use of org.quartz.JobExecutionException in project spring-framework by spring-projects.
the class QuartzJobBean method execute.
* This implementation applies the passed-in job data map as bean property
* values, and delegates to {@code executeInternal} afterwards.
* @see #executeInternal
public final void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
try {
BeanWrapper bw = PropertyAccessorFactory.forBeanPropertyAccess(this);
MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
bw.setPropertyValues(pvs, true);
} catch (SchedulerException ex) {
throw new JobExecutionException(ex);
use of org.quartz.JobExecutionException in project camel by apache.
the class ScheduledJob method execute.
public void execute(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) throws JobExecutionException {
SchedulerContext schedulerContext;
try {
schedulerContext = jobExecutionContext.getScheduler().getContext();
} catch (SchedulerException e) {
throw new JobExecutionException("Failed to obtain scheduler context for job " + jobExecutionContext.getJobDetail().getName());
ScheduledJobState state = (ScheduledJobState) schedulerContext.get(jobExecutionContext.getJobDetail().getName());
Action storedAction = state.getAction();
Route storedRoute = state.getRoute();
List<RoutePolicy> policyList = storedRoute.getRouteContext().getRoutePolicyList();
for (RoutePolicy policy : policyList) {
try {
if (policy instanceof ScheduledRoutePolicy) {
((ScheduledRoutePolicy) policy).onJobExecute(storedAction, storedRoute);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JobExecutionException("Failed to execute Scheduled Job for route " + storedRoute.getId() + " with trigger name: " + jobExecutionContext.getTrigger().getFullName(), e);
use of org.quartz.JobExecutionException in project camel by apache.
the class CamelJob method lookupQuartzEndpoint.
private QuartzEndpoint lookupQuartzEndpoint(CamelContext camelContext, String endpointUri, Trigger trigger) throws JobExecutionException {
String targetTriggerName = trigger.getName();
String targetTriggerGroup = trigger.getGroup();
LOG.debug("Looking up existing QuartzEndpoint with trigger {}.{}", targetTriggerName, targetTriggerGroup);
try {
// as we prefer to use the existing endpoint from the routes
for (Route route : camelContext.getRoutes()) {
Endpoint endpoint = route.getEndpoint();
if (endpoint instanceof DelegateEndpoint) {
endpoint = ((DelegateEndpoint) endpoint).getEndpoint();
if (endpoint instanceof QuartzEndpoint) {
QuartzEndpoint quartzEndpoint = (QuartzEndpoint) endpoint;
String triggerName = quartzEndpoint.getTrigger().getName();
String triggerGroup = quartzEndpoint.getTrigger().getGroup();
LOG.trace("Checking route trigger {}.{}", triggerName, triggerGroup);
if (triggerName.equals(targetTriggerName) && triggerGroup.equals(targetTriggerGroup)) {
return (QuartzEndpoint) endpoint;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JobExecutionException("Error lookup up existing QuartzEndpoint with trigger: " + trigger, e);
// fallback and lookup existing from registry (eg maybe a @Consume POJO with a quartz endpoint, and thus not from a route)
if (camelContext.hasEndpoint(endpointUri) != null) {
return camelContext.getEndpoint(endpointUri, QuartzEndpoint.class);
} else {
LOG.warn("Cannot find existing QuartzEndpoint with uri: {}. Creating new endpoint instance.", endpointUri);
return camelContext.getEndpoint(endpointUri, QuartzEndpoint.class);
use of org.quartz.JobExecutionException in project camel by apache.
the class ScheduledJob method execute.
public void execute(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) throws JobExecutionException {
LOG.debug("Running ScheduledJob: jobExecutionContext={}", jobExecutionContext);
SchedulerContext schedulerContext = getSchedulerContext(jobExecutionContext);
ScheduledJobState state = (ScheduledJobState) schedulerContext.get(jobExecutionContext.getJobDetail().getKey().toString());
Action storedAction = state.getAction();
Route storedRoute = state.getRoute();
List<RoutePolicy> policyList = storedRoute.getRouteContext().getRoutePolicyList();
for (RoutePolicy policy : policyList) {
try {
if (policy instanceof ScheduledRoutePolicy) {
((ScheduledRoutePolicy) policy).onJobExecute(storedAction, storedRoute);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JobExecutionException("Failed to execute Scheduled Job for route " + storedRoute.getId() + " with trigger name: " + jobExecutionContext.getTrigger().getKey(), e);
use of org.quartz.JobExecutionException in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class ExampleSpringJob method executeInternal.
protected void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
// need to generate a Locale so that user beans and other things will
// generate normally
Locale locale = new Locale("en-US");
ResourceBundle pageMessages = ResourceBundleProvider.getPageMessagesBundle();
// logger.debug("--");
// logger.debug("-- executing a job " + message + " at " + new
// java.util.Date().toString());
JobDataMap dataMap = context.getMergedJobDataMap();
SimpleTrigger trigger = (SimpleTrigger) context.getTrigger();
try {
ApplicationContext appContext = (ApplicationContext) context.getScheduler().getContext().get("applicationContext");
String studySubjectNumber = ((CoreResources) appContext.getBean("coreResources")).getField("extract.number");
coreResources = (CoreResources) appContext.getBean("coreResources");
ruleSetRuleDao = (RuleSetRuleDao) appContext.getBean("ruleSetRuleDao");
dataSource = (DataSource) appContext.getBean("dataSource");
mailSender = (OpenClinicaMailSender) appContext.getBean("openClinicaMailSender");
AuditEventDAO auditEventDAO = new AuditEventDAO(dataSource);
// Scheduler scheduler = context.getScheduler();
// JobDetail detail = context.getJobDetail();
// jobDetailBean = (JobDetailBean) detail;
* data map here should coincide with the job data map found in
* CreateJobExportServlet, with the following code: jobDataMap = new
* JobDataMap(); jobDataMap.put(DATASET_ID, datasetId);
* jobDataMap.put(PERIOD, period); jobDataMap.put(EMAIL, email);
* jobDataMap.put(TAB, tab); jobDataMap.put(CDISC, cdisc);
* jobDataMap.put(SPSS, spss);
String alertEmail = dataMap.getString(EMAIL);
String localeStr = dataMap.getString(LOCALE);
if (localeStr != null) {
locale = new Locale(localeStr);
pageMessages = ResourceBundleProvider.getPageMessagesBundle();
int dsId = dataMap.getInt(DATASET_ID);
String tab = dataMap.getString(TAB);
String cdisc = dataMap.getString(CDISC);
String cdisc12 = dataMap.getString(CDISC12);
if (cdisc12 == null) {
cdisc12 = "0";
String cdisc13 = dataMap.getString(CDISC13);
if (cdisc13 == null) {
cdisc13 = "0";
String cdisc13oc = dataMap.getString(CDISC13OC);
if (cdisc13oc == null) {
cdisc13oc = "0";
String spss = dataMap.getString(SPSS);
int userId = dataMap.getInt(USER_ID);
int studyId = dataMap.getInt(STUDY_ID);
// String datasetId = dataMap.getString(DATASET_ID);
// int dsId = new Integer(datasetId).intValue();
// String userAcctId = dataMap.getString(USER_ID);
// int userId = new Integer(userAcctId).intValue();
// why the flip-flop? if one property is set to 'true' we can
// see jobs in another screen but all properties have to be
// strings
logger.debug("-- found the job: " + dsId + " dataset id");
// for (Iterator it = dataMap.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// java.util.Map.Entry entry = (java.util.Map.Entry);
// Object key = entry.getKey();
// Object value = entry.getValue();
// // logger.debug("-- found datamap property: " + key.toString() +
// // " : " + value.toString());
// }
HashMap fileName = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
if (dsId > 0) {
// trying to not throw an error if there's no dataset id
DatasetDAO dsdao = new DatasetDAO(dataSource);
DatasetBean datasetBean = (DatasetBean) dsdao.findByPK(dsId);
StudyDAO studyDao = new StudyDAO(dataSource);
UserAccountDAO userAccountDAO = new UserAccountDAO(dataSource);
// hmm, three lines in the if block DRY?
String generalFileDir = "";
String generalFileDirCopy = "";
String exportFilePath = SQLInitServlet.getField("exportFilePath");
String pattern = "yyyy" + File.separator + "MM" + File.separator + "dd" + File.separator + "HHmmssSSS" + File.separator;
SimpleDateFormat sdfDir = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
generalFileDir = DATASET_DIR + datasetBean.getId() + File.separator + sdfDir.format(new java.util.Date());
if (!"".equals(exportFilePath)) {
generalFileDirCopy = SQLInitServlet.getField("filePath") + exportFilePath + File.separator;
// logger.debug("-- created the following dir: " +
// generalFileDir);
long sysTimeBegin = System.currentTimeMillis();
// set up the user bean here, tbh
// logger.debug("-- gen tab file 00");
userBean = (UserAccountBean) userAccountDAO.findByPK(userId);
// needs to also be captured by the servlet, tbh
// logger.debug("-- gen tab file 00");
generateFileService = new GenerateExtractFileService(dataSource, coreResources, ruleSetRuleDao);
// logger.debug("-- gen tab file 00");
// tbh #5796 - covers a bug when the user changes studies, 10/2010
StudyBean activeStudy = (StudyBean) studyDao.findByPK(studyId);
StudyBean parentStudy = new StudyBean();
logger.debug("active study: " + studyId + " parent study: " + activeStudy.getParentStudyId());
if (activeStudy.getParentStudyId() > 0) {
// StudyDAO sdao = new StudyDAO(sm.getDataSource());
parentStudy = (StudyBean) studyDao.findByPK(activeStudy.getParentStudyId());
} else {
parentStudy = activeStudy;
// covers a bug in tab file creation, tbh 01/2009
logger.debug("-- found extract bean ");
ExtractBean eb = generateFileService.generateExtractBean(datasetBean, activeStudy, parentStudy);
MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("");
StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer auditMessage = new StringBuffer();
// use resource bundle page messages to generate the email, tbh
// 02/2009
// message.append(pageMessages.getString("html_email_header_1")
// + " " + alertEmail +
// pageMessages.getString("html_email_header_2") + "<br/>");
message.append("<p>" + pageMessages.getString("email_header_1") + " " + EmailEngine.getAdminEmail() + " " + pageMessages.getString("email_header_2") + " Job Execution " + pageMessages.getString("email_header_3") + "</p>");
message.append("<P>Dataset: " + datasetBean.getName() + "</P>");
message.append("<P>Study: " + activeStudy.getName() + "</P>");
message.append("<p>" + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_1") + datasetBean.getName() + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_2") + SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL") + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_3") + "</p>");
// logger.debug("-- gen tab file 00");
if ("1".equals(tab)) {
logger.debug("-- gen tab file 01");
fileName = generateFileService.createTabFile(eb, sysTimeBegin, generalFileDir, datasetBean, activeStudy.getId(), parentStudy.getId(), generalFileDirCopy, userBean);
message.append("<p>" + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_4") + " " + getFileNameStr(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_4_5") + SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base") + "AccessFile?fileId=" + getFileIdInt(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_3") + "</p>");
// MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("");
// mf.applyPattern(pageMessages.getString(
// "you_can_access_tab_delimited"));
// Object[] arguments = { getFileIdInt(fileName) };
// auditMessage.append(mf.format(arguments));
// auditMessage.append(
// "You can access your tab-delimited file <a href='AccessFile?fileId="
// + getFileIdInt(fileName) + "'>here</a>.<br/>");
auditMessage.append(pageMessages.getString("you_can_access_tab_delimited") + getFileIdInt(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("access_end"));
if ("1".equals(cdisc)) {
String odmVersion = "oc1.2";
fileName = generateFileService.createODMFile(odmVersion, sysTimeBegin, generalFileDir, datasetBean, activeStudy, generalFileDirCopy, eb, activeStudy.getId(), parentStudy.getId(), studySubjectNumber, true, true, true, null, userBean);
logger.debug("-- gen odm file");
message.append("<p>" + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_4") + " " + getFileNameStr(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_4_5") + SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base") + "AccessFile?fileId=" + getFileIdInt(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_3") + "</p>");
// MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("");
// mf.applyPattern(pageMessages.getString(
// "you_can_access_odm_12"));
// Object[] arguments = { getFileIdInt(fileName) };
// auditMessage.append(mf.format(arguments));
// auditMessage.append(
// "You can access your ODM 1.2 w/OpenClinica Extension XML file <a href='AccessFile?fileId="
// + getFileIdInt(fileName)
// + "'>here</a>.<br/>");
auditMessage.append(pageMessages.getString("you_can_access_odm_12") + getFileIdInt(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("access_end"));
if ("1".equals(cdisc12)) {
String odmVersion = "1.2";
fileName = generateFileService.createODMFile(odmVersion, sysTimeBegin, generalFileDir, datasetBean, activeStudy, generalFileDirCopy, eb, activeStudy.getId(), parentStudy.getId(), studySubjectNumber, true, true, true, null, userBean);
logger.debug("-- gen odm file 1.2 default");
message.append("<p>" + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_4") + " " + getFileNameStr(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_4_5") + SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base") + "AccessFile?fileId=" + getFileIdInt(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_3") + "</p>");
// mf.applyPattern(pageMessages.getString(
// "you_can_access_odm_12_xml"));
// Object[] arguments = { getFileIdInt(fileName) };
// auditMessage.append(mf.format(arguments));
// // auditMessage.append(
// "You can access your ODM 1.2 XML file <a href='AccessFile?fileId="
// + getFileIdInt(fileName) + "'>here</a>.<br/>");
auditMessage.append(pageMessages.getString("you_can_access_odm_12_xml") + getFileIdInt(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("access_end"));
if ("1".equals(cdisc13)) {
String odmVersion = "1.3";
fileName = generateFileService.createODMFile(odmVersion, sysTimeBegin, generalFileDir, datasetBean, activeStudy, generalFileDirCopy, eb, activeStudy.getId(), parentStudy.getId(), studySubjectNumber, true, true, true, null, userBean);
logger.debug("-- gen odm file 1.3");
message.append("<p>" + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_4") + " " + getFileNameStr(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_4_5") + SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base") + "AccessFile?fileId=" + getFileIdInt(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_3") + "</p>");
// MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("");
// mf.applyPattern(pageMessages.getString(
// "you_can_access_odm_13"));
// Object[] arguments = { getFileIdInt(fileName) };
// auditMessage.append(mf.format(arguments));
// auditMessage.append(
// "You can access your ODM 1.3 XML file <a href='AccessFile?fileId="
// + getFileIdInt(fileName) + "'>here</a>.<br/>");
auditMessage.append(pageMessages.getString("you_can_access_odm_13") + getFileIdInt(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("access_end"));
if ("1".equals(cdisc13oc)) {
String odmVersion = "oc1.3";
fileName = generateFileService.createODMFile(odmVersion, sysTimeBegin, generalFileDir, datasetBean, activeStudy, generalFileDirCopy, eb, activeStudy.getId(), parentStudy.getId(), studySubjectNumber, true, true, true, null, userBean);
logger.debug("-- gen odm file 1.3 oc");
message.append("<p>" + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_4") + " " + getFileNameStr(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_4_5") + SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base") + "AccessFile?fileId=" + getFileIdInt(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_3") + "</p>");
// MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("");
// mf.applyPattern(pageMessages.getString(
// "you_can_access_odm_13_xml"));
// Object[] arguments = { getFileIdInt(fileName) };
// auditMessage.append(mf.format(arguments));
// auditMessage.append(
// "You can access your ODM 1.3 w/OpenClinica Extension XML file <a href='AccessFile?fileId="
// + getFileIdInt(fileName)
// + "'>here</a>.<br/>");
auditMessage.append(pageMessages.getString("you_can_access_odm_13_xml") + getFileIdInt(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("access_end"));
if ("1".equals(spss)) {
SPSSReportBean answer = new SPSSReportBean();
fileName = generateFileService.createSPSSFile(datasetBean, eb, activeStudy, parentStudy, sysTimeBegin, generalFileDir, answer, generalFileDirCopy, userBean);
logger.debug("-- gen spss file");
message.append("<p>" + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_4") + " " + getFileNameStr(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_4_5") + SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base") + "AccessFile?fileId=" + getFileIdInt(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_3") + "</p>");
// MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("");
// mf.applyPattern(pageMessages.getString(
// "you_can_access_spss"));
// Object[] arguments = { getFileIdInt(fileName) };
// auditMessage.append(mf.format(arguments));
// auditMessage.append(
// "You can access your SPSS files <a href='AccessFile?fileId="
// + getFileIdInt(fileName) + "'>here</a>.<br/>");
auditMessage.append(pageMessages.getString("you_can_access_spss") + getFileIdInt(fileName) + pageMessages.getString("access_end"));
// wrap up the message, and send the email
message.append("<p>" + pageMessages.getString("html_email_body_5") + "</P><P>" + pageMessages.getString("email_footer"));
try {
mailSender.sendEmail(alertEmail.trim(), pageMessages.getString("job_ran_for") + " " + datasetBean.getName(), message.toString(), true);
} catch (OpenClinicaSystemException ose) {
// Do Nothing, In the future we might want to have an email
// status added to system.
TriggerBean triggerBean = new TriggerBean();
auditEventDAO.createRowForExtractDataJobSuccess(triggerBean, auditMessage.toString());
} else {
TriggerBean triggerBean = new TriggerBean();
// triggerBean.setDataset(datasetBean);
// logger.debug("-- made it here for some reason, ds id: "
// + dsId);
// logger.debug("-- generated file: " + fileNameStr);
// dataSource.
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block -- ideally should generate a fail
// msg here, tbh 02/2009
logger.debug("-- found exception: " + e.getMessage());