use of org.springsource.loaded.CurrentLiveVersion in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class ReflectiveInterceptor method jlrConstructorGetDeclaredAnnotations.
public static Annotation[] jlrConstructorGetDeclaredAnnotations(Constructor<?> c) {
ReloadableType rtype = getReloadableTypeIfHasBeenReloaded(c.getDeclaringClass());
if (rtype == null) {
//Nothing special to be done
return c.getDeclaredAnnotations();
} else {
// Constructor could have changed...
CurrentLiveVersion clv = rtype.getLiveVersion();
Method executor = clv.getExecutorMethod(rtype.getCurrentConstructor(Type.getConstructorDescriptor(c)));
return executor.getAnnotations();
use of org.springsource.loaded.CurrentLiveVersion in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class Java8 method callLambdaMetaFactory.
// TODO [perf] How about a table of CallSites indexed by invokedynamic number through the class file. Computed on first reference but cleared on reload. Possibly extend this to all invoke types!
// TODO [lambda] Need to handle altMetaFactory which is used when the lambdas are more 'complex' (e.g. Serializable)
public static CallSite callLambdaMetaFactory(ReloadableType rtype, Object[] bsmArgs, Object lookup, String indyNameAndDescriptor, Class<?> executorClass) throws Exception {
MethodHandles.Lookup caller = (MethodHandles.Lookup) lookup;
ClassLoader callerLoader = caller.lookupClass().getClassLoader();
int descriptorStart = indyNameAndDescriptor.indexOf('(');
String invokedName = indyNameAndDescriptor.substring(0, descriptorStart);
MethodType invokedType = MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString(indyNameAndDescriptor.substring(descriptorStart), callerLoader);
// Use bsmArgs to build the parameters
MethodType samMethodType = MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString((((Type) bsmArgs[0]).getDescriptor()), callerLoader);
Handle bsmArgsHandle = (Handle) bsmArgs[1];
String owner = bsmArgsHandle.getOwner();
String name = bsmArgsHandle.getName();
String descriptor = bsmArgsHandle.getDesc();
MethodType implMethodType = MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString(descriptor, callerLoader);
// Looking up the lambda$run method in the caller class (note the caller class is the executor, which gets us around the
// problem of having to hack into LambdaMetafactory to intercept reflection)
MethodHandle implMethod = null;
switch(bsmArgsHandle.getTag()) {
case Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC:
implMethod = caller.findStatic(caller.lookupClass(), name, implMethodType);
// will be static with a new leading parameter.
if (executorClass == null) {
// TODO is final parameter here correct?
implMethod = caller.findSpecial(caller.lookupClass(), name, implMethodType, caller.lookupClass());
} else {
implMethod = caller.findStatic(caller.lookupClass(), name, MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString("(L" + owner + ";" + descriptor.substring(1), callerLoader));
// There is a possibility to 'shortcut' here. Basically we are trying to resolve a callsite reference
// to the method that satisfies it. The easiest option is to just find the method on the originally
// loaded version of the target class and return that. A more optimal shortcut could return the
// method on the executor class if the target has been reloaded (effectively bypassing the method
// on the originally loaded version since we know that it will be acting as a pass through). But this
// opens up a can of worms related to visibility. The executor is loaded into the child classloader,
// and if the caller has not been reloaded it will not be able to 'see' the executor (since it is in
// a child classloader). So, basically keep this dumb (but reliable) for now.
TypeRegistry typeRegistry = rtype.getTypeRegistry();
ReloadableType ownerRType = typeRegistry.getReloadableType(owner);
if (null == ownerRType || !ownerRType.hasBeenReloaded()) {
// target containing the reference/lambdaMethod has not been reloaded, no need to get over
// complicated.
Class<?> clazz = callerLoader.loadClass(owner.replace("/", "."));
implMethod = caller.findVirtual(clazz, name, implMethodType);
} else {
MethodMember targetReferenceMethodMember = ownerRType.getCurrentMethod(name, descriptor);
String targetReferenceDescriptor = targetReferenceMethodMember.getDescriptor();
MethodType targetReferenceMethodType = MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString(targetReferenceDescriptor, callerLoader);
Class<?> targetReferenceClass = ownerRType.getClazz();
MethodMember currentMethod = ownerRType.getCurrentMethod(name, descriptor);
if (currentMethod.original == null) {
// caller and reloaded target are in the same child classloader (no visibility problem).
if (!rtype.hasBeenReloaded()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Assertion violated: When a method added on reload is being referenced" + "in target type '" + ownerRType.getName() + "', expected the caller to also have been reloaded: '" + rtype.getName() + "'");
CurrentLiveVersion ownerLiveVersion = ownerRType.getLiveVersion();
Class<?> ownerExecutorClass = ownerLiveVersion.getExecutorClass();
Method executorMethod = ownerLiveVersion.getExecutorMethod(currentMethod);
String methodDescriptor = Type.getType(executorMethod).getDescriptor();
MethodType type = MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString(methodDescriptor, callerLoader);
implMethod = caller.findStatic(ownerExecutorClass, name, type);
} else {
// This finds the reference method on the originally loaded class. It will pass through
// to the actual code on the reloaded version.
implMethod = caller.findVirtual(targetReferenceClass, name, targetReferenceMethodType);
Class<?> clazz = callerLoader.loadClass(owner.replace("/", "."));
implMethod = caller.findConstructor(clazz, implMethodType);
Handle h = (Handle) bsmArgs[1];
String interfaceOwner = h.getOwner();
// TODO Should there not be a more direct way to this than classloading?
// TODO What about when this is a method added to the interface on a reload? It won't really exist, should we point
// to the executor? or something else? (maybe just directly the real method that will satisfy the interface - if it can be worked out)
// interface type, eg StreamB$Foo
Class<?> interfaceClass = callerLoader.loadClass(interfaceOwner.replace('/', '.'));
implMethod = caller.findVirtual(interfaceClass, name, implMethodType);
throw new IllegalStateException("nyi " + bsmArgsHandle.getTag());
MethodType instantiatedMethodType = MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString((((Type) bsmArgs[2]).getDescriptor()), callerLoader);
return LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(caller, invokedName, invokedType, samMethodType, implMethod, instantiatedMethodType);
use of org.springsource.loaded.CurrentLiveVersion in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class ReloadedTypeInvoker method create.
public static Invoker create(ReloadableTypeMethodProvider declaringType, final MethodMember methodMember) {
if (Modifier.isStatic(methodMember.getModifiers())) {
// Since static methods don't change parameter lists, they just invoke the executor
return new ReloadedTypeInvoker(declaringType, methodMember) {
public Object invoke(Object target, Object... params) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
CurrentLiveVersion clv = rtype.getLiveVersion();
Method executor = clv.getExecutorMethod(methodMember);
return executor.invoke(target, params);
} else {
// Non static method invokers need to add target as a first param
return new ReloadedTypeInvoker(declaringType, methodMember) {
public Object invoke(Object target, Object... params) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
CurrentLiveVersion clv = rtype.getLiveVersion();
Method executor = clv.getExecutorMethod(methodMember);
if (params == null) {
return executor.invoke(null, target);
} else {
Object[] ps = new Object[params.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(params, 0, ps, 1, params.length);
ps[0] = target;
return executor.invoke(null, ps);
use of org.springsource.loaded.CurrentLiveVersion in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class ReflectiveInterceptor method jlrConstructorNewInstance.
public static Object jlrConstructorNewInstance(Constructor<?> c, Object... params) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
//Note: unlike for methods we don't need to handle the reloadable but not reloaded case specially, that is because there
// is no inheritance on constructors, so reloaded superclasses can affect method lookup in the same way.
Class<?> clazz = c.getDeclaringClass();
ReloadableType rtype = getReloadableTypeIfHasBeenReloaded(clazz);
if (rtype == null) {
c = asAccessibleConstructor(c, true);
//Nothing special to be done
return c.newInstance(params);
} else {
// Constructor may have changed...
// this is the right thing to do but makes a mess of getDeclaredConstructors (and affects getDeclaredConstructor)
// // TODO should check about constructor changing
// rtype.getTypeDescriptor().getConstructor("").
boolean ctorChanged = rtype.getLiveVersion().hasConstructorChanged(Utils.toConstructorDescriptor(c.getParameterTypes()));
if (!ctorChanged) {
// if we let the getDeclaredConstructor(s) code run as is, it may create invalid ctors, if we want to run the real one we should discover it here and use it.
// would it be cheaper to fix up getDeclaredConstructor to always return valid ones if we are going to use them, or should we intercept here? probably the former...
c = asAccessibleConstructor(c, true);
return c.newInstance(params);
asAccessibleConstructor(c, false);
CurrentLiveVersion clv = rtype.getLiveVersion();
Method executor = clv.getExecutorMethod(rtype.getCurrentConstructor(Type.getConstructorDescriptor(c)));
Constructor<?> magicConstructor = clazz.getConstructor(C.class);
Object instance = magicConstructor.newInstance((Object) null);
Object[] instanceAndParams;
if (params == null || params.length == 0) {
instanceAndParams = new Object[] { instance };
} else {
//Must add instance as first param: executor is a static method.
instanceAndParams = new Object[params.length + 1];
instanceAndParams[0] = instance;
System.arraycopy(params, 0, instanceAndParams, 1, params.length);
executor.invoke(null, instanceAndParams);
return instance;
use of org.springsource.loaded.CurrentLiveVersion in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class ReflectiveInterceptor method jlrConstructorGetAnnotation.
public static Annotation jlrConstructorGetAnnotation(Constructor<?> c, Class<? extends Annotation> annotType) {
ReloadableType rtype = getReloadableTypeIfHasBeenReloaded(c.getDeclaringClass());
if (rtype == null) {
//Nothing special to be done
return c.getAnnotation(annotType);
} else {
// Constructor could have changed...
CurrentLiveVersion clv = rtype.getLiveVersion();
Method executor = clv.getExecutorMethod(rtype.getCurrentConstructor(Type.getConstructorDescriptor(c)));
return executor.getAnnotation(annotType);