use of org.sonatype.aether.spi.connector.ArtifactDownload in project sonatype-aether by sonatype.
the class ConnectorTestSuite method testTransferZeroBytesFile.
* See
public void testTransferZeroBytesFile() throws IOException, NoRepositoryConnectorException {
File emptyFile = TestFileUtils.createTempFile("");
Artifact artifact = new StubArtifact("gid:aid:ext:ver");
ArtifactUpload upA = new ArtifactUpload(artifact, emptyFile);
File dir = TestFileUtils.createTempDir("con-test");
File downAFile = new File(dir, "downA.file");
ArtifactDownload downA = new ArtifactDownload(artifact, "", downAFile, RepositoryPolicy.CHECKSUM_POLICY_FAIL);
Metadata metadata = new StubMetadata("gid", "aid", "ver", "maven-metadata.xml", Metadata.Nature.RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT);
MetadataUpload upM = new MetadataUpload(metadata, emptyFile);
File downMFile = new File(dir, "downM.file");
MetadataDownload downM = new MetadataDownload(metadata, "", downMFile, RepositoryPolicy.CHECKSUM_POLICY_FAIL);
RepositoryConnector connector = factory().newInstance(session, repository);
connector.put(Arrays.asList(upA), Arrays.asList(upM));
connector.get(Arrays.asList(downA), Arrays.asList(downM));
assertNull(String.valueOf(upA.getException()), upA.getException());
assertNull(String.valueOf(upM.getException()), upM.getException());
assertNull(String.valueOf(downA.getException()), downA.getException());
assertNull(String.valueOf(downM.getException()), downM.getException());
assertEquals(0, downAFile.length());
assertEquals(0, downMFile.length());
use of org.sonatype.aether.spi.connector.ArtifactDownload in project sonatype-aether by sonatype.
the class ConnectorTestSuite method testFileHandleLeakage.
public void testFileHandleLeakage() throws IOException, NoRepositoryConnectorException {
StubArtifact artifact = new StubArtifact("testGroup", "testArtifact", "", "jar", "1-test");
StubMetadata metadata = new StubMetadata("testGroup", "testArtifact", "1-test", "maven-metadata.xml", Metadata.Nature.RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT);
RepositoryConnector connector = factory().newInstance(session, repository);
File tmpFile = TestFileUtils.createTempFile("testFileHandleLeakage");
ArtifactUpload artUp = new ArtifactUpload(artifact, tmpFile);
connector.put(Arrays.asList(artUp), null);
assertTrue("Leaking file handle in artifact upload", tmpFile.delete());
tmpFile = TestFileUtils.createTempFile("testFileHandleLeakage");
MetadataUpload metaUp = new MetadataUpload(metadata, tmpFile);
connector.put(null, Arrays.asList(metaUp));
assertTrue("Leaking file handle in metadata upload", tmpFile.delete());
tmpFile = TestFileUtils.createTempFile("testFileHandleLeakage");
ArtifactDownload artDown = new ArtifactDownload(artifact, null, tmpFile, null);
connector.get(Arrays.asList(artDown), null);
new File(tmpFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".sha1").deleteOnExit();
assertTrue("Leaking file handle in artifact download", tmpFile.delete());
tmpFile = TestFileUtils.createTempFile("testFileHandleLeakage");
MetadataDownload metaDown = new MetadataDownload(metadata, null, tmpFile, null);
connector.get(null, Arrays.asList(metaDown));
new File(tmpFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".sha1").deleteOnExit();
assertTrue("Leaking file handle in metadata download", tmpFile.delete());
use of org.sonatype.aether.spi.connector.ArtifactDownload in project sonatype-aether by sonatype.
the class ConnectorTestSuite method testMkdirConcurrencyBug.
public void testMkdirConcurrencyBug() throws IOException, NoRepositoryConnectorException {
RepositoryConnector connector = factory().newInstance(session, repository);
File artifactFile = TestFileUtils.createTempFile("mkdirsBug0");
File metadataFile = TestFileUtils.createTempFile("mkdirsBug1");
int numTransfers = 2;
ArtifactUpload[] artUps = new ArtifactUpload[numTransfers];
MetadataUpload[] metaUps = new MetadataUpload[numTransfers];
for (int i = 0; i < numTransfers; i++) {
StubArtifact art = new StubArtifact("testGroup", "testArtifact", "", "jar", i + "-test");
StubMetadata meta = new StubMetadata("testGroup", "testArtifact", i + "-test", "maven-metadata.xml", Metadata.Nature.RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT);
ArtifactUpload artUp = new ArtifactUpload(art, artifactFile);
MetadataUpload metaUp = new MetadataUpload(meta, metadataFile);
artUps[i] = artUp;
metaUps[i] = metaUp;
connector.put(Arrays.asList(artUps), null);
connector.put(null, Arrays.asList(metaUps));
File localRepo = session.getLocalRepository().getBasedir();
StringBuilder localPath = new StringBuilder(localRepo.getAbsolutePath());
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
ArtifactDownload[] artDowns = new ArtifactDownload[numTransfers];
MetadataDownload[] metaDowns = new MetadataDownload[numTransfers];
for (int m = 0; m < 20; m++) {
for (int i = 0; i < numTransfers; i++) {
File artFile = new File(localPath.toString() + "/a" + i);
File metaFile = new File(localPath.toString() + "/m" + i);
StubArtifact art = new StubArtifact("testGroup", "testArtifact", "", "jar", i + "-test");
StubMetadata meta = new StubMetadata("testGroup", "testArtifact", i + "-test", "maven-metadata.xml", Metadata.Nature.RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT);
ArtifactDownload artDown = new ArtifactDownload(art, null, artFile, RepositoryPolicy.CHECKSUM_POLICY_FAIL);
MetadataDownload metaDown = new MetadataDownload(meta, null, metaFile, RepositoryPolicy.CHECKSUM_POLICY_FAIL);
artDowns[i] = artDown;
metaDowns[i] = metaDown;
connector.get(Arrays.asList(artDowns), Arrays.asList(metaDowns));
for (int j = 0; j < numTransfers; j++) {
ArtifactDownload artDown = artDowns[j];
MetadataDownload metaDown = metaDowns[j];
assertNull("artifact download had exception: " + artDown.getException(), artDown.getException());
assertNull("metadata download had exception: " + metaDown.getException(), metaDown.getException());
assertEquals(State.DONE, artDown.getState());
assertEquals(State.DONE, metaDown.getState());
use of org.sonatype.aether.spi.connector.ArtifactDownload in project sonatype-aether by sonatype.
the class ConnectorTestUtils method createTransfers.
* Creates transfer objects according to the given class. If the file parameter is {@code null}, a new temporary
* file will be created for downloads. Uploads will just use the parameter as it is.
public static <T extends Transfer> List<T> createTransfers(Class<T> cls, int count, File file) {
ArrayList<T> ret = new ArrayList<T>();
Object item;
if (ArtifactTransfer.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
item = new StubArtifact("testGroup", "testArtifact", "sources", "jar", "will be replaced");
} else {
item = new StubMetadata("testGroup", "testArtifact", "will be replaced", "jar", Metadata.Nature.RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT, file);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
String context = null;
String checksumPolicy = RepositoryPolicy.CHECKSUM_POLICY_IGNORE;
Object obj = null;
if (cls.isAssignableFrom(ArtifactUpload.class)) {
Artifact artifact = ((Artifact) item).setVersion((i + 1) + "-test");
obj = new ArtifactUpload(artifact, file);
} else if (cls.isAssignableFrom(ArtifactDownload.class)) {
try {
Artifact artifact = ((Artifact) item).setVersion((i + 1) + "-test");
obj = new ArtifactDownload(artifact, context, safeFile(file), checksumPolicy);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
} else if (cls.isAssignableFrom(MetadataUpload.class)) {
Metadata metadata = ((StubMetadata) item).setVersion((i + 1) + "-test");
obj = new MetadataUpload(metadata, file);
} else if (cls.isAssignableFrom(MetadataDownload.class)) {
try {
Metadata metadata = ((StubMetadata) item).setVersion((i + 1) + "-test");
obj = new MetadataDownload(metadata, context, safeFile(file), checksumPolicy);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
return ret;
use of org.sonatype.aether.spi.connector.ArtifactDownload in project sonatype-aether by sonatype.
the class RecordingRepositoryConnector method get.
public void get(Collection<? extends ArtifactDownload> artifactDownloads, Collection<? extends MetadataDownload> metadataDownloads) {
try {
if (artifactDownloads != null) {
for (ArtifactDownload artifactDownload : artifactDownloads) {
Artifact artifact = artifactDownload.getArtifact();
TestFileUtils.write(artifact.toString(), artifactDownload.getFile());
if (metadataDownloads != null) {
for (MetadataDownload metadataDownload : metadataDownloads) {
Metadata metadata = metadataDownload.getMetadata();
TestFileUtils.write(metadata.toString(), metadataDownload.getFile());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create temporary file", e);