Search in sources :

Example 21 with Res_value

use of in project robolectric by robolectric.

the class ShadowArscAssetManager method loadResourceBagValueInternal.

private static int loadResourceBagValueInternal(int ident, int bagEntryId, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolve, ResTable res) {
    // Now lock down the resource object and start pulling stuff from it.
    int block = -1;
    final Ref<Res_value> valueRef = new Ref<>(null);
    final Ref<bag_entry[]> entryRef = new Ref<>(null);
    final Ref<Integer> typeSpecFlags = new Ref<>(0);
    int entryCount = res.getBagLocked(ident, entryRef, typeSpecFlags);
    bag_entry[] bag_entries = entryRef.get();
    for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) {
        bag_entry entry = bag_entries[i];
        if (bagEntryId == {
            block = entry.stringBlock;
    if (block < 0) {
        return block;
    final Ref<Integer> ref = new Ref<>(ident);
    if (resolve) {
        block = res.resolveReference(valueRef, block, ref, typeSpecFlags);
        if (kThrowOnBadId) {
            if (block == BAD_INDEX) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Bad resource!");
    if (block >= 0) {
        return copyValue(outValue, res, valueRef.get(), ref.get(), block, typeSpecFlags.get());
    return block;
Also used : Ref( Res_value( ResTable.bag_entry(

Example 22 with Res_value

use of in project robolectric by robolectric.

the class ShadowArscAssetManager9 method nativeGetResourceArray.

// static jint NativeGetResourceArray(JNIEnv* env, jclass /*clazz*/, jlong ptr, jint resid,
// jintArray out_data) {
@Implementation(minSdk = P)
protected static int nativeGetResourceArray(long ptr, @ArrayRes int resid, @NonNull int[] out_data) {
    CppAssetManager2 assetmanager = AssetManagerFromLong(ptr);
    ResolvedBag bag = assetmanager.GetBag(resid);
    if (bag == null) {
        return -1;
    int out_data_length = out_data.length;
    if ((int) (bag.entry_count) > out_data_length * STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input array is not large enough");
    int[] buffer = // reinterpret_cast<int*>(env.GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(out_data, null));
    if (buffer == null) {
        return -1;
    int[] cursor = buffer;
    for (int i = 0; i < bag.entry_count; i++) {
        ResolvedBag.Entry entry = bag.entries[i];
        final Ref<Res_value> value = new Ref<>(entry.value);
        final Ref<ResTable_config> selected_config = new Ref<>(new ResTable_config());
        selected_config.get().density = 0;
        final Ref<Integer> flags = new Ref<>(bag.type_spec_flags);
        final Ref<Integer> ref = new Ref<>(0);
        ApkAssetsCookie cookie = assetmanager.ResolveReference(entry.cookie, value, selected_config, flags, ref);
        if (cookie.intValue() == kInvalidCookie) {
            // env.ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(out_data, buffer, JNI_ABORT);
            return -1;
        // Deal with the special @null value -- it turns back to TYPE_NULL.
        if (value.get().dataType == Res_value.TYPE_REFERENCE && value.get().data == 0) {
        int offset = i * STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;
        cursor[offset + STYLE_TYPE] = (int) (value.get().dataType);
        cursor[offset + STYLE_DATA] = (int) (value.get().data);
        cursor[offset + STYLE_ASSET_COOKIE] = ApkAssetsCookieToJavaCookie(cookie);
        cursor[offset + STYLE_RESOURCE_ID] = (int) (ref.get());
        cursor[offset + STYLE_CHANGING_CONFIGURATIONS] = (int) (flags.get());
        cursor[offset + STYLE_DENSITY] = (int) (selected_config.get().density);
    // cursor += STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;
    // env.ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(out_data, buffer, 0);
    return (int) (bag.entry_count);
Also used : CppAssetManager2( ResolvedBag( Res_value( ResTable_config( Ref( ApkAssetsCookie( Implementation(org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation)

Example 23 with Res_value

use of in project robolectric by robolectric.

the class ShadowArscAssetManager method getArrayStringResource.

protected final String[] getArrayStringResource(int arrayResId) {
    CppAssetManager am = assetManagerForJavaObject();
    if (am == null) {
        return null;
    final ResTable res = am.getResources();
    final Ref<bag_entry[]> startOfBag = new Ref<>(null);
    final int N = res.lockBag(arrayResId, startOfBag);
    if (N < 0) {
        return null;
    String[] array = new String[N];
    final Ref<Res_value> valueRef = new Ref<>(null);
    final bag_entry[] bag = startOfBag.get();
    int strLen = 0;
    for (int i = 0; ((int) i) < N; i++) {
        String str = null;
        // Take care of resolving the found resource to its final value.
        int block = res.resolveReference(valueRef, bag[i].stringBlock, null);
        if (kThrowOnBadId) {
            if (block == BAD_INDEX) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Bad resource!");
        if (valueRef.get().dataType == DataType.STRING.code()) {
            final ResStringPool pool = res.getTableStringBlock(block);
            str = pool.stringAt(valueRef.get().data);
            // }
            if (str == null) {
                return null;
            array[i] = str;
        // str is not NULL at that point, otherwise ExceptionCheck would have been true.
        // If we have a large amount of strings in our array, we might
        // overflow the local reference table of the VM.
        // env.DeleteLocalRef(str);
    return array;
Also used : Res_value( CppAssetManager( ResTable( Ref( ResStringPool( ResTable.bag_entry( HiddenApi(org.robolectric.annotation.HiddenApi) Implementation(org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation)

Example 24 with Res_value

use of in project robolectric by robolectric.

the class CppAssetManager2 method GetBag.

// Retrieves the best matching bag/map resource with ID `resid`.
// This method will resolve all parent references for this bag and merge keys with the child.
// To iterate over the keys, use the following idiom:
// final ResolvedBag* bag = asset_manager.GetBag(id);
// if (bag != null) {
// for (auto iter = begin(bag); iter != end(bag); ++iter) {
// ...
// }
// }
ResolvedBag GetBag(int resid, List<Integer> child_resids) {
    // ATRACE_NAME("AssetManager::GetBag");
    ResolvedBag cached_iter = cached_bags_.get(resid);
    if (cached_iter != null) {
        return cached_iter;
    final Ref<FindEntryResult> entryRef = new Ref<>(null);
    ApkAssetsCookie cookie = FindEntry(resid, (short) 0, /* density_override */
    false, /* stop_at_first_match */
    if (cookie.intValue() == kInvalidCookie) {
        return null;
    FindEntryResult entry = entryRef.get();
    // was intended to be a map.
    if (dtohs(entry.entry.size) < ResTable_map_entry.BASE_SIZEOF || (dtohs(entry.entry.flags) & ResourceTypes.ResTable_entry.FLAG_COMPLEX) == 0) {
        // Not a bag, nothing to do.
        return null;
    // final ResTable_map_entry map = reinterpret_cast<final ResTable_map_entry*>(entry.entry);
    // final ResTable_map map_entry =
    // reinterpret_cast<final ResTable_map*>(reinterpret_cast<final byte*>(map) + map.size);
    // final ResTable_map map_entry_end = map_entry + dtohl(map.count);
    final ResTable_map_entry map = new ResTable_map_entry(entry.entry.myBuf(), entry.entry.myOffset());
    int curOffset = map.myOffset() + map.size;
    // = new ResTable_map(map.myBuf(), curOffset);
    ResTable_map map_entry = null;
    final int map_entry_end = curOffset + dtohl(map.count) * ResTable_map.SIZEOF;
    if (curOffset < map_entry_end) {
        map_entry = new ResTable_map(map.myBuf(), curOffset);
    // Keep track of ids that have already been seen to prevent infinite loops caused by circular
    // dependencies between bags
    final Ref<Integer> parent_resid = new Ref<>(dtohl(map.parent.ident));
    if (parent_resid.get() == 0 || child_resids.contains(parent_resid.get())) {
        // There is no parent or that a circular dependency exist, meaning there is nothing to
        // inherit and we can do a simple copy of the entries in the map.
        final int entry_count = (map_entry_end - curOffset) / ResTable_map.SIZEOF;
        // util.unique_cptr<ResolvedBag> new_bag{reinterpret_cast<ResolvedBag*>(
        // malloc(sizeof(ResolvedBag) + (entry_count * sizeof(ResolvedBag.Entry))))};
        ResolvedBag new_bag = new ResolvedBag();
        ResolvedBag.Entry[] new_entry = new_bag.entries = new Entry[entry_count];
        int i = 0;
        while (curOffset < map_entry_end) {
            map_entry = new ResTable_map(map_entry.myBuf(), curOffset);
            final Ref<Integer> new_key = new Ref<>(dtohl(;
            if (!is_internal_resid(new_key.get())) {
                // other data, which would be wrong to change via a lookup.
                if (entry.dynamic_ref_table.lookupResourceId(new_key) != NO_ERROR) {
                    System.err.println(String.format("Failed to resolve key 0x%08x in bag 0x%08x.", new_key.get(), resid));
                    return null;
            Entry new_entry_ = new_entry[i] = new Entry();
            new_entry_.cookie = cookie;
            new_entry_.key = new_key.get();
            new_entry_.key_pool = null;
            new_entry_.type_pool = null;
   = resid;
            new_entry_.value = map_entry.value.copy();
            final Ref<Res_value> valueRef = new Ref<>(new_entry_.value);
            int err = entry.dynamic_ref_table.lookupResourceValue(valueRef);
            new_entry_.value = valueRef.get();
            if (err != NO_ERROR) {
                System.err.println(String.format("Failed to resolve value t=0x%02x d=0x%08x for key 0x%08x.", new_entry_.value.dataType,, new_key.get()));
                return null;
            // ++new_entry;
            final int size = dtohs(map_entry.value.size);
            // curOffset += size + sizeof(*map)-sizeof(map->value);
            curOffset += size + ResTable_map.SIZEOF - Res_value.SIZEOF;
        new_bag.type_spec_flags = entry.type_flags;
        new_bag.entry_count = entry_count;
        ResolvedBag result = new_bag;
        cached_bags_.put(resid, new_bag);
        return result;
    // In case the parent is a dynamic reference, resolve it.
    // Get the parent and do a merge of the keys.
    final ResolvedBag parent_bag = GetBag(parent_resid.get(), child_resids);
    if (parent_bag == null) {
        // Failed to get the parent that should exist.
        System.err.println(String.format("Failed to find parent 0x%08x of bag 0x%08x.", parent_resid.get(), resid));
        return null;
    // Create the max possible entries we can make. Once we construct the bag,
    // we will realloc to fit to size.
    final int max_count = parent_bag.entry_count + dtohl(map.count);
    // util::unique_cptr<ResolvedBag> new_bag{reinterpret_cast<ResolvedBag*>(
    // malloc(sizeof(ResolvedBag) + (max_count * sizeof(ResolvedBag::Entry))))};
    ResolvedBag new_bag = new ResolvedBag();
    new_bag.entries = new Entry[max_count];
    final ResolvedBag.Entry[] new_entry = new_bag.entries;
    int newEntryIndex = 0;
    // const ResolvedBag::Entry* parent_entry = parent_bag->entries;
    int parentEntryIndex = 0;
    // final ResolvedBag.Entry parent_entry_end = parent_entry + parent_bag.entry_count;
    final int parentEntryCount = parent_bag.entry_count;
    // The keys are expected to be in sorted order. Merge the two bags.
    while (map_entry != null && curOffset != map_entry_end && parentEntryIndex != parentEntryCount) {
        map_entry = new ResTable_map(map_entry.myBuf(), curOffset);
        final Ref<Integer> child_keyRef = new Ref<>(dtohl(;
        if (!is_internal_resid(child_keyRef.get())) {
            if (entry.dynamic_ref_table.lookupResourceId(child_keyRef) != NO_ERROR) {
                System.err.println(String.format("Failed to resolve key 0x%08x in bag 0x%08x.", child_keyRef.get(), resid));
                return null;
        int child_key = child_keyRef.get();
        Entry parent_entry = parent_bag.entries[parentEntryIndex];
        if (parent_entry == null) {
            parent_entry = new Entry();
        if (child_key <= parent_entry.key) {
            // Use the child key if it comes before the parent
            // or is equal to the parent (overrides).
            Entry new_entry_ = new_entry[newEntryIndex] = new Entry();
            new_entry_.cookie = cookie;
            new_entry_.key = child_key;
            new_entry_.key_pool = null;
            new_entry_.type_pool = null;
            new_entry_.value = map_entry.value.copy();
   = resid;
            final Ref<Res_value> valueRef = new Ref<>(new_entry_.value);
            int err = entry.dynamic_ref_table.lookupResourceValue(valueRef);
            new_entry_.value = valueRef.get();
            if (err != NO_ERROR) {
                System.err.println(String.format("Failed to resolve value t=0x%02x d=0x%08x for key 0x%08x.", new_entry_.value.dataType,, child_key));
                return null;
            // ++map_entry;
            curOffset += map_entry.value.size + ResTable_map.SIZEOF - Res_value.SIZEOF;
        } else {
            // Take the parent entry as-is.
            // memcpy(new_entry, parent_entry, sizeof(*new_entry));
            new_entry[newEntryIndex] = parent_entry.copy();
        if (child_key >= parent_entry.key) {
            // Move to the next parent entry if we used it or it was overridden.
            // ++parent_entry;
        // parent_entry = parent_bag.entries[parentEntryIndex];
        // Increment to the next entry to fill.
        // ++new_entry;
    // Finish the child entries if they exist.
    while (map_entry != null && curOffset != map_entry_end) {
        map_entry = new ResTable_map(map_entry.myBuf(), curOffset);
        final Ref<Integer> new_key = new Ref<>(;
        if (!is_internal_resid(new_key.get())) {
            if (entry.dynamic_ref_table.lookupResourceId(new_key) != NO_ERROR) {
                System.err.println(String.format("Failed to resolve key 0x%08x in bag 0x%08x.", new_key.get(), resid));
                return null;
        Entry new_entry_ = new_entry[newEntryIndex] = new Entry();
        new_entry_.cookie = cookie;
        new_entry_.key = new_key.get();
        new_entry_.key_pool = null;
        new_entry_.type_pool = null;
        new_entry_.value = map_entry.value.copy(); = resid;
        final Ref<Res_value> valueRef = new Ref<>(new_entry_.value);
        int err = entry.dynamic_ref_table.lookupResourceValue(valueRef);
        new_entry_.value = valueRef.get();
        if (err != NO_ERROR) {
            System.err.println(String.format("Failed to resolve value t=0x%02x d=0x%08x for key 0x%08x.", new_entry_.value.dataType,, new_key.get()));
            return null;
        // ++map_entry;
        curOffset += map_entry.value.size + ResTable_map.SIZEOF - Res_value.SIZEOF;
        // ++new_entry;
    // Finish the parent entries if they exist.
    while (parentEntryIndex != parent_bag.entry_count) {
        // Take the rest of the parent entries as-is.
        // final int num_entries_to_copy = parent_entry_end - parent_entry;
        // final int num_entries_to_copy = parent_bag.entry_count - parentEntryIndex;
        // memcpy(new_entry, parent_entry, num_entries_to_copy * sizeof(*new_entry));
        Entry parentEntry = parent_bag.entries[parentEntryIndex];
        new_entry[newEntryIndex] = parentEntry == null ? new Entry() : parentEntry.copy();
        // new_entry += num_entries_to_copy;
    // Resize the resulting array to fit.
    // final int actual_count = new_entry - new_bag.entries;
    final int actual_count = newEntryIndex;
    if (actual_count != max_count) {
        // new_bag.reset(reinterpret_cast<ResolvedBag*>(realloc(
        // new_bag.release(), sizeof(ResolvedBag) + (actual_count * sizeof(ResolvedBag::Entry)))));
        Entry[] resizedEntries = new Entry[actual_count];
        System.arraycopy(new_bag.entries, 0, resizedEntries, 0, actual_count);
        new_bag.entries = resizedEntries;
    // Combine flags from the parent and our own bag.
    new_bag.type_spec_flags = entry.type_flags | parent_bag.type_spec_flags;
    new_bag.entry_count = actual_count;
    ResolvedBag result2 = new_bag;
    // cached_bags_[resid] = std::move(new_bag);
    cached_bags_.put(resid, new_bag);
    return result2;
Also used : ResTable_map( Res_value( ResTable_map_entry( DynamicPackageEntry( Entry(

Example 25 with Res_value

use of in project robolectric by robolectric.

the class CppAssetManager2 method GetResource.

// Retrieves the best matching resource with ID `resid`. The resource value is filled into
// `out_value` and the configuration for the selected value is populated in `out_selected_config`.
// `out_flags` holds the same flags as retrieved with GetResourceFlags().
// If `density_override` is non-zero, the configuration to match against is overridden with that
// density.
// Returns a valid cookie if the resource was found. If the resource was not found, or if the
// resource was a map/bag type, then kInvalidCookie is returned. If `may_be_bag` is false,
// this function logs if the resource was a map/bag type before returning kInvalidCookie.
// ApkAssetsCookie GetResource(int resid, boolean may_be_bag, short density_override,
// Res_value out_value, ResTable_config out_selected_config,
// int* out_flags);
public ApkAssetsCookie GetResource(int resid, boolean may_be_bag, short density_override, Ref<Res_value> out_value, final Ref<ResTable_config> out_selected_config, final Ref<Integer> out_flags) {
    final Ref<FindEntryResult> entry = new Ref<>(null);
    ApkAssetsCookie cookie = FindEntry(resid, density_override, false, /* stop_at_first_match */
    if (cookie.intValue() == kInvalidCookie) {
        return K_INVALID_COOKIE;
    if (isTruthy(dtohl(entry.get().entry.flags) & ResTable_entry.FLAG_COMPLEX)) {
        if (!may_be_bag) {
            System.err.println(String.format("Resource %08x is a complex map type.", resid));
            return K_INVALID_COOKIE;
        // Create a reference since we can't represent this complex type as a Res_value.
        out_value.set(new Res_value((byte) Res_value.TYPE_REFERENCE, resid));
        out_selected_config.set(new ResTable_config(entry.get().config));
        return cookie;
    // final Res_value device_value = reinterpret_cast<final Res_value>(
    // reinterpret_cast<final byte*>(entry.entry) + dtohs(entry.entry.size));
    // out_value.copyFrom_dtoh(*device_value);
    Res_value device_value = entry.get().entry.getResValue();
    // Convert the package ID to the runtime assigned package ID.
    out_selected_config.set(new ResTable_config(entry.get().config));
    return cookie;
Also used : Res_value(


Res_value ( Ref ( Implementation (org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation)21 ResTable_config ( ApkAssetsCookie ( CppAssetManager2 ( ResolvedBag ( Nullable (android.annotation.Nullable)6 HiddenApi (org.robolectric.annotation.HiddenApi)6 ResTable ( ResTable.bag_entry ( CppAssetManager ( Entry ( ResStringPool ( ResTable_map_entry ( CppApkAssets ( Theme ( ResTable_map ( ResTable_sparseTypeEntry ( AttributeSet (android.util.AttributeSet)1