use of org.osgi.util.converter.TypeReference in project felix by apache.
the class SchematizerServiceTest method testTypeRules.
public void testTypeRules() {
Schema s = schematizer.type("MyDTO", "/embedded", new TypeReference<MyEmbeddedDTO2<String>>() {
}).type("MyDTO", "/embedded/value", String.class).schematize("MyDTO", new TypeReference<MyDTO3<MyEmbeddedDTO2<String>>>() {
Node embeddedNode = s.nodeAtPath("/embedded/value");
Node parentNode = s.parentOf(embeddedNode);
Node grandparentNode = s.parentOf(parentNode);
assertEquals("/", grandparentNode.absolutePath());
use of org.osgi.util.converter.TypeReference in project felix by apache.
the class SchemaBasedConverter method convertCollectionItemToDTO.
private <U> U convertCollectionItemToDTO(Object obj, Class<U> targetCls, Schema schema, String path) {
Node node = schema.nodeAtPath(path);
if (node.typeReference().isPresent()) {
TypeReference<U> tr = (TypeReference<U>) Util.typeReferenceOf(node.typeReference().get());
return converter.convert(obj).to(tr);
} else {
Type type = node.type();
// obj = converter.convert(val).to(type);
return null;
use of org.osgi.util.converter.TypeReference in project felix by apache.
the class SchematizerServiceTest method testSchematizeDTO.
public void testSchematizeDTO() {
Schema s = schematizer.schematize("MyDTO", new TypeReference<MyDTO>() {
Node root = s.rootNode();
assertNodeEquals("", "/", false, MyDTO.class, false, root);
assertEquals(4, root.children().size());
Node pingNode = root.children().get("/ping");
assertNodeEquals("ping", "/ping", false, String.class, true, pingNode);
Node pongNode = root.children().get("/pong");
assertNodeEquals("pong", "/pong", false, Long.class, true, pongNode);
Node countNode = root.children().get("/count");
assertNodeEquals("count", "/count", false, MyDTO.Count.class, true, countNode);
Node embeddedNode = root.children().get("/embedded");
assertEquals(3, embeddedNode.children().size());
assertNodeEquals("embedded", "/embedded", false, MyEmbeddedDTO.class, true, embeddedNode);
Node marcoNode = embeddedNode.children().get("/marco");
assertNodeEquals("marco", "/embedded/marco", false, String.class, true, marcoNode);
Node poloNode = embeddedNode.children().get("/polo");
assertNodeEquals("polo", "/embedded/polo", false, Long.class, true, poloNode);
Node alphaNode = embeddedNode.children().get("/alpha");
assertNodeEquals("alpha", "/embedded/alpha", false, MyEmbeddedDTO.Alpha.class, true, alphaNode);
Node sRoot = s.nodeAtPath("/");
assertNodeEquals("", "/", false, MyDTO.class, false, sRoot);
Node sPingNode = s.nodeAtPath("/ping");
assertNodeEquals("ping", "/ping", false, String.class, true, sPingNode);
Node sPongNode = s.nodeAtPath("/pong");
assertNodeEquals("pong", "/pong", false, Long.class, true, sPongNode);
Node sCountNode = s.nodeAtPath("/count");
assertNodeEquals("count", "/count", false, MyDTO.Count.class, true, sCountNode);
Node sEmbeddedNode = s.nodeAtPath("/embedded");
assertNodeEquals("embedded", "/embedded", false, MyEmbeddedDTO.class, true, sEmbeddedNode);
Node sMarcoNode = s.nodeAtPath("/embedded/marco");
assertNodeEquals("marco", "/embedded/marco", false, String.class, true, sMarcoNode);
Node sPoloNode = s.nodeAtPath("/embedded/polo");
assertNodeEquals("polo", "/embedded/polo", false, Long.class, true, sPoloNode);
Node sAlphaNode = s.nodeAtPath("/embedded/alpha");
assertNodeEquals("alpha", "/embedded/alpha", false, MyEmbeddedDTO.Alpha.class, true, sAlphaNode);
use of org.osgi.util.converter.TypeReference in project felix by apache.
the class SchematizerServiceTest method testGetParentNode.
public void testGetParentNode() {
Schema s = schematizer.schematize("MyDTO", new TypeReference<MyDTO>() {
Node embeddedNode = s.nodeAtPath("/embedded/marco");
Node parentNode = s.parentOf(embeddedNode);
Node grandparentNode = s.parentOf(parentNode);
assertEquals("/", grandparentNode.absolutePath());
use of org.osgi.util.converter.TypeReference in project felix by apache.
the class TypeConverter method convert.
* Convert a value to the given type
* @param value The value
* @param typeInfo Optional type info, might be {@code null}
* @return The converted value or {@code null} if the conversion failed.
* @throws IOException If an error happens
public Object convert(final String pid, final Object value, final String typeInfo) throws IOException {
if (typeInfo == null) {
if (value instanceof String || value instanceof Boolean) {
return value;
} else if (value instanceof Long || value instanceof Double) {
return value;
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
return ((Integer) value).longValue();
} else if (value instanceof Short) {
return ((Short) value).longValue();
} else if (value instanceof Byte) {
return ((Byte) value).longValue();
} else if (value instanceof Float) {
return ((Float) value).doubleValue();
if (value instanceof List) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Object> list = (List<Object>) value;
if (list.isEmpty()) {
return new String[0];
final Object firstObject = list.get(0);
boolean hasListOrMap = false;
for (final Object v : list) {
if (v instanceof List || v instanceof Map) {
hasListOrMap = true;
Object convertedValue = null;
if (!hasListOrMap) {
if (firstObject instanceof Boolean) {
convertedValue = getConverter().convert(list).defaultValue(null).to(Boolean[].class);
} else if (firstObject instanceof Long || firstObject instanceof Integer || firstObject instanceof Byte || firstObject instanceof Short) {
convertedValue = getConverter().convert(list).defaultValue(null).to(Long[].class);
} else if (firstObject instanceof Double || firstObject instanceof Float) {
convertedValue = getConverter().convert(list).defaultValue(null).to(Double[].class);
if (convertedValue == null) {
convertedValue = getConverter().convert(list).defaultValue(null).to(String[].class);
return convertedValue;
return null;
// binary
if ("binary".equals(typeInfo)) {
if (provider == null) {
throw new IOException("Binary files only allowed within a bundle");
final String path = getConverter().convert(value).defaultValue(null).to(String.class);
if (path == null) {
throw new IOException("Invalid path for binary property: " + value);
final File filePath;
try {
filePath = BinUtil.extractFile(provider, pid, path);
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new IOException("Unable to read " + path + " in bundle " + provider.getIdentifier() + " for pid " + pid + " and write to " + BinUtil.binDirectory + " : " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
if (filePath == null) {
throw new IOException("Entry " + path + " not found in bundle " + provider.getIdentifier());
return filePath.getAbsolutePath();
} else if ("binary[]".equals(typeInfo)) {
if (provider == null) {
throw new IOException("Binary files only allowed within a bundle");
final String[] paths = getConverter().convert(value).defaultValue(null).to(String[].class);
if (paths == null) {
throw new IOException("Invalid paths for binary[] property: " + value);
final String[] filePaths = new String[paths.length];
int i = 0;
while (i < paths.length) {
final File filePath;
try {
filePath = BinUtil.extractFile(provider, pid, paths[i]);
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new IOException("Unable to read " + paths[i] + " in bundle " + provider.getIdentifier() + " for pid " + pid + " and write to " + BinUtil.binDirectory + " : " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
if (filePath == null) {
throw new IOException("Entry " + paths[i] + " not found in bundle " + provider.getIdentifier());
filePaths[i] = filePath.getAbsolutePath();
return filePaths;
final Class<?> typeClass = TYPE_MAP.get(typeInfo);
if (typeClass != null) {
return getConverter().convert(value).defaultValue(null).to(typeClass);
// Collections of scalar types
if ("Collection<String>".equals(typeInfo)) {
return getConverter().convert(value).defaultValue(null).to(new TypeReference<ArrayList<String>>() {
} else if ("Collection<Integer>".equals(typeInfo)) {
return getConverter().convert(value).defaultValue(null).to(new TypeReference<ArrayList<Integer>>() {
} else if ("Collection<Long>".equals(typeInfo)) {
return getConverter().convert(value).defaultValue(null).to(new TypeReference<ArrayList<Long>>() {
} else if ("Collection<Float>".equals(typeInfo)) {
return getConverter().convert(value).defaultValue(null).to(new TypeReference<ArrayList<Float>>() {
} else if ("Collection<Double>".equals(typeInfo)) {
return getConverter().convert(value).defaultValue(null).to(new TypeReference<ArrayList<Double>>() {
} else if ("Collection<Byte>".equals(typeInfo)) {
return getConverter().convert(value).defaultValue(null).to(new TypeReference<ArrayList<Byte>>() {
} else if ("Collection<Short>".equals(typeInfo)) {
return getConverter().convert(value).defaultValue(null).to(new TypeReference<ArrayList<Short>>() {
} else if ("Collection<Character>".equals(typeInfo)) {
return getConverter().convert(value).defaultValue(null).to(new TypeReference<ArrayList<Character>>() {
} else if ("Collection<Boolean>".equals(typeInfo)) {
return getConverter().convert(value).defaultValue(null).to(new TypeReference<ArrayList<Boolean>>() {
} else if ("Collection".equals(typeInfo)) {
if (value instanceof List) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Object> list = (List<Object>) value;
if (list.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
final Object firstObject = list.get(0);
boolean hasListOrMap = false;
for (final Object v : list) {
if (v instanceof List || v instanceof Map) {
hasListOrMap = true;
Object convertedValue = null;
if (!hasListOrMap) {
if (firstObject instanceof Boolean) {
convertedValue = getConverter().convert(list).defaultValue(null).to(new TypeReference<ArrayList<Boolean>>() {
} else if (firstObject instanceof Long || firstObject instanceof Integer || firstObject instanceof Byte || firstObject instanceof Short) {
convertedValue = getConverter().convert(list).defaultValue(null).to(new TypeReference<ArrayList<Long>>() {
} else if (firstObject instanceof Double || firstObject instanceof Float) {
convertedValue = getConverter().convert(list).defaultValue(null).to(new TypeReference<ArrayList<Double>>() {
if (convertedValue == null) {
convertedValue = getConverter().convert(list).defaultValue(null).to(new TypeReference<List<String>>() {
return convertedValue;
return getConverter().convert(value).defaultValue(null).to(ArrayList.class);
// unknown type - ignore configuration
throw new IOException("Invalid type information: " + typeInfo);