use of in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class ControllerCommands method getAllServiceForOperationCommandValues.
@CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(param = "service", command = "web mvc operation", help = "--service parameter should be completed with an service generated previously.")
public List<String> getAllServiceForOperationCommandValues(ShellContext context) {
// Get the actual service selected
String currentText = context.getParameters().get("service");
// Create results to return
List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
// Get controllers full qualified names
Set<ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails> services = getTypeLocationService().findClassesOrInterfaceDetailsWithAnnotation(RooJavaType.ROO_SERVICE);
for (ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails service : services) {
String name = getClasspathOperations().replaceTopLevelPackageString(service, currentText);
if (!results.contains(name)) {
return results;
use of in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class WsCommands method getAllWsdlFiles.
* This method is an autocomplete indicator of 'ws client' command.
* It provides all existing .wsdl files inside /src/main/resources of
* each existing module.
* @param context
* @return
@CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(command = "ws client", param = "wsdl", help = "By default, Spring Roo searches .wsdl files " + "in the 'src/main/resources/' folder of the existing modules. " + "Include your .wsdl file in 'src/main/resources' to be able to generate" + " a client.")
public List<String> getAllWsdlFiles(ShellContext context) {
List<String> existingWsdlFiles = new ArrayList<String>();
Collection<String> existingModules = getProjectOperations().getModuleNames();
String rootPath = getPathResolver().getRoot();
for (String moduleName : existingModules) {
String moduleResourcesFolder = rootPath.concat("/").concat(moduleName).concat("/src/main/resources");
// To prevent errors, check if src main resources folder exists in current module
if (getFileManager().exists(moduleResourcesFolder)) {
File folder = new File(moduleResourcesFolder);
for (final File fileEntry : folder.listFiles()) {
if (fileEntry.isFile() && fileEntry.getName().endsWith(".wsdl")) {
String fileName = fileEntry.getName();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(moduleName)) {
fileName = moduleName.concat(":").concat(fileName);
return existingWsdlFiles;
use of in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class MavenCommands method returnPomModules.
@CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(command = MODULE_CREATE_COMMAND, param = "packaging", help = "--packaging select one of the available Maven packaging values")
public List<String> returnPomModules(ShellContext shellContext) {
List<String> allPossibleValues = new ArrayList<String>();
Collection<PackagingProvider> allPackagingProviders = packagingProviderRegistry.getAllPackagingProviders();
for (final PackagingProvider packagingProvider : allPackagingProviders) {
// ROO-3801 Can't create POM children
if (!"pom".equals(packagingProvider.getId())) {
return allPossibleValues;
use of in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class FieldCommands method getReferenceTypePossibleValues.
@CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(command = "field reference", param = "type", help = "--type option should be an entity.")
public List<String> getReferenceTypePossibleValues(ShellContext shellContext) {
// Get current value of class
String currentText = shellContext.getParameters().get("type");
List<String> allPossibleValues = new ArrayList<String>();
// Getting all existing entities
Set<ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails> entitiesInProject = typeLocationService.findClassesOrInterfaceDetailsWithAnnotation(RooJavaType.ROO_JPA_ENTITY);
for (ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails entity : entitiesInProject) {
String name = replaceTopLevelPackageString(entity, currentText);
if (!allPossibleValues.contains(name)) {
return allPossibleValues;
use of in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class DtoCommands method returnFieldValues.
* Attempts to obtain entity specified in 'entity' option and returns an
* auto-complete list with the entity fields, separated by comma's.
* @param shellContext
* @return a List<String> with the possible values.
@CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(command = "entity projection", param = "fields", help = "Option fields must have a comma-separated list of valid fields. Please, assign it a " + "correct value. Transient, static and entity collection fields are not valid for " + "projections.", includeSpaceOnFinish = false)
public List<String> returnFieldValues(ShellContext shellContext) {
List<String> fieldValuesToReturn = new ArrayList<String>();
// Get entity JavaType
JavaType entity = getTypeFromEntityParam(shellContext);
// Get current fields in --field value
String currentFieldValue = shellContext.getParameters().get("fields");
String[] fields = StringUtils.split(currentFieldValue, ",");
// Check for bad written separators and return no options
if (currentFieldValue.contains(",.") || currentFieldValue.contains(".,")) {
return fieldValuesToReturn;
// Check if it is first field
if (currentFieldValue.equals("")) {
for (FieldMetadata field : getEntityFieldList(entity)) {
return fieldValuesToReturn;
JavaType lastRelatedEntity = null;
String completedValue = "";
List<FieldMetadata> entityFields = null;
boolean fieldFound = false;
boolean lastFieldIsEntity = false;
boolean isMainEntityField = true;
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
JavaType lastFieldType = entity;
// Split field by ".", in case it was a relation field
String[] splittedByPeriod = StringUtils.split(fields[i], ".");
// Build auto-complete values
for (int t = 0; t < splittedByPeriod.length; t++) {
fieldFound = false;
// Find the field in entity fields
if (typeLocationService.getTypeDetails(lastFieldType) != null && typeLocationService.getTypeDetails(lastFieldType).getAnnotation(RooJavaType.ROO_JPA_ENTITY) != null) {
entityFields = getEntityFieldList(lastFieldType);
for (FieldMetadata entityField : entityFields) {
lastFieldIsEntity = false;
if (splittedByPeriod[t].equals(entityField.getFieldName().getSymbolName())) {
// Add auto-complete value
if (completedValue.equals("")) {
completedValue = entityField.getFieldName().getSymbolName();
} else {
if (splittedByPeriod.length > 1 && t > 0) {
// Field is from a relation
completedValue = completedValue.concat(".").concat(entityField.getFieldName().getSymbolName());
} else {
// Field is a simple field
completedValue = completedValue.concat(",").concat(entityField.getFieldName().getSymbolName());
// Record last field JavaType for auto-completing last value
lastFieldType = entityField.getFieldType();
// Check if field is an entity different from original entity
if (typeLocationService.getTypeDetails(lastFieldType) != null && typeLocationService.getTypeDetails(lastFieldType).getAnnotation(RooJavaType.ROO_JPA_ENTITY) != null && !entityField.getFieldType().equals(entity)) {
lastFieldIsEntity = true;
lastRelatedEntity = lastFieldType;
fieldFound = true;
// Checks if field to autocomplete is from main entity
if (currentFieldValue.endsWith(".") || (splittedByPeriod.length > 1 && !fieldFound)) {
isMainEntityField = false;
// Add field separator if needed
if (fieldFound) {
// Always add current value for validation only
// If field is entity, append , and . and return values
if (lastFieldIsEntity) {
if (!currentFieldValue.endsWith(",") && !currentFieldValue.endsWith(".")) {
return fieldValuesToReturn;
// Build auto-complete values for last member
String autocompleteValue = "";
if (isMainEntityField) {
// Complete simple fields. Add entity fields as auto-complete values
List<FieldMetadata> mainEntityFields = getEntityFieldList(entity);
for (FieldMetadata mainEntityField : mainEntityFields) {
if (completedValue.equals("")) {
// Is first field to complete
} else if (!completedValue.equals("")) {
// Check if field is specified and add it if not
boolean alreadySpecified = false;
// boolean relationField = false;
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (mainEntityField.getFieldName().getSymbolName().equals(fields[i])) {
alreadySpecified = true;
if (!alreadySpecified) {
// Add completion
autocompleteValue = completedValue.concat(",").concat(mainEntityField.getFieldName().getSymbolName());
} else if (alreadySpecified && typeIsEntity(mainEntityField.getFieldType())) {
// Add completion as relation field
autocompleteValue = completedValue.concat(",").concat(mainEntityField.getFieldName().getSymbolName()).concat(".");
// Add completion
} else if (lastRelatedEntity != null) {
// Complete with fields of current relation field
List<FieldMetadata> relatedEntityFields = getEntityFieldList(lastRelatedEntity);
for (FieldMetadata relatedEntityField : relatedEntityFields) {
autocompleteValue = completedValue.concat(".").concat(relatedEntityField.getFieldName().getSymbolName());
// Check if value already exists
String additionalValueToAdd = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(autocompleteValue, ",");
if (!fieldValuesToReturn.contains(autocompleteValue) && !currentFieldValue.contains(additionalValueToAdd)) {
} else if (!fieldValuesToReturn.contains(autocompleteValue) && typeIsEntity(relatedEntityField.getFieldType())) {
} else if (additionalValueToAdd.equals("")) {
return fieldValuesToReturn;