use of org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.exception.NotConnectedException in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class SchedulerFrontendState method getJobState.
synchronized JobState getJobState(JobId jobId) throws NotConnectedException, UnknownJobException, PermissionException {
checkPermissions("getJobState", getIdentifiedJob(jobId), YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_PERMISSION_TO_GET_THE_STATE_OF_THIS_JOB);
ClientJobState jobState = jobsMap.get(jobId);
ClientJobState jobStateCopy;
synchronized (jobState) {
try {
jobStateCopy = (ClientJobState) ProActiveMakeDeepCopy.WithProActiveObjectStream.makeDeepCopy(jobState);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error when copying job state", e);
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
return jobStateCopy;
use of org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.exception.NotConnectedException in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class SchedulerFrontendState method jobSubmitted.
synchronized void jobSubmitted(InternalJob job, UserIdentificationImpl ident) throws NotConnectedException, PermissionException, SubmissionClosedException, JobCreationException {
// put the job inside the frontend management list
jobs.put(job.getId(), new IdentifiedJob(job.getId(), ident, job.getGenericInformation()));
// increase number of submit for this user
// send update user event
usersUpdated(new NotificationData<UserIdentification>(SchedulerEvent.USERS_UPDATE, ident));, "submitted: name '" + job.getName() + "', tasks '" + job.getTotalNumberOfTasks() + "', owner '" + job.getOwner() + "'");
try {, job.display());
} catch (Exception e) {
jlogger.error(job.getId(), "Error while displaying the job :", e);
use of org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.exception.NotConnectedException in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class SelectionManager method doSelectNodes.
private NodeSet doSelectNodes(Criteria criteria, Client client) {
boolean hasScripts = criteria.getScripts() != null && criteria.getScripts().size() > 0;
boolean loggerIsDebugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled();
if (loggerIsDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug(client + " requested " + criteria.getSize() + " nodes with " + criteria.getTopology());
if (hasScripts) {
logger.debug("Selection scripts:");
for (SelectionScript s : criteria.getScripts()) {
if (criteria.getBlackList() != null && criteria.getBlackList().size() > 0) {
logger.debug("Black list nodes:");
for (Node n : criteria.getBlackList()) {
// can throw Exception if topology is disabled
TopologyHandler handler = RMCore.topologyManager.getHandler(criteria.getTopology());
int totalNumberOfAliveNodesRightNow = rmcore.getTotalAliveNodesNumber();
List<RMNode> freeNodes = rmcore.getFreeNodes();
// filtering out the "free node list"
// removing exclusion and checking permissions
List<RMNode> filteredNodes = filterOut(freeNodes, criteria, client);
if (filteredNodes.size() == 0) {
if (loggerIsDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug(client + " will get 0 nodes");
return new NodeSet();
// arranging nodes according to the selection policy
// if could be shuffling or node source priorities
List<RMNode> afterPolicyNodes = selectionPolicy.arrangeNodes(criteria.getSize(), filteredNodes, client);
List<Node> matchedNodes;
if (hasScripts) {
// checking if all scripts are authorized
// arranging nodes for script execution
List<RMNode> arrangedNodes = arrangeNodesForScriptExecution(afterPolicyNodes, criteria.getScripts(), criteria.getBindings());
List<RMNode> arrangedFilteredNodes = arrangedNodes;
if (criteria.getTopology().isTopologyBased()) {
arrangedFilteredNodes = topologyNodesFilter.filterNodes(criteria, arrangedNodes);
if (arrangedFilteredNodes.isEmpty()) {
matchedNodes = new LinkedList<>();
} else if (electedToRunOnAllNodes(criteria)) {
// run scripts on all available nodes
matchedNodes = runScripts(arrangedFilteredNodes, criteria);
} else {
// run scripts not on all nodes, but always on missing number of
// nodes
// until required node set is found
matchedNodes = new LinkedList<>();
while (matchedNodes.size() < criteria.getSize()) {
int numberOfNodesForScriptExecution = criteria.getSize() - matchedNodes.size();
if (numberOfNodesForScriptExecution < PAResourceManagerProperties.RM_SELECTION_MAX_THREAD_NUMBER.getValueAsInt()) {
// we can run
// "PAResourceManagerProperties.RM_SELECTION_MAX_THREAD_NUMBER.getValueAsInt()"
// scripts in parallel
// in case when we need less nodes it still useful to
// the full capacity of the thread pool to find nodes
// quicker
// it is not important if we find more nodes than needed
// subset will be selected later (topology handlers)
numberOfNodesForScriptExecution = PAResourceManagerProperties.RM_SELECTION_MAX_THREAD_NUMBER.getValueAsInt();
List<RMNode> subset = arrangedFilteredNodes.subList(0, Math.min(numberOfNodesForScriptExecution, arrangedFilteredNodes.size()));
matchedNodes.addAll(runScripts(subset, criteria));
// removing subset of arrangedNodes
if (arrangedFilteredNodes.size() == 0) {
if (loggerIsDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug(matchedNodes.size() + " nodes found after scripts execution for " + client);
} else {
matchedNodes = new LinkedList<>();
for (RMNode node : afterPolicyNodes) {
if (criteria.getTopology().isTopologyBased() && loggerIsDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Filtering nodes with topology " + criteria.getTopology());
NodeSet selectedNodes =, matchedNodes);
if (selectedNodes.size() < criteria.getSize() && !criteria.isBestEffort()) {
if (selectedNodes.getExtraNodes() != null) {
// the nodes are selected, now mark them as busy.
for (Node node : selectedNodes) {
try {
// Synchronous call
rmcore.setBusyNode(node.getNodeInformation().getURL(), client);
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
// client has disconnected during getNodes request
logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
// marking extra selected nodes as busy
if (selectedNodes.size() > 0 && selectedNodes.getExtraNodes() != null) {
for (Node node : new LinkedList<>(selectedNodes.getExtraNodes())) {
try {
// synchronous call
rmcore.setBusyNode(node.getNodeInformation().getURL(), client);
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
// client has disconnected during getNodes request
logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
String extraNodes = selectedNodes.getExtraNodes() != null && selectedNodes.getExtraNodes().size() > 0 ? " and " + selectedNodes.getExtraNodes().size() + " extra nodes" : ""; + " requested " + criteria.getSize() + " nodes with " + criteria.getTopology() + " and will get " + selectedNodes.size() + " nodes " + extraNodes + " [totalNumberOfAliveNodesRightNow:" + totalNumberOfAliveNodesRightNow + ";freeNodes:" + freeNodes.size() + ";filteredNodes:" + filteredNodes.size() + ";reordered after policy:" + afterPolicyNodes.size() + ";selection script present:" + hasScripts + ";nodes filtered by selection script:" + matchedNodes.size() + ";selectedNodes:" + selectedNodes.size() + "]");
if (loggerIsDebugEnabled) {
for (Node n : selectedNodes) {
return selectedNodes;
use of org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.exception.NotConnectedException in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class SchedulerStateRest method taskResultByTag.
* Returns the task results of the set of task filtered by a given tag and
* owned by the job <code>jobId</code>
* @param sessionId
* a valid session id
* @param jobId
* the id of the job
* @param taskTag
* the tag used to filter the tasks.
* @return the task results of the set of tasks filtered by the given tag.
public List<TaskResultData> taskResultByTag(@HeaderParam("sessionid") String sessionId, @PathParam("jobid") String jobId, @PathParam("tasktag") String taskTag) throws NotConnectedRestException, UnknownJobRestException, PermissionRestException {
try {
Scheduler s = checkAccess(sessionId, "jobs/" + jobId + "/tasks/" + taskTag + "/result");
List<TaskResult> taskResults = s.getTaskResultsByTag(jobId, taskTag);
ArrayList<TaskResultData> results = new ArrayList<TaskResultData>(taskResults.size());
for (TaskResult current : taskResults) {
TaskResultData r = buildTaskResultData(PAFuture.getFutureValue(current));
return results;
} catch (PermissionException e) {
throw new PermissionRestException(e);
} catch (UnknownJobException e) {
throw new UnknownJobRestException(e);
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
throw new NotConnectedRestException(e);
use of org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.exception.NotConnectedException in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class SchedulerStateRest method taskFullLogs.
* Returns full logs generated by the task from user data spaces if task was
* run using the precious logs option. Otherwise, logs are retrieved from
* the database. In this last case they may be truncated.
* @param sessionId
* a valid session id
* @param jobId
* the id of the job
* @param taskname
* the name of the task
* @return all the logs generated by the task (either stdout and stderr) or
* an empty string if the result is not yet available
public InputStream taskFullLogs(@HeaderParam("sessionid") String sessionId, @PathParam("jobid") String jobId, @PathParam("taskname") String taskname, @QueryParam("sessionid") String session) throws NotConnectedRestException, UnknownJobRestException, UnknownTaskRestException, PermissionRestException, IOException {
try {
if (sessionId == null) {
sessionId = session;
Scheduler scheduler = checkAccess(sessionId, "jobs/" + jobId + "/tasks/" + taskname + "/result/log/all");
TaskResult taskResult = scheduler.getTaskResult(jobId, taskname);
if (taskResult != null) {
JobState jobState = scheduler.getJobState(taskResult.getTaskId().getJobId());
boolean hasPreciousLogs = false;
for (Task task : jobState.getTasks()) {
if (task.getName().equals(taskname)) {
hasPreciousLogs = task.isPreciousLogs();
if (hasPreciousLogs) {
return retrieveTaskLogsUsingDataspaces(sessionId, jobId, taskResult.getTaskId());
} else {
logger.warn("Retrieving truncated logs for task '" + taskname + "'");
return IOUtils.toInputStream(retrieveTaskLogsUsingDatabase(sessionId, jobId, taskname));
} else {
return null;
} catch (PermissionException e) {
throw new PermissionRestException(e);
} catch (UnknownJobException e) {
throw new UnknownJobRestException(e);
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
throw new NotConnectedRestException(e);
} catch (UnknownTaskException e) {
throw new UnknownTaskRestException(e);