use of org.springframework.expression.Expression in project spring-framework by spring-projects.
the class SelectionAndProjectionTests method selectLastItemInSet.
public void selectLastItemInSet() throws Exception {
Expression expression = new SpelExpressionParser().parseRaw("integers.$[#this<5]");
EvaluationContext context = new StandardEvaluationContext(new SetTestBean());
Object value = expression.getValue(context);
assertTrue(value instanceof Integer);
assertEquals(4, value);
use of org.springframework.expression.Expression in project spring-framework by spring-projects.
the class SelectionAndProjectionTests method selectFirstItemInArray.
public void selectFirstItemInArray() throws Exception {
Expression expression = new SpelExpressionParser().parseRaw("integers.^[#this<5]");
EvaluationContext context = new StandardEvaluationContext(new ArrayTestBean());
Object value = expression.getValue(context);
assertTrue(value instanceof Integer);
assertEquals(0, value);
use of org.springframework.expression.Expression in project spring-framework by spring-projects.
the class SetValueTests method testSetGenericMapElementRequiresCoercion.
* Testing the coercion of both the keys and the values to the correct type
public void testSetGenericMapElementRequiresCoercion() throws Exception {
StandardEvaluationContext eContext = TestScenarioCreator.getTestEvaluationContext();
Expression e = parse("mapOfStringToBoolean[42]");
// Key should be coerced to string representation of 42
e.setValue(eContext, "true");
// All keys should be strings
Set<?> ks = parse("mapOfStringToBoolean.keySet()").getValue(eContext, Set.class);
for (Object o : ks) {
assertEquals(String.class, o.getClass());
// All values should be booleans
Collection<?> vs = parse("mapOfStringToBoolean.values()").getValue(eContext, Collection.class);
for (Object o : vs) {
assertEquals(Boolean.class, o.getClass());
// One final test check coercion on the key for a map lookup
Object o = e.getValue(eContext);
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, o);
use of org.springframework.expression.Expression in project spring-framework by spring-projects.
the class SetValueTests method testIsWritableForInvalidExpressions_SPR10610.
public void testIsWritableForInvalidExpressions_SPR10610() {
Expression e = null;
StandardEvaluationContext lContext = TestScenarioCreator.getTestEvaluationContext();
// Non existent field (or property):
e = parser.parseExpression("arrayContainer.wibble");
assertFalse("Should not be writable!", e.isWritable(lContext));
e = parser.parseExpression("");
try {
assertFalse("Should not be writable!", e.isWritable(lContext));
fail("Should have had an error because wibble does not really exist");
} catch (SpelEvaluationException see) {
// org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1008E:(pos 15): Property or field 'wibble' cannot be found on object of type 'org.springframework.expression.spel.testresources.ArrayContainer' - maybe not public?
// at org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.PropertyOrFieldReference.readProperty(
// success!
// the variable does not exist (but that is OK, we should be writable)
e = parser.parseExpression("#madeup1");
assertTrue("Should be writable!", e.isWritable(lContext));
// compound expression
e = parser.parseExpression("");
assertFalse("Should not be writable!", e.isWritable(lContext));
// non existent indexer (wibble made up)
e = parser.parseExpression("arrayContainer.wibble[99]");
try {
assertFalse("Should not be writable!", e.isWritable(lContext));
fail("Should have had an error because wibble does not really exist");
} catch (SpelEvaluationException see) {
// success!
// non existent indexer (index via a string)
e = parser.parseExpression("arrayContainer.ints['abc']");
try {
assertFalse("Should not be writable!", e.isWritable(lContext));
fail("Should have had an error because wibble does not really exist");
} catch (SpelEvaluationException see) {
// success!
use of org.springframework.expression.Expression in project spring-framework by spring-projects.
the class SetValueTests method testAssign.
public void testAssign() throws Exception {
StandardEvaluationContext eContext = TestScenarioCreator.getTestEvaluationContext();
Expression e = parse("publicName='Andy'");
assertEquals("Andy", e.getValue(eContext));