use of org.springsource.loaded.TypeRegistry in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class FieldReloadingTests method ctorReloadWithNewField.
public void ctorReloadWithNewField() throws Exception {
String y = "ctors.JR";
TypeRegistry tr = getTypeRegistry(y);
ReloadableType rtype = tr.addType(y, loadBytesForClass(y));
Class<?> clazz = rtype.getClazz();
Object instance = runStaticUnguarded(clazz, "getInstance").returnValue;
assertEquals("hello", runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "printMessage").returnValue);
rtype.loadNewVersion("2", retrieveRename(y, y + "2"));
assertEquals("goodbye", runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "printMessage").returnValue);
Object instance2 = runStaticUnguarded(clazz, "getInstance").returnValue;
Object ret = runOnInstance(clazz, instance2, "getFieldReflectively").returnValue;
assertEquals(34, ret);
ret = runOnInstance(clazz, instance2, "setFieldReflectively", 99).returnValue;
ret = runOnInstance(clazz, instance2, "getFieldReflectively").returnValue;
assertEquals(99, ret);
use of org.springsource.loaded.TypeRegistry in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class FieldReloadingTests method removingFieldsShadowingSuperFields.
* Load a hierarchy of types. There is a field 'i' in both P and Q. R returns 'i'. Initially it returns Q.i but once
* Q has been reloaded it should be returning P.i
public void removingFieldsShadowingSuperFields() throws Exception {
String p = "fields.P";
String q = "fields.Q";
String r = "fields.R";
TypeRegistry tr = getTypeRegistry(p + "," + q + "," + r);
// ReloadableType ptype =
tr.addType(p, loadBytesForClass(p));
ReloadableType qtype = tr.addType(q, loadBytesForClass(q));
ReloadableType rtype = tr.addType(r, loadBytesForClass(r));
Class<?> rClazz = rtype.getClazz();
Object rInstance = rClazz.newInstance();
assertEquals(2, runOnInstance(rClazz, rInstance, "getI").returnValue);
qtype.loadNewVersion("2", retrieveRename(q, q + "2"));
assertEquals(1, runOnInstance(rClazz, rInstance, "getI").returnValue);
use of org.springsource.loaded.TypeRegistry in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class FieldReloadingTests method testingCompatibilityOnFieldTypeChanges.
* In this test several fields are setup and queried, then on reload their type is changed - ensure the results are
* as expected.
public void testingCompatibilityOnFieldTypeChanges() throws Exception {
String a = "fields.TypeChanging";
String b = "fields.Middle";
TypeRegistry tr = getTypeRegistry(a + "," + b);
ReloadableType type = tr.addType(a, loadBytesForClass(a));
tr.addType(b, loadBytesForClass(b));
Class<?> clazz = type.getClazz();
Object instance = clazz.newInstance();
// Should be fine
assertEquals("SubInstance", toString(runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getSuper").returnValue));
assertEquals(1, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getI").returnValue);
assertEquals(34L, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getLong").returnValue);
assertEquals(true, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getBoolean").returnValue);
assertEquals((short) 32, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getShort").returnValue);
assertEquals('a', runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getChar").returnValue);
assertEquals(2.0f, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getFloat").returnValue);
assertEquals(3.141d, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getDouble").returnValue);
assertEquals((byte) 0xff, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getByte").returnValue);
assertEquals("{1,2,3}", toString(runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getWasArray").returnValue));
assertEquals("abc", toString(runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getWasNotArray").returnValue));
// This changes all the field types
type.loadNewVersion("2", retrieveRename(a, a + "2"));
assertEquals("SubInstance", toString(runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getSuper").returnValue));
assertEquals(1, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getI").returnValue);
assertEquals(34L, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getLong").returnValue);
assertEquals(true, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getBoolean").returnValue);
assertEquals((short) 32, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getShort").returnValue);
assertEquals('a', runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getChar").returnValue);
assertEquals(2.0f, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getFloat").returnValue);
assertEquals(3.141d, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getDouble").returnValue);
assertEquals((byte) 0xff, runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getByte").returnValue);
assertEquals("0", toString(runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getWasArray").returnValue));
assertEquals(null, toString(runOnInstance(clazz, instance, "getWasNotArray").returnValue));
use of org.springsource.loaded.TypeRegistry in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class FieldReloadingTests method removingFieldsShadowingInterfaceFields1.
* Here the field in Qc is shadowing (same name) a field in the interface. Once the new version of Qc is loaded that
* doesn't define the field, this exposes the field in the interface but it is static and as we are running a
* GETFIELD operation in Rc, it is illegal (IncompatibleClassChangeError)
public void removingFieldsShadowingInterfaceFields1() throws Exception {
// String i = "fields.Ic";
String q = "fields.Qc";
String r = "fields.Rc";
TypeRegistry tr = getTypeRegistry(q + "," + r);
ReloadableType qtype = tr.addType(q, loadBytesForClass(q));
ReloadableType rtype = tr.addType(r, loadBytesForClass(r));
Class<?> rClazz = rtype.getClazz();
Object rInstance = rClazz.newInstance();
assertEquals(2, runOnInstance(rClazz, rInstance, "getNumber").returnValue);
qtype.loadNewVersion("2", retrieveRename(q, q + "2"));
try {
runOnInstance(rClazz, rInstance, "getNumber");
} catch (ResultException re) {
Throwable e = (re).getCause();
assertTrue(e.getCause() instanceof IncompatibleClassChangeError);
assertEquals("Expected non-static field fields.Rc.number", e.getCause().getMessage());
use of org.springsource.loaded.TypeRegistry in project spring-loaded by spring-projects.
the class Java8Tests method lambdaInvokeVirtual.
public void lambdaInvokeVirtual() throws Exception {
String t = "basic.LambdaJ";
TypeRegistry typeRegistry = getTypeRegistry("basic..*");
// Since Foo needs promoting to public, have to ensure it is directly loaded:
ReloadableType itype = typeRegistry.addType(t + "$Foo", loadBytesForClass(t + "$Foo"));
byte[] sc = loadBytesForClass(t);
ReloadableType rtype = typeRegistry.addType(t, sc);
Class<?> simpleClass = rtype.getClazz();
Result r = runUnguarded(simpleClass, "run");
r = runUnguarded(simpleClass, "run");
assertEquals("fooa", r.returnValue);
itype.loadNewVersion("002", retrieveRename(t + "$Foo", t + "2$Foo"));
rtype.loadNewVersion("002", retrieveRename(t, t + "2", t + "2$Foo:" + t + "$Foo"));
r = runUnguarded(simpleClass, "run");
assertEquals("fooab", r.returnValue);