use of org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class GraphMLPropagateVertexStatusProvider method getStatusForVertices.
public Map<? extends VertexRef, ? extends Status> getStatusForVertices(final VertexProvider vertexProvider, final Collection<VertexRef> vertices, final Criteria[] criteria) {
final List<Criteria> criteriaList = Lists.newArrayList(criteria);
final LoopDetectionCriteria loopDetectionCriteria = Iterables.tryFind(criteriaList, c -> c instanceof LoopDetectionCriteria).transform(c -> (LoopDetectionCriteria) c).or(LoopDetectionCriteria::new);
// Build map from namespace to opposite vertices
final Multimap<String, VertexRef> oppositeVertices = HashMultimap.create();
for (final VertexRef sourceVertex : vertices) {
// Filter out loops
if (loopDetectionCriteria.contains(sourceVertex)) {
LOG.error("Loop detected with: {}:{}", sourceVertex.getNamespace(), sourceVertex.getId());
for (VertexRef targetVertex : this.provider.getOppositeVertices(sourceVertex)) {
oppositeVertices.put(targetVertex.getNamespace(), targetVertex);
// Replace loop detection criteria with extended one
// Find and call status provider for each namespace and get result per opposite vertex
final Map<VertexRef, Status> targetStatuses = Maps.newHashMap();
try {
final Collection<ServiceReference<StatusProvider>> statusProviderReferences = this.bundleContext.getServiceReferences(StatusProvider.class, null);
for (final ServiceReference<StatusProvider> statusProviderReference : statusProviderReferences) {
try {
final StatusProvider statusProvider = bundleContext.getService(statusProviderReference);
for (final Map.Entry<String, Collection<VertexRef>> e : oppositeVertices.asMap().entrySet()) {
if (statusProvider.contributesTo(e.getKey())) {
targetStatuses.putAll(statusProvider.getStatusForVertices(this.provider.getGraphProviderBy(e.getKey()), e.getValue(), criteriaList.toArray(new Criteria[0])));
} finally {
} catch (final InvalidSyntaxException e) {
// Merge statuses from targets to sources
final Map<VertexRef, GraphMLVertexStatus> statuses = Maps.newHashMap();
for (final VertexRef sourceVertex : vertices) {
GraphMLVertexStatus mergedStatus = new GraphMLVertexStatus();
for (VertexRef targetVertex : this.provider.getOppositeVertices(sourceVertex)) {
if (targetStatuses.containsKey(targetVertex)) {
mergedStatus = GraphMLVertexStatus.merge(mergedStatus, (GraphMLVertexStatus) targetStatuses.get(targetVertex));
statuses.put(sourceVertex, mergedStatus);
return statuses;
use of org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class SessionListenerRepository method getSessionListeners.
private List<SessionListener> getSessionListeners() {
final List<SessionListener> sessionListeners = new ArrayList<>();
try {
final ServiceReference[] references = context.getAllServiceReferences(SessionListener.class.getName(), null);
if (references != null) {
for (ServiceReference eachReference : references) {
Object service = context.getService(eachReference);
if (service == null)
sessionListeners.add((SessionListener) service);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
LOG.error("Error retrieving SessionListeners", e);
return sessionListeners;
use of org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException in project camel by apache.
the class CamelBlueprintHelper method getOsgiService.
public static <T> T getOsgiService(BundleContext bundleContext, Class<T> type, String filter, long timeout) {
ServiceTracker<T, T> tracker = null;
try {
String flt;
if (filter != null) {
if (filter.startsWith("(")) {
flt = "(&(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + type.getName() + ")" + filter + ")";
} else {
flt = "(&(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + type.getName() + ")(" + filter + "))";
} else {
flt = "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + type.getName() + ")";
Filter osgiFilter = FrameworkUtil.createFilter(flt);
tracker = new ServiceTracker<T, T>(bundleContext, osgiFilter, null);;
// Note that the tracker is not closed to keep the reference
// This is buggy, as the service reference may change i think
Object svc = tracker.waitForService(timeout);
if (svc == null) {
Dictionary<?, ?> dic = bundleContext.getBundle().getHeaders();
LOG.warn("Test bundle headers: " + explode(dic));
for (ServiceReference ref : asCollection(bundleContext.getAllServiceReferences(null, null))) {
LOG.warn("ServiceReference: " + ref + ", bundle: " + ref.getBundle() + ", symbolicName: " + ref.getBundle().getSymbolicName());
for (ServiceReference ref : asCollection(bundleContext.getAllServiceReferences(null, flt))) {
LOG.warn("Filtered ServiceReference: " + ref + ", bundle: " + ref.getBundle() + ", symbolicName: " + ref.getBundle().getSymbolicName());
throw new RuntimeException("Gave up waiting for service " + flt);
return type.cast(svc);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid filter", e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException in project graphdb by neo4j-attic.
the class OSGiExtensionLoader method loadExtensionsOfType.
public <T> Iterable<T> loadExtensionsOfType(Class<T> type) {
try {
System.out.println("Kernel: attempting to load extensions of type " + type.getName());
ServiceReference[] services = bc.getServiceReferences(type.getName(), null);
if (services != null) {
Collection<T> serviceCollection = new LinkedList<T>();
for (ServiceReference sr : services) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T service = (T) bc.getService(sr);
return serviceCollection;
} else {
return null;
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
System.out.println("Failed to load extensions of type: " + type);
return null;
use of org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException in project karaf by apache.
the class EncryptionSupport method getEncryption.
public Encryption getEncryption() {
if (encryption == null) {
Map<String, String> encOpts = new HashMap<>();
for (String key : options.keySet()) {
if (key.startsWith("encryption.")) {
encOpts.put(key.substring("encryption.".length()), options.get(key).toString());
encryptionPrefix = encOpts.remove("prefix");
encryptionSuffix = encOpts.remove("suffix");
boolean enabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(encOpts.remove("enabled"));
if (!enabled) {
if (debug) {
logger.debug("Encryption is disabled.");
} else {
String name = encOpts.remove("name");
if (debug) {
if (name != null && name.length() > 0) {
logger.debug("Encryption is enabled. Using service " + name + " with options " + encOpts);
} else {
logger.debug("Encryption is enabled. Using options " + encOpts);
// lookup the encryption service reference
ServiceReference[] encryptionServiceReferences;
try {
encryptionServiceReferences = bundleContext.getServiceReferences(EncryptionService.class.getName(), name != null && name.length() > 0 ? "(name=" + name + ")" : null);
int timeout = 0;
while (encryptionServiceReferences == null || encryptionServiceReferences.length == 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// nothing to do
encryptionServiceReferences = bundleContext.getServiceReferences(EncryptionService.class.getName(), name != null && name.length() > 0 ? "(name=" + name + ")" : null);
if (timeout == 40)
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The encryption service filter is not well formed.", e);
if (encryptionServiceReferences == null || encryptionServiceReferences.length == 0) {
if (name != null && name.length() > 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Encryption service " + name + " not found. Please check that the encryption service is correctly set up.");
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("No encryption service found. Please install the Karaf encryption feature and check that the encryption algorithm is supported.");
for (ServiceReference ref : encryptionServiceReferences) {
try {
EncryptionService encryptionService = (EncryptionService) bundleContext.getService(ref);
if (encryptionService != null) {
try {
encryption = encryptionService.createEncryption(encOpts);
if (encryption != null) {
} finally {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// continue
if (encryption == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No EncryptionService supporting the required options could be found.");
return encryption;