use of org.scijava.vecmath.Point3f in project mcib3d-core by mcib3d.
the class Object3DSurface method createSphere.
* @param transform
* @param meridians
* @param parallels
* @return
public static List<Point3f> createSphere(GeomTransform3D transform, final int meridians, final int parallels) {
final double[][][] globe = generateGlobe(meridians, parallels);
// IJ.log("Computing sphere");
Vector3D zero_vector = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < globe.length; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < globe[0].length; k++) {
Vector3D point = new Vector3D(globe[j][k][0], globe[j][k][1], globe[j][k][2]);
Vector3D res = transform.getVectorTransformed(point, zero_vector);
globe[j][k][0] = res.getX();
globe[j][k][1] = res.getY();
globe[j][k][2] = res.getZ();
// create triangular faces and add them to the list
final ArrayList<Point3f> list = new ArrayList<Point3f>();
for (int j = 0; j < globe.length - 1; j++) {
// the parallels
for (int k = 0; k < globe[0].length - 1; k++) {
// meridian points
if (j != globe.length - 2) {
// half quadrant (a triangle)
list.add(new Point3f((float) globe[j + 1][k + 1][0], (float) globe[j + 1][k + 1][1], (float) globe[j + 1][k + 1][2]));
list.add(new Point3f((float) globe[j][k][0], (float) globe[j][k][1], (float) globe[j][k][2]));
list.add(new Point3f((float) globe[j + 1][k][0], (float) globe[j + 1][k][1], (float) globe[j + 1][k][2]));
if (j != 0) {
// the other half quadrant
list.add(new Point3f((float) globe[j][k][0], (float) globe[j][k][1], (float) globe[j][k][2]));
list.add(new Point3f((float) globe[j + 1][k + 1][0], (float) globe[j + 1][k + 1][1], (float) globe[j + 1][k + 1][2]));
list.add(new Point3f((float) globe[j][k + 1][0], (float) globe[j][k + 1][1], (float) globe[j][k + 1][2]));
return list;
use of org.scijava.vecmath.Point3f in project mcib3d-core by mcib3d.
the class Object3DSurface method scale.
public void scale(double scale, Vector3D dir) {
Vector3D dirN = dir.getNormalizedVector();
Point3D center = this.getCenterAsVector();
for (int i = 0; i < faces.size(); i++) {
Point3f P = this.getVertex(i);
// Point3D P0 = new Vector3D(P);
Point3D P0 = new Point3D(P);
Vector3D V0 = new Vector3D(center, P0);
double orient = Math.abs((V0.getNormalizedVector()).dotProduct(dirN));
double sca = 1 + orient * orient * (scale - 1);
Vector3D V1 = V0.multiply(sca);
Point3D P1 = new Vector3D(center);
// IJ.log("Scale dir " + i + " " + P + " " + P1+" "+orient+" "+scale+" "+V1);
// this.computeUniqueVertices();
use of org.scijava.vecmath.Point3f in project mcib3d-core by mcib3d.
the class Object3DSurface method computeCenter.
protected void computeCenter() {
bx = 0;
by = 0;
bz = 0;
Point3f P;
for (Point3f vertice : vertices) {
P = vertice;
bx += P.x;
by += P.y;
bz += P.z;
int nb = vertices.size();
bx /= nb;
by /= nb;
bz /= nb;
// Need to compute voxels for volume
volume = -1;
use of org.scijava.vecmath.Point3f in project mcib3d-core by mcib3d.
the class Object3DSurface method computeSmoothSurface_Laplace.
private void computeSmoothSurface_Laplace() {
HashMap voisins = computeNeighorhood();
// for (int j = 0; j < vertices.size(); j += 3) {
// computeNeighborhoodSurface(voisins, j, 0);
// computeNeighborhoodSurface(voisins, j, 1);
// computeNeighborhoodSurface(voisins, j, 2);
// }
HashMap<Point3f, Point3f> newPoints = new HashMap();
// Collection e = voisins.keySet();
Iterator it = faces.iterator();
int c = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Point3f p = (Point3f);
Point3f tmp = new Point3f(0, 0, 0);
Object[] e2 = ((HashSet) voisins.get(p)).toArray();
for (Object e21 : e2) {
// if (c == 10) {
// }
tmp.add((Point3f) e21);
tmp.scale(1.0f / e2.length);
tmp.interpolate(p, 1 - smoothing_factor);
newPoints.put(p, tmp);
smooth_faces = new ArrayList<Point3f>();
for (Point3f face : faces) {
use of org.scijava.vecmath.Point3f in project mcib3d-core by mcib3d.
the class Object3DSurface method getNormalFace.
// private ArrayList<Vector3D> computeSurfaceNormalsFaces() {
// ArrayList<Vector3D> surf_normals = new ArrayList<Vector3D>();
// for (int i = 0; i < faces.size(); i += 3) {
// Vector3D V1 = new Vector3D(faces.get(i), faces.get(i + 1));
// Vector3D V2 = new Vector3D(faces.get(i + 1), faces.get(i + 2));
// Vector3D N = V1.crossProduct(V2);
// N.normalize();
// surf_normals.add(N);
// }
// return surf_normals;
// }
public Point3f getNormalFace(int idx) {
if (vertices_faces_index == null) {
Vector3D N;
int ba = (idx / 3) * 3;
Point3f P1 = faces.get(ba);
Point3f P2 = faces.get(ba + 1);
Point3f P3 = faces.get(ba + 2);
// Vector3D P1P2 = new Vector3D(P1, P2);
// Vector3D P1P3 = new Vector3D(P1, P3);
Vector3D P1P2 = new Vector3D();
P1P2.setVectorTwoPoint3f(P1, P2);
Vector3D P1P3 = new Vector3D();
P1P3.setVectorTwoPoint3f(P1, P3);
N = P1P2.crossProduct(P1P3);
return new Point3f((float) N.x, (float) N.y, (float) N.z);