use of in project irida by phac-nml.
the class ProjectOwnerPermissionTest method testRemoteProjectWrongAuth.
public void testRemoteProjectWrongAuth() {
project.setRemoteStatus(new RemoteStatus("http://somewhere", null));
Authentication authentication = new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken(user, user.getSystemRole());
boolean customPermissionAllowed = permission.customPermissionAllowed(authentication, project);
assertFalse("user should not be able to read project", customPermissionAllowed);
use of in project irida by phac-nml.
the class ProjectOwnerPermissionTest method testLocalProject.
public void testLocalProject() {
Authentication authentication = new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken(user, user.getSystemRole());
boolean customPermissionAllowed = permission.customPermissionAllowed(authentication, project);
assertTrue("user should be able to read project", customPermissionAllowed);
use of in project irida by phac-nml.
the class ProjectOwnerPermissionTest method testLocalProjectDenied.
public void testLocalProjectDenied() {
User user2 = new User();
Authentication authentication = new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken(user2, user2.getSystemRole());
boolean customPermissionAllowed = permission.customPermissionAllowed(authentication, project);
assertFalse("user should not be able to read project", customPermissionAllowed);
use of in project irida by phac-nml.
the class RunAsUserAspect method setSecurityContextFromAnalysisSubmission.
* Advice around a method annotated with {@link RunAsUser}. This method will
* set the {@link User} specified in the {@link RunAsUser#value()} using
* SpEL in the security context before the method is run, then reset the
* original user after the method completes.
* @param jp
* {@link ProceedingJoinPoint} for the called method
* @param userAnnotation
* {@link RunAsUser} annotation specifying the user
* @return Return value of the method called
* @throws Throwable
* if the method throws an exception
@Around(value = "execution(* *(..)) && @annotation(userAnnotation)")
public Object setSecurityContextFromAnalysisSubmission(ProceedingJoinPoint jp, RunAsUser userAnnotation) throws Throwable {
// Get the method arguments and apply them to an evaluation context
MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) jp.getSignature();
String[] parameterNames = signature.getParameterNames();
Object[] args = jp.getArgs();
StandardEvaluationContext evaluationContext = new StandardEvaluationContext();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
String name = parameterNames[i];
Object val = args[i];
evaluationContext.setVariable(name, val);
// get the expression from the annotation and apply it to the evaluation
// context
String expression = userAnnotation.value();
ExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser();
Expression parseExpression = parser.parseExpression(expression);
Object expressionValue = parseExpression.getValue(evaluationContext);
if (!(expressionValue instanceof User)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("RunAsUser value must refer to a User");
User submitter = (User) expressionValue;
// get the original security context
logger.trace("Updating user authentication");
SecurityContext originalConext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
logger.trace("Original user: " + originalConext.getAuthentication().getName());
logger.trace("Setting user " + submitter.getUsername());
Object returnValue = null;
try {
// set the new user authentication
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken submitterAuthenticationToken = new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken(submitter, null, Lists.newArrayList(submitter.getSystemRole()));
SecurityContext newContext = SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext();
// run the method
returnValue = jp.proceed();
} finally {
// return the old authentication
logger.trace("Resetting authentication to " + originalConext.getAuthentication().getName());
return returnValue;
use of in project syndesis by syndesisio.
the class UserHandlerTest method successfulWhoAmI.
public void successfulWhoAmI() {
openShiftServer.expect().get().withPath("/oapi/v1/users/~").andReturn(200, new UserBuilder().withFullName("Test User").withNewMetadata().withName("testuser").and().build()).once();
SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken("testuser", "doesn'tmatter"));
UserHandler userHandler = new UserHandler(null, new OpenShiftServiceImpl(openShiftServer.getOpenshiftClient(), null));
User user = userHandler.whoAmI();
Assertions.assertThat(user.getFullName()).isNotEmpty().hasValue("Test User");