use of org.springframework.roo.classpath.itd.InvocableMemberBodyBuilder in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class ServiceImplMetadata method getMethodAddRemoveRel.
private MethodMetadata getMethodAddRemoveRel(MethodMetadata methodToBeImplemented, RelationInfo relationInfo, MethodMetadata operationMethod) {
InvocableMemberBodyBuilder bodyBuilder = new InvocableMemberBodyBuilder();
// Prepare constants
final String operation = operationMethod.getMethodName().getSymbolName();
final JavaSymbolName param0 = methodToBeImplemented.getParameterNames().get(0);
final JavaType childType = relationInfo.childType;
final FieldMetadata childServideField = requiredServiceFieldByEntity.get(childType);
final String parentFieldName = relationInfo.fieldName;
final JavaSymbolName param1 = methodToBeImplemented.getParameterNames().get(1);
final JavaType param1TypeWrapped = methodToBeImplemented.getParameterTypes().get(1).getJavaType().getParameters().get(0);
final String saveMethod = serviceMetadata.getCurrentSaveMethod().getMethodName().getSymbolName();
String childListVariable;
if (childType.equals(param1TypeWrapped)) {
childListVariable = param1.getSymbolName();
} else {
// List<{childType}> {parentFieldName} =
// {childService}.findAll({param1});
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine("%s<%s> %s = %s().findAll(%s);", getNameOfJavaType(JavaType.LIST), getNameOfJavaType(childType), parentFieldName, getAccessorMethod(childServideField).getMethodName(), param1);
childListVariable = parentFieldName;
// {param0}.{operation}({childListVariable});
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine("%s.%s(%s);", param0, operation, childListVariable);
// return {repoField}.{saveMethod}({param0});
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine("return %s().%s(%s);", getAccessorMethod(repositoryFieldMetadata).getMethodName(), saveMethod, param0);
return getMethod(methodToBeImplemented, true, bodyBuilder);
use of org.springframework.roo.classpath.itd.InvocableMemberBodyBuilder in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class JpaEntityFactoryMetadata method getFieldValidationBody.
private String getFieldValidationBody(final FieldMetadata field, final String initializer, final JavaSymbolName mutatorName, final boolean isFieldOfEmbeddableType) {
final String fieldName = field.getFieldName().getSymbolName();
final JavaType fieldType = field.getFieldType();
String suffix = "";
if (fieldType.equals(JavaType.LONG_OBJECT) || fieldType.equals(JavaType.LONG_PRIMITIVE)) {
suffix = "L";
} else if (fieldType.equals(JavaType.FLOAT_OBJECT) || fieldType.equals(JavaType.FLOAT_PRIMITIVE)) {
suffix = "F";
} else if (fieldType.equals(JavaType.DOUBLE_OBJECT) || fieldType.equals(JavaType.DOUBLE_PRIMITIVE)) {
suffix = "D";
final InvocableMemberBodyBuilder bodyBuilder = new InvocableMemberBodyBuilder();
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(getTypeStr(fieldType) + " " + fieldName + " = " + initializer + ";");
if (fieldType.equals(JavaType.STRING)) {
boolean isUnique = isFieldOfEmbeddableType;
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map<String, Object> values = (Map<String, Object>) field.getCustomData().get(CustomDataKeys.COLUMN_FIELD);
if (!isUnique && values != null && values.containsKey("unique")) {
isUnique = (Boolean) values.get("unique");
// Check for @Size or @Column with length attribute
final AnnotationMetadata sizeAnnotation = MemberFindingUtils.getAnnotationOfType(field.getAnnotations(), SIZE);
if (sizeAnnotation != null && sizeAnnotation.getAttribute(MAX_SYMBOL) != null) {
final Integer maxValue = (Integer) sizeAnnotation.getAttribute(MAX_SYMBOL).getValue();
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine("if (" + fieldName + ".length() > " + maxValue + ") {");
if (isUnique) {
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(fieldName + " = new Random().nextInt(10) + " + fieldName + ".substring(1, " + maxValue + ");");
} else {
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(fieldName + " = " + fieldName + ".substring(0, " + maxValue + ");");
} else if (sizeAnnotation == null && values != null) {
if (values.containsKey("length")) {
final Integer lengthValue = (Integer) values.get("length");
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine("if (" + fieldName + ".length() > " + lengthValue + ") {");
if (isUnique) {
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(fieldName + " = new Random().nextInt(10) + " + fieldName + ".substring(1, " + lengthValue + ");");
} else {
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(fieldName + " = " + fieldName + ".substring(0, " + lengthValue + ");");
} else if (JdkJavaType.isDecimalType(fieldType)) {
// Check for @Digits, @DecimalMax, @DecimalMin
final AnnotationMetadata digitsAnnotation = MemberFindingUtils.getAnnotationOfType(field.getAnnotations(), DIGITS);
final AnnotationMetadata decimalMinAnnotation = MemberFindingUtils.getAnnotationOfType(field.getAnnotations(), DECIMAL_MIN);
final AnnotationMetadata decimalMaxAnnotation = MemberFindingUtils.getAnnotationOfType(field.getAnnotations(), DECIMAL_MAX);
if (digitsAnnotation != null) {
bodyBuilder.append(getDigitsBody(field, digitsAnnotation, suffix));
} else if (decimalMinAnnotation != null || decimalMaxAnnotation != null) {
bodyBuilder.append(getDecimalMinAndDecimalMaxBody(field, decimalMinAnnotation, decimalMaxAnnotation, suffix));
} else if (field.getCustomData().keySet().contains(CustomDataKeys.COLUMN_FIELD)) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map<String, Object> values = (Map<String, Object>) field.getCustomData().get(CustomDataKeys.COLUMN_FIELD);
bodyBuilder.append(getColumnPrecisionAndScaleBody(field, values, suffix));
} else if (JdkJavaType.isIntegerType(fieldType)) {
// Check for @Min and @Max
bodyBuilder.append(getMinAndMaxBody(field, suffix));
if (mutatorName != null) {
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(OBJ_VAR + "." + mutatorName.getSymbolName() + "(" + fieldName + ");");
return bodyBuilder.getOutput();
use of org.springframework.roo.classpath.itd.InvocableMemberBodyBuilder in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class JpaEntityFactoryMetadata method getDecimalMinAndDecimalMaxBody.
private String getDecimalMinAndDecimalMaxBody(final FieldMetadata field, final AnnotationMetadata decimalMinAnnotation, final AnnotationMetadata decimalMaxAnnotation, final String suffix) {
final String fieldName = field.getFieldName().getSymbolName();
final JavaType fieldType = field.getFieldType();
final InvocableMemberBodyBuilder bodyBuilder = new InvocableMemberBodyBuilder();
if (decimalMinAnnotation != null && decimalMaxAnnotation == null) {
final String minValue = (String) decimalMinAnnotation.getAttribute(VALUE).getValue();
if (fieldType.equals(BIG_DECIMAL)) {
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine("if (" + fieldName + ".compareTo(new " + BIG_DECIMAL.getSimpleTypeName() + "(\"" + minValue + "\")) == -1) {");
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(fieldName + " = new " + BIG_DECIMAL.getSimpleTypeName() + "(\"" + minValue + "\");");
} else {
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine("if (" + fieldName + " < " + minValue + suffix + ") {");
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(fieldName + " = " + minValue + suffix + ";");
} else if (decimalMinAnnotation == null && decimalMaxAnnotation != null) {
final String maxValue = (String) decimalMaxAnnotation.getAttribute(VALUE).getValue();
if (fieldType.equals(BIG_DECIMAL)) {
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine("if (" + fieldName + ".compareTo(new " + BIG_DECIMAL.getSimpleTypeName() + "(\"" + maxValue + "\")) == 1) {");
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(fieldName + " = new " + BIG_DECIMAL.getSimpleTypeName() + "(\"" + maxValue + "\");");
} else {
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine("if (" + fieldName + " > " + maxValue + suffix + ") {");
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(fieldName + " = " + maxValue + suffix + ";");
} else if (decimalMinAnnotation != null && decimalMaxAnnotation != null) {
final String minValue = (String) decimalMinAnnotation.getAttribute(VALUE).getValue();
final String maxValue = (String) decimalMaxAnnotation.getAttribute(VALUE).getValue();
Validate.isTrue(Double.parseDouble(maxValue) >= Double.parseDouble(minValue), "The value of @DecimalMax must be greater or equal to the value of @DecimalMin for field %s", fieldName);
if (fieldType.equals(BIG_DECIMAL)) {
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine("if (" + fieldName + ".compareTo(new " + BIG_DECIMAL.getSimpleTypeName() + "(\"" + minValue + "\")) == -1 || " + fieldName + ".compareTo(new " + BIG_DECIMAL.getSimpleTypeName() + "(\"" + maxValue + "\")) == 1) {");
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(fieldName + " = new " + BIG_DECIMAL.getSimpleTypeName() + "(\"" + maxValue + "\");");
} else {
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine("if (" + fieldName + " < " + minValue + suffix + " || " + fieldName + " > " + maxValue + suffix + ") {");
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(fieldName + " = " + maxValue + suffix + ";");
return bodyBuilder.getOutput();
use of org.springframework.roo.classpath.itd.InvocableMemberBodyBuilder in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class JpaEntityFactoryMetadata method getEmbeddedClassMutatorMethod.
private MethodMetadataBuilder getEmbeddedClassMutatorMethod(final EmbeddedHolder embeddedHolder) {
final JavaSymbolName methodName = getEmbeddedFieldMutatorMethodName(embeddedHolder.getEmbeddedField().getFieldName());
final JavaType[] parameterTypes = { entity, JavaType.INT_PRIMITIVE };
// Locate user-defined method
if (governorHasMethod(methodName, parameterTypes)) {
// Method found in governor so do not create method in ITD
return null;
final InvocableMemberBodyBuilder bodyBuilder = new InvocableMemberBodyBuilder();
// Create constructor for embedded class
final JavaType embeddedFieldType = embeddedHolder.getEmbeddedField().getFieldType();
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(embeddedFieldType.getSimpleTypeName() + " embeddedClass = new " + embeddedFieldType.getSimpleTypeName() + "();");
for (final FieldMetadata field : embeddedHolder.getFields()) {
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(getEmbeddedFieldMutatorMethodName(embeddedHolder.getEmbeddedField().getFieldName(), field.getFieldName()).getSymbolName() + "(embeddedClass, " + INDEX_VAR + ");");
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(OBJ_VAR + "." + embeddedHolder.getEmbeddedMutatorMethodName() + "(embeddedClass);");
final List<JavaSymbolName> parameterNames = Arrays.asList(OBJ_SYMBOL, INDEX_SYMBOL);
return new MethodMetadataBuilder(getId(), Modifier.PUBLIC, methodName, JavaType.VOID_PRIMITIVE, AnnotatedJavaType.convertFromJavaTypes(parameterTypes), parameterNames, bodyBuilder);
use of org.springframework.roo.classpath.itd.InvocableMemberBodyBuilder in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class JpaEntityFactoryMetadata method getEmbeddedIdMutatorMethod.
private MethodMetadataBuilder getEmbeddedIdMutatorMethod(final Set<ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails> dataOnDemandClasses) {
if (!hasEmbeddedIdentifier()) {
return null;
final JavaSymbolName embeddedIdMutator = embeddedIdHolder.getEmbeddedIdMutator();
final JavaSymbolName methodName = getEmbeddedIdMutatorMethodName();
final JavaType[] parameterTypes = { entity, JavaType.INT_PRIMITIVE };
// Locate user-defined method
if (governorHasMethod(methodName, parameterTypes)) {
// Method found in governor so do not create method in ITD
return null;
final InvocableMemberBodyBuilder bodyBuilder = new InvocableMemberBodyBuilder();
// Create constructor for embedded id class
final JavaType embeddedIdFieldType = embeddedIdHolder.getEmbeddedIdField().getFieldType();
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final List<FieldMetadata> identifierFields = embeddedIdHolder.getIdFields();
for (int i = 0, n = identifierFields.size(); i < n; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
sb.append(", ");
final FieldMetadata field = identifierFields.get(i);
final String fieldName = field.getFieldName().getSymbolName();
final JavaType fieldType = field.getFieldType();
final String initializer = getFieldInitializer(field, null, dataOnDemandClasses);
bodyBuilder.append(getFieldValidationBody(field, initializer, null, true));
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(embeddedIdFieldType.getSimpleTypeName() + " embeddedIdClass = new " + embeddedIdFieldType.getSimpleTypeName() + "(" + sb.toString() + ");");
bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine(OBJ_VAR + "." + embeddedIdMutator + "(embeddedIdClass);");
final List<JavaSymbolName> parameterNames = Arrays.asList(OBJ_SYMBOL, INDEX_SYMBOL);
return new MethodMetadataBuilder(getId(), Modifier.PUBLIC, methodName, JavaType.VOID_PRIMITIVE, AnnotatedJavaType.convertFromJavaTypes(parameterTypes), parameterNames, bodyBuilder);