use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.config.model.NoSqlConfigModel in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class Mongo method find.
* @todo 集合记录查询
* @return
public List<?> find() {
QueryExecutor queryExecutor = build();
SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig = sqlToyContext.getSqlToyConfig(sql,, "");
NoSqlConfigModel noSqlModel = sqlToyConfig.getNoSqlConfigModel();
if (noSqlModel == null || noSqlModel.getCollection() == null || noSqlModel.getFields() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERROR_MESSAGE);
try {
QueryExecutorExtend extend = queryExecutor.getInnerModel();
// 最后的执行语句
String realMql = MongoElasticUtils.wrapMql(sqlToyConfig, extend.getParamsName(sqlToyConfig), extend.getParamsValue(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig));
// 聚合查询
if (noSqlModel.isHasAggs()) {
return aggregate(getMongoTemplate(), sqlToyConfig, realMql, (Class) extend.resultType, extend.humpMapLabel);
return findTop(getMongoTemplate(), sqlToyConfig, null, realMql, (Class) extend.resultType, extend.humpMapLabel);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DataAccessException(e);
use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.config.model.NoSqlConfigModel in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class ElasticSearchUtils method executeQuery.
* @todo 执行实际查询处理
* @param sqlToyContext
* @param sqlToyConfig
* @param sql
* @param resultClass
* @param humpMapLabel
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static DataSetResult executeQuery(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, String sql, Class resultClass, boolean humpMapLabel) throws Exception {
NoSqlConfigModel noSqlModel = sqlToyConfig.getNoSqlConfigModel();
ElasticEndpoint esConfig = sqlToyContext.getElasticEndpoint(noSqlModel.getEndpoint());
// 原生sql支持(7.5.1 还未支持分页)
boolean nativeSql = (esConfig.isNativeSql() && noSqlModel.isSqlMode());
// 执行请求并返回json结果
JSONObject json = HttpClientUtils.doPost(sqlToyContext, noSqlModel, esConfig, sql);
if (json == null || json.isEmpty()) {
return new DataSetResult();
String[] fields = noSqlModel.getFields();
if (fields == null) {
if (json.containsKey("columns")) {
JSONArray cols = json.getJSONArray("columns");
fields = new String[cols.size()];
int index = 0;
for (Object col : cols) {
fields[index] = ((JSONObject) col).getString("name");
} else if (resultClass != null) {
Class superClass = resultClass.getSuperclass();
if (!resultClass.equals(ArrayList.class) && !resultClass.equals(List.class) && !resultClass.equals(Collection.class) && !resultClass.equals(HashMap.class) && !resultClass.equals(ConcurrentHashMap.class) && !resultClass.equals(Map.class) && !HashMap.class.equals(superClass) && !Map.class.equals(superClass) && !LinkedHashMap.class.equals(superClass) && !ConcurrentHashMap.class.equals(superClass)) {
fields = BeanUtil.matchSetMethodNames(resultClass);
DataSetResult resultSet = null;
if (nativeSql) {
resultSet = extractSqlFieldValue(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, json, fields);
} else {
resultSet = extractFieldValue(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, json, fields);
MongoElasticUtils.processTranslate(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, resultSet.getRows(), resultSet.getLabelNames());
// 不支持指定查询集合的行列转换
boolean changedCols = ResultUtils.calculate(sqlToyContext.getDesensitizeProvider(), sqlToyConfig, resultSet, null, null);
// 将结果数据映射到具体对象类型中
resultSet.setRows(ResultUtils.wrapQueryResult(sqlToyContext, resultSet.getRows(), StringUtil.humpFieldNames(resultSet.getLabelNames()), resultClass, changedCols, true, false, null, null));
return resultSet;
use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.config.model.NoSqlConfigModel in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class ElasticSearchUtils method executeQuery.
* @todo 执行实际查询处理
* @param sqlToyContext
* @param sqlToyConfig
* @param noSqlModel
* @param jsonQuery
* @param resultClass
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static DataSetResult executeQuery(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, String sql, String resultClass) throws Exception {
NoSqlConfigModel noSqlModel = sqlToyConfig.getNoSqlConfigModel();
// 执行请求并返回json结果
JSONObject json = HttpClientUtils.doPost(sqlToyContext, noSqlModel, sql);
if (json == null || json.isEmpty()) {
return new DataSetResult();
String[] fields = noSqlModel.getFields();
if (fields == null && resultClass != null) {
if (!CollectionUtil.any(resultClass.toLowerCase(), new String[] { "map", "hashmap", "linkedhashmap", "linkedmap" }, false)) {
fields = BeanUtil.matchSetMethodNames(Class.forName(resultClass));
DataSetResult resultSet = extractFieldValue(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, json, fields);
MongoElasticUtils.processTranslate(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, resultSet.getRows(), resultSet.getLabelNames());
// 不支持指定查询集合的行列转换
ResultUtils.calculate(sqlToyConfig, resultSet, null, sqlToyContext.isDebug());
// 将结果数据映射到具体对象类型中
resultSet.setRows(MongoElasticUtils.wrapResultClass(resultSet.getRows(), resultSet.getLabelNames(), resultClass));
return resultSet;
use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.config.model.NoSqlConfigModel in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class SqlXMLConfigParse method parseNoSql.
* @todo 解析nosql的相关配置
* @param sqlToyConfig
* @param sqlElt
private static void parseNoSql(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, Element sqlElt) {
NoSqlConfigModel noSqlConfig = new NoSqlConfigModel();
if (sqlElt.attribute("collection") != null)
if (sqlElt.attribute("mongo-factory") != null)
// url应该是一个变量如:${es_url}
if (sqlElt.attribute("url") != null)
// 索引
if (sqlElt.attribute("index") != null)
if (sqlElt.attribute("type") != null)
// 请求超时时间(单位毫秒)
if (sqlElt.attribute("request-timeout") != null)
// 连接超时时间(单位毫秒)
if (sqlElt.attribute("connection-timeout") != null)
// 整个请求超时时长(毫秒)
if (sqlElt.attribute("socket-timeout") != null)
// url请求字符集类型
if (sqlElt.attribute("charset") != null)
// fields
if (sqlElt.attribute("fields") != null) {
if (StringUtil.isNotBlank(sqlElt.attributeValue("fields")))
} else if (sqlElt.element("fields") != null)
// valueRoot
if (sqlElt.attribute("value-root") != null)
else if (sqlElt.attribute("value-path") != null)
// 是否有聚合查询
if (sqlElt.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("eql")) {
if (sqlElt.attribute("aggregate") != null) {
} else {
noSqlConfig.setHasAggs(StringUtil.matches(sqlToyConfig.getSql(), ES_AGGS_PATTERN));
// 判断查询语句的模式是否sql模式
if (StringUtil.matches(sqlToyConfig.getSql(), "(?i)\\s*select\\s*") && sqlToyConfig.getSql().toLowerCase().indexOf("from") > 0) {
// sql模式下存在group by 则判定为聚合查询
if (StringUtil.matches(sqlToyConfig.getSql(), GROUP_BY_PATTERN))
} else if (sqlElt.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("mql")) {
if (sqlElt.attribute("aggregate") != null) {
} else
noSqlConfig.setHasAggs(StringUtil.matches(sqlToyConfig.getSql(), MONGO_AGGS_PATTERN));
// nosql参数解析模式不同于sql
if (!noSqlConfig.isSqlMode())
sqlToyConfig.setParamsName(SqlConfigParseUtils.getNoSqlParamsName(sqlToyConfig.getSql(), true));
use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.config.model.NoSqlConfigModel in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class ElasticSearchUtils method extractFieldValue.
* @todo 从返回的JSON对象中根据字段属性提取数据并以集合形式返回
* @param sqlToyContext
* @param sqlToyConfig
* @param json
* @param fields
* @return
public static DataSetResult extractFieldValue(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, JSONObject json, String[] fields) {
// 聚合数据提取
if (sqlToyConfig.getNoSqlConfigModel().isHasAggs() || json.getJSONObject("aggregations") != null) {
return extractAggsFieldValue(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, json, fields);
} else if (json.containsKey("suggest")) {
return extractSuggestFieldValue(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, json, fields);
DataSetResult resultModel = new DataSetResult();
// 设置总记录数量
JSONObject hits = json.getJSONObject("hits");
if (hits != null && hits.containsKey("total")) {
Object total = hits.get("total");
if (total instanceof JSONObject) {
resultModel.setRecordCount(((JSONObject) total).getLong("value"));
} else {
NoSqlConfigModel nosqlConfig = sqlToyConfig.getNoSqlConfigModel();
List result = new ArrayList();
String[] valuePath = (nosqlConfig.getValueRoot() == null) ? new String[] { "hits", "hits" } : nosqlConfig.getValueRoot();
JSONObject root = json;
String lastKey = valuePath[valuePath.length - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < valuePath.length - 1; i++) {
if (root != null) {
root = root.getJSONObject(valuePath[i]);
} else {
return resultModel;
Object realRoot = root.get(lastKey);
if (realRoot == null) {
return resultModel;
NoSqlFieldsModel fieldModel = MongoElasticUtils.processFields(fields, null);
String[] realFields = fieldModel.getFields();
JSONObject rowJson, sourceData;
if (realRoot instanceof JSONArray) {
JSONArray array = (JSONArray) realRoot;
for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
rowJson = (JSONObject) array.get(i);
// 非聚合,数据取_source
sourceData = rowJson.getJSONObject("_source");
addRow(result, sourceData, realFields);
} else if (realRoot instanceof JSONObject) {
addRow(result, (JSONObject) realRoot, realFields);
return resultModel;