use of org.springsource.loaded.TypeRegistry in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class GroovyTests method closure3.
* Double nested closure - a method that is invoked on the owners owner.
public void closure3() throws Exception {
String t = "simple.BasicWithClosureC";
String c = "simple.BasicWithClosureC$_run_closure1";
String c2 = "simple.BasicWithClosureC$_run_closure1_closure2";
TypeRegistry r = getTypeRegistry(t + "," + c + "," + c2);
ReloadableType ctype = r.addType(c, loadBytesForClass(c));
ReloadableType c2type = r.addType(c2, loadBytesForClass(c2));
ReloadableType rtype = r.addType(t, loadBytesForClass(t));
result = runUnguarded(rtype.getClazz(), "run");
assertEquals("foo() running\nin closure", result.stdout);
rtype.loadNewVersion("2", retrieveRename(t, t + "2", "simple.BasicWithClosureC2$_run_closure1:simple.BasicWithClosureC$_run_closure1", "simple.BasicWithClosureC2:simple.BasicWithClosureC"));
c2type.loadNewVersion("2", retrieveRename(c2, "simple.BasicWithClosureC2$_run_closure1_closure2", "simple.BasicWithClosureC2$_run_closure1:simple.BasicWithClosureC$_run_closure1", "simple.BasicWithClosureC2:simple.BasicWithClosureC"));
ctype.loadNewVersion("2", retrieveRename(c, "simple.BasicWithClosureC2$_run_closure1", "simple.BasicWithClosureC2$_run_closure1_closure2:simple.BasicWithClosureC$_run_closure1_closure2", "simple.BasicWithClosureC2:simple.BasicWithClosureC"));
result = runUnguarded(rtype.getClazz(), "run");
assertEquals("in closure\nfoo() running", result.stdout);
// // code in closure changes
// ctype.loadNewVersion("3", retrieveRename(c,
// "simple.BasicWithClosureB3$_closure1"));
// result = runUnguarded(rtype.getClazz(), "run");
// assertEquals("Executing:goodbye!", result.stdout);
use of org.springsource.loaded.TypeRegistry in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class GroovyTests method localVariables.
// TODO why doesn't this need swapInit? Is that only required for static
// field constants?
public void localVariables() throws Exception {
binLoader = new TestClassloaderWithRewriting();
String a = "simple.LFront";
TypeRegistry r = getTypeRegistry(a);
ReloadableType rtypea = r.addType(a, loadBytesForClass(a));
result = runUnguarded(rtypea.getClazz(), "run");
assertEquals("abc", result.returnValue);
result = runUnguarded(rtypea.getClazz(), "run2");
assertEquals(99, result.returnValue);
rtypea.loadNewVersion("2", retrieveRename(a, a + "2"));
result = runUnguarded(rtypea.getClazz(), "run");
assertEquals("xxx", result.returnValue);
result = runUnguarded(rtypea.getClazz(), "run2");
assertEquals(88, result.returnValue);
use of org.springsource.loaded.TypeRegistry in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class FieldReloadingTests method inheritedNonReloadable2.
// Now a pair of types with one field initially. New field added - original should continue to be accessed
// through the GETFIELD, the new one via the map
public void inheritedNonReloadable2() throws Exception {
String top = "fields.X";
TypeRegistry tr = getTypeRegistry(top);
ReloadableType rTop = tr.addType(top, loadBytesForClass(top));
Class<?> cTop = rTop.getClazz();
Object iTop = cTop.newInstance();
assertEquals(5, runOnInstance(cTop, iTop, "getI").returnValue);
runOnInstance(cTop, iTop, "setI", 4);
assertEquals(4, runOnInstance(cTop, iTop, "getI").returnValue);
// // Now reload the ReloadableTop class and introduce that field i which will shadow the one in the supertype
rTop.loadNewVersion("2", retrieveRename(top, top + "002"));
assertEquals(0, runOnInstance(cTop, iTop, "getJ").returnValue);
runOnInstance(cTop, iTop, "setJ", 44);
assertEquals(44, runOnInstance(cTop, iTop, "getJ").returnValue);
assertEquals(4, runOnInstance(cTop, iTop, "getI").returnValue);
ISMgr fa = getFieldAccessor(iTop);
assertContains("j=44", fa.toString());
assertDoesNotContain("i=", fa.toString());
use of org.springsource.loaded.TypeRegistry in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class FieldReloadingTests method defaultFields.
// The problem with default visibility fields is that the executors cannot see them. So we create accessors for
// these fields in the target types. If two types in a hierarchy declare the same field, then these accessor methods will be in an
// override relationship. The overriding accessors will be subject to virtual dispatch - but the runtime type should be
// correct so that the right one is called.
public void defaultFields() throws Exception {
TypeRegistry tr = getTypeRegistry("accessors..*");
ReloadableType top = tr.addType("accessors.DefaultFields", loadBytesForClass("accessors.DefaultFields"));
ReloadableType bottom = tr.addType("accessors.DefaultFieldsSub", loadBytesForClass("accessors.DefaultFieldsSub"));
Object topInstance = top.getClazz().newInstance();
Result result = runOnInstance(top.getClazz(), topInstance, "a");
assertEquals(1, result.returnValue);
Object botInstance = bottom.getClazz().newInstance();
result = runOnInstance(bottom.getClazz(), botInstance, "a");
assertEquals(1, result.returnValue);
result = runOnInstance(bottom.getClazz(), botInstance, "b");
assertEquals(2, result.returnValue);
use of org.springsource.loaded.TypeRegistry in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class FieldReloadingTests method accessingFieldsThroughReloadableType.
* Both 'normal' reloadable field access and reflective field access will use the same set methods on
* ReloadableType. In the reflection case the right FieldAccessor must be discovered, in the normal case it is
* passed in. This test checks that using either route behaves - exercising the method directly and not through
* reflection.
public void accessingFieldsThroughReloadableType() throws Exception {
String p = "fields.P";
String q = "fields.Q";
String r = "fields.R";
TypeRegistry tr = getTypeRegistry(p + "," + q + "," + r);
ReloadableType ptype = tr.addType(p, loadBytesForClass(p));
ReloadableType qtype = tr.addType(q, loadBytesForClass(q));
ReloadableType rtype = tr.addType(r, loadBytesForClass(r));
Class<?> rClazz = rtype.getClazz();
Object rInstance = rClazz.newInstance();
// Before reloading, check both routes get to the same field:
assertEquals(2, runOnInstance(rClazz, rInstance, "getI").returnValue);
assertEquals(2, rtype.getField(rInstance, "i", false));
// Now mess with it via one route and check result via the other:
rtype.setField(rInstance, "i", false, 44);
assertEquals(44, runOnInstance(rClazz, rInstance, "getI").returnValue);
qtype.loadNewVersion("2", retrieveRename(q, q + "2"));
// After reloading, check both routes get to the same field:
assertEquals(1, runOnInstance(rClazz, rInstance, "getI").returnValue);
assertEquals(1, ptype.getField(rInstance, "i", false));
// Now mess with it via one route and check result via the other:
rtype.setField(rInstance, "i", false, 357);
assertEquals(357, runOnInstance(rClazz, rInstance, "getI").returnValue);