use of org.pentaho.metaverse.api.StepField in project pentaho-metaverse by pentaho.
the class StepAnalyzerTest method testMapChange_originalFieldIsTransient.
public void testMapChange_originalFieldIsTransient() throws Exception {
IMetaverseNode transientNode = mock(IMetaverseNode.class);
String shouldBeNull = null;
doReturn(transientNode).when(analyzer).createOutputFieldNode(any(IAnalysisContext.class), any(ValueMetaInterface.class), eq(shouldBeNull), eq(DictionaryConst.NODE_TYPE_TRANS_FIELD));
// zip is not in the inputs or outputs, it must have been a temporary fields used internally by step.
StepField original = new StepField(null, "zip");
StepField changed = new StepField("nextStep", "address");
ComponentDerivationRecord cdr = new ComponentDerivationRecord(original, changed);
verify(builder).addLink(rootNode, DictionaryConst.LINK_TRANSIENT, transientNode);
verify(builder).addLink(rootNode, DictionaryConst.LINK_USES, transientNode);
verify(analyzer).linkChangeNodes(eq(transientNode), any(IMetaverseNode.class));
use of org.pentaho.metaverse.api.StepField in project pentaho-metaverse by pentaho.
the class SelectValuesStepAnalyzer method getUsedFields.
protected Set<StepField> getUsedFields(SelectValuesMeta meta) {
Set<StepField> usedFields = new HashSet<>();
String[] fieldNames = meta.getSelectName();
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
usedFields.addAll(createStepFields(fieldName, getInputs()));
SelectMetadataChange[] selectMetadataChanges = meta.getMeta();
for (SelectMetadataChange selectMetadataChange : selectMetadataChanges) {
usedFields.addAll(createStepFields(selectMetadataChange.getName(), getInputs()));
return usedFields;
use of org.pentaho.metaverse.api.StepField in project pentaho-metaverse by pentaho.
the class TableOutputStepAnalyzer method getChangeRecords.
public Set<ComponentDerivationRecord> getChangeRecords(TableOutputMeta meta) throws MetaverseAnalyzerException {
Set<ComponentDerivationRecord> changes = new HashSet<>();
String[] tableFields = meta.getFieldDatabase();
String[] streamFields = meta.getFieldStream();
if (getInputs() != null) {
Set<String> stepNames = getInputs().getStepNames();
for (int i = 0; i < tableFields.length; i++) {
String tableField = tableFields[i];
String streamField = streamFields[i];
for (String stepName : stepNames) {
if (!RESOURCE.equals(stepName)) {
StepField inputField = new StepField(stepName, streamField);
StepField outField = new StepField(RESOURCE, tableField);
ComponentDerivationRecord change = new ComponentDerivationRecord(inputField, outField);
return changes;
use of org.pentaho.metaverse.api.StepField in project pentaho-metaverse by pentaho.
the class LineageClient method getOriginSteps.
* Finds the step(s) in the given transformation that created the given field, with respect to the given target step.
* This means if a field has been renamed or derived from another field from another step, then the lineage graph
* is traversed back from the target step to determine which steps contributed to the field in the target step.
* This differs from getCreatorSteps() as the lineage graph traversal will not stop with a "creates" relationship;
* rather, this method will traverse other relationships ("uses", "derives", e.g.) to find the actual origin fields
* that comprise the final field in the target step.
* @param transMeta a reference to a transformation's metadata
* @param targetStepName the target step name associated with the given field names
* @param fieldNames a collection of field names associated with the target step, for which to find the step(s)
* and field(s) that contributed to those fields
* @return a map from target field name to step-field objects, where each step has created a field with
* the returned name, and that field has contributed in some way to the specified target field.
* @throws MetaverseException if an error occurred while finding the origin steps
public Map<String, Set<StepField>> getOriginSteps(TransMeta transMeta, String targetStepName, Collection<String> fieldNames) throws MetaverseException {
Map<String, Set<StepField>> originStepsMap = new HashMap<>();
try {
Future<Graph> lineageGraphTask = LineageGraphMap.getInstance().get(transMeta);
if (lineageGraphTask != null) {
Graph lineageGraph = lineageGraphTask.get();
List<Vertex> targetFields = getTargetFields(lineageGraph, targetStepName, fieldNames);
GremlinPipeline pipe = getOriginStepsPipe(targetFields);
List<List<Vertex>> pathList = pipe.toList();
if (pathList != null) {
for (List<Vertex> path : pathList) {
// Transform each path of vertices into a "path" of StepFieldOperations objects (basically save off
// properties of each vertex into a new list)
String targetField = path.get(0).getProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_NAME);
Set<StepField> pathSet = originStepsMap.get(targetField);
if (pathSet == null) {
pathSet = new HashSet<>();
originStepsMap.put(targetField, pathSet);
Vertex v = path.get(path.size() - 1);
Map<String, String> stepField = STEPFIELDOPS_PIPE_FUNC.compute(v);
String stepName = stepField.get("stepName");
String fieldName = stepField.get("fieldName");
pathSet.add(new StepField(stepName, fieldName));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MetaverseException(e);
return originStepsMap;
use of org.pentaho.metaverse.api.StepField in project pentaho-metaverse by pentaho.
the class TextFileInputStepAnalyzerTest method testGetUsedFields_fileNameFromField.
public void testGetUsedFields_fileNameFromField() throws Exception {
Set<StepField> usedFields = analyzer.getUsedFields(meta);
assertEquals(1, usedFields.size());
StepField used = usedFields.iterator().next();
assertEquals("previousStep", used.getStepName());
assertEquals("filename", used.getFieldName());