use of org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.frontend.ResourceManager in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class AddGetDownRemoveTest method action.
public void action() throws Exception {
// The username and thr password must be the same a used to connect to the RM
final ResourceManager rm = rmHelper.getResourceManager();
// All accounting values are checked through JMX
final RMAuthentication auth = rmHelper.getRMAuth();
final PublicKey pubKey = auth.getPublicKey();
final Credentials adminCreds = Credentials.createCredentials(new CredData(TestUsers.TEST.username, TestUsers.TEST.password), pubKey);
final JMXServiceURL jmxRmiServiceURL = new JMXServiceURL(auth.getJMXConnectorURL(JMXTransportProtocol.RMI));
final HashMap<String, Object> env = new HashMap<>(1);
env.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, new Object[] { TestUsers.TEST.username, adminCreds });
// Connect to the JMX RMI Connector Server
final ObjectName myAccountMBeanName = new ObjectName(RMJMXBeans.MYACCOUNT_MBEAN_NAME);
final ObjectName managementMBeanName = new ObjectName(RMJMXBeans.MANAGEMENT_MBEAN_NAME);
final JMXConnector jmxConnector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(jmxRmiServiceURL, env);
final MBeanServerConnection conn = jmxConnector.getMBeanServerConnection();
long usedNodeTime = (Long) conn.getAttribute(myAccountMBeanName, "UsedNodeTime");
// 1) ADD
final String name = "AddGetDownRemoveTest";
testNode = rmHelper.createNode(name);
Node node = testNode.getNode();
final String nodeURL = node.getNodeInformation().getURL();
rmHelper.waitForNodeSourceEvent(RMEventType.NODESOURCE_CREATED, NodeSource.DEFAULT);
rm.setNodeSourcePingFrequency(5000, NodeSource.DEFAULT);
// wait for node from configuring to free
rmHelper.waitForNodeEvent(RMEventType.NODE_ADDED, nodeURL);
rmHelper.waitForNodeEvent(RMEventType.NODE_STATE_CHANGED, nodeURL);
// 2) GET the same node
final long beforeGetTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
node = rm.getNodes(new Criteria(1)).get(0);
// Sleep a certain amount of time that will be the minimum amount of the GET->RELEASE duration
// 3) Kill the node to ensure that the RM considers it as being DOWN
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
while (rm.nodeIsAvailable(nodeURL).getBooleanValue()) {
RMTHelper.log("Node is available " + nodeURL);
final long getDownMaxDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - beforeGetTime;
// 4) REMOVE
rm.removeNode(nodeURL, true).getBooleanValue();
// Refresh the account manager
conn.invoke(managementMBeanName, "clearAccoutingCache", null, null);
// Check account values validity
usedNodeTime = (Long) conn.getAttribute(myAccountMBeanName, "UsedNodeTime") - usedNodeTime;
Assert.assertTrue("Invalid value of the usedNodeTime attribute : " + usedNodeTime + " while expected is " + GR_DURATION, (usedNodeTime >= GR_DURATION) && (usedNodeTime <= getDownMaxDuration));
use of org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.frontend.ResourceManager in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class AddGetTest method action.
* Test function.
* @throws Exception
public void action() throws Exception {
final ResourceManager rm = rmHelper.getResourceManager();
// The username and thr password must be the same a used to connect to the RM
final String adminLogin = TestUsers.TEST.username;
final String adminPassword = TestUsers.TEST.password;
// All accounting values are checked through JMX
final RMAuthentication auth = (RMAuthentication) rmHelper.getRMAuth();
final PublicKey pubKey = auth.getPublicKey();
final Credentials adminCreds = Credentials.createCredentials(new CredData(adminLogin, adminPassword), pubKey);
final JMXServiceURL jmxRmiServiceURL = new JMXServiceURL(auth.getJMXConnectorURL(JMXTransportProtocol.RMI));
final HashMap<String, Object> env = new HashMap<>(1);
env.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, new Object[] { adminLogin, adminCreds });
// Connect to the JMX RMI Connector Server
final ObjectName myAccountMBeanName = new ObjectName(RMJMXBeans.MYACCOUNT_MBEAN_NAME);
final ObjectName managementMBeanName = new ObjectName(RMJMXBeans.MANAGEMENT_MBEAN_NAME);
final JMXConnector jmxConnector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(jmxRmiServiceURL, env);
final MBeanServerConnection conn = jmxConnector.getMBeanServerConnection();
// Tests on database
// (nodeprovider=demo)
// Ensure that no refreshes was done and all account values are correctly initialized
AttributeList atts = conn.getAttributes(myAccountMBeanName, new String[] { "UsedNodeTime", "ProvidedNodeTime", "ProvidedNodesCount" });
long usedNodeTime = (Long) ((Attribute) atts.get(0)).getValue();
long providedNodeTime = (Long) ((Attribute) atts.get(1)).getValue();
int providedNodesCount = (Integer) ((Attribute) atts.get(2)).getValue();
Assert.assertEquals("The accounts must not be refreshed automatically therefore the LastRefreshDurationInMilliseconds must be 0", (Long) 0l, (Long) conn.getAttribute(managementMBeanName, "LastRefreshDurationInMilliseconds"));
Assert.assertTrue("The usedNodeTime attribute must be 0", usedNodeTime == 0);
Assert.assertTrue("The providedNodeTime attribute must be 0", providedNodeTime == 0);
Assert.assertTrue("The providedNodesCount attribute must be 0", providedNodesCount == 0);
// 1) ADD
final long beforeAddTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
testNode = rmHelper.createNode("test");
Node node = testNode.getNode();
final String nodeURL = node.getNodeInformation().getURL();
// we eat the configuring to free
// 2) GET
final long beforeGetTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
node = rm.getAtMostNodes(1, null).get(0);
// Sleep a certain amount of time that will be the minimum amount of the GET duration
// Refresh the account manager
conn.invoke(managementMBeanName, "clearAccoutingCache", null, null);
final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final long addRefreshMaxDuration = currentTime - beforeAddTime;
final long getRefreshMaxDuration = currentTime - beforeGetTime;
// Check account values validity
atts = conn.getAttributes(myAccountMBeanName, new String[] { "UsedNodeTime", "ProvidedNodeTime", "ProvidedNodesCount" });
usedNodeTime = (Long) ((Attribute) atts.get(0)).getValue();
providedNodeTime = (Long) ((Attribute) atts.get(1)).getValue();
providedNodesCount = (Integer) ((Attribute) atts.get(2)).getValue();
Assert.assertTrue("Invalid value of the usedNodeTime attribute", (usedNodeTime >= GR_DURATION) && (usedNodeTime <= addRefreshMaxDuration));
Assert.assertTrue("Invalid value of the providedNodeTime attribute", (providedNodeTime >= usedNodeTime) && (providedNodeTime <= getRefreshMaxDuration));
Assert.assertTrue("Invalid value of the providedNodesCount attribute", (providedNodesCount == 1));
use of org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.frontend.ResourceManager in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class TestRMMonitoring method action.
public void action() throws Exception {
RMMonitorEventReceiver resourceManager = (RMMonitorEventReceiver) rmHelper.getResourceManager();
Set<String> nodesUrls = rmHelper.listAliveNodesUrls();
// we received all event as we are here
log("Test 1 - subscribing only to 'node remove' event");
resourceManager.addRMEventListener(rmHelper.getEventReceiver(), RMEventType.NODE_REMOVED);
String url = nodesUrls.iterator().next();
BooleanWrapper status = resourceManager.removeNode(url, true);
if (status.getBooleanValue()) {
rmHelper.waitForAnyNodeEvent(RMEventType.NODE_REMOVED, 10000);
log("Test 1 - success");
NodeSet ns = resourceManager.getAtMostNodes(5, null);
log("Got " + ns.size() + " nodes");
// must not receive "node busy" event
try {
rmHelper.waitForAnyNodeEvent(RMEventType.NODE_STATE_CHANGED, 2000);
fail("Must not receive this type of event");
} catch (ProActiveTimeoutException ex) {
log("Test 2 - success");
use of org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.frontend.ResourceManager in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class TestLocalInfrastructureStaticPolicy method action.
public void action() throws Exception {
String source1 = "Node_source_1";
ResourceManager resourceManager = rmHelper.getResourceManager();
log("Test 1 - creation/removal of empty node source");
resourceManager.removeNodeSource(source1, true);
log("ask to remove NS");
rmHelper.waitForNodeSourceEvent(RMEventType.NODESOURCE_REMOVED, source1);
log("NS removed");
String source2 = "Node_source_2";
log("Test 2 - creation/removal of the node source with nodes");
RMState s = resourceManager.getState();
assertEquals(defaultDescriptorNodesNb, s.getTotalNodesNumber());
assertEquals(defaultDescriptorNodesNb, s.getFreeNodesNumber());
// releasing some nodes
NodeSet ns = resourceManager.getAtMostNodes(defaultDescriptorNodesNb, null);
for (Node n : ns) {
// eat the freeToBusy event
resourceManager.removeNode(n.getNodeInformation().getURL(), true);
rmHelper.waitForNodeEvent(RMEventType.NODE_REMOVED, n.getNodeInformation().getURL());
assertEquals(0, resourceManager.getState().getTotalNodesNumber());
assertEquals(0, resourceManager.getState().getFreeNodesNumber());
resourceManager.removeNodeSource(source1, true);
log("ask to remove NS");
rmHelper.waitForNodeSourceEvent(RMEventType.NODESOURCE_REMOVED, source1);
log("NS removed");
log("Test 3 - several node sources");
assertEquals(2 * defaultDescriptorNodesNb, resourceManager.getState().getTotalNodesNumber());
assertEquals(2 * defaultDescriptorNodesNb, resourceManager.getState().getFreeNodesNumber());
resourceManager.removeNodeSource(source1, true);
// wait the n events of the n nodes removals of the node source
for (int i = 0; i < defaultDescriptorNodesNb; i++) {
// wait for the event of the node source removal
rmHelper.waitForNodeSourceEvent(RMEventType.NODESOURCE_REMOVED, source1);
resourceManager.removeNodeSource(source2, true);
for (int i = 0; i < defaultDescriptorNodesNb; i++) {
// wait for the event of the node source removal
rmHelper.waitForNodeSourceEvent(RMEventType.NODESOURCE_REMOVED, source2);
use of org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.frontend.ResourceManager in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class NodesRecoveryPropertyTest method restartRmAndCheckFinalState.
private void restartRmAndCheckFinalState(String rmConfigPath, boolean nodesShouldBeRecreated) throws Exception {
// restart RM
rmHelper = new RMTHelper();
// re-snapshot the RM state
RMMonitorEventReceiver resourceManagerMonitor = (RMMonitorEventReceiver) resourceManager;
List<RMNodeSourceEvent> nodeSourceEvent = resourceManagerMonitor.getInitialState().getNodeSourceEvents();
// the node source has been recovered on restart: we should have one node source with the same name
if (PAResourceManagerProperties.RM_NODES_RECOVERY.getValueAsBoolean()) {
// wait for nodes to be recreated if needed
if (nodesShouldBeRecreated) {
rmHelper.waitForAnyMultipleNodeEvent(RMEventType.NODE_STATE_CHANGED, NODE_NUMBER);
// the nodes should have been recovered too, and should be alive
Set<String> allNodes = resourceManagerMonitor.getState().getAllNodes();
Set<String> nodeSourceNames = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> aliveNodeUrls = resourceManager.listAliveNodeUrls(nodeSourceNames);
// the recovered nodes should be usable, try to lock/unlock them to see
BooleanWrapper lockSucceeded = resourceManager.lockNodes(allNodes);
assertThat(lockSucceeded).isEqualTo(new BooleanWrapper(true));
BooleanWrapper unlockSucceeded = resourceManager.unlockNodes(allNodes);
assertThat(unlockSucceeded).isEqualTo(new BooleanWrapper(true));