use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.model.QueryResult in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class DialectFactory method updateFetch.
* @todo 查询锁定记录,并进行修改
* @param sqlToyContext
* @param queryExecutor
* @param updateRowHandler
* @param dataSource
* @return
* @throws Exception
public QueryResult updateFetch(final SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, final QueryExecutor queryExecutor, final UpdateRowHandler updateRowHandler, final DataSource dataSource) throws Exception {
final SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig = sqlToyContext.getSqlToyConfig(queryExecutor.getSql(),;
try {
SqlExecuteStat.start(sqlToyConfig.getId(), "updateFetch", sqlToyConfig.isShowSql());
return (QueryResult) DataSourceUtils.processDataSource(sqlToyContext, ShardingUtils.getShardingDataSource(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, queryExecutor, dataSource), new DataSourceCallbackHandler() {
public void doConnection(Connection conn, Integer dbType, String dialect) throws Exception {
// 处理sql中的?为统一的:named形式
SqlToyConfig realSqlToyConfig = DialectUtils.getUnifyParamsNamedConfig(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, queryExecutor, dialect, false);
SqlToyResult queryParam = SqlConfigParseUtils.processSql(realSqlToyConfig.getSql(), queryExecutor.getParamsName(realSqlToyConfig), queryExecutor.getParamsValue(realSqlToyConfig));
QueryResult queryResult = getDialectSqlWrapper(dbType).updateFetch(sqlToyContext, realSqlToyConfig, queryParam.getSql(), queryParam.getParamsValue(), updateRowHandler, conn);
if (queryExecutor.getResultType() != null) {
queryResult.setRows(ResultUtils.wrapQueryResult(queryResult.getRows(), ResultUtils.humpFieldNames(queryExecutor, queryResult.getLabelNames()), (Class) queryExecutor.getResultType()));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {
use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.model.QueryResult in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class OracleDialectUtils method executeStore.
* @todo <b>oracle 存储过程调用,inParam需放在outParam前面(oracle存储过程返回结果必须用out
* 参数返回,返回结果集则out 参数类型必须是OracleTypes.CURSOR,相对其他数据库比较特殊 )</b>
* @param sqlToyConfig
* @param sqlToyContext
* @param storeSql
* @param inParamValues
* @param outParamTypes
* @param conn
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static StoreResult executeStore(final SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, final SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, final String storeSql, final Object[] inParamValues, final Integer[] outParamTypes, final Connection conn) throws Exception {
CallableStatement callStat = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
return (StoreResult) SqlUtil.callableStatementProcess(null, callStat, rs, new CallableStatementResultHandler() {
public void execute(Object obj, CallableStatement callStat, ResultSet rs) throws Exception {
callStat = conn.prepareCall(storeSql);
SqlUtil.setParamsValue(conn, callStat, inParamValues, null, 0);
int cursorIndex = -1;
int cursorCnt = 0;
int inCount = (inParamValues == null) ? 0 : inParamValues.length;
int outCount = (outParamTypes == null) ? 0 : outParamTypes.length;
// 注册输出参数
if (outCount != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < outCount; i++) {
callStat.registerOutParameter(i + inCount + 1, outParamTypes[i]);
if (OracleTypes.CURSOR == outParamTypes[i].intValue()) {
cursorIndex = i;
StoreResult storeResult = new StoreResult();
// 只返回最后一个CURSOR 类型的数据集
if (cursorIndex != -1) {
rs = (ResultSet) callStat.getObject(inCount + cursorIndex + 1);
QueryResult tempResult = ResultUtils.processResultSet(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, conn, rs, null, null, 0);
// 有返回参数(CURSOR 的类型不包含在内)
if (outCount != 0) {
Object[] outParams = new Object[outCount - cursorCnt];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < outCount; i++) {
if (OracleTypes.CURSOR != outParamTypes[i].intValue()) {
// 存储过程自动分页第一个返回参数是总记录数
outParams[index] = callStat.getObject(i + inCount + 1);
use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.model.QueryResult in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class DialectUtils method executeStore.
* @todo <b>通用的存储过程调用,inParam需放在outParam前面</b>
* @param sqlToyConfig
* @param sqlToyContext
* @param storeSql
* @param inParamValues
* @param outParamTypes
* @param conn
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static StoreResult executeStore(final SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, final SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, final String storeSql, final Object[] inParamValues, final Integer[] outParamTypes, final Connection conn) throws Exception {
CallableStatement callStat = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
return (StoreResult) SqlUtil.callableStatementProcess(null, callStat, rs, new CallableStatementResultHandler() {
public void execute(Object obj, CallableStatement callStat, ResultSet rs) throws Exception {
callStat = conn.prepareCall(storeSql);
boolean isFirstResult = StringUtil.matches(storeSql, STORE_PATTERN);
int addIndex = isFirstResult ? 1 : 0;
SqlUtil.setParamsValue(conn, callStat, inParamValues, null, addIndex);
int inCount = (inParamValues == null) ? 0 : inParamValues.length;
int outCount = (outParamTypes == null) ? 0 : outParamTypes.length;
// 注册输出参数
if (outCount != 0) {
if (isFirstResult)
callStat.registerOutParameter(1, outParamTypes[0]);
for (int i = addIndex; i < outCount; i++) {
callStat.registerOutParameter(i + inCount + 1, outParamTypes[i]);
rs = callStat.getResultSet();
// 执行查询 解决存储过程返回多个结果集问题,取最后一个结果集
while (callStat.getMoreResults()) {
rs = callStat.getResultSet();
StoreResult storeResult = new StoreResult();
if (rs != null) {
QueryResult tempResult = ResultUtils.processResultSet(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, conn, rs, null, null, 0);
// 有返回参数如:(?=call (? in,? out) )
if (outCount != 0) {
Object[] outParams = new Object[outCount];
if (isFirstResult)
outParams[0] = callStat.getObject(1);
for (int i = addIndex; i < outCount; i++) {
outParams[i] = callStat.getObject(i + inCount + 1);
use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.model.QueryResult in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class DialectUtils method findBySql.
* @todo 实现普通的sql语句查询
* @param sqlToyContext
* @param sqlToyConfig
* @param sql
* @param paramsValue
* @param rowCallbackHandler
* @param conn
* @param startIndex
* @param fetchSize
* @param maxRows
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static QueryResult findBySql(final SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, final SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, final String sql, final Object[] paramsValue, final RowCallbackHandler rowCallbackHandler, final Connection conn, final int startIndex, final int fetchSize, final int maxRows) throws Exception {
// 打印sql
SqlExecuteStat.showSql(sql, paramsValue);
PreparedStatement pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
if (fetchSize > 0)
if (maxRows > 0)
ResultSet rs = null;
return (QueryResult) SqlUtil.preparedStatementProcess(null, pst, rs, new PreparedStatementResultHandler() {
public void execute(Object obj, PreparedStatement pst, ResultSet rs) throws Exception {
SqlUtil.setParamsValue(conn, pst, paramsValue, null, 0);
rs = pst.executeQuery();
this.setResult(ResultUtils.processResultSet(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, conn, rs, rowCallbackHandler, null, startIndex));
use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.model.QueryResult in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class SybaseIQDialect method getRandomResult.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.sagacity.sqltoy.dialect.DialectSqlWrapper#getRandomResult(org.
* sagacity .sqltoy.SqlToyContext,
* org.sagacity.sqltoy.config.model.SqlToyConfig,
* org.sagacity.sqltoy.executor.QueryExecutor, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long,
* java.sql.Connection)
public QueryResult getRandomResult(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, QueryExecutor queryExecutor, Long totalCount, Long randomCount, Connection conn) throws Exception {
SqlWithAnalysis sqlWith = new SqlWithAnalysis(sqlToyConfig.getSql());
QueryResult queryResult = null;
boolean isNamed = sqlToyConfig.isNamedParam();
String tmpTable = "#SAG_TMP_" + System.nanoTime();
// 组合需要被插入的sql
String pageSql = sqlToyConfig.isHasFast() ? sqlToyConfig.getFastSql() : sqlWith.getRejectWithSql();
StringBuilder insertTempSql = new StringBuilder(pageSql.length() + 100);
// 判断sql中是否有distinct或top
if (DialectUtils.isComplexPageQuery(pageSql)) {
insertTempSql.append("select ");
insertTempSql.append(" sag_tmp_table.* ");
insertTempSql.append(" into ");
insertTempSql.append(" from ( ");
insertTempSql.append(") sag_tmp_table");
} else {
String lowerSql = pageSql.toLowerCase();
int fastPageFromIndex = StringUtil.getSymMarkIndex("select ", " from", lowerSql, 0);
String columns = pageSql.substring(lowerSql.indexOf("select ") + 6, fastPageFromIndex);
insertTempSql.append("select ");
insertTempSql.append(" into ");
insertTempSql.append(tmpTable).append(" ");
if (sqlToyConfig.isHasWith()) {
insertTempSql.insert(0, " ");
insertTempSql.insert(0, sqlToyConfig.isHasFast() ? sqlToyConfig.getFastWithSql() : sqlWith.getWithSql());
boolean hasCreateTmp = false;
try {
// 通过参数处理最终的sql和参数值
SqlToyResult queryParam = SqlConfigParseUtils.processSql(insertTempSql.toString(), queryExecutor.getParamsName(sqlToyConfig), queryExecutor.getParamsValue(sqlToyConfig));
// 执行sql将记录插入临时表
DialectUtils.executeSql(queryParam.getSql(), queryParam.getParamsValue(), null, conn, true);
hasCreateTmp = true;
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
sql.append("select ");
sql.append(" rowid(").append(tmpTable).append(") as page_row_id,");
sql.append(" * from ");
sql.append(tmpTable).append(" where page_row_id in (");
sql.append(isNamed ? ":" + SqlToyConstants.PAGE_FIRST_PARAM_NAME : "?");
if (sqlToyConfig.isHasFast()) {
sql.insert(0, sqlToyConfig.getFastPreSql() + " ( ");
sql.append(" ) ");
if (sqlToyConfig.getFastWithIndex() != -1) {
sqlWith = new SqlWithAnalysis(sql.toString());
sql.delete(0, sql.length() - 1);
String[] aliasTableAs;
int index = 0;
for (int i = sqlToyConfig.getFastWithIndex() + 1; i < sqlWith.getWithSqlSet().size(); i++) {
aliasTableAs = sqlWith.getWithSqlSet().get(i);
if (index == 0)
sql.append("with ");
sql.append(" as (");
sql.append(" ").append(sqlWith.getRejectWithSql());
queryParam = DialectUtils.wrapPageSqlParams(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, queryExecutor, sql.toString(), CommonUtils.randomArray(totalCount.intValue(), randomCount.intValue()), null);
queryResult = findBySql(sqlToyContext, sqlToyConfig, queryParam.getSql(), queryParam.getParamsValue(), queryExecutor.getRowCallbackHandler(), conn, queryExecutor.getFetchSize(), queryExecutor.getMaxRows());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {
// 删除临时表
if (hasCreateTmp)
DialectUtils.executeSql("drop table ".concat(tmpTable), null, null, conn, true);
return queryResult;