use of org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.cmd.Command in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class FlatJobFactory method createNativeJobFromCommand.
* Creates a job from a String representing a native command to launch. So job in result is made
* of one native task.
* @param command a string representing an executable command to launch.
* @param jobName A String representing a name to give to the job, if null. default job name is made of
* {link FlatJobFactory#JOB_DEFAULT_NAME_PREFIX} + userName parameter.
* @param selectionScriptPath A Path to a file containing a selection script, or null if
* no script is needed.
* @param userName name of connected user that asked job creation, null otherwise. This parameter
* is just used for default job's name creation.
* @return a job object representing created job and ready-to-schedule job.
* @throws JobCreationException with a relevant error message if an error occurs.
public Job createNativeJobFromCommand(String command, String jobName, String selectionScriptPath, String userName) throws JobCreationException {
if (command == null || "".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {
throw new JobCreationException("Error, command cannot be null");
if (jobName == null) {
jobName = JOB_DEFAULT_NAME_PREFIX + userName;
Job nativeJob = new TaskFlowJob();
logger.debug("Job : " + nativeJob.getName());
try {
NativeTask t = createNativeTaskFromCommandString(command, "task1", selectionScriptPath);
((TaskFlowJob) nativeJob).addTask(t);
logger.debug("-> Task Name = " + t.getName());
logger.debug("-> command = " + t.getCommandLine() + "\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JobCreationException(e);
return nativeJob;
use of org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.cmd.Command in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class FlatJobFactory method createNativeJobFromCommandsFile.
* Create a job from a String representing file path, this text file contains native commands to launch
* Every line of the text file is taken and considered as a native command from which a native task is built,
* except lines beginning with {@link FlatJobFactory#JOB_DEFAULT_NAME_PREFIX} and empty lines.
* So job in result is made of several native tasks without dependencies.
* @param commandFilePath a string representing a text file containing native commands.
* @param jobName A String representing a name to give to the job. If null, default job name is made of
* {@link FlatJobFactory#JOB_DEFAULT_NAME_PREFIX} + userName parameter.
* @param selectionScriptPath a Path to a file containing a selection script, or null if
* no script is needed.
* @param userName name of connected user that asked job creation, null otherwise. This parameter
* is only used for default job's name creation.
* @return a job object representing created job and ready-to-schedule job.
* @throws JobCreationException with a relevant error message if an error occurs.
public Job createNativeJobFromCommandsFile(String commandFilePath, String jobName, String selectionScriptPath, String userName) throws JobCreationException {
if (jobName == null) {
jobName = JOB_DEFAULT_NAME_PREFIX + userName;
Job nativeJob = new TaskFlowJob();
logger.debug("Job : " + nativeJob.getName());
try {
File commandFile = new File(commandFilePath);
if (!commandFile.isFile()) {
throw new JobCreationException("Error occured during Job creation, " + "check that file " + commandFilePath + " exists and is a readable file");
String commandLine;
int task_number = 0;
ArrayList<String> commandList = new ArrayList<>();
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(commandFile))) {
while ((commandLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
commandLine = commandLine.trim();
if (!commandLine.startsWith(CMD_FILE_COMMENT_CHAR, 0) && !"".equals(commandLine)) {
if (commandList.size() == 0) {
throw new JobCreationException("Error occured during Job creation, " + "No any valid command line has been built from" + commandFilePath + "");
// compute padding for task number
int numberOfDigit = Integer.toString(commandList.size()).length();
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
for (String command : commandList) {
NativeTask t = createNativeTaskFromCommandString(command, "task_" + (nf.format(++task_number)), selectionScriptPath);
((TaskFlowJob) nativeJob).addTask(t);
logger.debug("-> Task Name = " + t.getName());
logger.debug("-> command = " + t.getCommandLine() + "\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JobCreationException(e);
return nativeJob;
use of org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.cmd.Command in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class FlatJobFactory method createNativeTaskFromCommandString.
* Creates a native task from a string representing a native command to execute.
* @param command a String representing a native command.
* @param taskName an eventual name for the task.
* @param selectionScriptPath path to an existing file containing a selection script code.
* @return a NativeTask object that can be put in a Job Object.
* @throws InvalidScriptException if an error occurs in definition of selection script
* from file path specified.
private NativeTask createNativeTaskFromCommandString(String command, String taskName, String selectionScriptPath) throws InvalidScriptException {
NativeTask desc = new NativeTask();
if (selectionScriptPath != null) {
SelectionScript script = new SelectionScript(new SimpleScript(new File(selectionScriptPath), null), true);
return desc;
use of org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.cmd.Command in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class RMCoreTest method testGetNodeByUrlIncludingDeployingNodesUnknownNodeUrl.
public void testGetNodeByUrlIncludingDeployingNodesUnknownNodeUrl() {
RMDeployingNode rmNode = new RMDeployingNode("node", mockedNodeSource, "command", new Client());
RMNode rmNodeFound = rmCore.getNodeByUrlIncludingDeployingNodes(rmNode.getNodeURL());
use of org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.cmd.Command in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class ForkedJvmTaskExecutionCommandCreator method createForkedJvmTaskExecutionCommand.
* Creates a command to start a task inside a java virtual machine.
* @param taskContext TaskContext object describing the task.
* @param forkEnvironmentScriptResult Result from a running fork environment script. If it is
* of instance {@link ForkEnvironmentScriptResult}, the script return
* variables will be used for the construction of the command.
* @param serializedContextAbsolutePath The serialized TaskContext object which will be read by the virtual
* machine to run the task.
* @return A List, empty if the TaskContext is null, otherwise filled with a command.
* @throws Exception If the {@link TaskContextVariableExtractor} could not extract all variables from the
* TaskContext.
public List<String> createForkedJvmTaskExecutionCommand(TaskContext taskContext, ScriptResult forkEnvironmentScriptResult, String serializedContextAbsolutePath) throws Exception {
if (taskContext == null) {
return new ArrayList<>(0);
Map<String, Serializable> variables = taskContextVariableExtractor.getAllVariables(taskContext);
String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");
ArrayList<String> jvmArguments = new ArrayList<>(1);
ForkEnvironment forkEnvironment = null;
if (taskContext.getInitializer() != null) {
forkEnvironment = taskContext.getInitializer().getForkEnvironment();
// set the task fork property so that script engines have a mean to know
// if they are running in a forked task or not
jvmArguments.add(PASchedulerProperties.TASK_FORK.getCmdLine() + "true");
configureLogging(jvmArguments, variables);
StringBuilder classpath = new StringBuilder("." + File.pathSeparatorChar);
if (!System.getProperty("java.class.path", "").contains("node.jar")) {
// in case the class path of the node is not built with the node.jar, we
// build the classpath with wildcards to avoid command too long errors on windows
for (String classpathEntry : OneJar.getClasspath()) {
if (forkEnvironment != null) {
for (String jvmArgument : forkEnvironment.getJVMArguments()) {
jvmArguments.add(VariableSubstitutor.filterAndUpdate(jvmArgument, variables));
for (String classpathEntry : forkEnvironment.getAdditionalClasspath()) {
classpath.append(File.pathSeparatorChar).append(VariableSubstitutor.filterAndUpdate(classpathEntry, variables));
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(forkEnvironment.getJavaHome())) {
javaHome = VariableSubstitutor.filterAndUpdate(forkEnvironment.getJavaHome(), variables);
List<String> prefixes = javaPrefixCommandExtractor.extractJavaPrefixCommandToCommandListFromScriptResult(forkEnvironmentScriptResult);
List<String> javaCommand = new ArrayList<>(prefixes.size() + 3 + jvmArguments.size() + 2);
javaCommand.add(javaHome + javaHomePostfixJavaExecutable);
return javaCommand;