeProperty() == requiredType) {
// reference to a property constant or property
// look for property definition in property set
List<EObject> result = findPropertyDefinitionAsList(context, reference, name);
if (result.isEmpty()) {
result = findPropertyConstant(context, reference, name);
return result;
} else {
List<EObject> res = super.getLinkedObjects(context, reference, node);
return res;