Search in sources :

Example 26 with Type

use of org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.json.FieldMetaDataView.Type in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.

the class SchedulerStateRest method valueOfTaskResult.

 * Returns the value of the task result of task <code>taskName</code> of the
 * job <code>jobId</code> <strong>the result is deserialized before sending
 * to the client, if the class is not found the content is replaced by the
 * string 'Unknown value type' </strong>. To get the serialized form of a
 * given result, one has to call the following restful service
 * jobs/{jobid}/tasks/{taskname}/result/serializedvalue
 * @param sessionId
 *            a valid session id
 * @param jobId
 *            the id of the job
 * @param taskname
 *            the name of the task
 * @return the value of the task result
public Serializable valueOfTaskResult(@HeaderParam("sessionid") String sessionId, @PathParam("jobid") String jobId, @PathParam("taskname") String taskname) throws Throwable {
    Scheduler s = checkAccess(sessionId, "jobs/" + jobId + "/tasks/" + taskname + "/result/value");
    TaskResult taskResult = s.getTaskResult(jobId, taskname);
    return getTaskResultValueAsStringOrExceptionStackTrace(taskResult);
Also used : Scheduler(org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.common.Scheduler) TaskResult(org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.common.task.TaskResult) Path( Produces( GET( GZIP(org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.GZIP)

Example 27 with Type

use of org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.json.FieldMetaDataView.Type in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.

the class RMCore method executeScript.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public <T> List<ScriptResult<T>> executeScript(Script<T> script, String targetType, Set<String> targets) {
    // Depending on the target type, select nodes for script execution
    final TargetType tType = TargetType.valueOf(targetType);
    final HashSet<RMNode> selectedRMNodes = new HashSet<>();
    switch(tType) {
        case NODESOURCE_NAME:
            // If target is a nodesource name select all its nodes
            for (String target : targets) {
                NodeSource nodeSource = this.deployedNodeSources.get(target);
                if (nodeSource != null) {
                    for (RMNode candidateNode : this.allNodes.values()) {
                        if (candidateNode.getNodeSource().equals(nodeSource)) {
                            this.selectCandidateNode(selectedRMNodes, candidateNode);
        case NODE_URL:
            // If target is node url select the node
            for (String target : targets) {
                RMNode candidateNode = this.allNodes.get(target);
                if (candidateNode != null) {
                    this.selectCandidateNode(selectedRMNodes, candidateNode);
        case HOSTNAME:
            // If target is hostname select first node from that host
            for (String target : targets) {
                for (RMNode node : this.allNodes.values()) {
                    if (node.getHostName().equals(target)) {
                        this.selectCandidateNode(selectedRMNodes, node);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to execute script, unknown target type: " + targetType);
    // Return a ProActive future on the list of results
    return this.selectionManager.executeScript(script, selectedRMNodes, null);
// To avoid blocking rmcore ao the call is delegated to the selection
// manager ao and each node is unlocked as soon as the script has
// finished it's execution.
Also used : NodeSource(org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.NodeSource) RMNode(org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.rmnode.RMNode) TargetType(org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.utils.TargetType) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 28 with Type

use of org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.json.FieldMetaDataView.Type in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.

the class SSHInfrastructureV2 method configure.

 * Configures the Infrastructure
 * @param parameters
 *            parameters[4] : ssh server port parameters[5] : ssh username
 *            parameters[6] : ssh password parameters[7] : ssh private key
 *            parameters[8] : optional ssh options file parameters[9] : java
 *            path on the remote machines parameters[10] : Scheduling path on
 *            remote machines parameters[11] : target OS' type (Linux,
 *            Windows or Cygwin) parameters[12] : extra java options
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             configuration failed
public void configure(Object... parameters) {
    int index = 4;
    if (parameters == null || parameters.length < 12) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameters for infrastructure creation");
    try {
        this.sshPort = Integer.parseInt(parameters[index++].toString());
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("A valid port for ssh must be supplied");
    this.sshUsername = parameters[index++].toString();
    if (this.sshUsername == null || this.sshUsername.equals("")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("A valid ssh username must be supplied");
    this.sshPassword = parameters[index++].toString();
    this.sshPrivateKey = (byte[]) parameters[index++];
    if (this.sshPassword.equals("")) {
        if (this.sshPrivateKey.length == 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("If no password a valid private key must be supplied");
            this.sshPassword = null;
    this.sshOptions = new Properties();
    byte[] bytes = (byte[]) parameters[index++];
    if (bytes.length == 0) {
        this.sshOptions.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");
    } else {
        try {
            this.sshOptions.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not read ssh options file", e);
    this.javaPath = parameters[index++].toString();
    if (this.javaPath == null || this.javaPath.equals("")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("A valid Java path must be supplied");
    this.schedulingPath = parameters[index++].toString();
    if (this.schedulingPath == null || this.schedulingPath.equals("")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("A valid path of the scheduling dir must be supplied");
    // target OS
    if (parameters[index] == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target OS parameter cannot be null");
    OperatingSystem configuredTargetOs = OperatingSystem.getOperatingSystem(parameters[index++].toString());
    if (configuredTargetOs == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only 'Linux', 'Windows' and 'Cygwin' are valid values for Target OS Property.");
    persistedInfraVariables.put(TARGET_OS_OBJ_KEY, configuredTargetOs);
    this.javaOptions = parameters[index++].toString();
Also used : OperatingSystem(org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.utils.OperatingSystem) ByteArrayInputStream( IOException( Properties(java.util.Properties) PAResourceManagerProperties(

Example 29 with Type

use of org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.json.FieldMetaDataView.Type in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.

the class FileSystem method list.

public static ListFile list(FileObject fo, List<String> includes, List<String> excludes) throws FileSystemException {
    ListFile answer = new ListFile();
    List<String> dirList = Lists.newArrayList();
    List<String> fileList = Lists.newArrayList();
    List<String> fullList = Lists.newArrayList();
    List<FileObject> foundFileObjects = new LinkedList<>();
    if (isNullOrEmpty(includes) && isNullOrEmpty(excludes)) {
        fo.findFiles(Selectors.SELECT_CHILDREN, false, foundFileObjects);
    } else {
        FileSelector selector = new org.objectweb.proactive.extensions.dataspaces.vfs.selector.FileSelector(includes, excludes);
        fo.findFiles(selector, false, foundFileObjects);
    for (FileObject child : foundFileObjects) {
        FileType type = child.getType();
        FileName childName = child.getName();
        switch(type) {
            case FOLDER:
                if (!child.equals(fo)) {
                    // exclude root directory from the list
                    String relativePath = fo.getName().getRelativeName(childName);
            case FILE:
                String relativePath = fo.getName().getRelativeName(childName);
                throw new RuntimeException("Unknown : " + type);
    return answer;
Also used : LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) ListFile(org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.dataspace.dto.ListFile)

Example 30 with Type

use of org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.json.FieldMetaDataView.Type in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.

the class SetInfrastructureCommand method execute.

public void execute(ApplicationContext currentContext) throws CLIException {
    Map<String, PluginView> infrastructures = currentContext.getInfrastructures();
    if (infrastructures == null) {
        HttpGet request = new HttpGet(currentContext.getResourceUrl("infrastructures"));
        HttpResponseWrapper response = execute(request, currentContext);
        if (statusCode(OK) == statusCode(response)) {
            infrastructures = new HashMap<>();
            List<PluginView> pluginViewList = readValue(response, new TypeReference<List<PluginView>>() {
            }, currentContext);
            for (PluginView pluginView : pluginViewList) {
                infrastructures.put(pluginView.getPluginName(), pluginView);
        } else {
            handleError("Unable to retrieve known infrastructure types:", response, currentContext);
    if (infrastructures != null) {
        PluginView pluginView = infrastructures.get(infrastructureType);
        if (pluginView == null) {
            throw new CLIException(REASON_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, String.format("Unknown infrastructure type: %s", infrastructureType));
        ConfigurableFieldView[] configurableFields = pluginView.getConfigurableFields();
        if (configurableFields.length != infrastructureArgs.length) {
            throw new CLIException(REASON_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, String.format("Invalid number of arguments specified for '%s' type.", infrastructureType));
        QueryStringBuilder queryStringBuilder = new QueryStringBuilder();
        queryStringBuilder.add("infrastructureType", infrastructureType);
        for (int index = 0; index < configurableFields.length; index++) {
            ConfigurableFieldView cf = configurableFields[index];
            Type ft = cf.getMeta().type();
            if (FILEBROWSER.equals(ft) || CREDENTIAL.equals(ft)) {
                if ("".equals(infrastructureArgs[index])) {
                    String contents = "";
                    queryStringBuilder.add("infrastructureFileParameters", contents);
                } else {
                    String contents = FileUtility.readFileToString(new File(infrastructureArgs[index]));
                    queryStringBuilder.add("infrastructureFileParameters", contents);
            } else {
                queryStringBuilder.add("infrastructureParameters", infrastructureArgs[index]);
        currentContext.setProperty(SET_INFRASTRUCTURE, queryStringBuilder);
Also used : HttpResponseWrapper(org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.utils.HttpResponseWrapper) HttpGet(org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet) ConfigurableFieldView(org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.json.ConfigurableFieldView) QueryStringBuilder(org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.utils.QueryStringBuilder) Type(org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.json.FieldMetaDataView.Type) PluginView(org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.json.PluginView) CLIException(org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.cli.CLIException) List(java.util.List) File(


FileNotFoundException ( JobCreationException (org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.common.exception.JobCreationException)7 File ( XMLStreamException ( VerifierConfigurationException (org.iso_relax.verifier.VerifierConfigurationException)6 JobValidationException (org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.common.exception.JobValidationException)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 Path ( Produces ( TaskResult (org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.common.task.TaskResult)4 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 List (java.util.List)3 GET ( FileObject (org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject)3 GZIP (org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.GZIP)3 Scheduler (org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.common.Scheduler)3 SchedulerEventListener (org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.common.SchedulerEventListener)3 TaskFlowJob (org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.common.job.TaskFlowJob)3 KeyException (