use of org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException in project spring-data-mongodb by spring-projects.
the class MongoTemplate method doUpdate.
protected UpdateResult doUpdate(final String collectionName, final Query query, final Update update, @Nullable final Class<?> entityClass, final boolean upsert, final boolean multi) {
Assert.notNull(collectionName, "CollectionName must not be null!");
Assert.notNull(query, "Query must not be null!");
Assert.notNull(update, "Update must not be null!");
return execute(collectionName, new CollectionCallback<UpdateResult>() {
public UpdateResult doInCollection(MongoCollection<Document> collection) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
MongoPersistentEntity<?> entity = entityClass == null ? null : getPersistentEntity(entityClass);
increaseVersionForUpdateIfNecessary(entity, update);
UpdateOptions opts = new UpdateOptions();
Document queryObj = new Document();
if (query != null) {
queryObj.putAll(queryMapper.getMappedObject(query.getQueryObject(), entity));
Document updateObj = update == null ? new Document() : updateMapper.getMappedObject(update.getUpdateObject(), entity);
if (multi && update.isIsolated() && !queryObj.containsKey("$isolated")) {
queryObj.put("$isolated", 1);
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Calling update using query: {} and update: {} in collection: {}", serializeToJsonSafely(queryObj), serializeToJsonSafely(updateObj), collectionName);
MongoAction mongoAction = new MongoAction(writeConcern, MongoActionOperation.UPDATE, collectionName, entityClass, updateObj, queryObj);
WriteConcern writeConcernToUse = prepareWriteConcern(mongoAction);
collection = writeConcernToUse != null ? collection.withWriteConcern(writeConcernToUse) : collection;
if (!UpdateMapper.isUpdateObject(updateObj)) {
return collection.replaceOne(queryObj, updateObj, opts);
} else {
if (multi) {
return collection.updateMany(queryObj, updateObj, opts);
} else {
return collection.updateOne(queryObj, updateObj, opts);
use of org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException in project spring-data-mongodb by spring-projects.
the class MongoChangeSetPersister method getPersistentState.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see, java.lang.Object,
public void getPersistentState(Class<? extends ChangeSetBacked> entityClass, Object id, final ChangeSet changeSet) throws DataAccessException, NotFoundException {
if (id == null) {
log.debug("Unable to load MongoDB data for null id");
String collName = getCollectionNameForEntity(entityClass);
final Document dbk = new Document();
dbk.put(ENTITY_ID, id);
dbk.put(ENTITY_CLASS, entityClass.getName());
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Loading MongoDB data for {}", dbk);
mongoTemplate.execute(collName, new CollectionCallback<Object>() {
public Object doInCollection(MongoCollection<Document> collection) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
for (Document dbo : collection.find(dbk)) {
String key = (String) dbo.get(ENTITY_FIELD_NAME);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Processing key: {}", key);
if (!changeSet.getValues().containsKey(key)) {
String className = (String) dbo.get(ENTITY_FIELD_CLASS);
if (className == null) {
throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("Unble to convert property " + key + ": Invalid metadata, " + ENTITY_FIELD_CLASS + " not available");
Class<?> clazz = ClassUtils.resolveClassName(className, ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader());
Object value = mongoTemplate.getConverter().read(clazz, dbo);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Adding to ChangeSet: {}", key);
changeSet.set(key, value);
return null;
use of org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException in project spring-data-mongodb by spring-projects.
the class MongoChangeSetPersister method persistState.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see,
public Object persistState(ChangeSetBacked entity, ChangeSet cs) throws DataAccessException {
if (cs == null) {
log.debug("Flush: changeset was null, nothing to flush.");
return 0L;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Flush: changeset: {}", cs.getValues());
String collName = getCollectionNameForEntity(entity.getClass());
if (mongoTemplate.getCollection(collName) == null) {
for (String key : cs.getValues().keySet()) {
if (key != null && !key.startsWith("_") && !key.equals(ChangeSetPersister.ID_KEY)) {
Object value = cs.getValues().get(key);
final Document dbQuery = new Document();
dbQuery.put(ENTITY_ID, getPersistentId(entity, cs));
dbQuery.put(ENTITY_CLASS, entity.getClass().getName());
dbQuery.put(ENTITY_FIELD_NAME, key);
final Document dbId = mongoTemplate.execute(collName, new CollectionCallback<Document>() {
public Document doInCollection(MongoCollection<Document> collection) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
Document id = collection.find(dbQuery).first();
return id;
if (value == null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Flush: removing: {}", dbQuery);
mongoTemplate.execute(collName, new CollectionCallback<Object>() {
public Object doInCollection(MongoCollection<Document> collection) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
DeleteResult dr = collection.deleteMany(dbQuery);
return null;
} else {
final Document dbDoc = new Document();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Flush: saving: {}", dbQuery);
mongoTemplate.getConverter().write(value, dbDoc);
dbDoc.put(ENTITY_FIELD_CLASS, value.getClass().getName());
if (dbId != null) {
dbDoc.put("_id", dbId.get("_id"));
mongoTemplate.execute(collName, new CollectionCallback<Object>() {
public Object doInCollection(MongoCollection<Document> collection) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
if (dbId != null) {
collection.replaceOne(Filters.eq("_id", dbId.get("_id")), dbDoc);
} else {
if (dbDoc.containsKey("_id") && dbDoc.get("_id") == null) {
return null;
return 0L;
use of org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException in project camel by apache.
the class ElsqlSqlProcessingStrategy method commitBatchComplete.
public int commitBatchComplete(DefaultSqlEndpoint endpoint, NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedJdbcTemplate, SqlParameterSource parameterSource, String query) throws Exception {
final SqlParameterSource param = new EmptySqlParameterSource();
final String sql = elSql.getSql(query, new SpringSqlParams(param));
LOG.debug("commitBatchComplete @{} using sql: {}", query, sql);
return namedJdbcTemplate.execute(sql, param, new PreparedStatementCallback<Integer>() {
public Integer doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException {
int updateCount = ps.getUpdateCount();
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Update count {}", updateCount);
return updateCount;
use of org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class Correlation method format.
* Format the correlation block to have the xml
* @param ec
* the correlation
* @param sz
* the size to which the formatted string is to be limited
* to(usually the size of the column in the database)
* @return the formatted event correlation
public static String format(final org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Correlation ec, final int sz) {
StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
try {
JaxbUtils.marshal(ec, out);
} catch (DataAccessException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to convert new event to XML", e);
return null;
String outstr = out.toString();
if (outstr.length() >= sz) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(outstr);
buf.setLength(sz - 4);
return buf.toString();
} else {
return outstr;