Search in sources :

Example 31 with OpsTarget

use of org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class PersistIptablesScripts method addChildren.

protected void addChildren() throws OpsException {
    addChild(, "0644"));
    addChild(, new File("/etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables-lockdown")).setFileMode("755").setUpdateAction(new FilesystemAction() {

        public void execute(OpsTarget target, ManagedFilesystemItem managedFilesystemItem) throws OpsException {
            if (managedFilesystemItem.getNewFileWasCreated()) {
                // Set the parameters the ifup sets
                CommandEnvironment env = new CommandEnvironment();
                env.put("MODE", "start");
                env.put("IFACE", "--all");
                env.put("ADDRFAM", "meta");
                Command runLockdown ="/etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables-lockdown");
    addChild(, new File("/etc/network/if-up.d/iptables-ifup")).setFileMode("755"));
Also used : OpsTarget(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget) Command(org.platformlayer.ops.Command) CommandEnvironment(org.platformlayer.ops.CommandEnvironment) ManagedFilesystemItem(org.platformlayer.ops.filesystem.ManagedFilesystemItem) File( SimpleFile(org.platformlayer.ops.filesystem.SimpleFile) FilesystemAction(org.platformlayer.ops.filesystem.FilesystemAction)

Example 32 with OpsTarget

use of org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class DiskImageController method buildImage.

public void buildImage(DiskImage image) throws OpsException, IOException {
    // Assume the worst...
    MachineProvider targetCloud = cloudHelpers.getCloud(;
    DiskImageRecipe recipe = platformLayer.getItem(image.recipeId, DiskImageRecipe.class);
    OperatingSystem operatingSystem = getRequestedOperatingSystem(recipe);
    String kernelPackage = packageHelpers.getDefaultKernelPackage(operatingSystem);
    String filesystem = "ext3";
    ImageFormat imageFormat = EnumUtils.valueOfCaseInsensitive(ImageFormat.class, image.format);
    boolean buildTar = imageFormat == ImageFormat.Tar;
    // TODO: This logic is not intrinsically correct
    // boolean supportCloudConfigDisk = imageFormat != ImageFormat.DiskQcow2;
    boolean supportCloudConfigDisk = true;
    boolean useConfigDriveSymlinks = false;
    String configDriveLabel = "config";
    List<String> packages = Lists.newArrayList();
    // Needed for preseeding
    if (operatingSystem.getDistribution() == Distribution.Debian) {
    // We always want some basics available in our images
    String hostname = "openstack";
    MachineCreationRequest request = new MachineCreationRequest();
    SshKey sshKey = service.getSshKey();
    // There are problems using LXC with debootstrap
    request.hostPolicy = new HostPolicy();
    request.hostPolicy.allowRunInContainer = false;
    // Null means 'use bootstrap image'
    request.recipeId = null;
    request.sshPublicKey = sshKey.getKeyPair().getPublic();
    request.sshPublicKeyName = service.getSshKeyName();
    request.securityGroups = Lists.newArrayList();
    String securityGroup = service.getSecurityGroupName();
    // We don't need a lot of memory to build a disk image (I think!)
    request.minimumMemoryMB = 256;
    Machine machine = cloud.createInstance(request, image.getKey());
    machine = waitForAddress(machine);
    OpsTarget target = machine.getTarget(sshKey);
    File tempDir = target.createTempDir();
    apt.update(target, true);
    // We need to install curl first so we can detect the performance of our proxies
    // Needed for proxy testing at least
    apt.install(target, "curl");
    CommandEnvironment httpProxyEnv = httpProxies.getHttpProxyEnvironment(target, Usage.SoftwarePackages, null);
    // For now, we assume that this image doesn't have debootstrap pre-installed
    apt.install(target, "debootstrap");
    // For transferring the file to a direct image server
    // debootstrap with LXC seems to have serious problems...
    boolean supportLxc = false;
    if (supportLxc) {
        apt.install(target, "fakechroot", "fakeroot");
    Command command;
    File rootfsDir;
    File imageFile;
    File loopbackPartition = null;
    if (!buildTar) {
        apt.install(target, "mbr");
        apt.install(target, "parted");
        apt.install(target, "kpartx");
        apt.install(target, "extlinux");
        // Same with qemu-kvm
        // (needed for qemu-img convert ... a lot of extra stuff for just the
        // utils!)
        // packageHelpers.getPackageFor("qemu-img", operatingSystem);
        String qemuImgPackage = "qemu-utils";
        apt.install(target, qemuImgPackage);
        // Use local ephemeral storage...
        imageFile = new File(tempDir, "image.raw");
        command ="dd if=/dev/null bs=1M seek=8180 of={0}", imageFile);
        // Create partitions
        target.executeCommand("parted -s {0} mklabel msdos", imageFile));
        target.executeCommand("parted -s {0} mkpart primary 0% 100%", imageFile));
        target.executeCommand("parted -s {0} set 1 boot on", imageFile));
        // Install Master Boot Record
        target.executeCommand("install-mbr {0}", imageFile));
        // Mount the partitions
        // Hopefully it’s loop0p1...
        target.executeCommand("modprobe dm-mod"));
        // boolean isMounted = false;
        // {
        // ProcessExecution mountExecution = target.executeCommand("mount", imageFile));
        // String stdout = mountExecution.getStdOut();
        // System.out.println(stdout);
        // for (String line : Splitter.on('\n').split(stdout)) {
        // line = line.trim();
        // if (line.isEmpty()) {
        // continue;
        // }
        // List<String> tokens = Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(' ').split(line));
        // if (tokens.size() < 3) {
        // throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot parse mount line: " + line);
        // }
        // String mountDir = tokens.get(2);
        // if (mountDir.equals(mntDir.getAbsolutePath())) {
        // isMounted = true;
        // loopbackPartition = new File(tokens.get(0));
        // break;
        // }
        // }
        // // /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
        // // tmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)
        // // proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
        // // sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
        // // udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
        // // tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
        // // devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)
        // // /dev/mapper/loop0p1 on /tmp/8389210e66cd0df6/mnt type ext3 (rw)
        // // proc on /tmp/8389210e66cd0df6/mnt/proc type proc (rw)
        // }
        // if (!isMounted)
            ProcessExecution kpartxExecution = target.executeCommand("kpartx -av {0}", imageFile));
            String stdout = kpartxExecution.getStdOut();
            List<String> tokens = Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(' ').split(stdout));
            if (tokens.size() != 9) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot parse kpartx stdout: " + stdout);
            // add map loop6p1 (253:6): 0 16750592 linear /dev/loop6 2048
            String partitionDevice = tokens.get(2);
            if (!partitionDevice.startsWith("loop")) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("kpartx output does not look like a partition: " + stdout);
            loopbackPartition = new File("/dev/mapper/" + partitionDevice);
        // Format filesystem
        command ="yes | mkfs." + filesystem + " {0}", loopbackPartition);
        // Get this onto disk now, so we don't delay later commands
        // Don’t force a check based on dates
        target.executeCommand("tune2fs -i 0 {0}", loopbackPartition).setTimeout(TimeSpan.FIVE_MINUTES));
        // Get this onto disk now, so we don't delay later commands
        // Mount on mnt/
        File mntDir = new File(tempDir, "mnt");
        target.executeCommand("mkdir {0}", mntDir);
        target.executeCommand("mount {0} {1}", loopbackPartition, mntDir).setTimeout(TimeSpan.FIVE_MINUTES));
        rootfsDir = mntDir;
    } else {
        rootfsDir = new File(tempDir, "rootfs");
        imageFile = new File(tempDir, "image.tar.bz2");
    if (buildTar) {
        apt.install(target, "bzip2");
    if (supportLxc) {
        command ="fakechroot fakeroot debootstrap");
    } else {
        command ="debootstrap");
    if (supportLxc) {
        // Lxc has problems with mounting etc; fakechroot avoids this
    // command.addLiteral("--variant=minbase");
    command.addQuoted("--include=", Joiner.on(",").join(packages));
    // command.addQuoted(aptSource);
    try {
    } catch (ProcessExecutionException e) {
        String debootstrapLog = target.readTextFile(new File(rootfsDir, "debootstrap/debootstrap.log"));
        log.warn("Debootstrap log: " + debootstrapLog);
        throw new OpsException("Error running debootstrap", e);
    // TODO: Switch to ChrootOpsTarget, so we can move this stuff into utility functions
    ChrootOpsTarget chrootTarget = new ChrootOpsTarget(rootfsDir, new File("/tmp"), target);
    FileUpload.upload(target, new File(rootfsDir, "etc/hostname"), hostname);
        // Stop services being started in the chroot
        String policy = ResourceUtils.get(getClass(), "usr.sbin.policy-rc.d");
        File policyFile = new File(rootfsDir, "usr/sbin/policy-rc.d");
        FileUpload.upload(target, policyFile, policy);
        target.chmod(policyFile, "755");
    target.executeCommand("mount -t proc proc {0}", new File(rootfsDir, "proc"));
    apt.update(chrootTarget, true);
    target.executeCommand("chroot {0} locale-gen en_US.utf8", rootfsDir);
    target.executeCommand("chroot {0} /bin/bash -c \"DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg-reconfigure locales\"", rootfsDir);
    if (!buildTar) {
            File kernelImgConf = new File(rootfsDir, "etc/kernel-img.conf");
            String preseedData = ResourceUtils.get(getClass(), "kernel-img.conf");
            FileUpload.upload(target, kernelImgConf, preseedData);
            File preseedTmpDir = target.createTempDir();
            File preseedFile = new File(preseedTmpDir, "kernel.preseed");
            String preseedData = ResourceUtils.get(getClass(), "kernel.preseed");
            FileUpload.upload(target, preseedFile, preseedData);
            target.executeCommand("cat {0} | chroot {1} debconf-set-selections", preseedFile, rootfsDir));
            apt.install(chrootTarget, kernelPackage);
    preconfigurePackages(chrootTarget, recipe.configurePackage);
    if (recipe.repositoryKey != null) {
        addRepositoryKeys(chrootTarget, recipe.repositoryKey);
    if (recipe.repository != null) {
        addRepositories(chrootTarget, recipe.repository);
        apt.update(chrootTarget, true);
    if (recipe.addPackage != null) {
        apt.install(chrootTarget, recipe.addPackage);
        if (recipe.addPackage.contains("jenkins")) {
            // It looks like jenkins doesn't honor policy-rc.d (?)
            // TODO: Fix this monstrosity...
            log.warn("Hard-coding service stop after jenkins installation");
            target.executeCommand("chroot {0} /etc/init.d/jenkins stop", rootfsDir));
    if (!buildTar) {
        String uuid;
            ProcessExecution uuidExecution = target.executeCommand("blkid -o value -s UUID {0}", loopbackPartition);
            uuid = uuidExecution.getStdOut().trim();
        // Set up /etc/fstab
        String fstab = "# /etc/fstab: static file system information.\n";
        // TODO: Swap
        fstab += "proc\t/proc\tproc\tnodev,noexec,nosuid\t0\t0\n";
        // fstab += "/dev/sda1\t/\t" + filesystem +
        // "\terrors=remount-ro\t0\t1\n";
        fstab += String.format("UUID=%s\t/\t%s\terrors=remount-ro\t0\t1\n", uuid, filesystem);
        if (supportCloudConfigDisk) {
            if (useConfigDriveSymlinks) {
                // Use configuration from cloud_config mount
                target.mkdir(new File(rootfsDir, "media/config"));
                fstab += "/dev/disk/by-label/" + configDriveLabel + "\t/media/config\tudf,iso9660\tro\t0\t0\n";
        FileUpload.upload(target, new File(rootfsDir, "etc/fstab"), fstab);"fstab = " + fstab);
        // Set up extlinux
            ProcessExecution kernelExecution = target.executeCommand("chroot {0} find boot/ -name \"vmlinuz-*\"", rootfsDir);
            List<String> kernels = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (String kernel : kernelExecution.getStdOut().split("\n")) {
                kernel = kernel.trim();
                if (kernel.isEmpty()) {
            if (kernels.size() > 1) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple kernels found");
            } else if (kernels.size() != 1) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("No kernels found");
            ProcessExecution initrdExecution = target.executeCommand("chroot {0} find boot/ -name \"initrd*\"", rootfsDir);
            List<String> initrds = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (String initrd : initrdExecution.getStdOut().split("\n")) {
                initrd = initrd.trim();
                if (initrd.isEmpty()) {
                if (initrd.endsWith(".bak")) {
            if (initrds.size() > 1) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple initrds found");
            } else if (initrds.size() != 1) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("No initrds found");
            String conf = String.format("default linux\ntimeout 1\n\nlabel linux\nkernel %s\nappend initrd=%s root=UUID=%s ro quiet", kernels.get(0), initrds.get(0), uuid);
            FileUpload.upload(target, new File(rootfsDir, "extlinux.conf"), conf);
  "extlinux.conf = " + conf);
        target.executeCommand("extlinux --install  {0}", rootfsDir).setTimeout(TimeSpan.FIVE_MINUTES));
    if (supportCloudConfigDisk) {
        if (useConfigDriveSymlinks) {
            target.rm(new File(rootfsDir, "etc/network/interfaces"));
            target.executeCommand("ln -s /media/config/etc/network/interfaces {0}", new File(rootfsDir, "etc/network/interfaces"));
            target.mkdir(new File(rootfsDir, "root/.ssh"));
            target.executeCommand("ln -s /media/config/root/.ssh/authorized_keys {0}", new File(rootfsDir, "root/.ssh/authorized_keys"));
        } else {
            String initScript = ResourceUtils.get(getClass(), "openstack-config");
            File initScriptFile = new File(rootfsDir, "etc/init.d/openstack-config");
            FileUpload.upload(target, initScriptFile, initScript);
            target.executeCommand("chmod +x {0}", initScriptFile);
            chrootTarget.executeCommand("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d openstack-config defaults");
        // Remove policy file
        File policyFile = new File(rootfsDir, "usr/sbin/policy-rc.d");
    target.executeCommand("umount {0}", new File(rootfsDir, "proc"));
    if (!buildTar) {
        target.executeCommand("umount {0}", rootfsDir);
        target.executeCommand("kpartx -d {0}", imageFile);
    if (buildTar) {
        Command compress ="cd {0}; tar jcf {1} .", rootfsDir, imageFile);
    FilesystemInfo imageInfo = target.getFilesystemInfoFile(imageFile);
    File uploadImageFile;
    if (!buildTar) {
        boolean isQcow2 = imageFormat == ImageFormat.DiskQcow2;
        if (isQcow2) {
            // We create the image as a raw image (making use of sparse files)
            // and then convert it to qcow2. This is a little less efficient, but
            // has a few advantages...
            // 1) We can support different formats
            // 2) The final image is defragmented
            // 3) Mounting a qcow2 image (or other image formats) is tricky vs
            // loopback mount
            uploadImageFile = new File(imageFile.getParentFile(), "image.qcow2");
            command ="qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 {0} {1}", imageFile, uploadImageFile);
        } else {
            uploadImageFile = new File(imageFile.getParentFile(), "image.raw.gz");
            command ="gzip -c --best {0} > {1}", imageFile, uploadImageFile);
    } else {
        uploadImageFile = imageFile;
    String imageId;
    // Upload & tag the image with the recipe ID
        Tags tags = new Tags();
        imageId = cloud.getImageStore(targetCloud).uploadImage(target, tags, uploadImageFile, imageInfo.size);
    // Tag the recipe with the image ID
        TagChanges tagChanges = new TagChanges();
        platformLayer.changeTags(image.getKey(), tagChanges);
    // Our pessimism proved unfounded...
Also used : OperatingSystem(org.platformlayer.service.imagefactory.OperatingSystem) MachineProvider(org.platformlayer.ops.machines.MachineProvider) OpsException(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException) FilesystemInfo(org.platformlayer.ops.filesystem.FilesystemInfo) ProcessExecutionException(org.platformlayer.ops.process.ProcessExecutionException) CommandEnvironment(org.platformlayer.ops.CommandEnvironment) MachineCreationRequest(org.platformlayer.ops.MachineCreationRequest) TagChanges(org.platformlayer.core.model.TagChanges) Machine(org.platformlayer.ops.Machine) ImageFormat(org.platformlayer.ops.images.ImageFormat) SshKey(org.platformlayer.ops.helpers.SshKey) OpsTarget(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget) ChrootOpsTarget(org.platformlayer.ops.ChrootOpsTarget) DiskImageRecipe(org.platformlayer.images.model.DiskImageRecipe) ChrootOpsTarget(org.platformlayer.ops.ChrootOpsTarget) Command(org.platformlayer.ops.Command) ProcessExecution(org.platformlayer.ops.process.ProcessExecution) HostPolicy(org.platformlayer.core.model.HostPolicy) List(java.util.List) File( Tags(org.platformlayer.core.model.Tags)

Example 33 with OpsTarget

use of org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class ImageStoreController method addDirectStore.

private void addDirectStore(ImageStore model) throws OpsException {
    // Serious bootstrapping problem here!!!
    SshKey serviceKey = service.getSshKey();
    PublicKey sshPublicKey = serviceKey.getKeyPair().getPublic();
    OpaqueMachine machine = new OpaqueMachine(NetworkPoint.forPublicHostname(model.dnsName));
    OpsTarget target = machine.getTarget("imagestore", serviceKey.getKeyPair());
    SshAuthorizedKey.ensureSshAuthorization(target, "imagestore", sshPublicKey);
// addChild("root", publicKey));
Also used : SshKey(org.platformlayer.ops.helpers.SshKey) OpsTarget(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget) PublicKey( OpaqueMachine(org.platformlayer.ops.OpaqueMachine)

Example 34 with OpsTarget

use of org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class CloudInstanceMapper method doOperation.

public void doOperation() throws OpsException, IOException {
    Tags instanceTags = instance.getTags();
    OpenstackCloud cloud = findCloud();
    if (cloud == null) {
        throw new OpsException("Could not find cloud");
    OpenstackComputeClient computeClient = openstack.getComputeClient(cloud);
    List<String> assignedInstanceIds = instanceTags.findAll(Tag.ASSIGNED);
    if (assignedInstanceIds.isEmpty()) {
        if (createInstance && !OpsContext.isDelete()) {
            MachineCreationRequest request = buildMachineCreationRequest();
            PlatformLayerKey instanceKey = instance.getKey();
            String serverName = buildServerName();
            Server created = openstack.createInstance(cloud, serverName, request);
                Tag instanceTag =, created.getId());
                platformLayer.addTag(instance.getKey(), instanceTag);
    if (assignedInstanceIds.isEmpty() && !OpsContext.isDelete()) {
        throw new OpsException("Instance not yet assigned");
    Machine machine = null;
    OpsTarget target = null;
    if (!assignedInstanceIds.isEmpty()) {
        if (assignedInstanceIds.size() != 1) {
            log.warn("Multiple instance ids found: " + assignedInstanceIds);
        // We just take the first instance id
        String assignedInstanceId = Iterables.getFirst(assignedInstanceIds, null);
        Server server = openstack.findServerById(cloud, assignedInstanceId);
        if (server == null) {
            if (OpsContext.isConfigure()) {
                throw new OpsException("Unable to find assigned server: " + assignedInstanceId);
        } else {
            server = openstack.ensureHasPublicIp(cloud, server);
            AsyncServerOperation powerOnOperation = openstack.ensurePoweredOn(cloud, server);
            if (powerOnOperation != null) {
            machine = new OpenstackComputeMachine(openstack, cloud, server);
            SshKey sshKey = service.getSshKey();
            target = machine.getTarget(sshKey);
    if (!assignedInstanceIds.isEmpty() && OpsContext.isDelete()) {
        CloudBehaviours cloudBehaviours = new CloudBehaviours(cloud);
        boolean supportsSecurityGroups = cloudBehaviours.supportsSecurityGroups();
        for (String instanceId : assignedInstanceIds) {
            Server server = openstack.findServerById(cloud, instanceId);
            if (server == null) {
                log.warn("Could not find assigned server: " + instanceId + ", ignoring");
            SecurityGroup securityGroup = null;
            if (supportsSecurityGroups) {
                securityGroup = openstackHelpers.getMachineSecurityGroup(computeClient, server);
            AsyncServerOperation terminateOperation = openstack.terminateInstance(cloud, instanceId);
            if (securityGroup != null) {
                // We need to terminate the instance before we delete the security group it uses
                if (terminateOperation != null) {
                try {
          "Deleting security group: " + securityGroup.getId());
                } catch (OpenstackNotFoundException e) {
          "Ignoring not-found error while deleting security group: " + securityGroup.getId());
    RecursionState recursion = getRecursionState();
    if (OpsContext.isDelete() && machine == null) {
    } else {
Also used : OpsException(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException) OpenstackCloud( Server(org.openstack.model.compute.Server) OpenstackComputeClient(org.openstack.client.common.OpenstackComputeClient) PlatformLayerKey(org.platformlayer.core.model.PlatformLayerKey) MachineCreationRequest(org.platformlayer.ops.MachineCreationRequest) SecurityGroup(org.openstack.model.compute.SecurityGroup) OpenstackComputeMachine( Machine(org.platformlayer.ops.Machine) SshKey(org.platformlayer.ops.helpers.SshKey) OpsTarget(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget) OpenstackNotFoundException(org.openstack.client.OpenstackNotFoundException) CloudBehaviours( Tag(org.platformlayer.core.model.Tag) OpenstackComputeMachine( Tags(org.platformlayer.core.model.Tags) AsyncServerOperation(org.openstack.client.compute.AsyncServerOperation) Handler(org.platformlayer.ops.Handler)

Example 35 with OpsTarget

use of org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class DnsHelpers method uploadToAllDnsServers.

public void uploadToAllDnsServers(ZoneFile dnsFile) throws OpsException {
    // TODO: Likely problems with concurrent creation of servers and domain entries??
    boolean failed = false;
    for (DnsServer dnsServer : platformLayer.listItems(DnsServer.class)) {
        switch(dnsServer.state) {
            case DELETE_REQUESTED:
            case DELETED:
      "Skipping server (deleted/deleting): " + dnsServer);
            case ACTIVE:
                // Good
                log.warn("Dns server not yet active: " + dnsServer);
                failed = true;
        // TODO: We could have a 'cluster key' that is used to tag the
        // machines providing this service
        Machine machine = instances.findMachine(dnsServer);
        if (machine == null) {
            log.warn("Dns server instance not found: " + dnsServer);
            failed = true;
        OpsTarget target = machine.getTarget(service.getSshKey());
        try {
            upload(target, dnsFile);
        } catch (OpsException e) {
            log.warn("Error updloading dns to server: " + dnsServer, e);
            failed = true;
    if (failed) {
        throw new OpsException("Could not update all DNS servers in cluster").setRetry(TimeSpan.ONE_MINUTE);
Also used : OpsTarget(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget) OpsException(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException) DnsServer(org.platformlayer.service.dns.model.DnsServer) Machine(org.platformlayer.ops.Machine)


OpsTarget (org.platformlayer.ops.OpsTarget)41 Handler (org.platformlayer.ops.Handler)17 File ( Machine (org.platformlayer.ops.Machine)12 OpsException (org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException)11 SshKey (org.platformlayer.ops.helpers.SshKey)10 Command (org.platformlayer.ops.Command)9 PlatformLayerKey (org.platformlayer.core.model.PlatformLayerKey)6 OpaqueMachine (org.platformlayer.ops.OpaqueMachine)6 OpsContext (org.platformlayer.ops.OpsContext)6 ItemBase (org.platformlayer.core.model.ItemBase)4 PublicKey ( Tag (org.platformlayer.core.model.Tag)3 Tags (org.platformlayer.core.model.Tags)3 BindingScope (org.platformlayer.ops.BindingScope)3 CommandEnvironment (org.platformlayer.ops.CommandEnvironment)3 MachineCreationRequest (org.platformlayer.ops.MachineCreationRequest)3 FilesystemInfo (org.platformlayer.ops.filesystem.FilesystemInfo)3 ProcessExecution (org.platformlayer.ops.process.ProcessExecution)3 ServiceType (org.platformlayer.ids.ServiceType)2