use of org.osate.aadl2.StringLiteral in project osate2 by osate.
the class ResoluteInterface method addParams.
private void addParams(FnCallExpr call, List<PropertyExpression> params) {
for (PropertyExpression p : params) {
if (p instanceof RealLiteral) {
RealExpr realval = ResoluteFactory.eINSTANCE.createRealExpr();
realval.setVal((RealLiteral) p);
} else if (p instanceof IntegerLiteral) {
IntExpr intval = ResoluteFactory.eINSTANCE.createIntExpr();
intval.setVal((IntegerLiteral) p);
} else if (p instanceof StringLiteral) {
StringExpr stringval = ResoluteFactory.eINSTANCE.createStringExpr();
stringval.setVal((StringLiteral) p);
} else if (p instanceof BooleanLiteral) {
BoolExpr boolval = ResoluteFactory.eINSTANCE.createBoolExpr();
boolval.setVal((BooleanLiteral) p);
} else if (p instanceof InstanceReferenceValue) {
Expr ref = createInstanceObjectReference(((InstanceReferenceValue) p).getReferencedInstanceObject());
use of org.osate.aadl2.StringLiteral in project osate2 by osate.
the class ResoluteInterface method executeResoluteFunctionOnce.
* invokes Resolute claim function on targetComponent or targetElement if not null.
* instanceroot is used to initialize the Resolute evaluation context.
* targetComponent is the evaluation context
* targetElement is the model element within the component instance or null.
* parameterObjects is a list of additional parameters of types RealLiteral, IntegerLiteral, StringLiteral, BooleanLiteral
* parameterObjects can be null or an empty list.
* The return value is an Issue object with subissues for the list of issues returned in the Resolute ClaimResult.
* If the proof fails then the top Issue is set to FAIL, if successful it is set to SUCCESS
public EObject executeResoluteFunctionOnce(EObject fundef, final ComponentInstance targetComponent, final InstanceObject targetElement, List<PropertyExpression> parameterObjects) {
FunctionDefinition fd = (FunctionDefinition) fundef;
EvaluationContext context = new EvaluationContext(targetComponent, sets, featToConnsMap);
// check for claim function
FnCallExpr fcncall = createWrapperFunctionCall(fd, targetElement, parameterObjects);
if (fcncall != null) {
// if (fcncall.getFn().getBody() instanceof ClaimBody) {
// using com.rockwellcollins.atc.resolute.analysis.results.ClaimResult
ResoluteProver prover = new ResoluteProver(context) {
protected ResoluteEvaluator createResoluteEvaluator() {
return new ResoluteEvaluator(context, varStack.peek()) {
public ResoluteValue caseThisExpr(ThisExpr object) {
// We prepare a thisexpr with either the component instance as context object or a single reference to a model element
// See createWrapperFunctionCall
NamedElement curr = context.getThisInstance();
if (object.getSub() != null) {
curr = object.getSub().getBase();
return new NamedElementValue(curr);
try {
ResoluteResult res = prover.doSwitch(fcncall);
return doResoluteResults(res);
} catch (ResoluteFailException e) {
return ResultUtil.createFailureResult(e.getMessage(), targetElement);
// } else {
// // computational function
// ResoluteEvaluator engine = new ResoluteEvaluator(context, null) {
// @Override
// public ResoluteValue caseThisExpr(ThisExpr object) {
// // We prepare a thisexpr with either the component instance as context object or a single reference to a model element
// // See createWrapperFunctionCall
// NamedElement curr = context.getThisInstance();
// if (object.getSub() != null) {
// curr = object.getSub().getBase();
// }
// return new NamedElementValue(curr);
// }
// };
// Object res = engine.doSwitch(fcncall);
// return null;
// }
} else {
return ResultUtil.createErrorDiagnostic("Could not find Resolute Function " + fd.getName(), fd);
use of org.osate.aadl2.StringLiteral in project osate2 by osate.
the class PropertyUtils method getValue.
* Returns the first property expression or abstract named element (
* EnumerationLiteral, Property, PropertyConstant, UnitLiteral) that matches
* to the given String object within the given ProperyExpression object.
* If the property expression doesn't exist, it returns {@code null}.
* @param pe the given ProperyExpression object
* @param toBeMatched the given String object
* @return the first matching property expression or abstract named element.
* otherwise return {@code null}
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException for other property values than:
* _ StringLiteral
* _ ListValue (recursion supported)
* _ ClassifierValue
* _ InstanceReferenceValue
* _ ComputedValue
* _ RecordValue (based on field matching)
* _ NamedValue (returns abstract named element)
public static Element getValue(PropertyExpression pe, String toBeMatched) {
Element tmp = null;
int id = pe.eClass().getClassifierID();
switch(id) {
case Aadl2Package.STRING_LITERAL:
StringLiteral sl = (StringLiteral) pe;
if (sl.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(toBeMatched)) {
return sl;
return null;
case Aadl2Package.LIST_VALUE:
ListValue lv = (ListValue) pe;
EList<PropertyExpression> pel = lv.getOwnedListElements();
for (PropertyExpression ownedPe : pel) {
tmp = getValue(ownedPe, toBeMatched);
if (tmp != null) {
return tmp;
return null;
case Aadl2Package.RECORD_VALUE:
RecordValue rv = (RecordValue) pe;
for (BasicPropertyAssociation bpa : rv.getOwnedFieldValues()) {
if (bpa.getProperty().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(toBeMatched)) {
return bpa.getValue();
return null;
case Aadl2Package.CLASSIFIER_VALUE:
ClassifierValue cv = (ClassifierValue) pe;
if (cv.getClassifier().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(toBeMatched)) {
return cv;
} else {
return null;
case Aadl2Package.REFERENCE_VALUE:
InstanceReferenceValue irv = (InstanceReferenceValue) pe;
if (irv.getReferencedInstanceObject().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(toBeMatched)) {
return irv;
} else {
return null;
case Aadl2Package.COMPUTED_VALUE:
ComputedValue cv = (ComputedValue) pe;
if (cv.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase(toBeMatched)) {
return cv;
} else {
return null;
case Aadl2Package.NAMED_VALUE:
NamedValue nv = (NamedValue) pe;
AbstractNamedValue anv = nv.getNamedValue();
if (anv instanceof NamedElement) {
NamedElement ne = (NamedElement) anv;
String name = ((NamedElement) anv).getName();
// Consider as a final node.
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(toBeMatched)) {
return ne;
} else if (// Or a structure.
ne instanceof Property) {
Property p = (Property) ne;
if (p.getDefaultValue() != null) {
tmp = getValue(p.getDefaultValue(), toBeMatched);
return tmp;
} else {
String msg = anv.getClass().getSimpleName() + " is not supported";
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg);
return null;
String msg = pe.getClass().getSimpleName() + " is not supported";
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg);
use of org.osate.aadl2.StringLiteral in project osate2 by osate.
the class ProgrammingProperties method getInitializeEntrypointSourceText.
public static Optional<String> getInitializeEntrypointSourceText(NamedElement lookupContext, Optional<Mode> mode) {
Property property = getInitializeEntrypointSourceText_Property(lookupContext);
try {
PropertyExpression value = CodeGenUtil.lookupProperty(property, lookupContext, mode);
PropertyExpression resolved = CodeGenUtil.resolveNamedValue(value, lookupContext, mode);
return Optional.of(((StringLiteral) resolved).getValue());
} catch (PropertyNotPresentException e) {
return Optional.empty();
use of org.osate.aadl2.StringLiteral in project osate2 by osate.
the class ProgrammingProperties method getTypeSourceName.
public static Optional<String> getTypeSourceName(NamedElement lookupContext, Optional<Mode> mode) {
Property property = getTypeSourceName_Property(lookupContext);
try {
PropertyExpression value = CodeGenUtil.lookupProperty(property, lookupContext, mode);
PropertyExpression resolved = CodeGenUtil.resolveNamedValue(value, lookupContext, mode);
return Optional.of(((StringLiteral) resolved).getValue());
} catch (PropertyNotPresentException e) {
return Optional.empty();