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Example 6 with Tile

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Tile in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class InfoPanel method updateInfo.

void updateInfo() {
    setTextIfDifferent(labelCoords, worldCoords.x + "," + worldCoords.y);
    Dimension dim = view.getDimension();
    if (dim == null) {
    Tile tile = dim.getTile(worldCoords.x >> TILE_SIZE_BITS, worldCoords.y >> TILE_SIZE_BITS);
    if (tile == null) {
    final int x = worldCoords.x & TILE_SIZE_MASK, y = worldCoords.y & TILE_SIZE_MASK;
    if (tile.getBitLayerValue(NotPresent.INSTANCE, x, y)) {
    fieldsClear = false;
    float height = tile.getHeight(x, y);
    setTextIfDifferent(labelHeight, heightFormatter.format(height));
    int intHeight = (int) (height + 0.5f);
    int waterLevel = tile.getWaterLevel(x, y);
    setTextIfDifferent(labelWaterLevel, Integer.toString(waterLevel));
    if (waterLevel > intHeight) {
        setTextIfDifferent(labelWaterDepth, Integer.toString(waterLevel - intHeight));
    } else {
        setTextIfDifferent(labelWaterDepth, null);
    float slope;
    if ((x > 0) && (x < TILE_SIZE - 1) && (y > 0) && (y < TILE_SIZE - 1)) {
        slope = tile.getSlope(x, y);
    } else {
        slope = dim.getSlope(worldCoords.x, worldCoords.y);
    setTextIfDifferent(labelSlope, ((int) (Math.atan(slope) * 180 / Math.PI + 0.5)) + "°");
    Terrain terrain = tile.getTerrain(x, y);
    if (terrain != currentTerrain) {
        labelTerrain.setIcon(new ImageIcon(terrain.getIcon(view.getColourScheme())));
        currentTerrain = terrain;
    int biome = tile.getLayerValue(Biome.INSTANCE, x, y);
    boolean automaticBiome = false;
    if (biome == 255) {
        automaticBiome = true;
        biome = dim.getAutoBiome(tile, x, y);
    if (biome < 0) {
        biome = Minecraft1_7Biomes.BIOME_PLAINS;
    if ((automaticBiome != currentAutomaticBiome) || (biome != currentBiome)) {
        labelBiome.setText(biomeHelper.getBiomeName(biome) + " (" + biome + ")");
        currentAutomaticBiome = automaticBiome;
        currentBiome = biome;
    Map<Layer, Integer> layerValues = tile.getLayersAt(x, y);
    if (layerValues != null) {
        checkBoxInSelection.setSelected(layerValues.containsKey(SelectionChunk.INSTANCE) || layerValues.containsKey(SelectionBlock.INSTANCE));
        if (!layerValues.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
    } else {
Also used : Terrain(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Terrain) Tile(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Tile) Dimension(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Dimension)

Example 7 with Tile

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Tile in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class BitLayerPaint method apply.

public void apply(Dimension dimension, int centreX, int centreY, float dynamicLevel) {
    if (brush.getRadius() == 0) {
        // Special case: if the radius is 0, assume that the user wants to paint complete pixels instead of trying
        // to apply the brush
        applyPixel(dimension, centreX, centreY);
    final int effectiveRadius = brush.getEffectiveRadius();
    final int x1 = centreX - effectiveRadius, y1 = centreY - effectiveRadius, x2 = centreX + effectiveRadius, y2 = centreY + effectiveRadius;
    final int tileX1 = x1 >> TILE_SIZE_BITS, tileY1 = y1 >> TILE_SIZE_BITS, tileX2 = x2 >> TILE_SIZE_BITS, tileY2 = y2 >> TILE_SIZE_BITS;
    if ((tileX1 == tileX2) && (tileY1 == tileY2)) {
        // The bounding box of the brush is entirely on one tile; optimize by painting directly to the tile
        final Tile tile = dimension.getTileForEditing(tileX1, tileY1);
        if (tile == null) {
        final int x1InTile = x1 & TILE_SIZE_MASK, y1InTile = y1 & TILE_SIZE_MASK, x2InTile = x2 & TILE_SIZE_MASK, y2InTile = y2 & TILE_SIZE_MASK;
        final int tileXInWorld = tileX1 << TILE_SIZE_BITS, tileYInWorld = tileY1 << TILE_SIZE_BITS;
        if (dither) {
            for (int y = y1InTile; y <= y2InTile; y++) {
                for (int x = x1InTile; x <= x2InTile; x++) {
                    final float strength = dynamicLevel * getStrength(centreX, centreY, tileXInWorld + x, tileYInWorld + y);
                    if ((strength > 0.95f) || (Math.random() < strength)) {
                        tile.setBitLayerValue(layer, x, y, true);
        } else {
            for (int y = y1InTile; y <= y2InTile; y++) {
                for (int x = x1InTile; x <= x2InTile; x++) {
                    final float strength = dynamicLevel * getFullStrength(centreX, centreY, tileXInWorld + x, tileYInWorld + y);
                    if (strength > 0.75f) {
                        tile.setBitLayerValue(layer, x, y, true);
    } else {
        // The bounding box of the brush straddles more than one tile; paint to the dimension
        if (dither) {
            for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++) {
                for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++) {
                    final float strength = dynamicLevel * getStrength(centreX, centreY, x, y);
                    if ((strength > 0.95f) || (Math.random() < strength)) {
                        dimension.setBitLayerValueAt(layer, x, y, true);
        } else {
            for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++) {
                for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++) {
                    final float strength = dynamicLevel * getFullStrength(centreX, centreY, x, y);
                    if (strength > 0.75f) {
                        dimension.setBitLayerValueAt(layer, x, y, true);
Also used : Tile(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Tile)

Example 8 with Tile

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Tile in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class BitLayerPaint method remove.

public void remove(Dimension dimension, int centreX, int centreY, float dynamicLevel) {
    if (brush.getRadius() == 0) {
        // Special case: if the radius is 0, assume that the user wants to remove complete pixels instead of trying
        // to apply the brush
        removePixel(dimension, centreX, centreY);
    final int effectiveRadius = brush.getEffectiveRadius();
    final int x1 = centreX - effectiveRadius, y1 = centreY - effectiveRadius, x2 = centreX + effectiveRadius, y2 = centreY + effectiveRadius;
    final int tileX1 = x1 >> TILE_SIZE_BITS, tileY1 = y1 >> TILE_SIZE_BITS, tileX2 = x2 >> TILE_SIZE_BITS, tileY2 = y2 >> TILE_SIZE_BITS;
    if ((tileX1 == tileX2) && (tileY1 == tileY2)) {
        // The bounding box of the brush is entirely on one tile; optimize by painting directly to the tile
        final Tile tile = dimension.getTileForEditing(tileX1, tileY1);
        if (tile == null) {
        final int x1InTile = x1 & TILE_SIZE_MASK, y1InTile = y1 & TILE_SIZE_MASK, x2InTile = x2 & TILE_SIZE_MASK, y2InTile = y2 & TILE_SIZE_MASK;
        final int tileXInWorld = tileX1 << TILE_SIZE_BITS, tileYInWorld = tileY1 << TILE_SIZE_BITS;
        if (dither) {
            for (int y = y1InTile; y <= y2InTile; y++) {
                for (int x = x1InTile; x <= x2InTile; x++) {
                    final float strength = dynamicLevel * getFullStrength(centreX, centreY, tileXInWorld + x, tileYInWorld + y);
                    if ((strength > 0.95f) || (Math.random() < strength)) {
                        tile.setBitLayerValue(layer, x, y, false);
        } else {
            for (int y = y1InTile; y <= y2InTile; y++) {
                for (int x = x1InTile; x <= x2InTile; x++) {
                    final float strength = dynamicLevel * getFullStrength(centreX, centreY, tileXInWorld + x, tileYInWorld + y);
                    if (strength > 0.75f) {
                        tile.setBitLayerValue(layer, x, y, false);
    } else {
        // The bounding box of the brush straddles more than one tile; paint to the dimension
        if (dither) {
            for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++) {
                for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++) {
                    final float strength = dynamicLevel * getFullStrength(centreX, centreY, x, y);
                    if ((strength > 0.95f) || (Math.random() < strength)) {
                        dimension.setBitLayerValueAt(layer, x, y, false);
        } else {
            for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++) {
                for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++) {
                    final float strength = dynamicLevel * getFullStrength(centreX, centreY, x, y);
                    if (strength > 0.75f) {
                        dimension.setBitLayerValueAt(layer, x, y, false);
Also used : Tile(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Tile)

Example 9 with Tile

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Tile in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class NibbleLayerPaint method applyPixel.

public void applyPixel(Dimension dimension, int x, int y) {
    final Tile tile = dimension.getTileForEditing(x >> TILE_SIZE_BITS, y >> TILE_SIZE_BITS);
    if (tile != null) {
        final int xInTile = x & TILE_SIZE_MASK, yInTile = y & TILE_SIZE_MASK;
        final int value = 1 + (int) (brush.getLevel() * 14 + 0.5f);
        if (tile.getLayerValue(layer, xInTile, yInTile) < value) {
            tile.setLayerValue(layer, xInTile, yInTile, value);
Also used : Tile(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Tile)

Example 10 with Tile

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Tile in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class NibbleLayerPaint method apply.

public void apply(Dimension dimension, int centreX, int centreY, float dynamicLevel) {
    if (brush.getRadius() == 0) {
        // Special case: if the radius is 0, assume that the user wants to paint complete pixels instead of trying
        // to apply the brush
        applyPixel(dimension, centreX, centreY);
    final int effectiveRadius = brush.getEffectiveRadius();
    final int x1 = centreX - effectiveRadius, y1 = centreY - effectiveRadius, x2 = centreX + effectiveRadius, y2 = centreY + effectiveRadius;
    final int tileX1 = x1 >> TILE_SIZE_BITS, tileY1 = y1 >> TILE_SIZE_BITS, tileX2 = x2 >> TILE_SIZE_BITS, tileY2 = y2 >> TILE_SIZE_BITS;
    if ((tileX1 == tileX2) && (tileY1 == tileY2)) {
        // The bounding box of the brush is entirely on one tile; optimize by painting directly to the tile
        final Tile tile = dimension.getTileForEditing(tileX1, tileY1);
        if (tile == null) {
        final int x1InTile = x1 & TILE_SIZE_MASK, y1InTile = y1 & TILE_SIZE_MASK, x2InTile = x2 & TILE_SIZE_MASK, y2InTile = y2 & TILE_SIZE_MASK;
        final int tileXInWorld = tileX1 << TILE_SIZE_BITS, tileYInWorld = tileY1 << TILE_SIZE_BITS;
        for (int y = y1InTile; y <= y2InTile; y++) {
            for (int x = x1InTile; x <= x2InTile; x++) {
                final int currentValue = tile.getLayerValue(layer, x, y);
                final float strength = dynamicLevel * getStrength(centreX, centreY, tileXInWorld + x, tileYInWorld + y);
                if (strength != 0f) {
                    int targetValue = 1 + (int) (strength * 14 + 0.5f);
                    if (targetValue > currentValue) {
                        tile.setLayerValue(layer, x, y, targetValue);
    } else {
        // The bounding box of the brush straddles more than one tile; paint to the dimension
        for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++) {
            for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++) {
                final int currentValue = dimension.getLayerValueAt(layer, x, y);
                final float strength = dynamicLevel * getStrength(centreX, centreY, x, y);
                if (strength != 0f) {
                    int targetValue = 1 + (int) (strength * 14 + 0.5f);
                    if (targetValue > currentValue) {
                        dimension.setLayerValueAt(layer, x, y, targetValue);
Also used : Tile(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Tile)


Tile (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Tile)31 Dimension (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Dimension)6 CombinedLayer (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.CombinedLayer)5 Point (java.awt.Point)4 FileOutputStream ( Terrain (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Terrain)4 World2 (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.World2)4 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)3 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)3 File ( FileInputStream ( ObjectInputStream ( GZIPInputStream ( SubProgressReceiver (org.pepsoft.util.SubProgressReceiver)3 Layer (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.Layer)3 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)2 ObjectOutputStream ( PrintWriter ( java.util (java.util)2 List (java.util.List)2