use of org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class ExceptionsMetadataProviderImpl method getLocalMidToRequest.
protected String getLocalMidToRequest(ItdTypeDetails itdTypeDetails) {
// Determine the governor for this ITD, and whether any metadata is even
// hoping to hear about changes to that JavaType and its ITDs
final JavaType governor = itdTypeDetails.getName();
final String localMid = domainTypeToServiceMidMap.get(governor);
if (localMid != null) {
return localMid;
final MemberHoldingTypeDetails memberHoldingTypeDetails = getTypeLocationService().getTypeDetails(governor);
if (memberHoldingTypeDetails != null) {
for (final JavaType type : memberHoldingTypeDetails.getLayerEntities()) {
final String localMidType = domainTypeToServiceMidMap.get(type);
if (localMidType != null) {
return localMidType;
return null;
use of org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class TestCommands method getAllEntities.
@CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(command = "test integration", param = "class", help = "Option `--class` must " + "be a non-abstract valid type. Please, use auto-complete feature to select it.")
public List<String> getAllEntities(ShellContext shellContext) {
// Get current value of class
String currentText = shellContext.getParameters().get("class");
// Create results to return
List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
// Look for all valid types for all available test creators
for (TestCreatorProvider creator : getAllTestCreators()) {
if (creator.isIntegrationTestCreationAvailable()) {
for (JavaType annotationType : creator.getValidTypes()) {
// Look for types with this annotation type
Set<ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails> types = typeLocationService.findClassesOrInterfaceDetailsWithAnnotation(annotationType);
for (ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails typeCid : types) {
String name = replaceTopLevelPackageString(typeCid.getType(), currentText);
if (!results.contains(name)) {
return results;
use of org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class PushInOperationsImpl method pushInClass.
* Makes push-in of all items defined on a provided class
* @param klass
* class to make the push-in operation
* @param weiteOnDisk
* indicates if pushed elements should be writed on .java file
* @param force
* if some operation will produce several changes, this parameter
* should be true.
* @return list of objects with all the pushed elements.
public List<Object> pushInClass(JavaType klass, boolean writeOnDisk, boolean force) {
List<Object> pushedElements = new ArrayList<Object>();
// Check if current klass exists
Validate.notNull(klass, "ERROR: You must specify a valid class to continue with push-in action");
// Getting class details
ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails classDetails = getTypeLocationService().getTypeDetails(klass);
Validate.notNull(klass, "ERROR: You must specify a valid class to continue with push-in action");
// String builder where changes will be registered
StringBuilder changesToApply = new StringBuilder();
// Getting member details
MemberDetails memberDetails = getMemberDetailsScanner().getMemberDetails(getClass().getName(), classDetails);
List<MemberHoldingTypeDetails> memberHoldingTypes = memberDetails.getDetails();
// Return if the class has not associated ITD's
if (memberHoldingTypes.size() == 1 && memberHoldingTypes.get(0).getPhysicalTypeCategory() != PhysicalTypeCategory.ITD) {
return pushedElements;
// Check if the provided class is a test to be able to select valid
// class path
Path path = classDetails.getAnnotation(RooJavaType.ROO_JPA_UNIT_TEST) == null ? Path.SRC_MAIN_JAVA : Path.SRC_TEST_JAVA;
// Getting current class .java file metadata ID
final String declaredByMetadataId = PhysicalTypeIdentifier.createIdentifier(klass, getPathResolver().getPath(klass.getModule(), path));
// Getting detailsBuilder
ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetailsBuilder detailsBuilder = new ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetailsBuilder(classDetails);
// Getting all details
for (final MemberHoldingTypeDetails memberHoldingTypeDetails : memberDetails.getDetails()) {
// this .java file
if (!memberHoldingTypeDetails.getType().equals(classDetails.getType())) {
// Getting all declared methods (including declared on ITDs
// and .java files)
List<MethodMetadata> allDeclaredMethods = memberHoldingTypeDetails.getMethods();
// Checking if is necessary to make push-in for all declared methods
for (MethodMetadata method : allDeclaredMethods) {
// If method exists on .aj file, add it!
if (method.getDeclaredByMetadataId().split("\\?").length > 1 && method.getDeclaredByMetadataId().split("\\?")[1].equals(klass.getFullyQualifiedTypeName()) && !method.getDeclaredByMetadataId().equals(declaredByMetadataId)) {
// Add method to .java file
MethodMetadata newMethod = getNewMethod(declaredByMetadataId, method);
// Save changes on pushed elements list
changesToApply.append(String.format("Method '%s' will be pushed on '' class. \n", method.getMethodName(), klass.getSimpleTypeName()));
// Getting all declared fields (including declared on ITDs
// and .java files)
List<? extends FieldMetadata> allDeclaredFields = memberHoldingTypeDetails.getDeclaredFields();
// Checking if is necessary to make push-in for all declared fields
for (FieldMetadata field : allDeclaredFields) {
// If field exists on .aj file, add it!
if (field.getDeclaredByMetadataId().split("\\?").length > 1 && field.getDeclaredByMetadataId().split("\\?")[1].equals(klass.getFullyQualifiedTypeName()) && !field.getDeclaredByMetadataId().equals(declaredByMetadataId)) {
// Add field to .java file
FieldMetadata newField = getNewField(declaredByMetadataId, field);
// Save changes on pushed elements list
changesToApply.append(String.format("Field '%s' will be pushed on '' class. \n", field.getFieldName(), klass.getSimpleTypeName()));
// Getting all declared constructors (including declared on ITDs and
// .java files)
List<? extends ConstructorMetadata> allDeclaredConstructors = memberHoldingTypeDetails.getDeclaredConstructors();
// constructors
for (ConstructorMetadata constructor : allDeclaredConstructors) {
// Check if current constructor exists on .java file
classDetails = getTypeLocationService().getTypeDetails(;
List<JavaType> parameterTypes = new ArrayList<JavaType>();
for (AnnotatedJavaType type : constructor.getParameterTypes()) {
ConstructorMetadata javaDeclaredConstructor = classDetails.getDeclaredConstructor(parameterTypes);
// If not exists, add it!
if (javaDeclaredConstructor == null) {
// Add constructor to .java file
// Save changes on pushed elements list
String constructorParametersNames = "";
for (JavaSymbolName paramName : constructor.getParameterNames()) {
constructorParametersNames = constructorParametersNames.concat(paramName.getSymbolName()).concat(", ");
changesToApply.append(String.format("Constructor with parameters '%s' will be pushed on '' class. \n", constructorParametersNames.substring(0, constructorParametersNames.length() - 2), klass.getSimpleTypeName()));
// Getting all declared annotations (including declared on ITDs
// and .java files)
List<AnnotationMetadata> allDeclaredAnnotations = memberHoldingTypeDetails.getAnnotations();
for (AnnotationMetadata annotation : allDeclaredAnnotations) {
// Check if current annotation exists on .java file
classDetails = getTypeLocationService().getTypeDetails(;
List<AnnotationMetadata> javaDeclaredAnnotations = classDetails.getAnnotations();
boolean annotationExists = false;
for (AnnotationMetadata javaAnnotation : javaDeclaredAnnotations) {
if (javaAnnotation.getAnnotationType().getFullyQualifiedTypeName().equals(annotation.getAnnotationType().getFullyQualifiedTypeName())) {
annotationExists = true;
// If not exists, add it!
if (!annotationExists) {
// Add annotation to .java file
// Save changes on pushed elements list
changesToApply.append(String.format("Annotation '%s' will be pushed on '' class. \n", annotation.getAnnotationType().getSimpleTypeName(), klass.getSimpleTypeName()));
// Getting all extends registered on .aj file to move to .java file
List<JavaType> allExtendsTypes = memberHoldingTypeDetails.getExtendsTypes();
for (JavaType extendsType : allExtendsTypes) {
// If extends exists on .aj file, add it!
if (!detailsBuilder.getExtendsTypes().contains(extendsType)) {
// Save changes on pushed elements list
changesToApply.append(String.format("Extends type '%s' will be pushed on '' class. \n", extendsType.getSimpleTypeName(), klass.getSimpleTypeName()));
// Getting all implements registered on .aj file to move to .java
// file
List<JavaType> allImplementsTypes = memberHoldingTypeDetails.getImplementsTypes();
for (JavaType implementsType : allImplementsTypes) {
if (!detailsBuilder.getImplementsTypes().contains(implementsType)) {
// Save changes on pushed elements list
changesToApply.append(String.format("Implements type '%s' will be pushed on '' class. \n", implementsType.getSimpleTypeName(), klass.getSimpleTypeName()));
// Getting all imports registered on .aj file to move to .java file
Set<ImportMetadata> allRegisteredImports = memberHoldingTypeDetails.getImports();
// Save changes on pushed elements list
// Updating .java file
if (!force) {
// Show message to be able to know which changes will be applied
if (changesToApply.length() > 0) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, changesToApply.toString());
} else if (writeOnDisk) {
return pushedElements;
use of org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class SecurityCommands method getAllMethodsRelatedWithProvidedClassForAuthorize.
@CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(command = "security authorize", param = "method", help = "You must select a valid method from the provided class or a regular expression that match with existing methods", validate = false)
public List<String> getAllMethodsRelatedWithProvidedClassForAuthorize(ShellContext context) {
List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
String service = context.getParameters().get("class");
JavaType type = null;
if (service != null) {
type = getJavaTypeConverter().convertFromText(service, JavaType.class, PROJECT);
} else {
type = lastUsed.getJavaType();
MemberDetails serviceDetails = memberDetailsScanner.getMemberDetails(getClass().getName(), typeLocationService.getTypeDetails(type));
List<MethodMetadata> methods = serviceDetails.getMethods();
for (MethodMetadata method : methods) {
String methodName = method.getMethodName().getSymbolName();
List<AnnotatedJavaType> parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
methodName = methodName.concat("(");
for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.size(); i++) {
String paramType = parameterTypes.get(i).getJavaType().getSimpleTypeName();
methodName = methodName.concat(paramType).concat(",");
if (!parameterTypes.isEmpty()) {
methodName = methodName.substring(0, methodName.length() - 1).concat(")");
} else {
methodName = methodName.concat(")");
return results;
use of org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class SecurityCommands method getAllMethodsRelatedWithProvidedClassForFiltering.
@CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(command = "security filtering", param = "method", help = "You must select a valid method from the provided class or a regular expression that match with existing methods", validate = false)
public List<String> getAllMethodsRelatedWithProvidedClassForFiltering(ShellContext context) {
List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
String service = context.getParameters().get("class");
JavaType type = null;
if (service != null) {
type = getJavaTypeConverter().convertFromText(service, JavaType.class, PROJECT);
} else {
type = lastUsed.getJavaType();
MemberDetails serviceDetails = memberDetailsScanner.getMemberDetails(getClass().getName(), typeLocationService.getTypeDetails(type));
List<MethodMetadata> methods = serviceDetails.getMethods();
for (MethodMetadata method : methods) {
String methodName = method.getMethodName().getSymbolName();
List<AnnotatedJavaType> parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
methodName = methodName.concat("(");
for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.size(); i++) {
String paramType = parameterTypes.get(i).getJavaType().getSimpleTypeName();
methodName = methodName.concat(paramType).concat(",");
if (!parameterTypes.isEmpty()) {
methodName = methodName.substring(0, methodName.length() - 1).concat(")");
} else {
methodName = methodName.concat(")");
return results;