use of org.springframework.roo.project.LogicalPath in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class AbstractItdMetadataProvider method resolveDownstreamDependencyIdentifier.
* Invoked whenever a "class-level" downstream dependency identifier is
* presented in a metadata notification. An "instance-specific" downstream
* dependency identifier is required so that a metadata request can
* ultimately be made. This method is responsible for evaluating the
* upstream dependency identifier and converting it into a valid downstream
* dependency identifier. The downstream dependency identifier must be of
* the same type as this metadata provider's {@link #getProvidesType()}. The
* downstream dependency identifier must also be instance-specific.
* <p>
* The basic implementation offered in this class will only convert a
* {@link PhysicalTypeIdentifier}. If a subclass registers a dependency on
* an upstream (other than
* {@link PhysicalTypeIdentifier#getMetadataIdentiferType()}) and presents
* their {@link #getProvidesType()} as the downstream (thus meaning only
* class-level downstream dependency identifiers will be presented), they
* must override this method and appropriately handle instance-specific
* downstream dependency identifier resolution.
* <p>
* This method may also return null if it wishes to abort processing of the
* notification. This may be appropriate if a determination cannot be made
* at this time for whatever reason (eg too early in a lifecycle etc).
* @param upstreamDependency the upstream (never null)
* @return an instance-specific MID of type {@link #getProvidesType()} (or
* null if the metadata notification should be aborted)
protected String resolveDownstreamDependencyIdentifier(final String upstreamDependency) {
// We only support analysis of a PhysicalTypeIdentifier upstream MID to
// convert this to a downstream MID.
// In any other case the downstream metadata should have registered an
// instance-specific downstream dependency on a given upstream.
Validate.isTrue(isNotificationForJavaType(upstreamDependency), "Expected class-level notifications only for physical Java types (not '" + upstreamDependency + "') for metadata provider " + getClass().getName());
// A physical Java type has changed, and determine what the
// corresponding local metadata identification string would have been
final JavaType javaType = PhysicalTypeIdentifier.getJavaType(upstreamDependency);
final LogicalPath path = PhysicalTypeIdentifier.getPath(upstreamDependency);
return createLocalIdentifier(javaType, path);
use of org.springframework.roo.project.LogicalPath in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class CreatorOperationsImpl method writeTextFile.
private void writeTextFile(final String fullPathFromRoot, final String message, String folder) {
Validate.notBlank(fullPathFromRoot, "Text file name to write is required");
Validate.notBlank(message, "Message required");
MutableFile mutableFile;
if (folder != null) {
LogicalPath rootPath = LogicalPath.getInstance(Path.ROOT, "");
mutableFile = fileManager.createFile(pathResolver.getIdentifier(rootPath, folder + "/" + fullPathFromRoot));
} else {
LogicalPath rootPath = LogicalPath.getInstance(Path.ROOT, "");
mutableFile = fileManager.createFile(pathResolver.getIdentifier(rootPath, fullPathFromRoot));
OutputStream outputStream = null;
try {
outputStream = mutableFile.getOutputStream();
IOUtils.write(message, outputStream);
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ioe);
} finally {
use of org.springframework.roo.project.LogicalPath in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class CreatorOperationsImpl method install.
private void install(final String targetFilename, final JavaPackage topLevelPackage, final Path path, final Type type, String projectName, String folder) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(projectName)) {
projectName = topLevelPackage.getFullyQualifiedPackageName().replace(".", "-");
final String topLevelPackageName = topLevelPackage.getFullyQualifiedPackageName();
final String packagePath = topLevelPackageName.replace('.', separatorChar);
String destinationFile = "";
if (targetFilename.endsWith(".java")) {
destinationFile = path.getDefaultLocation() + "/" + packagePath + separatorChar + StringUtils.capitalize(topLevelPackageName.substring(topLevelPackageName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)) + targetFilename;
} else {
destinationFile = path.getDefaultLocation() + "/" + packagePath + separatorChar + targetFilename;
// Adjust name for Roo Annotation
if (targetFilename.startsWith("RooAnnotation")) {
destinationFile = path.getDefaultLocation() + "/" + packagePath + separatorChar + "Roo" + StringUtils.capitalize(topLevelPackageName.substring(topLevelPackageName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)) + ".java";
if (!fileManager.exists(destinationFile)) {
final InputStream templateInputStream = FileUtils.getInputStream(getClass(), + "/" + targetFilename + "-template");
OutputStream outputStream = null;
try {
// Read template and insert the user's package
String input = IOUtils.toString(templateInputStream);
input = input.replace("__TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE__", topLevelPackage.getFullyQualifiedPackageName());
input = input.replace("__APP_NAME__", StringUtils.capitalize(topLevelPackageName.substring(topLevelPackageName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)));
input = input.replace("__APP_NAME_LWR_CASE__", topLevelPackageName.substring(topLevelPackageName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase());
input = input.replace("__PROJECT_NAME__", projectName.toLowerCase());
// Output the file for the user
MutableFile mutableFile;
if (folder != null) {
LogicalPath rootPath = LogicalPath.getInstance(Path.ROOT, "");
mutableFile = fileManager.createFile(pathResolver.getIdentifier(rootPath, folder + "/" + destinationFile));
} else {
LogicalPath rootPath = LogicalPath.getInstance(Path.ROOT, "");
mutableFile = fileManager.createFile(pathResolver.getIdentifier(rootPath, destinationFile));
outputStream = mutableFile.getOutputStream();
IOUtils.write(input, outputStream);
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create '" + targetFilename + "'", ioe);
} finally {
use of org.springframework.roo.project.LogicalPath in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class CreatorOperationsImpl method writePomFile.
* Writes the given Maven POM to disk
* @param pom the POM to write (required)
private void writePomFile(final Document pom, String folder) {
MutableFile pomFile;
if (folder != null) {
LogicalPath rootPath = LogicalPath.getInstance(Path.ROOT, "");
pomFile = fileManager.createFile(pathResolver.getIdentifier(rootPath, folder + "/" + POM_XML));
} else {
LogicalPath rootPath = LogicalPath.getInstance(Path.ROOT, "");
pomFile = fileManager.createFile(pathResolver.getIdentifier(rootPath, POM_XML));
XmlUtils.writeXml(pomFile.getOutputStream(), pom);
use of org.springframework.roo.project.LogicalPath in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class CreatorOperationsImpl method createObrFile.
private void createObrFile(String topLevelPackageName, Type type, String folder) {
// Getting obr location
if (folder != null) {
LogicalPath rootPath = LogicalPath.getInstance(Path.ROOT, "");
fileManager.createFile(pathResolver.getIdentifier(rootPath, folder + "/" + "src/main/resources/obr.xml"));
} else {
LogicalPath rootPath = LogicalPath.getInstance(Path.ROOT, "");
fileManager.createFile(pathResolver.getIdentifier(rootPath, "src/main/resources/obr.xml"));
final InputStream templateInputStream = FileUtils.getInputStream(getClass(), + "/obr-template.xml");
final Document docXml = XmlUtils.readXml(templateInputStream);
final Element document = docXml.getDocumentElement();
Element capabilityElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement("resource/capability", document);
if (capabilityElement != null) {
if (type.equals(Type.ADVANCED)) {
String commandInit = topLevelPackageName.substring(topLevelPackageName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase();
Element commandAddElement = docXml.createElement("p");
commandAddElement.setAttribute("n", "command-add");
commandAddElement.setAttribute("v", commandInit + " add");
Element commandAllElement = docXml.createElement("p");
commandAllElement.setAttribute("n", "command-all");
commandAllElement.setAttribute("v", commandInit + " all");
Element commandSetupElement = docXml.createElement("p");
commandSetupElement.setAttribute("n", "command-setup");
commandSetupElement.setAttribute("v", commandInit + " setup");
if (type.equals(Type.SIMPLE)) {
Element commandSayHelloElement = docXml.createElement("p");
commandSayHelloElement.setAttribute("n", "command-say-hello");
commandSayHelloElement.setAttribute("v", "say hello");
Element commandInstallElement = docXml.createElement("p");
commandInstallElement.setAttribute("n", "command-install-tags");
commandInstallElement.setAttribute("v", "web mvc install tags");
if (folder != null) {
LogicalPath rootPath = LogicalPath.getInstance(Path.ROOT, "");
XmlUtils.writeXml(fileManager.updateFile(pathResolver.getIdentifier(rootPath, folder + "/" + "src/main/resources/obr.xml")).getOutputStream(), docXml);
} else {
LogicalPath rootPath = LogicalPath.getInstance(Path.ROOT, "");
XmlUtils.writeXml(fileManager.updateFile(pathResolver.getIdentifier(rootPath, "src/main/resources/obr.xml")).getOutputStream(), docXml);