use of org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled in project portal by ixinportal.
the class SendReNewInfoTask method sendReNewInfo.
* 心跳更新。启动时执行一次,之后每隔24小时执行一次
@Scheduled(fixedRate = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)
public void sendReNewInfo() {
// 筛选出所有是待更新的,而且未发送短信的订单
BillExample billExample = new BillExample();
BillExample.Criteria criteria = billExample.or();
// 订单状态是12的时候,表示是待更新的订单
// 订单的短信发送时间是Null的时候,表示未发送过通知短信
// billExample.setLimit(100);
List<Bill> bills = sqlSession.selectList("com.itrus.portal.db.BillMapper.selectByExample", billExample);
if (null == bills || bills.size() < 1) {
String billSn = "";
String mPhone = "";
try {
// 向每个订单发送短信通知
for (int i = 0; i < bills.size(); i++) {
billSn = bills.get(i).getBillId();
UserInfo userInfo = sqlSession.selectOne("com.itrus.portal.db.UserInfoMapper.selectByPrimaryKey", bills.get(i).getUniqueId());
mPhone = userInfo.getmPhone();
UserCertExample userCertExample = new UserCertExample();
UserCertExample.Criteria ucriteria = userCertExample.or();
UserCert userCert = sqlSession.selectOne("com.itrus.portal.db.UserCertMapper.selectByExample", userCertExample);
Enterprise enterprise = sqlSession.selectOne("com.itrus.portal.db.EnterpriseMapper.selectByPrimaryKey", bills.get(i).getEnterprise());
Long projectId = bills.get(i).getProject();
String keySn = "";
if (null == userCert.getKeySn()) {
keySn = "该证书未绑定key";
} else {
keySn = userCert.getKeySn();
String enterpriseName = enterprise.getEnterpriseName();
Date endTime = userCert.getCertEndTime();
// 获取订单对应的产品信息
Product product = sqlSession.selectOne("com.itrus.portal.db.ProductMapper.selectByPrimaryKey", bills.get(i).getProduct());
String productName = product.getName();
try {
makeCerServiceImpl.sendReNewInfo(bills.get(i), mPhone, projectId, "ZSGX", keySn, enterpriseName, endTime, productName);
} catch (UserInfoServiceException e) {
String type = "发送证书更新通知失败";
String info = "用户手机号:" + mPhone + ",订单号" + bills.get(i).getBillId() + "错误信息:" + e.getMessage();
LogUtil.syslog(sqlSession, type, info);
log.error("ERRORLOG证书更新通知 {}", info);
} catch (Exception e) {
String type = "发送证书更新通知失败";
String info = "用户手机号:" + mPhone + ",订单号" + bills.get(i).getBillId() + "错误信息:" + e.getMessage();
LogUtil.syslog(sqlSession, type, info);
log.error("ERRORLOG证书更新通知 {}", info);
} catch (Exception e) {
String type = "发送证书更新通知失败";
String info = "用户手机号:" + mPhone + ",订单号" + billSn + "错误信息:" + e.getMessage();
LogUtil.syslog(sqlSession, type, info);
log.error("ERRORLOG证书更新通知 {}", info);
use of org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled in project portal by ixinportal.
the class SendSMSSHJJTask method task.
@Scheduled(fixedRate = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2)
public void task() {
// start------------处理双机互斥----------
if (null == taskFlag) {
taskFlag = systemConfigService.isTimedTaskHost();
if (taskFlag.equals(false)) {
// end------------处理双机互斥----------
BillExample billExample = new BillExample();
BillExample.Criteria criteria = billExample.or();
// 订单状态是15的时候,表示是解锁审核拒绝的订单
// 订单的短信发送时间是Null的时候,表示未发送过通知短信
List<Bill> bills = sqlSession.selectList("com.itrus.portal.db.BillMapper.selectByExample", billExample);
Integer successNumer = 0;
for (Bill bill : bills) {
try {
if (reviewService.sendSmsBySHJJ(bill.getId())) {
// 修改订单
bill.setSendTime(new Date());
sqlSession.update("com.itrus.portal.db.BillMapper.updateByPrimaryKey", bill);
} catch (Exception e) {
LogUtil.syslog(sqlSession, "审核拒绝短信通知_解锁订单", "出现异常,异常信息:" + e.getMessage());
LogUtil.syslog(sqlSession, "审核拒绝短信通知_解锁订单", "本次发送成功:" + successNumer + ",条, 总计:" + (null == bills ? 0 : bills.size()) + "条");
use of org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.
the class HandleFailedMessages method resendFailedElements.
@Scheduled(cron = "${org.orcid.cron.reindex-failed}")
public void resendFailedElements() {
List<RecordStatusEntity> failedElements = manager.getFailedElements(BATCH_SIZE);
List<RecordStatusEntity> elementsToNotify = new ArrayList<RecordStatusEntity>();
for (RecordStatusEntity element : failedElements) {
try {
// Send RetryMessage for 1.2 dump
if (element.getDumpStatus12Api() > 0) {
RetryMessage message = new RetryMessage(element.getId(), AvailableBroker.DUMP_STATUS_1_2_API.value());
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(MessageConstants.Queues.RETRY, message.getMap());
// Send RetryMessage for 2.0 dump
if (element.getDumpStatus20Api() > 0) {
RetryMessage message = new RetryMessage(element.getId(), AvailableBroker.DUMP_STATUS_2_0_API.value());
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(MessageConstants.Queues.RETRY, message.getMap());
// Send RetryMessage for solr indexing
if (element.getSolrStatus20Api() > 0) {
RetryMessage message = new RetryMessage(element.getId(), AvailableBroker.SOLR.value());
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(MessageConstants.Queues.RETRY, message.getMap());
// Send RetryMessage for 2.0 activities dump
if (element.getDumpStatus20ActivitiesApi() > 0) {
RetryMessage message = new RetryMessage(element.getId(), AvailableBroker.DUMP_STATUS_2_0_ACTIVITIES_API.value());
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(MessageConstants.Queues.RETRY, message.getMap());
// Should we notify about this element?
if ((element.getDumpStatus12Api() > maxFailuresBeforeNotify) || (element.getDumpStatus20Api() > maxFailuresBeforeNotify) || (element.getSolrStatus20Api() > maxFailuresBeforeNotify) || (element.getDumpStatus20ActivitiesApi() > maxFailuresBeforeNotify)) {
} catch (JmsException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Unable to resend message for " + element.getId());
// Send summary
if (!elementsToNotify.isEmpty()) {
String message = buildNotificationMessage(elementsToNotify);
use of org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled in project PublicCMS-preview by sanluan.
the class ScheduledTaskComponent method clearAppToken.
* 每分钟清理半小时前的token
@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 60 * 1000L)
public void clearAppToken() {
if (CmsVersion.isInitialized() && CmsVersion.isMaster()) {
Date date = DateUtils.addMinutes(CommonUtils.getDate(), -30);
use of org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled in project spring-cloud-consul by spring-cloud.
the class ConfigWatch method watchConfigKeyValues.
@Scheduled(fixedDelayString = "${}")
@Timed(value = "")
public void watchConfigKeyValues() {
if (this.running.get()) {
for (String context : this.consulIndexes.keySet()) {
// turn the context into a Consul folder path (unless our config format are FILES)
if (properties.getFormat() != FILES && !context.endsWith("/")) {
context = context + "/";
try {
Long currentIndex = this.consulIndexes.get(context);
if (currentIndex == null) {
currentIndex = -1L;
// use the consul ACL token if found
String aclToken = properties.getAclToken();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aclToken)) {
aclToken = null;
Response<List<GetValue>> response = this.consul.getKVValues(context, aclToken, new QueryParams(, currentIndex));
// reducing churn if there wasn't anything
if (response.getValue() != null && !response.getValue().isEmpty()) {
Long newIndex = response.getConsulIndex();
if (newIndex != null && !newIndex.equals(currentIndex)) {
// don't publish the same index again, don't publish the first time (-1) so index can be primed
if (!this.consulIndexes.containsValue(newIndex) && !currentIndex.equals(-1L)) {
RefreshEventData data = new RefreshEventData(context, currentIndex, newIndex);
this.publisher.publishEvent(new RefreshEvent(this, data, data.toString()));
this.consulIndexes.put(context, newIndex);
} catch (Exception e) {
// only fail fast on the initial query, otherwise just log the error
if (firstTime && {
log.error("Fail fast is set and there was an error reading configuration from consul.");
} else if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Error querying consul Key/Values for context '" + context + "'", e);
} else if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
// simplified one line log message in the event of an agent failure
log.warn("Error querying consul Key/Values for context '" + context + "'. Message: " + e.getMessage());
firstTime = false;