Search in sources :

Example 11 with Match

use of org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Match in project rstudio by rstudio.

the class TextEditingTargetReformatHelper method getAlignmentRanges.

private ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> getAlignmentRanges() {
    int selectionStart = docDisplay_.getSelectionStart().getRow();
    int selectionEnd = docDisplay_.getSelectionEnd().getRow();
    ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> ranges = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>();
    for (int i = selectionStart; i <= selectionEnd; i++) {
        String line = docDisplay_.getLine(i);
        String masked = StringUtil.maskStrings(line);
        Match match = DELIM_PATTERN.match(masked, 0);
        if (match != null) {
            String delimiter = match.getGroup(2);
            int rangeStart = i;
            while (i++ <= selectionEnd) {
                line = docDisplay_.getLine(i);
                masked = StringUtil.maskStrings(line);
                // Allow empty lines, and comments, to live within the range.
                if (masked.matches("^\\s*$") || masked.matches("^\\s*#.*$"))
                // If this line doesn't match, bail
                match = DELIM_PATTERN.match(masked, 0);
                if (match == null || !match.getGroup(2).equals(delimiter))
            // But don't allow comments or whitespaces to exist at the
            // end of a range.
            int rangeEnd = i - 1;
            line = docDisplay_.getLine(rangeEnd);
            while (line.matches("^\\s*$") || line.matches("^\\s*#.*$")) {
                line = docDisplay_.getLine(rangeEnd);
            ranges.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(rangeStart, rangeEnd));
    return ranges;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Pair(org.rstudio.core.client.Pair) Match(org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Match)

Example 12 with Match

use of org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Match in project rstudio by rstudio.

the class TextEditingTargetReformatHelper method doAlignAssignment.

private void doAlignAssignment(int startRow, int endRow) {
    docDisplay_.setSelectionRange(Range.fromPoints(Position.create(startRow, 0), Position.create(endRow, docDisplay_.getLine(endRow).length())));
    String[] splat = docDisplay_.getSelectionValue().split("\n");
    ArrayList<String> starts = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> delimiters = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> ends = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (int i = 0; i < splat.length; i++) {
        String line = splat[i];
        String masked = StringUtil.maskStrings(splat[i]);
        Match match = DELIM_PATTERN.match(masked, 0);
        if (match == null) {
        } else {
            String start = line.substring(0, match.getGroup(1).length());
            start = start.replaceAll("\\s*$", "");
            int endOfDelim = match.getGroup(1).length() + match.getGroup(2).length();
            String end = line.substring(endOfDelim);
            end = end.replaceAll("^\\s*", "");
    // Transform the ends if they appear numeric-y -- we want to
    // right-align numbers, e.g.
    //    x =   1,
    //    y =  10,
    //    z = 100
    ArrayList<Integer> endPrefixes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    boolean success = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < ends.size(); i++) {
        String current = ends.get(i).replaceAll("[\\s,\\);]*", "");
        try {
            endPrefixes.add(("" + Integer.parseInt(current)).length());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            success = false;
    if (success) {
        int maxLength = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < endPrefixes.size(); i++) maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, endPrefixes.get(i));
        for (int i = 0; i < ends.size(); i++) ends.set(i, StringUtil.repeat(" ", maxLength - endPrefixes.get(i)) + ends.get(i).replaceAll("^\\s*", ""));
    // Pad the 'start's with whitespace, to align the delimiter.
    int maxLength = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < starts.size(); i++) maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, starts.get(i).replaceAll("\\s*$", "").length());
    for (int i = 0; i < starts.size(); i++) starts.set(i, starts.get(i) + StringUtil.repeat(" ", maxLength - starts.get(i).length()));
    // Build a new selection by concatenating the (transformed)
    // pieces.
    StringBuilder newSelectionBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < starts.size(); i++) {
        newSelectionBuilder.append(" " + delimiters.get(i) + " ");
        if (i < starts.size() - 1)
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Match(org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Match)

Example 13 with Match

use of org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Match in project rstudio by rstudio.

the class TextEditingTargetCompilePdfHelper method getRnwOptionsStart.

public int getRnwOptionsStart(String line, int cursorPos) {
    Pattern pattern = docDisplay_.getFileType().getRnwStartPatternBegin();
    if (pattern == null)
        return -1;
    String linePart = line.substring(0, cursorPos);
    Match match = pattern.match(linePart, 0);
    if (match == null)
        return -1;
    // See if the cursor is already past the end of the chunk header,
    // for example <<foo>>=[CURSOR].
    Pattern patternEnd = docDisplay_.getFileType().getRnwStartPatternEnd();
    if (patternEnd != null && patternEnd.match(linePart, 0) != null)
        return -1;
    return match.getValue().length();
Also used : Pattern(org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Pattern) Match(org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Match)

Example 14 with Match

use of org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Match in project rstudio by rstudio.

the class FindReplace method replace.

private void replace() {
    String searchString = display_.getFindValue().getValue();
    if (searchString.length() == 0)
    Pattern pattern = createPattern();
    String line = editor_.getCurrentLine();
    Match m = pattern.match(line, editor_.getSelectionStart().getColumn());
    if (m != null && m.getIndex() == editor_.getSelectionStart().getColumn() && m.getValue().length() == editor_.getSelectionValue().length()) {
        String replacement = display_.getReplaceValue().getValue();
        editor_.replaceSelection(display_.getRegex().getValue() ? substitute(m, replacement, line) : replacement);
        if (targetSelection_ != null)
    find(defaultForward_ ? FindType.Forward : FindType.Reverse);
Also used : Pattern(org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Pattern) Match(org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Match)

Example 15 with Match

use of org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Match in project rstudio by rstudio.

the class FindReplace method replaceAll.

private void replaceAll() {
    String code = null;
    if (targetSelection_ != null) {
        Range range = targetSelection_.getRange();
        code = editor_.getCode(range.getStart(), range.getEnd());
    } else {
        code = editor_.getCode();
    boolean regex = display_.getRegex().getValue();
    String find = display_.getFindValue().getValue();
    String repl = display_.getReplaceValue().getValue();
    int occurrences = 0;
    if (find.length() > 0) {
        Pattern pattern = createPattern();
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        // pointer into original string
        int pos = 0;
        for (Match m = pattern.match(code, 0); m != null; m = m.nextMatch()) {
            // Add everything between the end of the last match, and this one
            int index = m.getIndex();
            result.append(code, pos, index);
            // Add the replacement value
            if (regex)
                result.append(substitute(m, repl, code));
            // Point to the end of this match
            pos = index + m.getValue().length();
            // we'll loop forever (see case 4191). Bail out.
            if (m.getValue().length() == 0) {
        result.append(code, pos, code.length());
        String newCode = result.toString();
        // either replace all or replace just the target range
        if (targetSelection_ != null) {
            // restore and then replace the selection
            editor_.replaceSelection(newCode, false);
            // reset the target selection
        } else {
    globalDisplay_.showMessage(GlobalDisplay.MSG_INFO, errorCaption_, occurrences + " occurrences replaced.");
Also used : Pattern(org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Pattern) Range( Match(org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Match)


Match (org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Match)33 Pattern (org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Pattern)22 JsArrayString ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 Point (org.rstudio.core.client.Point)3 Breakpoint ( Range ( JsArrayInteger ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 Pair (org.rstudio.core.client.Pair)1 TextCursor (org.rstudio.core.client.TextCursor)1 ReplaceOperation (org.rstudio.core.client.regex.Pattern.ReplaceOperation)1 ImageResource2x (org.rstudio.core.client.resources.ImageResource2x)1 InputEditorPosition ( Position (