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Example 91 with OpsException

use of org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class PackageDependency method doOperation.

public void doOperation() throws OpsException {
    if (OpsContext.isDelete()) {
        // Should we delete the packages? Probably not, because others may also need them
        log.debug("Not removing package on delete (in case someone else also uses it)");
    if (OpsContext.isConfigure() || OpsContext.isValidate()) {
        OpsTarget target = OpsContext.get().getInstance(OpsTarget.class);
        List<String> installedPackages = apt.getInstalledPackageInfo(target);
        if (!installedPackages.contains(packageName)) {
  "Package not installed: " + packageName);
            if (OpsContext.isValidate()) {
                throw new OpsException("Package not installed: " + packageName);
            if (repositoryKey != null) {
                apt.addRepositoryKeyUrl(target, repositoryKey.getUrl());
            if (repository != null) {
                apt.addRepository(target, repository.getKey(), repository.getSource());
            if (configuration != null) {
                apt.preconfigurePackages(target, configuration);
            // TODO: Only update once per operation?
            // I think we do want to update aggressively though, because we want to be sure we're up to date
            // as that could well be the reason we're running the operation!
            // We definitely want to update if we added a repository etc above
            apt.update(target, false);
            apt.install(target, packageName);
        } else {
            log.debug("Package is installed: " + packageName);
Also used : OpsTarget(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget) OpsException(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException) Handler(org.platformlayer.ops.Handler)

Example 92 with OpsException

use of org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class ImageFactory method getOrCreateImage.

public DiskImage getOrCreateImage(DiskImage template) throws OpsException {
    DiskImage best = null;
    try {
        for (DiskImage candidate : platformLayer.listItems(DiskImage.class)) {
            if (isMatch(candidate, template)) {
                best = candidate;
        if (best == null) {
            // We should be owned by the recipe
            PlatformLayerKey recipeKey = template.getRecipeId();
            if (recipeKey != null) {
            best = platformLayer.putItem(template);
    } catch (PlatformLayerClientException e) {
        throw new OpsException("Error fetching or building image", e);
    return best;
Also used : PlatformLayerClientException(org.platformlayer.PlatformLayerClientException) OpsException(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException) PlatformLayerKey(org.platformlayer.core.model.PlatformLayerKey) DiskImage(org.platformlayer.images.model.DiskImage)

Example 93 with OpsException

use of org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class PlatformLayerHelpers method setUniqueTags.

public void setUniqueTags(PlatformLayerKey key, Iterable<Tag> uniqueTags) throws OpsException {
    Tags tags = getItemTags(key);
    TagChanges tagChanges = new TagChanges();
    for (Tag setTag : uniqueTags) {
        String tagKey = setTag.getKey();
        List<String> existing = tags.findAll(tagKey);
        if (existing == null || existing.isEmpty()) {
        } else if (existing.size() == 1) {
            String existingValue = existing.get(0);
            if (!Objects.equal(existingValue, setTag.value)) {
                tagChanges.removeTags.add(, existingValue));
        } else {
            // We probably should replace existing tags...
            throw new OpsException("Found duplicate tag for: " + setTag.key);
    if (!tagChanges.isEmpty()) {
        changeTags(key, tagChanges);
Also used : OpsException(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException) Tag(org.platformlayer.core.model.Tag) TagChanges(org.platformlayer.core.model.TagChanges) Tags(org.platformlayer.core.model.Tags)

Example 94 with OpsException

use of org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class SolrSchemaFile method getContentsBytes.

protected byte[] getContentsBytes() throws OpsException {
    InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("schema.xml");
    Document dom;
    try {
        boolean isNamespaceAware = true;
        dom = XmlHelper.parseXmlDocument(is, isNamespaceAware);
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
        throw new OpsException("Error parsing XML template", e);
    } catch (SAXException e) {
        throw new OpsException("Error parsing XML template", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new OpsException("Error parsing XML template", e);
    SolrTemplateData template = OpsContext.get().getInjector().getInstance(SolrTemplateData.class);
    Element fieldsElement;
        NodeList fieldsList = dom.getElementsByTagName("fields");
        if (fieldsList.getLength() != 1) {
            throw new OpsException("Expected exactly one fields element");
        fieldsElement = (Element) fieldsList.item(0);
    // TODO: Turn off default dynamic fields??
    for (SolrSchemaField field : template.getFields()) {
        boolean isDynamic ="*");
        Element el = dom.createElement(isDynamic ? "dynamicField" : "field");
        el.setAttribute("type", field.type);
        el.setAttribute("indexed", String.valueOf(field.indexed));
        el.setAttribute("stored", String.valueOf(field.stored));
        el.setAttribute("multiValued", String.valueOf(field.multiValued));
        // Compression removed in 1.4.1
        // if (field.compressThreshold >= 0) {
        // el.setAttribute("compressed", "true");
        // el.setAttribute("compressThreshold", String.valueOf(field.compressThreshold));
        // }
    return Utf8.getBytes(DomUtils.toXml(dom));
Also used : OpsException(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException) InputStream( Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) ParserConfigurationException(javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException) IOException( Document(org.w3c.dom.Document) SolrSchemaField(org.platformlayer.service.solr.model.SolrSchemaField) SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException)

Example 95 with OpsException

use of org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class CloudInstanceMapper method doOperation.

public void doOperation() throws OpsException, IOException {
    Tags instanceTags = instance.getTags();
    GoogleCloud cloud = findCloud();
    if (cloud == null) {
        throw new OpsException("Could not find cloud");
    GoogleComputeClient computeClient = googleComputeClientFactory.getComputeClient(cloud);
    List<String> assignedInstanceIds = instanceTags.findAll(Tag.ASSIGNED);
    if (assignedInstanceIds.isEmpty()) {
        if (createInstance && !OpsContext.isDelete()) {
            MachineCreationRequest request = buildMachineCreationRequest();
            PlatformLayerKey instanceKey = instance.getKey();
            PublicKey servicePublicKey = service.getSshKey().getKeyPair().getPublic();
            Instance created = computeClient.createInstance(cloud, request, servicePublicKey);
                Tag instanceTag =, created.getName());
                platformLayer.addTag(instance.getKey(), instanceTag);
    if (assignedInstanceIds.isEmpty() && !OpsContext.isDelete()) {
        throw new OpsException("Instance not yet assigned");
    GoogleComputeMachine machine = null;
    OpsTarget target = null;
    if (!assignedInstanceIds.isEmpty()) {
        if (assignedInstanceIds.size() != 1) {
            log.warn("Multiple instance ids found: " + assignedInstanceIds);
        // We just take the first instance id
        String assignedInstanceId = Iterables.getFirst(assignedInstanceIds, null);
        Instance server = computeClient.findInstanceByName(assignedInstanceId);
        if (server == null) {
            if (OpsContext.isConfigure()) {
                throw new OpsException("Unable to find assigned server: " + assignedInstanceId);
        } else {
            server = computeClient.ensureHasPublicIp(server);
            machine = new GoogleComputeMachine(computeClient, cloud, server);
            SshKey sshKey = service.getSshKey();
            target = machine.getTarget(GoogleComputeClient.USER_NAME, sshKey.getKeyPair());
            // We need to use sudo while we set up root access
            ((SshOpsTarget) target).setEnsureRunningAsRoot(true);
    if (!assignedInstanceIds.isEmpty() && OpsContext.isDelete()) {
        for (String instanceId : assignedInstanceIds) {
            Instance server = computeClient.findInstanceByName(instanceId);
            if (server == null) {
                log.warn("Could not find assigned server: " + instanceId + ", ignoring");
            // TODO: Remove associated firewall rules
            log.warn("Deleting firewall rules not yet implemented");
            // SecurityGroup securityGroup = null;
            // if (supportsSecurityGroups) {
            // securityGroup = openstackHelpers.getMachineSecurityGroup(computeClient, server);
            // }
            Operation terminateOperation = computeClient.terminateInstance(instanceId);
            try {
                computeClient.waitComplete(terminateOperation, 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
            } catch (TimeoutException e) {
                throw new OpsException("Timeout while waiting for instance termination", e);
        // if (securityGroup != null) {
        // // We need to terminate the instance before we delete the security group it uses
        // if (terminateOperation != null) {
        // waitOperation(terminateOperation);
        // }
        // try {
        //"Deleting security group: " + securityGroup.getId());
        // computeClient.root().securityGroups().securityGroup(securityGroup.getId()).delete();
        // } catch (OpenstackNotFoundException e) {
        //"Ignoring not-found error while deleting security group: " + securityGroup.getId());
        // }
        // }
        if (machine != null) {
    RecursionState recursion = getRecursionState();
    if (OpsContext.isDelete() && machine == null) {
    } else {
Also used : OpsException(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException) Instance( GoogleCloudInstance( PublicKey( SshOpsTarget(org.platformlayer.ops.SshOpsTarget) PlatformLayerKey(org.platformlayer.core.model.PlatformLayerKey) MachineCreationRequest(org.platformlayer.ops.MachineCreationRequest) Operation( SshKey(org.platformlayer.ops.helpers.SshKey) OpsTarget(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget) SshOpsTarget(org.platformlayer.ops.SshOpsTarget) GoogleComputeClient( GoogleCloud( Tag(org.platformlayer.core.model.Tag) Tags(org.platformlayer.core.model.Tags) GoogleComputeMachine( TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException) Handler(org.platformlayer.ops.Handler)


OpsException (org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException)142 IOException ( File ( ItemBase (org.platformlayer.core.model.ItemBase)19 RepositoryException (org.platformlayer.RepositoryException)18 PlatformLayerKey (org.platformlayer.core.model.PlatformLayerKey)17 Handler (org.platformlayer.ops.Handler)17 Tag (org.platformlayer.core.model.Tag)16 Command (org.platformlayer.ops.Command)16 Machine (org.platformlayer.ops.Machine)13 TagChanges (org.platformlayer.core.model.TagChanges)11 OpsTarget (org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget)11 TimeoutException (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)10 OpenstackException (org.openstack.client.OpenstackException)10 OpsContext (org.platformlayer.ops.OpsContext)10 X509Certificate ( InetAddress ( ProjectId (org.platformlayer.ids.ProjectId)8 ProcessExecution (org.platformlayer.ops.process.ProcessExecution)8 List (java.util.List)7