use of org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException in project perun by CESNET.
the class AttributesManagerImpl method setAttributeInDB.
private boolean setAttributeInDB(final PerunSession sess, final Attribute attribute, final String tableName, final Map<String, Object> params) throws InternalErrorException {
// get two sorted lists for parameter names and values
List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<>();
List<Object> columnValues = new ArrayList<>();
for (Entry entry : params.entrySet()) {
columnNames.add((String) entry.getKey());
try {
// deleting the attibute if the given attribute value is null
if (attribute.getValue() == null) {
int numAffected = jdbc.update("delete from " + tableName + " where " + buildParameters(columnNames, "=?", " and "), columnValues.toArray());
if (numAffected > 1) {
throw new ConsistencyErrorException(String.format("Too much rows to delete (" + numAffected + " rows). SQL: delete from " + tableName + " where " + buildParameters(columnNames, "=%s", " and "), columnValues.toArray()));
return numAffected == 1;
// set the column name according to the size of the attribute
boolean largeAttribute = isLargeAttribute(sess, attribute);
String valueColName = (largeAttribute ? "attr_value_text" : "attr_value");
// if the DB value is the same as parameter, return
if (!largeAttribute) {
try {
Object value = BeansUtils.stringToAttributeValue(jdbc.queryForObject("select attr_value from " + tableName + " where " + buildParameters(columnNames, "=?", " and "), String.class, columnValues.toArray()), attribute.getType());
if (attribute.getValue().equals(value)) {
return false;
} catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException ex) {
//This is ok. Attribute will be stored later.
int repetatCounter = 0;
while (true) {
// number of values of this attribute value in db
int numOfAttributesInDb = jdbc.queryForInt("select count(attr_id) from " + tableName + " where " + buildParameters(columnNames, "=?", " and "), columnValues.toArray());
switch(numOfAttributesInDb) {
case 0:
// value doesn't exist -> insert
try {
return self.insertAttribute(sess, valueColName, attribute, tableName, columnNames, columnValues);
} catch (DataAccessException ex) {
// unsuccessful insert, do it again in while loop
if (++repetatCounter > MERGE_TRY_CNT) {
throw new InternalErrorException("SQL merger (or other UPSERT command) failed more than " + MERGE_TRY_CNT + " times.");
try {
//randomized sleep
Thread.sleep(Math.round(MERGE_RAND_SLEEP_MAX * Math.random()));
} catch (InterruptedException IGNORE) {
case 1:
// value exists -> update
try {
return self.updateAttribute(sess, valueColName, attribute, tableName, columnNames, columnValues);
} catch (DataAccessException ex) {
// unsuccessful insert, do it again in while loop
if (++repetatCounter > MERGE_TRY_CNT) {
throw new InternalErrorException("SQL merger (or other UPSERT command) failed more than " + MERGE_TRY_CNT + " times.");
try {
//randomized sleep
Thread.sleep(Math.round(MERGE_RAND_SLEEP_MAX * Math.random()));
} catch (InterruptedException IGNORE) {
throw new ConsistencyErrorException(String.format("Attribute id " + attribute.getId() + " for " + tableName + " with parameters: " + buildParameters(columnNames, "=%s", " and ") + " is more than once in DB.", columnValues.toArray()));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
use of org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException in project perun by CESNET.
the class AttributesManagerImpl method getAttributes.
public List<Attribute> getAttributes(PerunSession sess, Group group, List<String> attrNames) throws InternalErrorException {
MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameters.addValue("gId", group.getId());
parameters.addValue("nSC", AttributesManager.NS_GROUP_ATTR_CORE);
parameters.addValue("nSO", AttributesManager.NS_GROUP_ATTR_OPT);
parameters.addValue("nSD", AttributesManager.NS_GROUP_ATTR_DEF);
parameters.addValue("nSV", AttributesManager.NS_GROUP_ATTR_VIRT);
parameters.addValue("attrNames", attrNames);
try {
return namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query("select " + getAttributeMappingSelectQuery("groupattr") + " from attr_names " + "left join group_attr_values groupattr on id=groupattr.attr_id and group_id=:gId " + "where namespace in ( :nSC,:nSO,:nSD,:nSV ) and attr_names.attr_name in ( :attrNames )", parameters, new AttributeRowMapper(sess, this, group));
} catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException ex) {
return new ArrayList<Attribute>();
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException(ex);
use of org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException in project perun by CESNET.
the class AttributesManagerImpl method getAttributes.
public List<Attribute> getAttributes(PerunSession sess, User user, List<String> attrNames) throws InternalErrorException {
MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameters.addValue("uId", user.getId());
parameters.addValue("nSC", AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_CORE);
parameters.addValue("nSO", AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_OPT);
parameters.addValue("nSD", AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_DEF);
parameters.addValue("nSV", AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_VIRT);
parameters.addValue("attrNames", attrNames);
try {
return namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query("select " + getAttributeMappingSelectQuery("usr") + " from attr_names " + "left join user_attr_values usr on id=usr.attr_id and user_id=:uId " + "where namespace in ( :nSC,:nSO,:nSD,:nSV ) and attr_names.attr_name in ( :attrNames )", parameters, new AttributeRowMapper(sess, this, user));
} catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException ex) {
return new ArrayList<Attribute>();
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException(ex);
use of org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException in project perun by CESNET.
the class AttributesManagerImpl method getAttributes.
public List<Attribute> getAttributes(PerunSession sess, Member member, List<String> attrNames) throws InternalErrorException {
MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameters.addValue("mId", member.getId());
parameters.addValue("nSC", AttributesManager.NS_MEMBER_ATTR_CORE);
parameters.addValue("nSO", AttributesManager.NS_MEMBER_ATTR_OPT);
parameters.addValue("nSD", AttributesManager.NS_MEMBER_ATTR_DEF);
parameters.addValue("nSV", AttributesManager.NS_MEMBER_ATTR_VIRT);
parameters.addValue("attrNames", attrNames);
try {
return namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query("select " + getAttributeMappingSelectQuery("mem") + " from attr_names " + "left join member_attr_values mem on id=mem.attr_id and member_id=:mId " + "where namespace in ( :nSC,:nSO,:nSD,:nSV ) and attr_names.attr_name in ( :attrNames )", parameters, new AttributeRowMapper(sess, this, member));
} catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException ex) {
return new ArrayList<Attribute>();
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException(ex);
use of org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException in project perun by CESNET.
the class UsersManagerImpl method getUsersByIds.
public List<User> getUsersByIds(PerunSession sess, List<Integer> usersIds) throws InternalErrorException {
// If usersIds is empty, we can immediatelly return empty results
if (usersIds.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList<User>();
MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameters.addValue("ids", usersIds);
try {
return namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query("select " + userMappingSelectQuery + " from users where in ( :ids )", parameters, USER_MAPPER);
} catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException ex) {
return new ArrayList<User>();
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException(ex);