use of org.pentaho.di.core.plugins.PluginRegistry in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class UpdateMetaTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws KettleException {
TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
Map<String, String> vars = new HashMap<String, String>();
vars.put("", "10");
umi = new UpdateMeta();
ud = new UpdateData();
PluginRegistry plugReg = PluginRegistry.getInstance();
String deletePid = plugReg.getPluginId(StepPluginType.class, umi);
stepMeta = new StepMeta(deletePid, "delete", umi);
Trans trans = new Trans(transMeta);
mockHelper = new StepMockHelper<>("Update", UpdateMeta.class, UpdateData.class);
Mockito.when(mockHelper.logChannelInterfaceFactory.create(Mockito.any(), Mockito.any(LoggingObjectInterface.class))).thenReturn(mockHelper.logChannelInterface);
upd = new Update(stepMeta, ud, 1, transMeta, trans);
List<String> attributes = Arrays.asList("schemaName", "tableName", "commitSize", "errorIgnored", "ignoreFlagField", "skipLookup", "useBatchUpdate", "keyStream", "keyLookup", "keyCondition", "keyStream2", "updateLookup", "updateStream", "databaseMeta");
Map<String, String> getterMap = new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("schemaName", "getSchemaName");
put("tableName", "getTableName");
put("commitSize", "getCommitSizeVar");
put("errorIgnored", "isErrorIgnored");
put("ignoreFlagField", "getIgnoreFlagField");
put("skipLookup", "isSkipLookup");
put("useBatchUpdate", "useBatchUpdate");
put("keyStream", "getKeyStream");
put("keyLookup", "getKeyLookup");
put("keyCondition", "getKeyCondition");
put("keyStream2", "getKeyStream2");
put("updateLookup", "getUpdateLookup");
put("updateStream", "getUpdateStream");
put("databaseMeta", "getDatabaseMeta");
Map<String, String> setterMap = new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("schemaName", "setSchemaName");
put("tableName", "setTableName");
put("commitSize", "setCommitSize");
put("errorIgnored", "setErrorIgnored");
put("ignoreFlagField", "setIgnoreFlagField");
put("skipLookup", "setSkipLookup");
put("useBatchUpdate", "setUseBatchUpdate");
put("keyStream", "setKeyStream");
put("keyLookup", "setKeyLookup");
put("keyCondition", "setKeyCondition");
put("keyStream2", "setKeyStream2");
put("updateLookup", "setUpdateLookup");
put("updateStream", "setUpdateStream");
put("databaseMeta", "setDatabaseMeta");
FieldLoadSaveValidator<String[]> stringArrayLoadSaveValidator = new ArrayLoadSaveValidator<String>(new StringLoadSaveValidator(), 5);
Map<String, FieldLoadSaveValidator<?>> attrValidatorMap = new HashMap<String, FieldLoadSaveValidator<?>>();
attrValidatorMap.put("keyStream", stringArrayLoadSaveValidator);
attrValidatorMap.put("keyLookup", stringArrayLoadSaveValidator);
attrValidatorMap.put("keyCondition", stringArrayLoadSaveValidator);
attrValidatorMap.put("keyStream2", stringArrayLoadSaveValidator);
attrValidatorMap.put("updateLookup", stringArrayLoadSaveValidator);
attrValidatorMap.put("updateStream", stringArrayLoadSaveValidator);
attrValidatorMap.put("databaseMeta", new DatabaseMetaLoadSaveValidator());
Map<String, FieldLoadSaveValidator<?>> typeValidatorMap = new HashMap<String, FieldLoadSaveValidator<?>>();
loadSaveTester = new LoadSaveTester(testMetaClass, attributes, new ArrayList<String>(), new ArrayList<String>(), getterMap, setterMap, attrValidatorMap, typeValidatorMap, this);
use of org.pentaho.di.core.plugins.PluginRegistry in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class DatabaseMeta method findDatabaseInterface.
* Search for the right type of DatabaseInterface object and return it.
* @param databaseTypeDesc
* the type of DatabaseInterface to look for (id or description)
* @return The requested DatabaseInterface
* @throws KettleDatabaseException
* when the type could not be found or referenced.
private static final DatabaseInterface findDatabaseInterface(String databaseTypeDesc) throws KettleDatabaseException {
PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();
PluginInterface plugin = registry.getPlugin(DatabasePluginType.class, databaseTypeDesc);
if (plugin == null) {
plugin = registry.findPluginWithName(DatabasePluginType.class, databaseTypeDesc);
if (plugin == null) {
throw new KettleDatabaseException("database type with plugin id [" + databaseTypeDesc + "] couldn't be found!");
return getDatabaseInterfacesMap().get(plugin.getIds()[0]);
use of org.pentaho.di.core.plugins.PluginRegistry in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class SwingGUIResource method getUniversalImageIcon.
private SwingUniversalImage getUniversalImageIcon(PluginInterface plugin) throws KettleException {
try {
PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();
String filename = plugin.getImageFile();
ClassLoader classLoader = registry.getClassLoader(plugin);
SwingUniversalImage image = null;
if (SvgSupport.isSvgEnabled() && SvgSupport.isSvgName(filename)) {
// Try to use the plugin class loader to get access to the icon
InputStream inputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(filename);
if (inputStream == null) {
inputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("/" + filename);
if (inputStream == null) {
inputStream = registry.getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename);
if (inputStream == null) {
inputStream = registry.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/" + filename);
if (inputStream == null) {
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(filename);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// Ignore, throws error below
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
SvgImage svg = SvgSupport.loadSvgImage(inputStream);
image = new SwingUniversalImageSvg(svg);
} finally {
if (image == null) {
filename = SvgSupport.toPngName(filename);
// Try to use the plugin class loader to get access to the icon
InputStream inputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(filename);
if (inputStream == null) {
inputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("/" + filename);
if (inputStream == null) {
inputStream = registry.getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename);
if (inputStream == null) {
inputStream = registry.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/" + filename);
if (inputStream == null) {
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(filename);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// Ignore, throws error below
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
BufferedImage bitmap =;
WaitingImageObserver wia = new WaitingImageObserver(bitmap);
image = new SwingUniversalImageBitmap(bitmap);
} finally {
if (image == null) {
throw new KettleException("Unable to find file: " + plugin.getImageFile() + " for plugin: " + plugin);
return image;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new KettleException("Unable to load image from file : '" + plugin.getImageFile() + "' for plugin: " + plugin, e);
use of org.pentaho.di.core.plugins.PluginRegistry in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class JavaScriptStringIT method testStringsPadCase.
* Test case for javascript functionality: lpad(), rpad(), upper(), lower().
public void testStringsPadCase() throws Exception {
// Create a new transformation...
TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
transMeta.setName("test javascript pad casing");
PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();
// create an injector step...
String injectorStepname = "injector step";
InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();
// Set the information of the injector.
String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId(StepPluginType.class, im);
StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta(injectorPid, injectorStepname, im);
// Create a javascript step
String javaScriptStepname = "javascript step";
ScriptValuesMetaMod svm = new ScriptValuesMetaMod();
ScriptValuesScript[] js = new ScriptValuesScript[] { new ScriptValuesScript(ScriptValuesScript.TRANSFORM_SCRIPT, "script", "var lpadded1 = lpad(string, \"x\", 10);\n" + "var lpadded2 = lpad(string, \" \", 9);\n" + "var rpadded1 = rpad(string, \"x\", 10);\n" + "var rpadded2 = rpad(string, \" \", 9);\n" + "var upperStr = upper(string);\n" + "var lowerStr = lower(string);\n") };
svm.setFieldname(new String[] { "lpadded1", "lpadded2", "rpadded1", "rpadded2", "upperStr", "lowerStr" });
svm.setRename(new String[] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "" });
svm.setType(new int[] { ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING });
svm.setLength(new int[] { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 });
svm.setPrecision(new int[] { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 });
svm.setReplace(new boolean[] { false, false, false, false, false, false, false });
String javaScriptStepPid = registry.getPluginId(StepPluginType.class, svm);
StepMeta javaScriptStep = new StepMeta(javaScriptStepPid, javaScriptStepname, svm);
TransHopMeta hi1 = new TransHopMeta(injectorStep, javaScriptStep);
// Create a dummy step
String dummyStepname = "dummy step";
DummyTransMeta dm = new DummyTransMeta();
String dummyPid = registry.getPluginId(StepPluginType.class, dm);
StepMeta dummyStep = new StepMeta(dummyPid, dummyStepname, dm);
TransHopMeta hi2 = new TransHopMeta(javaScriptStep, dummyStep);
// Now execute the transformation...
Trans trans = new Trans(transMeta);
StepInterface si;
si = trans.getStepInterface(javaScriptStepname, 0);
RowStepCollector javaScriptRc = new RowStepCollector();
si = trans.getStepInterface(dummyStepname, 0);
RowStepCollector dummyRc = new RowStepCollector();
RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer(injectorStepname, 0);
// add rows
List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createData2();
Iterator<RowMetaAndData> it = inputList.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
RowMetaAndData rm =;
rp.putRow(rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData());
List<RowMetaAndData> goldenImageRows = createResultData2();
List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows1 = javaScriptRc.getRowsWritten();
checkRows(resultRows1, goldenImageRows);
List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows2 = dummyRc.getRowsRead();
checkRows(resultRows2, goldenImageRows);
use of org.pentaho.di.core.plugins.PluginRegistry in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class SplitFieldToRowsIT method splitFieldToRows.
* Splits the "stringToSplit" with the passed "delimiter". The "delimiter" is assumed by this method to be a Kettle
* variable. The parameter "delimiterVariableValue" should contain the variables value.
* The "isDelimiterRegex" parameter will process the use regex for pattern matching if true.
* @param testName
* @param stringToSplit
* @param isDelimiterRegex
* @param delimiter
* @param delimiterVariableValue
* @return
* @throws Exception
private List<RowMetaAndData> splitFieldToRows(String testName, String stringToSplit, boolean isDelimiterRegex, String delimiter, String delimiterVariableValue) {
RowStepCollector rc = new RowStepCollector();
try {
// Create a new transformation...
TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
transMeta.setName("Split field to rows test");
PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();
// create an injector step...
String injectorStepname = "injector step";
InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();
// Set the information of the injector.
String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId(StepPluginType.class, im);
StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta(injectorPid, injectorStepname, im);
// Create a Split Field to Rows step
String splitfieldToRowsName = "Split field to rows";
SplitFieldToRowsMeta splitFieldtoRowsMeta = new SplitFieldToRowsMeta();
String splitFieldTotRowsPid = registry.getPluginId(StepPluginType.class, splitFieldtoRowsMeta);
StepMeta splitFieldToRows = new StepMeta(splitFieldTotRowsPid, splitfieldToRowsName, splitFieldtoRowsMeta);
// hop the injector to the split field to rows step
TransHopMeta hop_injector_splitfieldToRows = new TransHopMeta(injectorStep, splitFieldToRows);
// Create a dummy step
String dummyStepname = "dummy step";
DummyTransMeta dm = new DummyTransMeta();
String dummyPid = registry.getPluginId(StepPluginType.class, dm);
StepMeta dummyStep = new StepMeta(dummyPid, dummyStepname, dm);
TransHopMeta hop_SplitFieldToRows_Dummy = new TransHopMeta(splitFieldToRows, dummyStep);
if (!Utils.isEmpty(delimiterVariableValue)) {
String delimiterVariableName = delimiter.replace("${", "");
delimiterVariableName = delimiterVariableName.replace("}", "");
transMeta.setVariable(delimiterVariableName, delimiterVariableValue);
// Now execute the transformation...
Trans trans = new Trans(transMeta);
StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface(dummyStepname, 0);
RowProducer rowProducer = trans.addRowProducer(injectorStepname, 0);
// add rows
List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createData(stringToSplit);
for (RowMetaAndData rm : inputList) {
rowProducer.putRow(rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData());
} catch (KettleException e) {
fail("KettleEnvironment exception" + e.getMessage());
List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows = rc.getRowsWritten();
return resultRows;