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the class JdbcMutableAclServiceTests method testLifecycle.
public void testLifecycle() {
MutableAcl topParent = jdbcMutableAclService.createAcl(topParentOid);
MutableAcl middleParent = jdbcMutableAclService.createAcl(middleParentOid);
MutableAcl child = jdbcMutableAclService.createAcl(childOid);
// Specify the inheritance hierarchy
// Now let's add a couple of permissions
topParent.insertAce(0, BasePermission.READ, new PrincipalSid(auth), true);
topParent.insertAce(1, BasePermission.WRITE, new PrincipalSid(auth), false);
middleParent.insertAce(0, BasePermission.DELETE, new PrincipalSid(auth), true);
child.insertAce(0, BasePermission.DELETE, new PrincipalSid(auth), false);
// Explicitly save the changed ACL
// Let's check if we can read them back correctly
Map<ObjectIdentity, Acl> map = jdbcMutableAclService.readAclsById(Arrays.asList(topParentOid, middleParentOid, childOid));
// Replace our current objects with their retrieved versions
topParent = (MutableAcl) map.get(topParentOid);
middleParent = (MutableAcl) map.get(middleParentOid);
child = (MutableAcl) map.get(childOid);
// Check the retrieved versions has IDs
// Check their parents were correctly persisted
// Check their ACEs were correctly persisted
// Check the retrieved rights are correct
List<Permission> read = Arrays.asList(BasePermission.READ);
List<Permission> write = Arrays.asList(BasePermission.WRITE);
List<Permission> delete = Arrays.asList(BasePermission.DELETE);
List<Sid> pSid = Arrays.asList((Sid) new PrincipalSid(auth));
assertThat(topParent.isGranted(read, pSid, false)).isTrue();
assertThat(topParent.isGranted(write, pSid, false)).isFalse();
assertThat(middleParent.isGranted(delete, pSid, false)).isTrue();
assertThat(child.isGranted(delete, pSid, false)).isFalse();
try {
child.isGranted(Arrays.asList(BasePermission.ADMINISTRATION), pSid, false);
fail("Should have thrown NotFoundException");
} catch (NotFoundException expected) {
// Now check the inherited rights (when not explicitly overridden) also look OK
assertThat(child.isGranted(read, pSid, false)).isTrue();
assertThat(child.isGranted(write, pSid, false)).isFalse();
assertThat(child.isGranted(delete, pSid, false)).isFalse();
// Next change the child so it doesn't inherit permissions from above
child = (MutableAcl) jdbcMutableAclService.readAclById(childOid);
// Check the child permissions no longer inherit
assertThat(child.isGranted(delete, pSid, true)).isFalse();
try {
child.isGranted(read, pSid, true);
fail("Should have thrown NotFoundException");
} catch (NotFoundException expected) {
try {
child.isGranted(write, pSid, true);
fail("Should have thrown NotFoundException");
} catch (NotFoundException expected) {
// Let's add an identical permission to the child, but it'll appear AFTER the
// current permission, so has no impact
child.insertAce(1, BasePermission.DELETE, new PrincipalSid(auth), true);
// Let's also add another permission to the child
child.insertAce(2, BasePermission.CREATE, new PrincipalSid(auth), true);
// Save the changed child
child = (MutableAcl) jdbcMutableAclService.readAclById(childOid);
// Output permissions
for (int i = 0; i < child.getEntries().size(); i++) {
// Check the permissions are as they should be
// as earlier permission
assertThat(child.isGranted(delete, pSid, true)).isFalse();
// overrode
assertThat(child.isGranted(Arrays.asList(BasePermission.CREATE), pSid, true)).isTrue();
// Now check the first ACE (index 0) really is DELETE for our Sid and is
// non-granting
AccessControlEntry entry = child.getEntries().get(0);
assertThat(entry.getSid()).isEqualTo(new PrincipalSid(auth));
// Now delete that first ACE
// Save and check it worked
child = jdbcMutableAclService.updateAcl(child);
assertThat(child.isGranted(delete, pSid, false)).isTrue();
use of in project spring-security by spring-projects.
the class JdbcMutableAclService method updateObjectIdentity.
* Updates an existing acl_object_identity row, with new information presented in the
* passed MutableAcl object. Also will create an acl_sid entry if needed for the Sid
* that owns the MutableAcl.
* @param acl to modify (a row must already exist in acl_object_identity)
* @throws NotFoundException if the ACL could not be found to update.
protected void updateObjectIdentity(MutableAcl acl) {
Long parentId = null;
if (acl.getParentAcl() != null) {
Assert.isInstanceOf(ObjectIdentityImpl.class, acl.getParentAcl().getObjectIdentity(), "Implementation only supports ObjectIdentityImpl");
ObjectIdentityImpl oii = (ObjectIdentityImpl) acl.getParentAcl().getObjectIdentity();
parentId = retrieveObjectIdentityPrimaryKey(oii);
Assert.notNull(acl.getOwner(), "Owner is required in this implementation");
Long ownerSid = createOrRetrieveSidPrimaryKey(acl.getOwner(), true);
int count = jdbcTemplate.update(updateObjectIdentity, parentId, ownerSid, Boolean.valueOf(acl.isEntriesInheriting()), acl.getId());
if (count != 1) {
throw new NotFoundException("Unable to locate ACL to update");
use of in project spring-security by spring-projects.
the class AclImplementationSecurityCheckTests method testSecurityCheckNoACEs.
public void testSecurityCheckNoACEs() throws Exception {
Authentication auth = new TestingAuthenticationToken("user", "password", "ROLE_GENERAL", "ROLE_AUDITING", "ROLE_OWNERSHIP");
ObjectIdentity identity = new ObjectIdentityImpl(TARGET_CLASS, new Long(100));
AclAuthorizationStrategy aclAuthorizationStrategy = new AclAuthorizationStrategyImpl(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_OWNERSHIP"), new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_AUDITING"), new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_GENERAL"));
Acl acl = new AclImpl(identity, new Long(1), aclAuthorizationStrategy, new ConsoleAuditLogger());
aclAuthorizationStrategy.securityCheck(acl, AclAuthorizationStrategy.CHANGE_GENERAL);
aclAuthorizationStrategy.securityCheck(acl, AclAuthorizationStrategy.CHANGE_AUDITING);
aclAuthorizationStrategy.securityCheck(acl, AclAuthorizationStrategy.CHANGE_OWNERSHIP);
// Create another authorization strategy
AclAuthorizationStrategy aclAuthorizationStrategy2 = new AclAuthorizationStrategyImpl(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_ONE"), new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_TWO"), new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_THREE"));
Acl acl2 = new AclImpl(identity, new Long(1), aclAuthorizationStrategy2, new ConsoleAuditLogger());
// Check access in case the principal has no authorization rights
try {
aclAuthorizationStrategy2.securityCheck(acl2, AclAuthorizationStrategy.CHANGE_GENERAL);
fail("It should have thrown NotFoundException");
} catch (NotFoundException expected) {
try {
aclAuthorizationStrategy2.securityCheck(acl2, AclAuthorizationStrategy.CHANGE_AUDITING);
fail("It should have thrown NotFoundException");
} catch (NotFoundException expected) {
try {
aclAuthorizationStrategy2.securityCheck(acl2, AclAuthorizationStrategy.CHANGE_OWNERSHIP);
fail("It should have thrown NotFoundException");
} catch (NotFoundException expected) {
use of in project spring-security by spring-projects.
the class SecureDataSourcePopulator method addPermission.
protected void addPermission(DocumentDao documentDao, AbstractElement element, String recipient, int level) {
Assert.notNull(documentDao, "DocumentDao required");
Assert.isInstanceOf(SecureDocumentDao.class, documentDao, "DocumentDao should have been a SecureDocumentDao");
Assert.notNull(element, "Element required");
Assert.hasText(recipient, "Recipient required");
Assert.notNull(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(), "SecurityContextHolder must contain an Authentication");
// We need SecureDocumentDao to assign different permissions
// SecureDocumentDao dao = (SecureDocumentDao) documentDao;
// We need to construct an ACL-specific Sid. Note the prefix contract is defined
// on the superclass method's JavaDocs
Sid sid = null;
if (recipient.startsWith("ROLE_")) {
sid = new GrantedAuthoritySid(recipient);
} else {
sid = new PrincipalSid(recipient);
// We need to identify the target domain object and create an ObjectIdentity for
// it
// This works because AbstractElement has a "getId()" method
ObjectIdentity identity = new ObjectIdentityImpl(element);
// ObjectIdentity identity = new ObjectIdentityImpl(element.getClass(),
// element.getId()); // equivalent
// Next we need to create a Permission
Permission permission = null;
if (level == LEVEL_NEGATE_READ || level == LEVEL_GRANT_READ) {
permission = BasePermission.READ;
} else if (level == LEVEL_GRANT_WRITE) {
permission = BasePermission.WRITE;
} else if (level == LEVEL_GRANT_ADMIN) {
permission = BasePermission.ADMINISTRATION;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported LEVEL_");
// Attempt to retrieve the existing ACL, creating an ACL if it doesn't already
// exist for this ObjectIdentity
MutableAcl acl = null;
try {
acl = (MutableAcl) aclService.readAclById(identity);
} catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
acl = aclService.createAcl(identity);
Assert.notNull(acl, "Acl could not be retrieved or created");
// Now we have an ACL, add another ACE to it
if (level == LEVEL_NEGATE_READ) {
// not
acl.insertAce(acl.getEntries().size(), permission, sid, false);
// granting
} else {
// granting
acl.insertAce(acl.getEntries().size(), permission, sid, true);
// Finally, persist the modified ACL