use of org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.descriptor.EligibleTaskDescriptor in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class LicenseSchedulingPolicy method removeFinishedTasks.
private void removeFinishedTasks(LinkedBlockingQueue<EligibleTaskDescriptor> eligibleTasksDescriptorsLicense) {
Iterator<EligibleTaskDescriptor> iter = eligibleTasksDescriptorsLicense.iterator();
EligibleTaskDescriptorImpl current_task;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
current_task = (EligibleTaskDescriptorImpl);
if (current_task.getInternal().getStatus().equals(TaskStatus.FINISHED)) {
use of org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.descriptor.EligibleTaskDescriptor in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class SchedulingMethodImpl method getRMNodes.
* Ask to the RM the given number of node resources.<br>
* If there is a problem with these task selection (such as bad selectionScript) this method
* will terminate the corresponding tasks and jobs. As the selection scripts contain errors, the task
* and its surrounding jobs must be stopped.
* @param neededResourcesNumber the number of resources to ask for (must be > 0).
* @param tasksToSchedule the task to be scheduled
* @return A nodeSet that contains at most 'neededResourcesNumber' available compatible resources.
* An empty nodeSet if no nodes could be found
* null if the their was an exception when asking for the nodes (ie : selection script has failed)
protected NodeSet getRMNodes(Map<JobId, JobDescriptor> jobMap, int neededResourcesNumber, LinkedList<EligibleTaskDescriptor> tasksToSchedule, Set<String> freeResources) {
NodeSet nodeSet;
if (neededResourcesNumber <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'neededResourcesNumber' must be greater than 0");
EligibleTaskDescriptor etd = tasksToSchedule.getFirst();
InternalJob currentJob = ((JobDescriptorImpl) jobMap.get(etd.getJobId())).getInternal();
InternalTask internalTask0 = currentJob.getIHMTasks().get(etd.getTaskId());
try {
TopologyDescriptor descriptor = null;
boolean bestEffort = true;
if (internalTask0.isParallel()) {
descriptor = internalTask0.getParallelEnvironment().getTopologyDescriptor();
bestEffort = false;
if (descriptor == null) {
logger.debug("Topology is not defined for the task " + internalTask0.getName());
if (descriptor == null) {
// descriptor is not defined, use default
descriptor = TopologyDescriptor.ARBITRARY;
try {
Criteria criteria = new Criteria(neededResourcesNumber);
// resolve script variables (if any) in the list of selection
// scripts and then set it as the selection criteria.
criteria.setScripts(resolveScriptVariables(internalTask0.getSelectionScripts(), internalTask0.getRuntimeVariables()));
criteria.setBindings(createBindingsForSelectionScripts(currentJob, internalTask0));
if (internalTask0.getRuntimeGenericInformation().containsKey(SchedulerConstants.NODE_ACCESS_TOKEN)) {
Collection<String> computationDescriptors = new ArrayList<>(tasksToSchedule.size());
for (EligibleTaskDescriptor task : tasksToSchedule) {
nodeSet = getRMProxiesManager().getUserRMProxy(currentJob.getOwner(), currentJob.getCredentials()).getNodes(criteria);
} catch (TopologyDisabledException tde) {
jlogger.warn(currentJob.getId(), "will be canceled as the topology is disabled");
schedulingService.simulateJobStartAndCancelIt(tasksToSchedule, "Topology is disabled");
return null;
// the following line is used to unwrap the future, warning when moving or removing
// it may also throw a ScriptException which is a RuntimeException
PAFuture.waitFor(nodeSet, true);
logger.debug("provided nodes " + nodeSet.size());
return nodeSet;
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
logger.warn("Failed to deserialize previous task variables before selection for task " + internalTask0.getId().toString(), e);
schedulingService.simulateJobStartAndCancelIt(tasksToSchedule, "Failed to deserialize previous task variables before selection for task " + internalTask0.getId().toString());
return null;
} catch (RMProxyCreationException e) {
logger.warn("Failed to create User RM Proxy", e);
// simulate jobs starts and cancel it
schedulingService.simulateJobStartAndCancelIt(tasksToSchedule, "Failed to create User RM Proxy : Authentication Failed to Resource Manager for user '" + currentJob.getOwner() + "'");
// leave the method by ss failure
return null;
use of org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.descriptor.EligibleTaskDescriptor in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class TaskResultCreator method extractTaskResultsAndMergeIntoMap.
private Map<String, byte[]> extractTaskResultsAndMergeIntoMap(SchedulerDBManager dbManager, EligibleTaskDescriptor eligibleTaskDescriptor, InternalJob job) {
Map<String, byte[]> mergedVariables = new HashMap<>();
int numberOfParentTasks = eligibleTaskDescriptor.getParents().size();
List<TaskId> parentIds = new ArrayList<>(numberOfParentTasks);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParentTasks; i++) {
// Batch fetching of parent tasks results
Map<TaskId, TaskResult> taskResults = new HashMap<>();
for (List<TaskId> parentsSubList : ListUtils.partition(new ArrayList<>(parentIds), PASchedulerProperties.SCHEDULER_DB_FETCH_TASK_RESULTS_BATCH_SIZE.getValueAsInt())) {
taskResults.putAll(dbManager.loadTasksResults(job.getId(), parentsSubList));
for (TaskResult taskResult : taskResults.values()) {
if (taskResult.getPropagatedVariables() != null) {
return mergedVariables;
use of org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.descriptor.EligibleTaskDescriptor in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class JobDescriptorImpl method restoreInErrorTasks.
public void restoreInErrorTasks() {
final Iterator<Entry<TaskId, EligibleTaskDescriptor>> iterator = eligibleTasks.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Entry<TaskId, EligibleTaskDescriptor> entry =;
TaskId taskId = entry.getKey();
EligibleTaskDescriptor task = entry.getValue();
if (((EligibleTaskDescriptorImpl) task).getInternal().getStatus() == TaskStatus.IN_ERROR) {
pausedTasks.put(taskId, task);
use of org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.descriptor.EligibleTaskDescriptor in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class JobDescriptorImpl method makeTree.
* Make a dependences tree of the job's tasks according to the dependence list
* stored in taskDescriptor.
* This list represents the ordered TaskDescriptor list of its parent tasks.
private void makeTree(InternalJob job) {
// create task descriptor list
for (InternalTask td : job.getITasks()) {
// if this task is a first task, put it in eligible tasks list
EligibleTaskDescriptor lt = new EligibleTaskDescriptorImpl(td);
if (isEntryPoint(td, job.getITasks())) {
eligibleTasks.put(td.getId(), lt);
if (td.getJoinedBranches() != null || td.getIfBranch() != null) {
branchTasks.put(td.getId(), lt);
allTasksWithTheirChildren.put(td, lt);
// now for each taskDescriptor, set the parents and children list
for (InternalTask td : job.getITasks()) {
if (td.getDependences() != null) {
TaskDescriptor taskDescriptor = allTasksWithTheirChildren.get(td);
for (InternalTask depends : td.getIDependences()) {
((EligibleTaskDescriptorImpl) taskDescriptor).addParent(allTasksWithTheirChildren.get(depends));
for (TaskDescriptor lt : taskDescriptor.getParents()) {
((EligibleTaskDescriptorImpl) lt).addChild(taskDescriptor);