use of org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyID in project stanbol by apache.
the class RootResource method getStandaloneOntology.
* Gets the ontology with the given identifier in its version managed by the session.
* @param sessionId
* the session identifier.
* @param ontologyId
* the ontology identifier.
* @param uriInfo
* @param headers
* @return the requested managed ontology, or {@link Status#NOT_FOUND} if either the sessionn does not
* exist, or the if the ontology either does not exist or is not managed.
public Response getStandaloneOntology(@PathParam("ontologyId") String ontologyId, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("merge") boolean merged, @Context UriInfo uriInfo, @Context HttpHeaders headers) {
ResponseBuilder rb;
if (ontologyId == null || ontologyId.isEmpty()) {
rb = Response.status(BAD_REQUEST);
OWLOntologyID key = OntologyUtils.decode(ontologyId);
if (ontologyProvider.listOrphans().contains(key)) {
rb = Response.status(NO_CONTENT);
} else {
OWLOntology o = getOWLOntology(ontologyId, merged, uriInfo.getRequestUri());
rb = o == null ? Response.status(NOT_FOUND) : Response.ok(o);
// addCORSOrigin(servletContext, rb, headers);
use of org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyID in project stanbol by apache.
the class RootResource method performShowOntology.
* Helper method to make sure a ResponseBuilder is created on every conditions, so that it is then
* possible to enable CORS on it afterwards.
* @param ontologyId
* @return
protected ResponseBuilder performShowOntology(String ontologyId) {
if (ontologyId == null || ontologyId.isEmpty()) {
return Response.status(BAD_REQUEST);
OWLOntologyID key = OntologyUtils.decode(ontologyId);
if (ontologyProvider.listOrphans().contains(key)) {
return Response.status(NO_CONTENT);
OWLOntology o = getOWLOntology(ontologyId, false, uriInfo.getRequestUri());
if (o == null) {
return Response.status(NOT_FOUND);
// Assemble dependency list
Map<OWLOntologyID, OntologyProvider.Status> deps = new HashMap<OWLOntologyID, OntologyProvider.Status>();
for (OWLOntologyID dep : getDescriptor().getDependencies(key)) {
deps.put(dep, ontologyProvider.getStatus(dep));
Set<OntologyCollector> handles = new HashSet<OntologyCollector>();
if (onManager != null) {
for (Scope scope : onManager.getRegisteredScopes()) {
if (scope.getCoreSpace().hasOntology(key)) {
if (scope.getCustomSpace().hasOntology(key)) {
if (sessionManager != null) {
for (String sesId : sessionManager.getRegisteredSessionIDs()) {
if (sessionManager.getSession(sesId).hasOntology(key)) {
return Response.ok(new Viewable("ontology", new OntologyStats(uriInfo, key, o, ontologyProvider.listAliases(key), deps, handles)));
use of org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyID in project stanbol by apache.
the class RootResource method getGraph.
private Graph getGraph(String ontologyId, boolean merged, URI requestUri) {
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
OWLOntologyID key = OntologyUtils.decode(ontologyId);
log.debug("Will try to retrieve ontology {} from provider.", key);
* Export directly to Graph since the OWLOntologyWriter uses (de-)serializing converters for the
* other formats.
* Use oTemp for the "real" graph and o for the graph that will be exported. This is due to the fact
* that in o we want to change import statements, but we do not want these changes to be stored
* permanently.
Graph o = null, oTemp = null;
try {
oTemp = ontologyProvider.getStoredOntology(key, Graph.class, merged);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.warn("Retrieval of ontology with ID " + key + " failed.", ex);
if (oTemp == null) {
log.debug("Ontology {} missing from provider. Trying libraries...", key);
// TODO remove once registry supports OWLOntologyID as public key.
IRI iri = URIUtils.sanitize(IRI.create(ontologyId));
// See if we can touch a library. TODO: replace with event model on the ontology provider.
int minSize = -1;
IRI smallest = null;
for (Library lib : registryManager.getLibraries(iri)) {
int size = lib.getChildren().length;
if (minSize < 1 || size < minSize) {
smallest = lib.getIRI();
minSize = size;
if (smallest != null) {
log.debug("Selected library for ontology {} is {} .", iri, smallest);
try {
oTemp = registryManager.getLibrary(smallest).getOntology(iri, Graph.class);
} catch (RegistryContentException e) {
log.warn("The content of library " + smallest + " could not be accessed.", e);
// resource-intensive IndexedGraph, since both o and oTemp will be GC'ed after serialization.
if (oTemp != null) {
o = new SimpleGraph(oTemp);
if (o == null) {
log.debug("Ontology {} not found in any ontology provider or library.", ontologyId);
return null;
log.debug("Retrieved ontology {} .", ontologyId);
// Rewrite imports
String uri = uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString();
URI base = URI.create(uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf(ontologyId) - 1));
// Rewrite import statements
* TODO manage import rewrites better once the container ID is fully configurable (i.e. instead of
* going upOne() add "session" or "ontology" if needed).
Iterator<Triple> imports = o.filter(null, OWL.imports, null);
Set<Triple> oldImports = new HashSet<Triple>();
while (imports.hasNext()) {
for (Triple t : oldImports) {
// construct new statement
String s = ((org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.IRI) t.getObject()).getUnicodeString();
if (s.contains("::")) {
s = s.substring(s.indexOf("::") + 2, s.length());
org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.IRI target = new org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.IRI(base + "/" + s);
o.add(new TripleImpl(t.getSubject(), OWL.imports, target));
// remove old statement
// Versioning.
OWLOntologyID id = OWLUtils.extractOntologyID(o);
if (id != null && !id.isAnonymous() && id.getVersionIRI() == null) {
org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.IRI viri = new org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.IRI(requestUri.toString());
log.debug("Setting version IRI for export : {}", viri);
o.add(new TripleImpl(new org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.IRI(id.getOntologyIRI().toString()), new org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.IRI(OWL2Constants.OWL_VERSION_IRI), viri));
log.debug("Exported as Clerezza ImmutableGraph in {} ms. Handing over to writer.", System.currentTimeMillis() - before);
return o;
use of org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyID in project stanbol by apache.
the class RootResource method storeOntology.
* POSTs an ontology content as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* @param content
* @param headers
* @return
public Response storeOntology(InputStream content, @Context HttpHeaders headers) {
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
ResponseBuilder rb;
MediaType mt = headers.getMediaType();
if (RDF_XML_TYPE.equals(mt) || TURTLE_TYPE.equals(mt) || X_TURTLE_TYPE.equals(mt) || N3_TYPE.equals(mt) || N_TRIPLE_TYPE.equals(mt) || RDF_JSON_TYPE.equals(mt)) {
OWLOntologyID key = null;
try {
key = ontologyProvider.loadInStore(content, headers.getMediaType().toString(), true);
rb = Response.ok();
} catch (UnsupportedFormatException e) {
log.warn("POST method failed for media type {}. This should not happen (should fail earlier)", headers.getMediaType());
rb = Response.status(UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(e, BAD_REQUEST);
// An exception should have been thrown earlier, but just in case.
if (key == null || key.isAnonymous()) {
rb = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
} else if (OWL_XML_TYPE.equals(mt) || FUNCTIONAL_OWL_TYPE.equals(mt) || MANCHESTER_OWL_TYPE.equals(mt)) {
try {
OntologyInputSource<OWLOntology> src = new OntologyContentInputSource(content);
ontologyProvider.loadInStore(src.getRootOntology(), true);
rb = Response.ok();
} catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(e, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
} else {
rb = Response.status(UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE);
// addCORSOrigin(servletContext, rb, headers);
Response r =;
log.debug("POST request for ontology addition completed in {} ms with status {}.", (System.currentTimeMillis() - before), r.getStatus());
return r;
use of org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyID in project stanbol by apache.
the class RootResource method getStandaloneGraph.
@Produces(value = { APPLICATION_JSON, N3, N_TRIPLE, RDF_JSON })
public Response getStandaloneGraph(@PathParam("ontologyId") String ontologyId, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("meta") boolean meta, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("merge") boolean merged, @Context UriInfo uriInfo, @Context HttpHeaders headers) {
if (meta) {
return getMetadata(ontologyId, uriInfo, headers);
ResponseBuilder rb;
if (ontologyId == null || ontologyId.isEmpty()) {
rb = Response.status(BAD_REQUEST);
OWLOntologyID key = OntologyUtils.decode(ontologyId);
if (ontologyProvider.listOrphans().contains(key)) {
rb = Response.status(NO_CONTENT);
} else {
Graph o = getGraph(ontologyId, merged, uriInfo.getRequestUri());
rb = o == null ? Response.status(NOT_FOUND) : Response.ok(o);
// addCORSOrigin(servletContext, rb, headers);