use of org.talend.core.ILibraryManagerService in project tdi-studio-se by Talend.
the class MavenDeployUtil method deployToLocalMaven.
public static void deployToLocalMaven(IProgressMonitor monitor, String[] jarsOrMvnURls) throws Exception {
if (jarsOrMvnURls != null) {
// unify
Map<String, String> jarsForMvnUrlMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
Set<String> unifiedMvnUrls = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
for (String name : jarsOrMvnURls) {
String mvnUrl = name;
if (!MavenUrlHelper.isMvnUrl(name)) {
mvnUrl = MavenUrlHelper.generateMvnUrlForJarName(name);
jarsForMvnUrlMap.put(name, mvnUrl);
// find the available
Set<String> availableMvnUrls = PomUtil.availableArtifacts(monitor, unifiedMvnUrls.toArray(new String[0]));
// left the unavailable
Set<String> unavailableMvnUrls = new LinkedHashSet<String>(unifiedMvnUrls);
if (availableMvnUrls != null) {
// check the only jar name way for old system.
for (String jarName : jarsForMvnUrlMap.keySet()) {
String mvnUrl = jarsForMvnUrlMap.get(jarName);
if (mvnUrl != null && !unavailableMvnUrls.contains(mvnUrl)) {
// existed.
// remove the existed in local maven repository, left the non-existed jars.
if (GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().isServiceRegistered(ILibraryManagerService.class)) {
ILibraryManagerService libService = (ILibraryManagerService) GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().getService(ILibraryManagerService.class);
// if still have some jars are not installed
for (String jarName : jarsForMvnUrlMap.keySet()) {
String jarPath = libService.getJarPath(jarName);
// if jar existed in old "talend.library.path" folder or in bundle, then install it
if (jarPath != null) {
// assume if the jar is in "talend.library.path" folder, user have agree the jar license, so
// install directly.
// 2, still not existed some.
if (!unavailableMvnUrls.isEmpty() && !CommonsPlugin.isHeadless()) {
// for studio, popup the install modules dialog to install
File libDir = JavaProcessorUtilities.getJavaProjectLibFolder();
if (libDir != null) {
libService.retrieve(unavailableMvnUrls, libDir.getAbsolutePath());
use of org.talend.core.ILibraryManagerService in project tdi-studio-se by Talend.
the class JavaProcessorUtilities method sortClasspath.
// // see bug 3914, make the order of the jar files consistent with the
// command
// // line in run mode
private static void sortClasspath(Set<ModuleNeeded> jobModuleList, IProcess process, Set<ModuleNeeded> alreadyRetrievedModules) throws CoreException, ProcessorException {
ITalendProcessJavaProject jProject = getTalendJavaProject();
if (jProject == null) {
Set<ModuleNeeded> listModulesReallyNeeded = new HashSet<ModuleNeeded>();
Set<ModuleNeeded> optionalJarsOnlyForRoutines = new HashSet<ModuleNeeded>();
// only for wizards or additional jars only to make the java project compile without any error.
for (ModuleNeeded moduleNeeded : ModulesNeededProvider.getSystemRunningModules()) {
// list contains all routines linked to job as well as routines not used in the job
// rebuild the list to have only the libs linked to routines "not used".
// only to be able to compile java project without error.
for (ModuleNeeded jar : optionalJarsOnlyForRoutines) {
String missingJars = null;
Set<String> missingJarsForRoutinesOnly = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> missingJarsForProcessOnly = new HashSet<String>();
File libDir = getJavaProjectLibFolder();
ILibraryManagerService repositoryBundleService = CorePlugin.getDefault().getRepositoryBundleService();
if ((libDir != null) && (libDir.isDirectory())) {
Set<ModuleNeeded> jarsNeedRetrieve = new HashSet<ModuleNeeded>();
for (ModuleNeeded moduleNeeded : listModulesReallyNeeded) {
if (!jarsNeedRetrieve.isEmpty()) {
repositoryBundleService.retrieve(jarsNeedRetrieve, libDir.getAbsolutePath(), true);
if (process instanceof IProcess2) {
((IProcess2) process).checkProcess();
Set<ModuleNeeded> exist = new HashSet<ModuleNeeded>();
for (File externalLib : libDir.listFiles(FilesUtils.getAcceptJARFilesFilter())) {
for (ModuleNeeded module : jarsNeedRetrieve) {
if (externalLib.getName().equals(module.getModuleName())) {
Set<String> jarStringListNeededByProcess = new HashSet<String>();
for (ModuleNeeded moduleNeeded : jobModuleList) {
for (ModuleNeeded jar : jarsNeedRetrieve) {
if (jobModuleList.contains(jar)) {
} else {
if (missingJars == null) {
missingJars = Messages.getString("JavaProcessorUtilities.msg.missingjar.forProcess") + jar;
} else {
missingJars = missingJars + ", " + jar;
repositoryBundleService.deployModules(listModulesReallyNeeded, null);
if (missingJars != null) {
handleMissingJarsForProcess(missingJarsForRoutinesOnly, missingJarsForProcessOnly, missingJars);
use of org.talend.core.ILibraryManagerService in project tdi-studio-se by Talend.
the class ModuleListController method updateModuleList.
public static void updateModuleList(Node node) {
ILibraryManagerService repositoryBundleService = (ILibraryManagerService) GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().getService(ILibraryManagerService.class);
Set<String> existLibraries = repositoryBundleService.list();
Set<String> moduleNameList = new TreeSet<String>();
Set<String> moduleValueList = new TreeSet<String>();
for (String lib : existLibraries) {
Comparator<String> comprarator = new IgnoreCaseComparator();
String[] moduleNameArray = moduleNameList.toArray(new String[0]);
String[] moduleValueArray = moduleValueList.toArray(new String[0]);
Arrays.sort(moduleNameArray, comprarator);
Arrays.sort(moduleValueArray, comprarator);
for (int i = 0; i < node.getElementParameters().size(); i++) {
IElementParameter param = node.getElementParameters().get(i);
if (param.getFieldType() == EParameterFieldType.MODULE_LIST) {
} else if (param.getFieldType() == EParameterFieldType.TABLE) {
Object[] listItemsValue = param.getListItemsValue();
if (listItemsValue != null) {
for (Object o : listItemsValue) {
if (o instanceof IElementParameter && ((IElementParameter) o).getFieldType() == EParameterFieldType.MODULE_LIST) {
((IElementParameter) o).setListItemsDisplayName(moduleNameArray);
((IElementParameter) o).setListItemsValue(moduleValueArray);
use of org.talend.core.ILibraryManagerService in project tbd-studio-se by Talend.
the class ExtractParquetFileSchemaService method initJarLibrary.
private void initJarLibrary() {
List<File> libList = new ArrayList<File>();
List<String> jars = new ArrayList<String>();
List<File> jarFileList = new ArrayList<File>();
List<ModuleNeeded> modulesNeeded = new ArrayList<ModuleNeeded>();
if (classLoader instanceof DynamicClassLoader) {
GlobalServiceRegister register = GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault();
DynamicClassLoader loader = (DynamicClassLoader) classLoader;
String libStorePath = loader.getLibStorePath();
File libFolder = new File(libStorePath);
File[] listFiles = libFolder.listFiles();
libList = Arrays.asList(listFiles);
if (register.isServiceRegistered(IComponentsService.class)) {
IComponentsService componentsService = register.getService(IComponentsService.class);
IComponent component = componentsService.getComponentsFactory().get("tFileInputParquet", ComponentCategory.CATEGORY_4_DI.getName());
modulesNeeded = component.getModulesNeeded();
modulesNeeded.forEach(module -> {
jarFileList.add(new File(libStorePath + "/" + module.getModuleName()));
if (register.isServiceRegistered(ILibraryManagerService.class)) {
ILibraryManagerService service = GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().getService(ILibraryManagerService.class);
service.retrieve(jars, libStorePath, true, new NullProgressMonitor());
for (File jarFile : jarFileList) {
use of org.talend.core.ILibraryManagerService in project tbd-studio-se by Talend.
the class HadoopConfsUtils method createAndDeployConfJar.
private static void createAndDeployConfJar(HadoopClusterConnectionItem connectionItem, String confJarId, String confJarName) throws IOException {
// If the conf jar has been deployed before then no need to deploy again.
if (containsInDeployedCache(connectionItem, confJarName)) {
byte[] confFileBA = null;
HadoopClusterConnection connection = (HadoopClusterConnection) connectionItem.getConnection();
if (connection.isContextMode()) {
ContextItem contextItem = ContextUtils.getContextItemById2(connection.getContextId());
if (contextItem != null) {
EMap<String, byte[]> confFiles = connection.getConfFiles();
EList<ContextType> contexts = contextItem.getContext();
for (ContextType contextType : contexts) {
String contextName = contextType.getName();
byte[] bs = confFiles.get(contextName);
if (confJarId.endsWith(contextName) && bs != null) {
confFileBA = bs;
if (confFileBA == null) {
// either conf jar name is wrong or it is a old item.
// then take the old hadoop conf file content.
confFileBA = connection.getConfFile();
} else {
confFileBA = connection.getConfFile();
if (confFileBA != null) {
File confsTempFolder = new File(getConfsJarTempFolder());
File confFile = new File(confsTempFolder, confJarName);
FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(confFile, confFileBA);
if (GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().isServiceRegistered(ILibraryManagerService.class)) {
ILibraryManagerService libService = GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().getService(ILibraryManagerService.class);
if (libService != null && libService.isJarNeedToBeDeployed(confFile)) {
if (GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().isServiceRegistered(ILibrariesService.class)) {
ILibrariesService service = GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().getService(ILibrariesService.class);
if (service != null) {
// Only deploy a new jar, no need to reset all
addToDeployedCache(connectionItem, confJarName);