use of org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mapping.MappingIODefinition in project pentaho-metaverse by pentaho.
the class BaseMappingAnalyzer method createLinks.
private void createLinks(final TransMeta subTransMeta, final StepWithMappingMeta meta) {
boolean renameFields = shouldRenameFields(meta);
final Map<String, String> fieldRenames = new HashMap();
// process input mappings
for (final MappingIODefinition inputMapping : meta.getInputMappings()) {
final Vertex inputSourceVertex = getInputSourceStepVertex(parentTransMeta, inputMapping);
final Vertex inputTargetVertex = getInputTargetStepVertex(subTransMeta, inputMapping);
final String inputTargetName = inputTargetVertex.getProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_NAME);
final List<MappingValueRename> renames = inputMapping.getValueRenames();
for (final MappingValueRename rename : renames) {
// This is deliberately target > source, since we are going to be looking up the target to rename back to the
// source
fieldRenames.put(rename.getTargetValueName(), rename.getSourceValueName());
// traverse output fields of the input source step
// for each field, if a rename exists, create a "derives" link from the field to the input target field with
// the name defined in the "Fieldname to mapping input step" column; otherwise create a "derives" link to a
// field with the same name
final Iterator<Vertex> inputSourceOutputFields = inputSourceVertex.getVertices(Direction.OUT, DictionaryConst.LINK_OUTPUTS).iterator();
while (inputSourceOutputFields.hasNext()) {
final Vertex inputSourceOutputField =;
final String inputSourceOutputFieldName = inputSourceOutputField.getProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_NAME);
// is there a rename for this field?
final MappingValueRename renameMapping = inputMapping.getValueRenames().stream().filter(rename -> inputSourceOutputFieldName.equals(rename.getSourceValueName())).findAny().orElse(null);
// if there is no rename for this field, we look for a field with the same name, otherwise we look for a field
// that is the target of the rename mapping ( defined within the "Fieldname to mapping input step" column);
// we look for this field within the sub-transformation and within the context of the input target step
final String derivedFieldName = renameMapping == null ? inputSourceOutputFieldName : renameMapping.getTargetValueName();
final Vertex derivedField = findFieldVertex(subTransMeta, inputTargetName, derivedFieldName);
// add an "inputs" link from the field of the input source step to the input target step
metaverseBuilder.addLink(inputSourceOutputField, DictionaryConst.LINK_INPUTS, inputTargetVertex);
if (derivedField == null) {
LOGGER.debug(Messages.getString("WARN.TargetInputFieldNotFound", meta.getName(), inputSourceVertex.getProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_NAME), inputSourceOutputField.getProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_NAME), subTransMeta.getName(), inputTargetName));
} else {
// add a "derives" link from the field of the input source step to the output field of the input target step
metaverseBuilder.addLink(inputSourceOutputField, DictionaryConst.LINK_DERIVES, derivedField);
// process output mappings
for (final MappingIODefinition outputMapping : meta.getOutputMappings()) {
final Vertex outputSourceVertex = getOutputSourceStepVertex(subTransMeta, outputMapping);
final List<Vertex> outputTargetVertices = getOutputTargetStepVertices(parentTransMeta, outputMapping);
// traverse output fields of the output source step
// for each field, if a rename exists, create a "derives" link from the field to the input target field with
// the name defined in the "Fieldname to mapping input step" column; otherwise create a "derives" link to a
// field with the same name
final Iterator<Vertex> outputSourceFields = outputSourceVertex.getVertices(Direction.OUT, DictionaryConst.LINK_OUTPUTS).iterator();
while (outputSourceFields.hasNext()) {
final Vertex outputSourceField =;
final String outputSourceFieldName = outputSourceField.getProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_NAME);
String derivedFieldName = outputSourceFieldName;
// is there a rename mapping for this field?
final MappingValueRename renameMapping = outputMapping.getValueRenames().stream().filter(rename -> outputSourceFieldName.equals(rename.getSourceValueName())).findAny().orElse(null);
// otherwise the derived field name is expected to be the same
if (renameMapping != null) {
derivedFieldName = renameMapping.getTargetValueName();
} else if (renameFields && fieldRenames.containsKey(outputSourceFieldName)) {
derivedFieldName = fieldRenames.get(outputSourceFieldName);
for (final Vertex outputTargetVertex : outputTargetVertices) {
final String outputTargetName = outputTargetVertex.getProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_NAME);
final Vertex derivedField = findFieldVertex(parentTransMeta, outputTargetName, derivedFieldName);
// add an "inputs" link from the field of the input source step to the input target step
metaverseBuilder.addLink(outputSourceField, DictionaryConst.LINK_INPUTS, outputTargetVertex);
if (derivedField == null) {
LOGGER.debug(Messages.getString("WARN.TargetInputFieldNotFound", meta.getName(), outputSourceVertex.getProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_NAME), outputSourceField.getProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_NAME), subTransMeta.getName(), outputTargetName));
} else {
// add a "derives" link from the field of the output source step to the output field of the output target step
metaverseBuilder.addLink(outputSourceField, DictionaryConst.LINK_DERIVES, derivedField);
// if the output target step has any virtual input fields that themselves aren't output by any step, remove
// them; these are the orphaned output steps of the mapping step that the base analyzer code wasn't able to
// resolve, and since the mapping step should not have any output fields, these can be removed
final List<Vertex> allOutputTargetInputFields = IteratorUtils.toList(outputTargetVertex.getVertices(Direction.IN, DictionaryConst.LINK_INPUTS).iterator());
for (final Vertex outputTargetInputField : allOutputTargetInputFields) {
if ("true".equals(outputTargetInputField.getProperty(DictionaryConst.NODE_VIRTUAL).toString())) {
// check further that this field does not have a containing step that outputs it
final Iterator<Vertex> parentSteps = outputTargetInputField.getVertices(Direction.IN, DictionaryConst.LINK_OUTPUTS).iterator();
boolean hasParent = false;
while (parentSteps.hasNext()) {
hasParent = true;
if (!hasParent) {
use of org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mapping.MappingIODefinition in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class SimpleMappingTest method setup.
public void setup() throws Exception {
stepMockHelper = new StepMockHelper<SimpleMappingMeta, SimpleMappingData>("SIMPLE_MAPPING_TEST", SimpleMappingMeta.class, SimpleMappingData.class);
when(stepMockHelper.logChannelInterfaceFactory.create(any(), any(LoggingObjectInterface.class))).thenReturn(stepMockHelper.logChannelInterface);
// Mock for MappingInput
MappingInput mpInputMock = mock(MappingInput.class);
// Mock for MappingOutput
MappingOutput mpOutputMock = mock(MappingOutput.class);
// Mock for RowDataInputMapper
RowDataInputMapper rdInputMpMock = mock(RowDataInputMapper.class);
RowMetaInterface rwMetaInMock = mock(RowMeta.class);
doReturn(Boolean.TRUE).when(rdInputMpMock).putRow(rwMetaInMock, new Object[] {});
// Mock for RowProducer
RowProducer rProducerMock = mock(RowProducer.class);
when(rProducerMock.putRow(any(RowMetaInterface.class), any(Object[].class), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(true);
// Mock for MappingIODefinition
MappingIODefinition mpIODefMock = mock(MappingIODefinition.class);
// Set up real SimpleMappingData with some mocked elements
simpleMpData.mappingInput = mpInputMock;
simpleMpData.mappingOutput = mpOutputMock;
simpleMpData.rowDataInputMapper = rdInputMpMock;
simpleMpData.mappingTrans = stepMockHelper.trans;
when(stepMockHelper.trans.findStepInterface(MAPPING_OUTPUT_STEP_NAME, 0)).thenReturn(mpOutputMock);
when(stepMockHelper.trans.addRowProducer(MAPPING_INPUT_STEP_NAME, 0)).thenReturn(rProducerMock);
use of org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mapping.MappingIODefinition in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class SimpleMappingMeta method readRep.
public void readRep(Repository rep, IMetaStore metaStore, ObjectId id_step, List<DatabaseMeta> databases) throws KettleException {
String method = rep.getStepAttributeString(id_step, "specification_method");
specificationMethod = ObjectLocationSpecificationMethod.getSpecificationMethodByCode(method);
String transId = rep.getStepAttributeString(id_step, "trans_object_id");
transObjectId = Utils.isEmpty(transId) ? null : new StringObjectId(transId);
transName = rep.getStepAttributeString(id_step, "trans_name");
fileName = rep.getStepAttributeString(id_step, "filename");
directoryPath = rep.getStepAttributeString(id_step, "directory_path");
// Backward compatibility check for object specification
inputMapping = new MappingIODefinition(rep, id_step, "input_", 0);
outputMapping = new MappingIODefinition(rep, id_step, "output_", 0);
mappingParameters = new MappingParameters(rep, id_step);
use of org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mapping.MappingIODefinition in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class SimpleMappingMeta method loadXML.
public void loadXML(Node stepnode, List<DatabaseMeta> databases, IMetaStore metaStore) throws KettleXMLException {
try {
String method = XMLHandler.getTagValue(stepnode, "specification_method");
specificationMethod = ObjectLocationSpecificationMethod.getSpecificationMethodByCode(method);
String transId = XMLHandler.getTagValue(stepnode, "trans_object_id");
transObjectId = Utils.isEmpty(transId) ? null : new StringObjectId(transId);
transName = XMLHandler.getTagValue(stepnode, "trans_name");
fileName = XMLHandler.getTagValue(stepnode, "filename");
directoryPath = XMLHandler.getTagValue(stepnode, "directory_path");
// Backward compatibility check for object specification
Node mappingsNode = XMLHandler.getSubNode(stepnode, "mappings");
if (mappingsNode == null) {
throw new KettleXMLException("Unable to find <mappings> element in the step XML");
// Read all the input mapping definitions...
Node inputNode = XMLHandler.getSubNode(mappingsNode, "input");
Node mappingNode = XMLHandler.getSubNode(inputNode, MappingIODefinition.XML_TAG);
if (mappingNode != null) {
inputMapping = new MappingIODefinition(mappingNode);
} else {
// empty
inputMapping = new MappingIODefinition();
Node outputNode = XMLHandler.getSubNode(mappingsNode, "output");
mappingNode = XMLHandler.getSubNode(outputNode, MappingIODefinition.XML_TAG);
if (mappingNode != null) {
outputMapping = new MappingIODefinition(mappingNode);
} else {
// empty
outputMapping = new MappingIODefinition();
// Load the mapping parameters too..
Node mappingParametersNode = XMLHandler.getSubNode(mappingsNode, MappingParameters.XML_TAG);
mappingParameters = new MappingParameters(mappingParametersNode);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new KettleXMLException(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "SimpleMappingMeta.Exception.ErrorLoadingTransformationStepFromXML"), e);